ï¬lm PC CabinetCfcï¬Eers Awaiting Service Vote Mr IerranN and II mm Ilm re pmrnL Only n1er Ire mu lmlmnnler Itnele Falrtluugh who nu math kn he lllmlllon Onl ll any nnmmlmlwnln was to hi made he uld well you lnnw In advm Mr Uirfrnlmlnr lnlrl lrpml My mlhlnl lnr yml NoMnl ltr Hr rum er nml mml nlflml mN Imlny at Mr mrrllnl IIMI Munllnyn Hullan linkkl minllnkln an upward pny ud junlmenl Thu USW ho Anlrl he um ltl vim An Inllncnllnl Dcmocrnllc ml nlor who mum no lm qunlcd by nnmu mid luv undenlmd lhnl he conunulnx lnmrmnl IIIUI In Hm Indmllyn human on mnnnmrr wrm rormlnn Vrdnrxdny wm llnkrd 10 mulhillly round wngu Incrrnm or Hm Uullrd Ellerlwmkrrl Amrrlcn AH 0L llurricdv unrricd lulu hour contorcnrc nave nmplv cvl dtnco lrcsldcnl Kcnncdy concern but produced no word Ihn ho unu ready Io NH up lhc overnmtnl lulu Hml Inllrncd In ycnrl nnmuncrd prlcu 1n mnw hi 71 how Smnn ncnnlun helm prlco In cm by whcgnng slrd Cor WASHINGTON AP Wuh lnnlons um um cockrd lru dny or more llcbl prlcc In nrcnsu and rm wcm glucd nn lho White House or any xlgnnl of Another hnlllo to hold lha prlcn llnc OTTAWA fClIlnma Illnlr ram Mr and Mrs Man IIIR Harvey of Phllndclphln parents olr LL Cnmmandcr Jnhn Vulry lhurwy huld 1962 porlrail lhelr son who Kennedy Worried Over Steel Again 99Ih Yur No 36 ihéna PA mu The tefephnnu number to call or the Euslneu ur Edllnrlnl Dept PA H531 OurTelephones yam ka Mlnhm Fulton who mllor wu mum pmvlnrlnl lmlnulvn Amrmlvo nder In mllluh Columluln and dld Mi Alum Inf ltrlrdlm lolr Hm ollm lnulml mInIlm mm nn handolrm Produc Uun Mlnlllrr lilulky lmml willow Mlnlnlrr Dr Pat mum Aurlin Elltmal lnlu Nlnlllrr Um and Funk Mfllw lllhllrr wllhmfl MIL humo loc mum All her dohnl mum Miriam lo Illtr In Ndnlc In Oil the mnrd mmmenu mm lew nlhtr Drmocmlc Conzrm mrmbm lunulrd hry would not own name In mnnMe wnzo Inmm Inr ho strrlumhm who Incapm only mmlul Ivlmzo Im mvrmrnll lul Ml Inulnd Mm my nlou nu Mnouncuncnl cnmo ex nclly In your mu US Sled he No pmdurer ulud prlm Th mum Wm lulndtd Hum dnyl InnLunar Krnnnly mourned meal Itllle nxnlml lltclmll Nuns the mar Us llrml had any cmnmrnl In make Im nudlnltly on thclmn pr lnmnu chnwlny whncllnn price Innum IV qud about In on nix nclrmd producll The lllh ranked Ui produm Inld lha mndu negcmry mu by Iltndy littch In the mu malcrllll mvku Ind llbor mm ground on worklnl rule and mndillonn 1n mnlract talk which can ha reopened nfler April lo upon demand or USW President Dnhld MCDOHIM ls commander In missing submarine Threlhcr ABOVE the submarine In shown helm launchtd bow hrs II Poflxmnulh NJL SUBMARINE 105 HOPEABANDONED mu Jul dmnl i8 Inmuh mm It um ml Innlynd my rurrlully In pupa lhm mum and MM You Iumw Ihlnk he ml rnlma lhu Mm chlmbor pollen Nd hlm whnl My mum wva hll datal Iuy Jheml In quwrfluulm llo MM van snroumpd by Ibo rllfllnn ruulu in mu hr mlod um Rod1 Credit hul lnl lnmml In ml flenntlln hum my Kaimm thml an newly mar fled wal 11Man Hu anlonnl Ammhly Building with hll WHD when lhc Anglo nhnl rnnx auL Ha unumd Ind clutched hla hrnd Ila wan rushed to xlm Mumphn llolpllnl uhcro MI condfllnn was described an urlnum Khrmlall luld nlltndvd lhl In mum at debate an pro WMI la clump lonewrnl upllnl my on llnnnclnl In Alumn N0 NEWSPAPER 0N GOOD FRIDAY lolliis carryan Iuhmlchlne gun mnnundcd lhe munny bundling dimming crode ol