MAHOVLICH IN HOSPITAL In the process ing Leafs lost the services of hi Frank Mahovlich through knee injury For whl it remained question as to who caused the in jury Onc report says it was Bruce MacGregor an other says Bill Gadsby MacGregor or Gadsby its of no consequence to the star left winger Hes out for at least tyvu hree games Its difficult to ermine how much the Leafs will suffer without Frank in the lineup Even hell be the ï¬rst to admit he was no great shakes in the semHlnals agalnsl Montreal However he appeared to be snapplng out oi it before he we hurt on fluegday Dave Keon must have caused Imlachs heart to skir few beats when he collided with the Red Wing goa post early in the third period Actually he was given an assist by that chap Gadsbyl He skated the ice and rclired to the Leaf dressin room Fortunately he was able to return after 10m nutc rest Keen was the culprit who triggered the action to open the first period when he pus ed through the de fence to set up chkle Duff for the first of his two goals Duff sneaked up the left side and drilled liner at goalie Terry Sawchuck The Masked Marvel made feeble effort to stab at the puck and then watched it flyjnto the net No sooner dld Snwchuk punch out the holes In his mask provided or him to Peak through than Sir Richard converted Tim Hortons pass into his second tally Both goals on which Terry appeared to be asleep came about in rninutg nnd clghccqnds Duff member of that familiar breed oi hockey piavcrs who turn into tigers at the smell oi money was picked as the first star of the game by Montreals Ben nie Guoflrlon To Dickie it was rare occasion one which turns up at time when his name is mentioned as Irade hnit The boisterous Dciro rcnrgunrd oil over his own feet In an attempt at clearing he puck and Nevin quickly cashed In Young not the cleanest shinny Players around these days got even wlih Nevin inicr in viih so ofn Wailwarn elbow Wailing until the officials had their bncks turned Youniz bumped Bobbi into the boards and finished oif with he elbow smas Sooner or lnier someone is 10 in to get fed up with Youngs ruthless lactic and strike back thats day worth waiting for Gordie iiewe Deiroiln answer 10 Rocket Richard Turn to page eleven picnse Across the hall and through the doorway sat George Punch Imlach fairly satisfied with his teams effort Aside from big lapse in the second frame Im lach fel ad complete ponirohpi the gangs think the boys were 00 confident after taking threegoal lead he said Thats been bad habit of theirs all season They didnt play any hockey in the second They just stop ed skating and shooting De trait takes sdvanta that they keep skating Any how we won didnt we The second star was Larry Jeffrey standout for the Wings The youngster picked up both Detroit goal and kept the Toronto defence busy Bobby Nevln was clwsen us the third star The right win or also netted two goals the It th the help 01 one town Ypung rm L4 mu 10 THE iMllllIE EXAMINER THURSDAY APRIL 1963 Actually neither MacDonald nor Howe missed they were robbed by that ageless kee er of the goals John Bower es ecially MacDonald ohnnys save on Detroits 33goa scorer had to be the key play of the games We should have tled it repeated Abel They didnt play any different than trey have all season and we had good record against them Matter of fact Chicago played much rougher ln the tlrst two games But you cant give up two goals and expect too much he lamented We got in too deep too early ang that was it But well be back Thursday wall an see We were going ï¬reat guns in the ï¬rst period he explained vigorous chomEing on wad of gum and then seemed to quit war lng in the second We plckeuq agngn in the thirdAand that was it We had good chance to tie It up thought he spouted when plnholed by reporters Parker Mac Donald and Gordie Howe were right in on Bower but they misselq WHATfS T0 WORRY COACH SID ABEL greeted the working press with smile the other nt ht and didnt pear too concerned over the fact that Detroit Red Ings had just been dumped 42 by Toronto Maple Leafs in the opening game of the Stanley Cup finals Some veteran observeis might expect coach to push the panic button when his goaltender gives up two 235 goals in little over minute and his star right wmger fails to crush the opposition on his first turnlpfl the ice Butnqt Abei SPORTS CHATTER nun IT null ENDLEYS