Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Apr 1963, p. 19

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ACROSS Rubber band Singers middle rune 10 Lleultnunl short form 12 To be curious To take action It Ambluan Epoch l1 ThreLledcd llgum Amran beveraie l9 Plump 20 TV talking horse Nut splcu 13 Myself 24 Sacred Moslem book 26 Fluwer THE CHILDRENS CORNER SPRING INTO WARM WEATHER WITH I3 Hash Panic 37143334 53325 BlBJ ESSA ROAD Lawnmuwu CHILDS CROSSWOBD fln amlllur bug wont can you an monk but yowlill goIVolklwagm quolilyand UN up long your arm Adimlablc bucks all floov mounlud uuur Ihlfl wlih all mud lyndnmnlud will In honludnfmxlor Clnpporlon SI GOLDS SHOE AVALABLE AT DOWN Th French Swlss Mountain Foreigners Playmnl Present tense Wu Large plate Um or maklnl out ll Slccpy Vision In sleep 15 My Ilnllanl 16 Plxln Cows nolsu Auto luel 14101on short onn 25 pppnslle ye SERVICE Answer Ii ivid weeks PA 34833 BY GREB ePrices3d0wh PIERCE MOTORS LTD Come on in Windnhhld wmhm Sldlvlow minor Automatic MIN Puddd IV vhon An Inglno Ihal uvuraqu 38 mpq tooling mum lhuI cant boll our PIuI Volhwuam nrvlc by 350 dualm TIIREAIENDED Brenda lumed her eye he moflup oj lhu old shack lhln wisp blulsh Imoku curled lnxlly up mm 110 brick chlm llby 3m on we do now Glll puuleq NS not an Idea Brendn un nuunccd allu ow seconds Well climb In and hide high up In the branches Then we can we hen the men lcnve So they chose lun plne any to climb Soon they won with low branches whch was sealed high up ovu tha ground with 00d vlow the cabin through ha protecting bouxhs After long time two men em out wllh hula pulled low over lhulr eyes Wullhnvetomnku It lomor row morning he Illls could hear one ol hum say No one ever come near this old shack anyway so llxure ll wlll be late to luvs It or night TO SHOW PAINTING OTTAWA CHImpressian st and contemporary works will be shown In comprehcn sive exhlhlflon Auslrlilan alnllnzs at the Nullanul Gal ery April lo May Ike gal lery announced Monday Also collecllan 111 drnwing by European uld mnslm wlll be It the chry here from April 11 In May 12 THE MYSTERIOUS MESSAGE LAST WEEKS ANSWER ay cm Thenlhéy neparglmj nnd wgpl oppouila way along ha nlh one handed to um comm or lhu arm Ihnl bordered on ma Morris property lhe nlher yards lha mad leading lnla awn agenda and Gull walled or half an hour more unul they wen perfectly um um nu one was Imund 11m they descend ed and enlmd cabln Everythan seemed he name More except um thu ashes recent in mm vlslbln the replace and Ihu small qun lingered In the air They tested the trunk to find that was Inckad Come on then well in In by the tunnel ml Brenda le They set on immedlalely or Ihu xnssy field lhuy walk ed lhey discussed the situation Brenda looked udawaya at Gull her eye lwlnkllruz Silly youn enjoying every mlnuLe mm Gall lrlcd to hold her and ex Emsslon but lulled and they olh Inulhed merrily They lull Urn toms and run acmss the Held Inward lha hill As they reached lhelr destina tion man sprang up mm the ground where hed bun mun and glared angrily It thcm dont know what theyre up la but dont like Gall decided shaking her head tob my Come on In my house Bren da Gail said may hurriedly Ml the Held and cllmbcd up bank In the med Wu can an out in the hay mow In the bum Ilwaye like to Me In the hay when have problem to IDlVD Whfl do you want ha do mnnded Dont you know lhl Erlvnlo property Go on scrum elm pull the canal Them was nothlnz that they could do before lhh menarlna figure but lam Brenda soon tound herself In the loll hlzh nbova the none lloor ol lhe stable The two llrll smlched out in lhn sweet smelllnx hay llslcnlnu dreamlly luv Ihall only Iha buglnnlna Your Volklwaaon dualr hcu avon morn wWIIOl look kn yovv no no uwa now far no having Volluwagcn Unlm you alnndy own one WWuwmfi