ANSWER Ammbnla will dis color aluminum allowed la rcmnln or any mum of lime Exccllcnt window cleaning prnp Malian are nvailublc 11 super markets housewares and hard ware slorcs 0r wipe the glass wilh damn clmh nnd ECIMLh Icss scouring puwdrr allow to remain until nearly dry lhcn polish wilh clean dry sull cloth CAULKING flllICK FRAME QUESTION What kind caulking should use bulwccn Ihc wood wlmluw lramos and the brick walls ol my house have lmuble wilh the mnlcrlal frying out quickly and canlracl Hg ANSWER Several factors de termine the amount at shingle overlap shingle size whether in he msinglc or double course design or lflNEllL Manuiaetur rs instruction sheets to ap plicalion are usually available tram dealers he can also help you in estimating the quanlity Overlap is reduced it lhc shingles are dnuble coursed no sure In use rustresistant or zinccontext nails WASIIING ALUMINUM QUESTION always washed my storm windows with monia and walcr Now have aluminum storm windows will ammonia lurnlsh lhc aluminum tht is good or aluminum Min dows ANSWER Use an nslmlos cnulkinz puly made by nnionally knuvm munulnrlurtr of shlngles and siding 1ul nhla In gun xrndc in mmli QUESTION How much over lap should there he in shingles used or siding We are con sidering having our house shin glcd and wonder how In esllmale how much well need ANSWER Yes Maxvinyl prcpvaraliou in choice of five colors is available some large paint dealers and masonry suppllcs slures It is sclfbnnd Ing and easily applich 0r pain he nor wilh rubber base flnnr palnl ANSWER Yes Porcelain re pair kits are widely available at housewares and hardware Ilures ior mucking up chipped areas in porcelain surfaces ioi iuw iahel directions caraiully DULL CONCRETE QUESTION We have dlair sized parlIy enclosed porch at Ihe rear our hnuAc We dnn likulhc dull grey concrete floor 15 than any way to colnrnr PI In BARBIE EXAMINER munsnAY APRIL Lila OIL FINISHED FURNITURE STION Docs tho hand ruhhnd oll Hnishcd turnuugé that one sees In mus now ro quirc muchcare and mainlan ancel We are planning to buy new furnflum and like some at he places we have seen but wonder about Ilscarc ANSWER ï¬nished ur hilurc requires very little cure Bring up he lusicr with on cnsional hard rubbing wilh cloth ance year is usuaily enough or renewing the oil ï¬nish The iuiniiuro denier should he able give you do iailcd iniurmalion abaui the spam items you buy CIIIPPED DRMNBOARD QUESTION heavy alnml num pan was dropped on lhe porcelain drnlnbnardnnd left large chipped place Ihcre any his chipped area SWING SHINGLE OVERLAP FIRST AID FOR THE HOME HBIARRIE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PLEASE wnlvE IHEAEVE PHONE NUMBER IN on ON YOUR TELEPHONE BOOK FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE LINES NOW AVAILABLE FBILFINEA FASTEA SERVICE NEW PHONE NUMBER By Room wummn lqAYFIELD IT BARRIE ANSWER Your dcscriptinn sounds as llmugll he nnrl sid ing llCVll dries am New llng he sun dampness snllles on lmlh sides and convenlional linls certainly wnl stick on dump surlaccs Some Iypcs like lhc inyl plnslic lalcx painls will adhere lo dump surlnce you could well consider using his type ncxt lime you paint llle north side Otherwise lhis dampness will always prcswl prnhlcm It rcnsnnably pas silvlc lo insulaln and apply vapor barrier lo ll lnlcrlor su lace in an attempt lo kcup It dry nu lranklylll lm inclined to lry he inyl pluslic lulux pnlnl GARAGE PAINT FEELS QUESTION The pain on lhn north side of my garage blislcrs and peels oil on almost every Man on all lhn rest of lhu garage the mini stays pcrlcct hlnl used very Hood undcrv coming ll WI blister and peel wilhin year The garage has no insulatinn in il Docs his have anylhin to do with it Is there anylhinn can dn ln rcmmly his outside of burning the pain all iilh Iolch ANlVlul Yin dcsc QU ON Dhnc Ix al cr nobch Hm are lmnily rn ANSWER Rust remorin preparations an available paini hardware housewnrcs and variety stores 01an label in siruclinns carefully Or try lha following method Dissolve one pnrt sodium cilralc in six pnris of wnlcr and six pnrls mm mercinl glycerin lix some ol this with enough powdered hit in or ulhcr absorbing powder in make lhiek paste and spread hick layer over the rust stains thn dry replace with iresh push or maislcn wilh remaining liquid week or longer may he required lur complcic