curlom In marrirf Eacamiï¬vr ALGIERS Farclun Mlnlslcr Mohnmmcd Khumlul wan wounded severely In the head aday by pluol bullel flmd by younx Moalcm Tm aluckcr wul netch by pollpm Foreign Minister Hit By Bullet llll In mm TM IIIHIO Illlmlutr marrow EM TIMI llcIlnn Ill be muer lllllnh Navy Yard on July 1960 overdue and pruumcd mlmlng in llul Allnntlclhe Navy announced In Washlnp on In nlxhl HIM Minier Manlmuu lurked In rlou conlul wflh mum rnmlldnln Paul0 0m In lmllmï¬mlocunlnnl Mm In an In un slidm wuuhlnl In VIII II Ihhmnl made up my mind In ll nnld Im Impr to In In Imma ll mm Isntper llun luwnnll llw nu nl Mel Tn llllll In Hm balmy Inrlfla tum Ilmulv Irvarr ukml nu lhe Frrnrll ltfldfrl nurce mrnl In llmilnl parllrlpnllun In llm IInIIIrIl nurlrnr lnxre wul wrlrnmrd and llrlllxh Iulhnrlllu II ï¬rm mum to Mull Illlludo lounnl Hm lHIrs um ha in mm 1mm mu Ih mm mini mum Do Gnullo nlw ll nlnndinfl ï¬rm on Ml rclusnl In huy US Iolnrl mimic InIlla la bur ILS nuclrnr mlnrkrllrs rum Frrnch mall and hll ulumlnn inn crrale 1m lndrprmlrnl Frrnrh nurlcnr lnrce French partlcnpnllnn mum unly hm hm Frrnch ulr mum mm lulud In Gcrmnny will Jnln Iho unlllul rnmmnnd Pmldrnl do Gnulln hill mndu nn mmmil mm In pul Ma own nuclrnr hamhcn nml hambx nnw luring pctLylnlo um Ngrm ml 1115 mm am done um lhEIr ulynlnlwcr num Tho unlllcd command or Hm force will be under US ch Lyman Lcmnilm NATOs pr cummnnldgr ln Eurupc The force lnlllnlly will canals 01 um Unllcd Slates Polar wh mnrlnu now operating In Ilm llledllcrranonn and plane he USv Brilnlanrnnce West Germany llnly Cmmdn ml ulum and The Nellwrlnndsl Thu plants will cnrry US nutllar erlponl nusk outlined the plan In lhc NATO pcrmnnonl council at mulan hm Wednesday Qunliiicd sources said US Slain Sccrcinry Dean Rusk has won nllicd approval or North Allunllc iruny Orgauimliun nu clear force in which irnncu will parlici In on limited basis Thu pnn could Ink concrcle shape when Ihc NATO inrcixn minislcrl Inch In Ollawa May mus AmThu Wcsuem 31A 1ch hava cleared the way fur creation next monlh unlfied nuclcar command wiUI mulllnn llannl air and US sca slrlke loms H6 said his only 0021 during the ï¬ve day was squirrel he shy and an mw For two days he wandered in circles trying to find the Al aska Highway Then he spent one day Just thinking On Iho Ihird day he started hacktrack lnz and last Friday he was lound by members of search patty ogal11zcd the RCMP Durini ï¬le rtling nighu he pulled hls two dogs closu around hlm far warmm The boy accompanied by his two dogs was hunting rabbits mm ZZcalibre rifle when he became lost Andy Lulz of Upper Llard was heated or lmslhile lo two Ines but he says Lwasnl scared Ive been hunting since was little kid WHITEHORSE YT CPIA ILyearold hay was In While lmrsa General Iluspilal Wednes day alter spending iva day lost In heavy hush near Upper Hard In the Yukon close to the British Columhla border Rumor OfApbdirql EorRvuskfiszNrASIS31mm Boy Aged 12 Lost Days In Yukon Bush Blrrlo Onigilo Canada Thuuday Aprll 1963 412 Wm WM wig Dld bum Mud palmpg mu ml mine mm In The NATO nuclear strike lams will go lnlovaclion anly nn ordcrs mm annilzcr wlm will it his lnslrucllnns lrom the president lhc Unllcd Slates US law rcqulrcs Ihe presldcnl lo rclnln sole control over lhc use the nuclcnr wcnpons 1hr US will supply the