45x THE LlQUOll LICENCL ACT Llrcmlnz Diurlcl Numhar TAKE NOTICE lhal lhe HOVll CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH N0 4904 he Vlllnn of Anna ln lhn Mlnl ï¬lm coo wlll mnke nnpllrnllon Hpcclnl Mmlnz nl lhe Launr Up run and Onlnrln la bu held um Mmlclpul llulldlnf County Countll lloom in the lly al llnrrle ln lhn Cmmly ol mum on Friday lhr 3rd day ol May 1mm the hour nl 1000 Mn oclork DST In lho lorwwn or lhn munnm 01 Club Hrmta 117a nlrlclrdl or llm lullowlnz umnlm nw llnynl Cnnndlnn mmm munch Na Illllalld on II Wm Curl Shed nnd MI Ind 11 Frnur 5L ml 114 cornrr ul Jonnl Ind Plum Imam Onllrlo Any pcrlon mldem In tho llcrmlnl dlllrlcl mny ohlrcl lo Ibo nopllrnllon and llm mound nl ablecllon In wrlllnu Mull be lllrd wllh Mr II llrownc llm llvpuly rulnlrnr ol Um llmulnz rlrl wlmw AKMIMI 55 lmluhnru nlvd linll Taronlo 0n lnrln nl lam In dm helm lho Imling at whlrh lhu avpllcnllnn In In ho hum DATED at Anna lhln lllll My My WALTER EDWIN AYNE Brrltll y1l In The Blah OI THOMAS SIMMS Farmwurkcr deceased All person having claims against the estate at the above mcmloncd lalc of the Town ahlp of Flo in he County Simme Mm died In said Townshlp F10 on he mu day olDmmbcr 1962 are rc qulred to ï¬le pron of name with tho undmlznnd an helou he ISUI day May 1963 Wu he cstnie hmnng regard only lo the claims of whldl ha the II have had nollcc DATED at day Am 1m PUHUC TRUSTEE 145 Queen Sum Wul Thumb Administrator NOTICE is here given that All persons having any clnlma azalnst the Edam of ANNIE ELEANOR LENNOX late line City ol Barrie 1n the Coum ly Simme Widow deceased ha died on or about the Fil lunlh day ol February 1961 are maimed to send pnrllw 1m to the undersigned an belorl the thlrlidh day April 1363 after which dale lhn Ad ministrator will dislribulo the asset of the Bialo having re gard only la the claim nl which he man have nollce and will not be responsible for any oLh wm in 7min lhn imbue will proceed lo dism EMPLOYMENT WANTED mm mi um day March 1963 wusozg AAND gxmnan 0m sdm Barrie Ontario 59ch or ha Admlnlslralor CARPENTER Work at All um renovlflunx mentions lichen cupbomu mum Dunn mn nuon mm mount Nu 00 mu Rmonlbll mu cm In mnl PA 5N AVIS YOUNG LADY IVIIXIMI or hauliwnlk an or two dun wink Relenncu Wlll cnnsldel other work Telephonl Sunk I1IW1 Box Bird Bunnie NOTICETO CREDITOR wnuLn YOU unrated In elmlnl 10 In two hour walk ï¬ve dm per week Mnmlntl Immomu or avenlnu Cu neo usury Talephonl PA 65571 MEN WOMEN Full Or Part Time To make presentations in Id udad district homes no can vassing Some mm expul ence helpful but not necessary Us family can 15 QAPPERNN 51 PA 101 912 am 1304 pm ll lEGAL NOTICES wmm WANT MIN 1le on or two ym rutnun or dmlnl mom mudnu run at plrblkm emvlnymem lvmln wk only Apply In mum in Dunlap smut Ban chow 11 PA 181 Ind III or mam man mm Apply mm Mm Influ IALIKLADBF Wlnlzd In dumb ma lupplamml product In nun rm or run mm bug um enenllal Ap Llmu WOMAN or am rt mm to wth lwn nmu th ten us cud nvu dun varW UVI In dulnd Apply 10 Pan uu Apuumm wnmxm vmmn or mm wk hm Ind punum Mun In um expmum pnlomd Ap gamma nun WAITRIII with man ordar ex penm nuumd lmmedlllely