FLOWERS Whalhtr you choou buixlllul Easter plant or lovely Hauler 11ch you In nun youll ch llm parlocl gm FROM 3W2 OFCOURSE By JERRY GLADMAN Order Yours Today We Will ero no Flawon Of Your Cholco Anywhou In The Would Ip dmw George Nnrlh way Dmu Smllh Has Slmpsnn James Victor Dyrno Allan Scan Dr Rod Ide mn Han Hodan ll Hurry Young Clara Mills Jon unnox Andy Slcvnnsnn John Hnlpenny Emulon 5wan ll gnon Hamel pm drnw Doug Fuirlymthcr lnul Campbell Juhn Cow nn Io Alex Mchlrlck John Mcmll IO Wnllcr Slttkky Ross Slmhnm Murdlo Cnmp hell Gordon Spring 13 Llnyd Brlflow Cull Harris 1m Edmund Imlxhlnn Clmk Mnhovlich negaal man his year was in slump in Lenls semiIna azalnst Mnnlrcnl Cn nndjcn but Toronln still won four games lo one Tuesday night Dem defenccmun Bill Gndsby checked him in the ï¬rst period of Tomnlos +1 vlclury and he limped on and was taken to hyspilal Jury was diagnosed Wednesdny as sprain nnd brulso on the Ian knee It will keep hlm at the An bench tonight but bent spokesman said it looks very good or Mnhovltchs return for the third Six rinks are undclcnlcd lnn final round or Emery hm phy vlwskim cnmpclillon Barrie Curing Club They om skipped by Emerson Swnin Andy Slcvmson Ross Simpson Doug Fnirhrolhcr John Mend nnd Leighton Clnrk A1128 links play lhnlr Ihlrd xnmu lnnlxhl In draws nl seven and nine oclock Results or Ins nights snipe were By BILL MncDOUGALL TORONTO CWToronto Mn ple leafs can win hockey games wilhou Prank Muhovlich but where would Detroit Red Wings be without Gordie Howe Many say Nowhere However getting rid of Howe ls another thing The his right winger who has been snicctnd to the ï¬rst or second nllstar looms his 11 National Hockey League season and Is good he to gel Ihe nod ngaln this year had the nu or the in game or the Emmy Cup final 11 day He still had It Vcdncsdny but lh odd were that mlhmg that slmplc wauld keep him an he gong game huge wnigh mu Nam 15 Six Undefeated In Final Round The Mac Mini Memorial Trophy donated by Alderman Mm in memory his son Pilot Omcer Mills HowWouldRedWings D9 Without Big Guy PA M97 MAC MILLS TROPHY WINNERS Cornor Indiana ngh 5n PA 64121 Comor Dunlap Anni in FA 60971 WATCH NEXT THURSDAY AD FOR OUR 3PRN0 CNANGEOVER ICML game the bonerseven series In Delmi Sunday Howe wa key man In lhe Wings ourmplace ï¬nish in lhn tight NHL race lth season He had 86 poinIssa goals and 48 assistsIn winning his sixth scoring mpioqship Mahnvllchs bsence will leave hole on the line with Red Kelly centre and Ron Stewart right wing Toronto managermach Punch lmlach wouldnt say wholl fill the space but in answer to report cna queslions nfler Mal prnc llscd Wednesday he mentioned the names of defencnmcn Curl Brgwcrland Kcnl Pouglns Dougl war out wllh Kelly and Stewart llallcd In many qunrlers as an almost cinch for makieloevyoar hon ors he had some forward ex perience will Springllcld ln dlnns the American League and has been used mainly in recon names as point man on he power play Brewer had some forward or variance as an nmutcur Lalo this season he was put on In wing when Louis were beset LISION VISITS PEN JEFFERSON CITY Ma MP Sonny Llsmn world hunvy weight boxing ch am on slapped on visit prison Wtdncsduytho lame oncl ho snrvcd llmo In or armed mb bcry damn yum am He will grcclul glcclully by some ur mcr lollow mnvlds In Hall lhc nnclcnl cell bulldan Hm normally houses 500 Negro prls men guess hell ha all right Delmll managercoach Sld Abel snld Wednesday ul llowe who was under doctors care lla and um rest of the players re ceived antllnnucnw inocula Nuns at the start 01 the season and was hnped Ihl measure although it didnt kcnp the bug away will help lllm get over in hurry NEEDLE DIDNT HELP lost In action with RCAF in World War No presenkcd lo the Barrie Curling Club Ladies Champloris Pictured BRENNANS ESSO Spring changeoVer tlmlgcdw by winter Como ca kl mm wmtilmwih Um Comor Blyllnld and Ron su tum 0mm and 5min will Injuries Eu Ihe move nuvcrlnsled or more than period or so at any game mm 51x DEFENDERS Lents can nflord lo move defenceman up because mey are carrying six or the play oIls Larry llillmnn was brought up mm Rochester American 01 the AHL In the middle of the semifinal nnd allhough he has seen nlmosk no action has been dressed for every game slum he arrived There extra spot on Ihe bench Ilnll that will likely go to either Johnny Mnclllillnn almost recovered from