force ofllcials ulhér NAN na tions predicted that when Francos nuclcar slrikelflcnis opurnlinnal do Gaullc wlll Mm lo cu idinme Ilwilh he allled Inrce Constitutlnnaï¬y lie Gover norGnnzral can tum all or his powers and dullorto the ch The and thu GnvcmorGcnl crals recovery period around midMay when the 26th Parlia ment may be convened Nor molly the Governor Gcncral would read he speech from the bran tJhe opening silllng He said Gun Vanlcr still will be able to receive visllorsval his official residence Otherwise His Excellency will be able to carry out his du ties as GuvemurGenml nn omcla announcement Irom Government House salt Wed ncsdny spokesman for heflLycnr old Queens representalive said Gen Vanipr sufferedflhv attack at Government House Monday Ho stressed lhal the muck was very mild dne amjl hat was the ï¬rst sultered by the GovcmorGcncral DITAWACPA mild heart allan has lorcud Govpmor Gundral Vanlcr tn cancel his 0L flcinl cngagcmenls or the next six weeks Has Mild Attaék Vanier lTo Rest NOT MM Emmi In nl mun may mi kl away um um JV mus hasngmd to sell Britain Polaris missiles ior Kiri ish nuclaar submnrlnes which will Jain US Polaris subs in he NATO loci The US also is urging the crcalinn of sur incc ilccl oi 25 lrcighicHypc ships nrmcd with the Polaris nnd manned by News of mixed naiiouniilics The allim are still discussinz expansion at NATO 11ch lo lna cludc ships armed with US Pa larl missiles but muhncd hy crawsvof olhnr lmllons luslice or judge Ihe Su nreme Court Canada wilh the exception of lhe power tn dissolvp lfarljnmnnt and call goneraf Elecuon covéctn VANIEn my hldnl Mimi um nunu HM mien uh up llp ol ha mu Mm wnlrrlllncm Ihelr pulh plunml IMMM Icy mm Ind nwnm no led I1 cmth In dluu In nlmuln hlrd nmmry my 99 mm We mm In In nmvlncltl rt 11k mm cm Mmy Iho ulknl um lhn Inn and Nlhlntk had all In hrlp um um Hulllni hm Hench Comb an 70mm lrlp Imund MM lnlm 1mm lovl Dav Ilmul um mile mum olvhur lo Im mum dny Qll Conxlahlc Wnrd Ed wnnlx luuml Glrn Jennlnxs II and Lyln Nlhlock 11 In the Mn Inlnl lunlnmlu Provin rInl Walkcold and rod hul nlhcrwha unmmrd by lhdr ordcnl Novlnlk uunly provihrlnl poA re hml hrrn rnrthlnurfor Hm lwo ulna Jennln mm In lurmml polka lb hefhml no litMd lrom MI Inn llncn Mm lrnvigdnl pnllrn portal lhu Indran Wrdncsdny ll occurrer Jemima Inn Palm Itnln Auln In wnlk nxhom an ce iwlmmlnx 30 ml np ernuuh Icy walm In lho prn ussnnd hm Inltr lo lrtk 21 mllca In uhckcr SIMCOE Onl CPIA dil ngrccmcnl wllh lhcir xklppcr mum lwa young mw mcm hm Mike Erie 1hran you at lhe mum of lhls overhaul and moderni zalIan Involving lnslallnlon of new equipment CHIS as much as yard wide had been made in the Thrashers huH He said lest wcrn mndo la ind on whulhcr then were any weaknesses and the Indications wtre lhm were none Andcrson dislloscd oil slick was lixhlnd lzpllnwlnu lhclr plugmmqnl The nn chief sald court 1onin will lnvcslignle bmonx other lhings work done on the Thresher during om hnul at the Pansmoum NJL hagal yard sncc Ial July Me disclosed the lam limo Ihal urdm had gone out in we olhcr Thresher elm submar lncHhe Permit and he Plun geru limit the depth to which Jhcy may dive pending delu minalhm whclher lhcra are metal Bull in the hull or other weaknesses conclude with Best regret and sadness that this line ihlp with souls aboard last