work mmm Mutt hm ml clun pnnnu mum um Apply pemn cum Shop Handy am Bun1 10 HELP WANTED Box In cmmm in Sun WuL NEW 3m oï¬ï¬ NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS FOR COMPLITI DETAILS CALL Ill DUNLOP ST SERVICE EASTERLING OF CANADA MALE FEMALE PHONE PA 32414 FEWALE HEEP VIS You Cant Beat NQTICE or APPLIEATION For RENI CAR AND TRUCK by CALDWELL SIEVENSON sharp HENRY IIIITTINGA nl lol mnccsslon 5mm ann mownshlp mile mum nanh Sunnldula Comm all Highway 16 on mllc north um cl Slnyncr SALE mlslcrnd and grade Gummy mule llolslclns hlgh class 1mm mnchlnery hay straw grain and some home hold cflccls lncludinz new thcslcrllcld and piano Tcrms cash nu reserve as th lnrm sold Aucllon sale of Shonhom cows Shorthom and Hmclord stem and at caule 40 pigsstore and cm tractors arm Machinery Iay gram 1m quantity of househaï¬d urnltur and afï¬rm At Lo 23 Cancer xion Markham Towmhlp on Highway No 43 mile north of Markham Sale at 1200 noon Terms cash No reserve Fm sold See poslerx PROPERTY OF WILLIAM RISEHROUGH KEN AND CLAHKE PRENTICE pm sharp NELSON THOMPSON Praprletm On 87 Highway miles west HMrisIon Sale as real Rood cattle team ol good young mam and yuan old Sycam old man lull llne arm lm plcmcnu mllklng mnchlne hay grain No rcserva as lbs 150 acre lnnn ls sold and L1 fur resale now GEORGE DUNCAN AUCTION SALE will be held for MB ORTON Lot 15 Conmslon 12 Medanle Township on Highway No 12 two miles south or Goldwater on Saturday April 13 pm sharp 17 Registered Shortborn Cattle Registered Bull years Fnk Cow Baby Bee Steers Bnby Beet Heller 15 Sheep Ind Limbo lhctor WC W0 full line of other implzmeou ap proximately 400 bushel oi Gan ry ow appmuimaiely 10 tom of Mixed Baled Hly also many other arllcieL No reserve Is arm is rented Owner will be responsible or any accident centennial sale Terms cull One 1941 Internnllonnl Vrlnn Plckup located Em Mun clpal Game to highest bld der as His and when It Ls Tenders close April 11 1200 Noon Tenders wlll he ved will Saturday Aprll 196 It pmlar the Inlrol schcul houses and properly II 55 and Sunnldnle Comhlll part Nli Lot Concession and s5 ID Sunnldala Eben ml part PM In 10 Consu slan 13 ï¬xes bulldan Ind properties may be seen by matting Mr Leonard Robinson New Lowell Mr William Pallamn RR Stayner lha Secyakeas Lowest or any lender ml nec esarlly aucepled Tenders plnlnly marked Nader wlll he received by line above or Grant Seemfleas Stnyner om CLASSYFIRED ADS WILL BRING RESULTS 12 TENDERS I3 AUCTION SALES FOR SALEhTTENDER CHARLES THORNTON Auctioneer ma Neywash St Grill Phone 3266761 AUClibN SALE wasp 3911114 15 AUCTION SALE Mopday April 22 AUCTION SALE Moqday Aer 15 PAGE Reeve BELL Clerk JERRY pogGuLm Aucflunccrs TENDERS Auctioneer AnniI Onlulo Aucllnnmi PA 6H Al 101 1H ncesslon lo Vaspn Townshlp miles north at the Camp Bordon Highway 011 miles straight south MIM xlng Vlllaze SALE of arm slack lmyll menu hay grain poultry and some household ellecu Term cash No reserve the arm is sold JERRY COUGHLIN Auctkmm AUCTION SATURDAY APRIL 27 100 Rldlnz horse all In And ponies Rczlslered horse sell first then grndu and ponlu Sale Indoors Largest saddle horse sale in