lale season elbow injury or Gnry Janelt up from Rochester llqu nre wipgpr Abel revealed Wednesday thin the Red Wing players got goLhcr late in the season nnd decided lhe mm they would ralher meet in me schllnal was Tornnlo it turned out the Wings were pulled ngnlnsl Chlcnga Black Hawks who won dawn ln slx games The players wnnlcd to meet Tamnlo because they on they could bcnl hemand they mu do Abel said HOOVERS ESSO Woods Mrs Bruce French Alderman Mills Mr Alex Mc Gctrlck and Mrs Jnmos Clyne skip Exnmlner Photo mm 100 girlgh are Mrs 1963 IMPALA 4DO0R IMRDIOP Automatic V4 with power Mooring power hrnku pad ded dash cuslnm radio whlla walls Ivy green in colm with matching lnlcrlm Real éhnrpi New Car Wurrnnly DANGERFIELD MOTORS LIMITED radian SI PA 965 Now 0le $3219 50 JIM FINLEY Jill fiqlgys OK Special Wu mum CARSONS ESSO PA HJSI Saturdays Events Close Out SeasOn mans lltney wlll have is trust the investment ï¬rm ol Neslzlttv Thomson And 00 represented by ll Pete West Flrst 58 tn register wlll get lnta the two lecnd games scheduled to be gln at one oclock sharp Re freshing prim are or the wln um Saturdays two events will mark closing notion far this segsonuatjglme Ginhug qu in the evening there will b8 lwn draws oi mixed curling sinnlng at 645 and 845 oclock Alter these games he ice mach ine will be tuned oii tnr the next six monllu ar so Curlers may luring their skates ior midnight whirl on the ice Also on Sunday ailernoon the trud ilional inmily losing sis Closlng men on Friday night April 19 but lhnse games mn be curling WIN AT NORTH BAY Marshall and Dorl Campbell teamed with Joe and Lols Fallon to win third event the 11th annual RCAF CurIlng Club mlx 2d bonsplel last weekend at North Bay They 105 only one game and wnn lhe Laban lnr phy and mu prlzcs Mr and Mrs Fallon formerly of Barrie are now slallonerl at North Day There were 96 rlnlu ln lhl In vitation splcl DIXIE FINALISIS Gard Nondhnma Barrie rink Ross Simpson Andy vacn son and Johnny Rodgers lost In the final 87 the Colts event at Dixie Cprling Club on Satur daj nlcy wgn 131i last year ihme harder rinks were en tered In the annual Canadian DUNLOP BHTSTIINES TIRE SERVICE 101 BAYFIELI ST PA 66549 SEE US TODAY BUY THE BUY General Electric slat bansplcl nl Pelcrhnru Cyrllngfllub on DEAN Bulck Ponlioc Acadian Vuuxholl Youre Sum with GOODWILL USED CAR Ilnrd Top whllu wllh him lntnlor Muppcd wllh nulumml lrnmmiulon mwrr nlmlnfl Pour bmku ndla wlullc wnll llm hhrcl dim wlndshluld wuhcr pudan huh Lb prlu mm $329900 HALE IIIICB wmu wilh Ilan Intuiun rmflpml will Mmcrnlhln lrnmmluion wlmlnhlrld wnnhcr rmlm Ihllo wall um wheel dim LII prlro mum $286300 All IllllH price Parlsknm ZDoar Hun Top Emberml wllh uhfle vlnyl lap and Mack vlnyl Interior Equlppcd wllh nulumallc transmission powcr ï¬lming pawn bmkcn buckc mu white wall Um wheel dlsu mdln wlndshlcld washer padded dmh lel pdco $419100 $338900 HALE lllllE Hard lop Diplomat the Equipped with Dymrlnw Tran Power fleeting power brakes power window pawcr seat radio while wall tires comering lights wlndsihcld washer lnnnr conlml mirror chrome zuuds llned windshield Us price $7692 $638700 SALE PRICE Hard lop Ermine white black vinyl lop red vinyl interior equipped vnlh Dynaflow Trans automatic floor shill power meeting power brakes innd wind nhicid electric windnwl sent boils pmidad dash windshield wnsher backup lixhll radio whit wail Hm wheel dim List pdca $531 sAu PRICE $449900 an 01 Adobe beige Dynafluw lrnnsmlnion linltd wlndshicld wlndshleld wnxhcr power brakes powtr mini wheel dim bntkp lehLv while wall um mlrrnr undmaal ekclrlc clock Lm prim I963 LAURENTIAN 4DO0R SEDAN iinrd lop lizurn nqul lqulppcd wiih padded duh windshield washer powcr brakes power altering nynnflow lranxmusion whul disc whllt wail Iius radio Li prch $441400 $359700 SALE PRICE HS Bradfva Sr ofl963 BUICK SALE PRICE DEAN TMYERS MOTORS I963 PARISIENNE 4DO0R DEMONSTRRTORS All 10W MILEAGE FUll NEW CAR WARRANTY 24 MONTH 0R 14000 MILES I963 ELECTRA 4DO0R 1963 LE SABRE 4DOOR PONTIAC DEMO SALE 1963 LE SABRE 2DOOR I963 WILDCAT 2DOOR I963 STRATO CHIEF MYERS and Snlurday The entry of Skly Jack Lovell John Mencu nunh Merv rim and Frank Bruxey was second only lwnpalmx shall Hrs prlzc Mr and Mrs Dun Emcly and Mr and Mrs Ernie Bell won third prize in the flvédnxmmd curling evcnl last week Hold Lhnnleclcr in the Laurénlians PA 61885 $349600 MOTORS