war to the hushed Ionnd umund them We mus Into the cellr and dllcovnr who that object Brendaauld emphlllclly Then well probably know who the men no to They sold Ihnl there woul be no one there Ill night and doubt 11 the uuurd 11 he guard will stay In the field very long Could you meek on or your house lonluht eleven ocloeln know cmbecmsa we how on not the omen on yet and my bedroom on around luvel Its easy to slip out the win dow So we could meel nnd go on tho Held enter the tunnel and be eblu to explore tho col 11 yo do It So whats our next move Gull demanded Its wild Icfiéme hut it sound lenln Where lhl wt mum Ned weekx Midnuht uploh Ill MIGHT BE ONE YKAIMA Valh APlCln adn and the Unlled Slate would zaln bath economic and mllllary ndvanlm by becom lng one country In Amulcan lumber execullvu unld Monday Rub anplln pmldm the GeorilmPaclllc Corpora llnn annealed that the com hlncd nullun mlzhl arm cam mun market wllh England Australla Ind New Zuland NATURE STUDY Ask mother or lower lmm one or her home plants ll should be whlla or very llghl color wllh mm mm on ll You can as pleco ol leafy celary lnsleld ll llawer Isnt handy Place lhe slum end In Ills nl leave there lor uverll day We wlll dlscusa what happened and why it did lwo weak lrom now Thurs will be no Chlldrcna Comer next week because am 0an an hulldly So ood bye unlll Aprll 13 Ll PAvkmy 558 Uh Tfiarrte Examiner By EPEER JONES This year we urn once all to ma Easter story wa will discuss sum tech nlcnl as ch lncludlng the Im cullan Christs lamb Mark remlnds that Chrlsl was crucmed nn lha dny helm ha Jewish Sabbath or on lha day Preparallon This lmn meant that on that dn all tho cookan for mu Sahhnl had be dune The Subhth begun at Inn on Frlday and mended ulmnxh Saturday Alter Chris dled Joscph Arimnlhen naked Film at Illl body Pllnle could no qullo be lieve lhal Chrln wn dcad mdy Ind nsked he ccnlurlon or upon orhumble la ralule dcnlh by cruclllxlun nflcn look as long an our dayl Joscph was in hurry In tho body as soon posslhle or when aunscl came all work lncludlnu the acuvlly cl bury Inn Christwould have to be gulpendcd unlll after the Sub bath was Josephs own lamb Ihnt he nut Chrm In In lhoso dnyl lomhl wore ollon cul out cl ho nnlurul rock In tho manner that Jmphl wm lcnvlnl an mm In perhaps two eel wldo by our cal hlih Thll opening wnn usually Ion cd wllh rock In man at the bnac remov Ibln with ma cum mvcrnl men In lhnt othr hodlu could ha hurltd mm later there wu ollul room 103 nrao Christs Death Took Place On Day Before Jewish Sabbath Par yum tho local an lhls lamb In well III lhc localion Golxnlhu he 1qu crucl llxlon hnl hccn argued by Al Cnmmunlly Servch In Inc Inlnrul bum huntlnl WI wlll conducl FREE llurlnl Md Borvltc Cllnlc lo help um lhc hmlnl problem of wary nnl MI nm on tho nllnwlnl an Ind plum Pluu Imh 01 Du dun mm IIAHIHI Welllnlldn IMO Mad Infir MIDLAND vllln llml nmdu AMI It IIva mm 0mm hlmpllln Gunny Aw I1 km Mn EcriplunMuk nunum In bulletin for your hur lnun VNonudlowuh our nw EurAM hurlnl mm Invllu you do than on um um um mm Acousticon Hearing Aid Clinic ll II Mum pm or norm mm LE Acoustlcon 1mm but WEDNESDAY APRIL 10 INS1 FOLLOW THE DOTS THEN COLOR achoian The chlel dilflcully In establishing hi um appar ently he followers of Chrlst nits rightly turned their mm Ion nncr thu Resumclinn away mm the lamb Ind town the conllnulnx llvlnl presence of the Lord and tho work that was to be done There ls nolhlnz In the Inn nl lhe llm three centurle lhn lndlcnles Illa lhu mm was venerated in All Why Funhurmnru the lurbnenca Jerusalem in lhe yam alter the crudllxlnn lncludlnz ll nlcuo Ind caylura In yaan lalcr would Ml bu conduclve lhu prescrvallon ol lhe memory 01 the place especially Ilnce the Chrlsllans lhere rellred lo Fella balm the slag and It no cerlnln whelher any at