East ROY IONSON RR GEORGETOWN 8766698 AMATEUR TOP GREENSBORO NC AP Amnlcur Golm mu lhrvay 1019 the prna thunder Wednel day wllh astunderpnr 65 or the lawns round In lha pmnm alcur warmup to tho Grenlu Grecnslmu Open all tourna mcnl nurtan loduy Slnn hard Vancouver and Dick Mnycr 1n57 US 0pm thlm Plan led the pmlcuionlla will As much winnlng 6370 5W1 mull livery Terml Cash No ruervo tha boy zolna out dun duhy Wednesday April 24 pm Sharp FOR AND DMMANDAKOS lot Comes II Fan Towmhlp mlla west 01 Coohtown Villa and mile north AUCTION SALE Saturday April 20 pm FOR IVAN CAL at IAK no Concession 11 Essa Township mile northwm of Thornton on xi mlla was of Highway 27 an the Ivy lldl mad SALE of cattle pigs Implr meals hay grain mm and househon clients Tum cub No resent the arm sold COUGHLIN THORNTON mama hay um and homo hald eflecu Term cuh No reserve the mm has been rented and Mr Benhlm 11v Inz up arming he in In health ZONEA YORKSHIRE BREEDERS CONSIGNMENT SALE will be held It BARRIE FAIRGROUNDS TUESDAY APRIL 10 at 130 pm 30 Bred Saw Open Gilt any 36m are oliered For cahlomles dud KEITH MCRUER WWII Wily 1w mné Emil an Dnlslm and mill munun nummn l1420 Bows Pro AUCTION SALE Saturday April 27 fqn SXarBALmN 13 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Wednesday April 17 pm sharp Ava PM ToxriiuyHry Canada fasléal growing aloéIQubnlfg 50 Mel Mom pogplg Ike it every day Give yogiglf break take five for fifty ale CONSIGNMENT Jain couamim Auctioneer JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer ol Relistued Howell olives mllklnx equip IOWI plu chicken equip Ind 1937 Chev Sedan Db AUCTION SALE Auctioneers arm 51ka jmplé SEND TDOTIIIRUHHES WINNIPEG cmm Mlnl lob Junlar fled Cm bu uni 500 loothbmlhu In In Red Crou nonhem hullh urvlcu cenlrn Thu Pu Min move wn prompted by hull dcplrlmml klltr nylu dentl health In lho north Inu nulecltd Down Ihnmu brush yng Feeder mus 00m Pill Huh CIm an mamay Hny lama Hominid menu 11 undeï¬nedh mde Inurucuomtxom NORMAN MONAGHAN to 11 lg Public Aucuqn It cpmnlul LOT 29 CON 0mm my on Ooun mm 3111ch at sn mpg Ind mm IoHud or smwi ind December Red 00w bred to mm by an IO muck yn mflklnl well Indop Holstein Helm yem old open Remind Heifers yellI 01d open Hereoxd Duflum Stem yrs feederr Roman Sm your 91 Kenton Stem yrs old Hon foni Kellen yelr old vlc eluted 29 Hereford sum ye ch91 Ihckerg MONDAY APRIL ll Commencing 1230 mm mm All the following numely CAmE Homahflow yam mflklnrwcn bredIla December HalMn cow yam milkinl hell but Pecgmtzer J3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE In room chll molunz rnnze Frldllro eleclric range 5pm hater all slavek oll luble 11mm electrchron In masks war hflmet plcture mama Million oil tanks childs Irl cycla halter and water tank compleu several household dulrl electric relrlgeralor nu brand new kllchen Inps rnlny other Menu fluke box In workinl order electric pinball muhlne Miunusrcr an orc edIld fumice other articles JERRY OOUGHLINr And Phone Bmle PA asm Rel Archer mark Tunm calh DelinlleLv nu reserve arml sold Nolh III to bl removed until settled or bwner will not be rcspomihlc Iny acddenls day of sale HOUSEHOLD