Anderson said Ants 19mm or DIVES Boys Try Icy Dip TwentyMile Trek The salvnze vessel Recovery Iollawed an all suck detected Wednesday and loundbita ol cork used In internal mnsuuc ion or submarines Even If lheru had been communica lions failure or the Thresher had sullen out 01 position in Inlinn to its escort ship the Sky lark surer In In lnlerim there would hav been oppor uniy for the Thresher to hnvn rcjgslahljrfhcd contact Andcmn spoke at press conforms more than 25 hour afler the nuclunrpowcred sub marine carrying 129 persons ofllncr and men and civilians wns lost to contact some 220 miles east of Cape Cod 1n 8480 lack of water Andersen said two maln lac lors influenced his judgment mtral George Anderson chief of United States naval on crntlnm announced today that very xeluctanlly have camu tn Ihu conclusion that the sub marine Thresher has indeed been lost msmyamn 1m Ail 129 Menlï¬hoard Thresher No Contact Since Wed Morning N9 Mora Thlll Par Copy16 Pig mt um Main lb Sunny Cloudy periods on Fri dly law tonight Hlxh to morrow so For nompktl summary tum to page two lIury qu Jmmlnn mm wu nulml Amund ll lulu la mm Wm wet nml cult and had In Hm mun Aboul II pm me In lwmvm mlluond mud Ian my Al nrcuy In path where we lmlml cmmlu swulm ml ML Ilnynl nmnllhl ml Aluled out runln lhll mmnlnl We wmnldnt hark dawn to we at Mm to put ulmn nboul rmllc lram Hm Hum hnma he cm lhopcmn In In Iml we mum wl wm hare hm bchlnd In lmnk hm mu 0pm wl ltr Jrnnlmu aml Nihlnrk hml no lnlrnflnn n1 Ktan bark In my mum mun Hus lmdnl vm ler Inlan onto Hm wlmhwept pulnl Mk xlcqv Irrulh null Ilnrlnl Imam Iowan mun IHM Mon 01 Hm disagreemtnl wnl an lho couno we wm lab Inn cxplnlncd Jrnnknns hlxh uth nudrnl We wrrn ully lnx rlmn Inland running lnlo tnn murh Ire We wunlrdla In Innhcr am and lhc ulplnkn dldnl Loéal Weather lar bcrlh They lrfl Port mm almul am lo ml the 70mm couno Mound lho Long Palm Ilnlnsula lo Port Bruce No cslimnle of 0m dnmnn was immediately avnilnhln and Hue emu win not determined Flrcmm were ahIo Lav some painllpgs In lhe basement below he roar caved In but all museuml book nnd olth places wcru lost COLLINGWOOD Ont CF lwn sluny brick buil housing this Georlhm Bay com munilys library and museum was destroycd by fire today Flremnwcrq ahIo sav Andcrson said the naval mm oi inquiry mating in Newvln dun Conn wll tertainiy into the pouihilily oi home Bu he dismissed this pdulbi fly rcmoie Anderson sald the ocean ro xeareh submarine Trieste dcepdlvlng experimenlnl crall will he brought from San Dlege CaliL by tall and sent down to try to locale the wreck to dao lermine whether lhe lhreshy collapsed and what mlghl haw happened In il The Trieste expected In perhaps hit mo than week the me Anderson made hls armnuncemcnl ships wen concentrated ever the area and more were speeding to the min where um Thresher tucked it how planes and went down for deep dive lest The admiral words put All but the final seal on tha 115 navya worst peacetime mtg marine disaster perhaps Ila worst of lime Museum Burns In Collingwood sn1rsan noun nib Anderson asked If any ouch2 pants of the xuh mlghl be alive Id In my judgment no Asked haw long lhe men In the sub might have lived the admlrnl said very very short time perhaps matler mlnules day at mm am EST and um Englirmed the posilion of hi HERES ONE