removal or stubborn um EOHH RUST STAIN 0N PATIO QUESTION How can mnvc large rust shin In our central palio cylinders for bale type caulking Runs comes in several colors The asbestos libre rcniorces lhe caulking and reduces the tendency to dry out and shrink The material skins over lho sur face but remains plnsllc under neath or long time STAINED RUG QUESTION have ilghl beige nylon acrilan dining room rug Some oil marks are on it and colic has been spilled on it Below shampoo the rug must remove these stains ANSWER lt ls nlwnys best remove stains before general shampnolng of was To remove the oil spots Apply nonllum mnble liquid spot remover be lng sure room is well ventilated while working allow rug in dry then repeat treatment if necessary To remove the col lec stains apply solution made oi one teaspoon of neutral deiergcnt to quart of warm vntcr adding one teaspoon of white vinegar when rug is dry apply nnnflnmmablo llquld spot remover and nllowrug In dry again He sure Io protect lloor undeméalh lheru when treating and removing stains suggest sending for copy of leni lct on care ol Vcnrpcts and rugs single copies er9 on request from American Carpet Insill iule 35ft Filth Ac NcwYork WE HAVE shin mm ANSWER Yes least one OI Hm allowing mclhndx shnuld loosen the stopper Th1 ensirsl Is In run law drops glyccr in hclvum Ihc stopper mu the neck of lhe dccanlcr nncr sev eral hours the glycerin may mp AIDWH sullicicmly to loosen the anpcr 0r lry expanding STUCK DECANTEK STOPPED ANSWER Many huuscwarcs and sewingrnnï¬nns dculcr nuw have chemica preparation or removing the deposit inslde slum iruns This may wnrk on your gohlnls follnw label dircc Lions or use carefully QUESTION wnnlcd In rchll 1m rmply wine decanter and found lhe glass stopper lmpus siblc lo remove It is stuck in lhn dccnnlcr neck and cant he budgcd Is Ihcrc any way In rc mmc Ihc smppcr wilhou hmk ing lhc decanter cruskd wilh lime lnoklng cloudy and dirty We have an iron filler and water sellou cr The rest my glusses are bright and free of lime have lricd evcmhing mm various wnlcr candlfloncr and softeners lo vinegar soaking and smur ing Nolhing removes the Iiim Can you suflflcsl something Iv remove hc Kilm From Jha prnlcclcd front en lry this conservnlive brick vcncer home one can Walk dirl ecllyinlo either dining or liv in area The snparulc dining mm has built In china cab incl and Is cnnvenien lo lhe extra large kilnhcn and side EXAMINER HOME OF THE WEEK the glass neck without expand ing lhu sloppcr by am of lhe allowing methods of carclul hunting Hold lhe decanter hnri zonlally and rcvoivc slowly un4 der running hot water or am the Ham burning makh AlllwmmWIIMnhulnumm um manta amm mmznmu mmvmnmm 0mm vmwoul door The living mam has fircpincu and ncnrby book shel ves Laundry ls located in lho kllchen area bug could be moved to the basement sodcsired This space could then be used or breakfast nook plus large closet for tha den or sew 69 Jolmlon SI SHURGAIN Twl Avnllahlo BARRIE and BEETON ll Dunlap SI Em Burl munGAIN Turf Special 1mm your lawn golfcom gmcn because it dom the 12an job of allfcxlilim of coding tlw room nlowly nml bomughly over long period Lawn cam ammo know all which in why Mvpuinwnzlculn of many of Cnmulnn flnmt gull coumux almond mumIAIN mummm hmmxgimlboo Imam ninnlo 40v ban will feed 4000 It of lawnFollowmommammannnndGnrdchumpm mcotmummlmsmdnlmuauxlmmlodm Your Glrdon Hndqunhu for SHUILGAIN PARSONS SEED CO BEZZANT NURSERIES Wch lsuunnnm 13ml Inï¬ll ll uau Burl lug room Both bedroom lea tura high comer window male ing nreasy urniluro arrange ment The large bathroom son vpg bath bedrooms and wnrk area Standard builders Blueprints lnr this design No 329 cost 315 or he ï¬rst set and $5 for dillonal snls They are able in Canada by rnlum ma Ontario residents must remit Sales TnxL rtmuwmmm umumumu Ill IHUMIIQIA fxgnnpunAylAY mm maymm mqu hummnom pxmaup denvmd 01 mm IchtIa inauuuih wme glgnugmnqulck li 515mm mam Ax your Dunmu wru nummc Dunlnn Iv PA Man Cnulu um CUSDENS 1525 saw WC uwm condemn um nm in vmmouon In PA 60147 PA 05000 Ind Sony and you cant say didnt warn you Mom stookof bow Bock Boar has run out Howovor on do unto two 015m am you round brow or your dvlnklng plenumDow Al and Dow Klnnsboor Try lhnm soon You wont ï¬nd any bottomsk for Dow N0w Now you know what youve beenmissing all these years BREWERY ONTARIO HUIle