EFFECI dun uhInel cheslerlield ulna complain baby crlb mumm mephom lustove anuquo wool bed chest of drawus wamtlndfkltchen liable llam Imps elepuflc Inasggr din JMPLEMENTS AND MlSCFJr LANEOUS 1354 Roman trite tor with Davis londar with lork Ind bottom for gravel loam elm human Murrow plow Gehl hammer mill Ferguun power mower mounted lcmu ron ride delivery rake ich mlxcr Ferguson tractor culli valor Ind lculller complete with all Ichmenu Pioneer chain Ferguson tractor mauura lpreodrr post hole diggcr with Ferguson attachments All Join Diem trnctor in good can dltion lotooth international motor cultivator Bhiodo trac tor Cockohult tiller set oi Iectlon drll harrowl drnwbor complct set oi ADlIChnimers tractor ondem disc AllisChal morn combine with pickup and clover Attachment motor driv en new in 195i MH seedin tlilxcr drill mu seed altuch menm Woods electric chopper mil tlm Hon Chev truck with livestock van GMC lt lon load condition Plumbers auppllel 55 iniemllionai panA cl Universal car radio 1w nilon nddia tanks or truck chains tools AllinChalmers mounted tiller ncoriy new Buttletter ycurier bucketr set oi drag Jllrrows IMm dr org rtlclcs ry my Tmcks T001 ind iomo hmehold Al ulldenlzned buixeceivcd hulnmllom ram Mummymums 10 ml byï¬wbllc 3qu at the preth WP 19 CONN Iiim INNWM on my Strllzht West of Elm TUESDAY APRIL 10 CAHLE en yelgflng vaccinated apen 15 held ck chqlca Slacker came mold Homaln cow dun by no 91 my 31 Harald Romain cow in Jam Mun Holstein helm V53 I3 AUCTION SALES HAYx Qunhuti at mid clnv TRY mmmnn mm ADS mom Pmm HERMAN GOLDENDELD Compltll llaml Modemlxln Clklllllul Mom ncnmn Mm mum omeo mammal onm mu All theTun ï¬zmmelyf CAM loxlolslleln heum N0 lo 100 mMLL PA ml cumnsnuno 51 Palm Sumy the Slroud Preshylerlln Church brouth observance of the Inclamen Holy Communion and challeng lnl and lnlplrlna Eulu servlce hrlluv Bell chooslul an ha tape Day of lay Palm SWIYWM This isshion show sewn not only in the city but in lbs rural communities bringing women Module on the latest in mics and lahrlcs and the smartest in accessories ii ls lime oi community cooperallon in piénnlnn and riormanm Thu models boys rls Ind mu sgers slung with adults an all iocslviolli We eel than show are bcneiii to all those akin purl but especially to the child ren and young ioik as it aids poise and coniirlepcen No successful show hava been held In this Ina recently one at Filth line Ichwl was put an by Anns Style Shop Ind Bradlard Childrens Wau and was sfonwred by the Home and Schoo Association remd cmwd Enjoyed lhe nhowlna of styles musical selecflnns lucky draw Audjun lly Hrs Victor no Jack Webster playnd organ music The many chic models pmvlded glimpsé what lhe aporumlnd ed will wear Relmhmenta were Jesus laid claim to public adorntlon and Ill death that lallowed wu not forced but tree ly chasm by Hlm ll the me sago Chrlatlans to like ulelr stand boldly and puhllcly lor the Kln cl King to whom they Medicated themlves It flu communlon aervlce Mr Bell said Mr Gordon Sharing mm solo Hosanna lo the Kin wflh Mrs Walker the orxln Mr mud Mrs John Cowpn were gjmer gggsu 0mg Mr and Mn Leslie Walker Ban rle