the dllclplcs Returned an rg NEW YORK AP Anhur Godlrcy will be 50 on hll next birthday Aux ll Ho made hl bmadcastlnu debut ll almost ha preclu mcmtnl lhu lhxk mum Ika lo Ilart ha Grenl Depression ln IonInd has been Ininlully employed In rant mlmr plhonu andor camcm ever Ince II l0 well known lhul whm In Iha mldnl ol lho In Us pmldenlinl campaign polllnu orllnimllan lowed Iomu plcluru to um In of hu public he wn Idenm ed by 91 per centcomputed wllh per cent or vlco pmldcnl Richard leon Ind 71 per mm or Jam Kenrjcgiy2 Ho hnl Iccumulnlcd ammo lnrza tnoufh tu permil hlm In My two rplIneI drive Imund New York In chm lcurlllaud chluy malnlnln hundxomo mm In II huntinn Ihoollnu country of Vimlnla Ind llvu In In an aide Mnnhallnn nnIrlmtnl Ila buch quarler harm II hobby Ind Imlnl IIIumlno harm or drum uhlhlllunl nallhcr ncuvlllen wllhln lhu inIncInl ranch Ire Vllflll weltheulcd cucu In Arthur Godfrey Is Popular Stag Who Loves Television Business WANT IV HIIOW papulnr nclwnrk radio program whlch hep hlm buy our dlyl week but luvu hlm or Ian wukrndt and oven zlnbetrob llnl when ha lull Illa llplnu up mm Ihuwu In AdvMo Sound Hi In ldylllc ulnl Inn nul Arthur Godfrey km on bumln Imblom weekly lolovllnn Iav lhll Imlnm Mllned In Illr on to do shaw Id llkl In pulnrm bl lvo flu but my Inl ucur lho Imllinl Ed Sul llvlnf Godfrey lush murh younger than lhl moumlul Ivldcnu ul In ulendlr Ill lhlck hllr 10 humlnhad find at lublflh MI nth ll lllht Ind mm dnmlt Illlhl hélllllnn uuud by luulully palm hln In Him III ml of ll II undluulud IIAD HUME Ha look In um Mm lilo ll wn lha emperorCansrlan lhl Mm Ill man who MIMI has Ind loud In flu lul II yum which hm not boon Had In hlp owlHon hlp overHon Ind lwr 1an In undemnl mm In maul ol mm In mu lulu Im loo Md cl In iinu who made iha iirst con certed cifort la redlmvar tho lamb Newly convened in Chris lianlly between 825 and ILD he had Bllhop Macariun look iar the iii and commuted the Church oi ha Hoiy Sepuk chre over lhe supposed not To do so he had io tut down umpia to Venus eractod then by Hadrian about 135 AD About 2130 cat can oi lhil Mlcniul discovered ihru crosses one oi which up xedly had lhu power oi healnl lhe sick Over ihis Ipol Con iianilna uncud In oven amulet church polylonnl huiidinz with domed mi Boih of than original churchel an be seen in In Incilnl mu ml in Rome lludu Godfrey uyl loony But eel that you only so as much out life you put into It You had nothan to do with your blrlh and you unt conlrol he clrcumlluncu ol your denlh But you cm do tomcthlng about llvlul And the only My you turn make tho mas that predaul Um lo Krow 111 were at lonzevlly II pertormer Godlray fools ll mu nmoIl you want to 1m you have la grow Thll lllllo Icrceu ll mcrcllesx Ind ll you arent conslunlly morn lo lercslln nod lnlrliulny may no cwlll drop you rum OOLDZN TEXT Blessed be the God hr Father of our lard Jqu Christ By am mercy we havu been born new llvlnl hope lhmulh the urrecllon of Jun cmm mm the dead Peler CHICAGO AP 1111 About Shirlay Ellen Lee or fnlhcr Jnnm Ifllll ho wnltd nll Chlcnxn In know what uw clal Illllo llrl Ihu wu In Ilruck upnrlmcnl on March Ind Slujrlcy wan klllod Mm lhcu In been dannllnu all hll man and pos mslom lo chlrllnb humu lum lhm Shirley In unu um llvc on Ha nova thl munmum bulldlnl whm Um flu or curred And worm homo la lhc Lunmnm rch ol KIWL Mug pll In fihlvleyl memory pllced on ouch bulldln Ind another In 1h SI PM ad room 1110 plum uyl fihlllcy Ellen Memorlll Cl Immlhl III Men hrrn thn 01 lul Inquo In Fathers Love Keeps Memory Of His Girl In will luvs llvon Away nlmoA avmlhlnl mm mm ha me mm lo Lummn lmn amp Int mm he Ild Mm1 In IO or mu wmu mll on cl Ibo PINE Yum Elam lhmlenn hall in chlldm In mm fin Imldn mu whm flulvlcy Itch mgwgi flaw

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