ï¬gphqpaby Foods My mu Clflldl Babcs are our busHess our only busMoss 00m udvnnlnnu of Ccrbvr Cc um Imouln going or you and your lmby Gerber lluhy Cereals tuko tn milk or lormula In lush allr rymnothnm nuprexno in month llmtn lycrlmne In LIMA nbmrh he WM quickly onsin nml nvcnly Mont inwurlunt he cvrvnl mixlum sinus mamy amaolh lhruughout the ing Easy as 123 to mix Gerber baby cereals MW MONO Ill QUICKll Na crew members slt on heliconlcr ponloan while wal ching chunk or ice n11 up path cut across Whitefish Bay by Ike Canadlan Coast Guard iccbmaker Alexander Henry No act Ice cover the bay ICE CLOSES IN plumanlly bland lho wa hllblt uufrr lhrm lhvyru mnkwl by mirnliï¬mlly mnlmllml Imlluxl which Ilrrnkn down Marvin1 unnnum digmlihilim All um rllvichul with rpvrinl kind at tron ranin ulmrlml by buhlvs plum mlrium nml hnporlzml llvllmnhu Hire Con11 thl CutHI HUHLJ rky Mixtd CNN nml lrubeiu Cereal Fowl TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PAM near Saul Ste Marla at lhe east and of Lake Superior CP erephola Flavour uo gas BRAMan ET MAKES DISCOVERY TORONTO CPlA new sex chmmnsnmc ln lho cell slum lures cl lemalo blnl has been dlscnvered by hlgh school Al denllmm Burllnglpn Ont Au thorllle hulled the lindlngs all MunayAs en 20 Grade 13 student as lmpnrlam and said the discovery wlll mean law loglcal revulullnn The new chromosome transmlts Ihe in stlncl whlch lorces the bird to mlgmle when cerlnln lnllu ences such as humldily alr sla hlllly and ml are present MINISTER T0 WED KITCHENER CPLm Rlchard Bull 50 mlnlster nl clllzenshlp and lmmlgrhlinn delenlcd by leeral Lloyd Franck Ollawa am your local aulhovlwd Chevrolet deals mm NEWS IN BRIEF ï¬rst In sales ï¬rst In value ï¬rst In varlnly and sheer Iunlodrlvn appeal No wonder those are Canadas Iour most cxclllng cars Theres lhn beaulIIul Chovrolol Iirsl In Iullvslzu luxury with Jol5moolh rItIa no oIImr car In price range can mnchrl Or how about lho carolroo Chevy II IIm IhrlIIy Inmilyrslro cur lhat proves economy can be nxclllngl But perhaps youre Iooklng or porIyuolng car Ihon look no Iuthor than Ihu unlquo Corvnlr Its the sporty car that Inls the whole lamlly get In on the MM Want moroI Than Iry Ilru dramallc new CorvolIo Sllng WIicbmryoll Mom tho931m value Iim ggnqginniiihorolas lIMllED aum In sou Bonanza on Illa CBCTV network each Sunday Check your local Illa lor channal Ind lime MRS CASSXNI DIES NEW YORK AP Mn Charlene Caulnl 3a wllo ol soclcty columnlat Igor Casslnl died hlesday from an appan em overdose harbllurate police rgporled Her husband whn for years wrote the Cholly Knlckcrbocker column lor the Journal Amerlcan and other newspapers was Indicted on charges 01 Allin to reglxler deputy mnyur in Cuieion In mallederai election became am used Monday nizhi Mrs Ruth Rolphdun pl women of Rtnison College and lec turer in political science Ii Iho Universin of Waterloo They flan lo be married early in ny Your chmm mam clam Envoy and Chmolol ka bum NAME SKIPPER HALIFAX ChEilsworlh Coggin of neighboring Dart mouth has been named captain oLBiuenose ii replica oi the lumen racing schooner nnw under construclidn Luuen burg NS Capt Coggins tired navy dieuienanvcomman der inst year skippered tho Nnva Sculls built Bouniy foreign agentIm lhe Tndllia regime In the Dominican puhllc IMPOSE SURCHARGE WINNIPEG CHThe Unl versllwa Manitoba has an nounced surcharge wIlI be levied starting In 1963 an all Iludenu having repeat year In pres releasr the uni Verslly said the fee about one thlrd40f he normal nlllon or each cuumy will be lmplm menlcd the Imlverslly and alllualed cqllezcs WGHHIROLH Ray unequalled lor excilemenl and loaded wilh high pullovmanco noodles lo gladdcn the heavl ol any sporl car bulll But perhaps best of all the knowledge lhal no maller whlch Chevrolet you choose you can be sum 01 galllng lradlllonal Chevrolet value and cmllsmanshlpl So visll your Chovvolal Dealels OnoSlop Shopplng Cenlro loday and see Mr enllnly dlllmnl kinda ol exclllng Chevrolelsl Youll qulckly discover theyre nol only me lour mos culling can In Canada Ioday theyre 10 lawmosl In valun tool elMuAL Moron mu around the world to promote the movie Mutiny on the Bounty SHE WAS LOADED MONTREAL CPl Police said nrcsday two schoolboya who snatched the purse oi an elderly woman in hopes oi gei ting iew rioliare iound them selves with 5000 Victim or the snatchin was Mrs Alexis Li ard 75 Pollen quoted her as saying she did not realm she had so much money in her pursu when tho Loy took it Sat urday Police said Mre Liord lives alone in rooming house and is on pity reiieir RESEARCH PROMISING LONDON Reuters Two promising new maior lines oi research into the causes oi leu kemia were announced nresday by the Britishimpfllai Cancer Research Fund Research Di rector Dr Merriam um phosized that ii the research did Innnlmm puma WEDNESDAY mm In 1mm ro CHANGE cunnaucv VELLlNGTON Reuteral New Zealand wlll chanze lo declrnal currency ln 1967ona year alter Australia doesFl nanca llllulslcr Harry Lake aald In statement Issued today Ncw Zealand and Australla now use the Brltlah currency system ln whlcll 12 pennlea equals allllllna and 20 shllllnxs pound PLAN MEETING WINNle CWhe Calho llc Womens Dengue Canada holq Ilaput annual con mvul um cause ol leukemia it did no mean there was cureamund the corner PHONE PA 66527 milo START NEW PLANT FORT ARTHUR 0111129 new $250000 uwmlll Ind chlps plan here Is expected begin producllun in May 11 plnnl will employ up lo 40 work era mm unmteea main or All ll el Ind Shawn BARRIE SPORTS LTD Colflu 7K Nut