on Sunday and that evening attended the anns Mission ary Society Easter Thankofler In service In Essa Road Presby terlan Church lollowshlp hour was enioyed alterwnrds At Lnkelnnds Hall lnshlan shnw wim clothes by Walkers Barrie and spanser by thu Guldcs and Erownins hld Jacked house The commentator wnsa mgrAnberruf the commum SHOWTIME 3y CAMPBELL mm mm WAY mm ma x1 NEWS 01 STBOUD served Anokhu union show by Wllklrl Bum and sparIona hy Innlslll Chaptar Na 152le be held In sum Communlly Hull April 17 pm coma and see mun Iumnwr clothe and why nodal avenlnx Each year the honor students of Battle Central Collegian apeclll trust In Ihe arm of bu lrlp In lama Ichool of ad vanced learning lhll yur It was to Waterlon College Thln trip wu matted In most glow In term by flu nix puplujrom this ml who wentMum Oownn Knmy Phx John Mum Dnvlgl PHIL KunBuwmIn and anenllne Schl llow Tn than wn any KM war Ind mgrlulu uou Mn Fred Webster accom partied Mr and Mn luck Web star to Bmckvnle In the home 01 her non Ted Webster Mrs Webster remained in Erocksvllle and with Mr and Mn Ted Web aler will leave April 21 by jet or Enlland The Webster wlll spend month vlslllnr relative and lrlende Mrs Webster looks forward to seelnz her brother and family whom she lust vlslted 10 years no at me me ear ounllau Mrs William Sulhmnnd who wilh Mn Wtbb hu been holiday lna In the south to we past six weeks flaw mm Nasuu last Frldny to Miami sucked up lhelr car and mature to Toronto where Mr and Mrs Sulherlnnd spent the weekend at the home of Mr Ind Mrs Ivm Guy They relumcd Io Stmud Monday In esumo ruldcncn ll Dun Robin arm Gordon Iowan wu In Oflllla SIMIle evening taking pm In Festival of Sun He pheed lst In the solo clan In tho Orlllln Klwuull Music Festival Thum Dunlap 5n AND TRAVEL ssnvncar PA Mm THAT NEW CAR 0R TRUCK Let explnln ta you how lento cu um you time And money FOR RATES AND INFORMATION CONTACT BARRIE DRIVEAAR LEASE any in with mother mn pefllof of chugriblp Mn Giidan Scott Toma apenk Sunday at um Immeqf Mr and Mrs June Rosa In hallm and Inn compede lon held In 8min on sundJy John mm was one 01 Lbs luc cesslul curlers other boys mm here curling were Bill Mulhal hndDavld Blaine And John Snulefllnd Sunday vlslton tha home Mr and Mra Dwight Nalwn wm Mr and Mn Luna Wu Iuwdula Alvin udzold Toronw and ML ind Mn Irvin Nullon and llmlly Olkvllle The spdn moon now mllly ll mm Ipproprlllo that it would come at the Eat er xenon The bulbs on up and mm hloomlng the ms started to show that am tinge of men How wonderful it would be we could put away all tho old turmoll and Ill11¢ Ind hm lush bellnnlnx the am and flown Our Eula wish or Illmu Euler be Joyous time time of promlm WINDSOR OnL CF chem ol assault leld ezelml eubluban Sandwich Eu Town ehlp Reeve Curl Trude wu dlsmlesed Wednesdey end chum maul laid by hlx lo yur old deuxhler was dis mlssed when no evidence we enhmlllcd The man had been chum with assaulting his wife Helm and his dnuzhler CareyPm on Feb The charge led councillor to ask the raev for 111 Minn Ilon bum Trude remand lo lcnve his Ell IVGD though coun cll cut ullry In 150 yen lrom $5000 Assault Charges Are Dismissed