vl nun pmvlndnl sullyl mph Hull um My npemln pullllc All Ml wllh hll Infllnr Keflh who than 11 lull vldmy 1m yur In the 050m Immu nqnnl Tm II New Vorl Winlu mm Hm i1 Mm la Iwul ho mum Mlly lmlnc nuurd by Um an Inhmn Irlmmnuuh Inn Il rlghlh luv 11 inc hood Thumhly yuylnj Ill lulmquenl no Int Ilwwml drug mm mm luan lmu mm TORONTO ll Ilrlvcr Smr Murray Nam nl uldwaltn On MI nllmulrd lur llflfl Thumby nlglll Illrr In lnml lullvn Inlo flu lluplnu nl Um hourr Mary Imlm nl Grrenwogxl Hunvluy 11m ilnnln lumped all In so Irad Ilvuulun CcpnlnA hmnrr In Ir mm nmmd Um Inning nml Sunlunl mum hnmc luo mm In lhl mmc In nlnxv Wills who Alulc we base lusl lemon mid before he xnmn he hull Ixrum unrrhd about hln Ivy and hnd none la hypnollsl durlnx the whim la lry to gel he warriu nfl MI mind ils npparcnlly hurl he nnklc in Hue lhlrd nnln1 when he was lluruwn uul nl ll plnln an duuhlu Nay Ilryululc xmc up hlln but will hrlptd by lhrce douth pllym Thu Dmlgm broke II In the Hun when Villle Inle trlplul and cum on bulk by yllrhrr Lnrry Jnrkmn Mile Mn MEMHIIrn lrrd lhu Rum wllh IMMun double In mm mm The Dadncr virlnry may have bun mslly Slmrlslap Maury Wills the lrnnuea mosl vnlu nblc plnynr last year loll nflcr llu nlxlh nnlnx with Jummcd Ml unkle and was douhlful unrlcr for min lame wilh lhe Cuhn Jack Sanlard who had 14 wins in 1902 got the victory hr San Frnnclsca Giant us While Mnyl Orlando Ccpcdn Felipe Mon and Willie McCovcy hom cred or he Glnnl In rump lamina Hauslon Calls An Muhnflcy wllh 19 wms lasl year set down Cinclnnull Red on our hit or PM Idplphha Phllllc Pittsburgh Fl who dropped the nnnunl dnynhcad npcner Monday at Cinclnnull In In Reds had 32 victory aver Milwaukee Brnvu quupmg By JIM BECKER Asmclmd Prus Span in earnest Tuesday anal ms were the results on the ï¬rst lull day action And flew York Mm with losses In your were blanked 74ly Sl Louis CnrdinnlL The Nalional League baseball chase gpt undgruwuy Don Drysdale 751mm win ner lasl yur won for Lox An Kclcs Dodgers over Chicazn Cubs Murray Waples Is Suspended made him shoal or 15 min me until he go 11nd shoot ing It may have helped Ionighl but dont think so He was just dug Nevin quietly accepting cam ratulnlions nfler Ihc game showed no vlsihle cxcltcment al though he didnt get point in lhc hears Iivegnmc scmHinnl mics against Montreal Cuna diens Talking Mums cxlrn shooting drlll Imlach snld ha was glad In sec Nevin gel lho nun because had been glv mg Mm ghe blues All was not sunshine or 1h Lents Dctmll dcfnnccmnn Bill Gndsby checked lcfl winger Frank Mnhnvlich In the lrst pr nnd and he Lents big gun wan to hospilnl with knee Injury The extent at his Injury or how long he mlght be ant was not In be knuwn unlil jnlpr lodny Luuls mnnngcrmach Punch Ianch kept Nevin ufler cius at prelicc session Monday orderlng the lean right winger lo shuotpucks the not hr 15 minutes slralghl Imlnch was unhappy uvcr Nevins lack 1qu producllnnln recent games Tuesday nigh Nevin won least an Inkrim diploma lirng runmlus lhird and fourth goals as they dumped the Red Wings in he opener of the best nIscvcn series Dick Duflalsn smrcd twice or Leafs Vlngsrlcll winger Larry ch my mulchcd their shnwing counting both Delmil goals BIG IIURT TORONTO CPI Some ex Im homework nnpnrenlly laugh Bub Nevin gem nnbll Ihul helped shooklomnlo Maple Leaf into onegame lead In lheir Stanley Cup ï¬nal ngalnsk Delmil Red Wings Tuesday nighL So What Else Is New Dodgers Giants Win Leafs Had More 2s Trip Red Wings 42 Ive been gelling lots or Span erler Joey Jay zIu lust season gave up ï¬ve hits In lhu seven Inning he worhud Three sin glcs with Don Dcmelnrs com Ing with two out scored the its Phillie run 11 III Inurlh In he slel John Cnlllson doubled and scared whcnCin clnnnll ï¬rst baseman GDrdie Colcmnh It dnuhlcplny rclny throw gel through him fur an CITDI Thu Mcls Ihn wursl lulh plucc team In history lnsl your umblcd he Hill In lho Held and Mn woeful at Ernie Sanlord dcparlchn lhe sixth aflcr giving up lhrcc slraighl singles Jack Fisher pltched hil lcss relief MnhnflLy hnrdIhrowi righthandy hnd lwnhn shutout going Into lhe ninth Frnnk Robinsun opened that In nlng or the Red with single and mud tn second on groundoul Robinson when calchcr John Edwards smashed line double ENQS 1m GAME Mnhnfloy he struck oul Gene Frccsc and rookie lnm Harper to and Ike game chances but may just havent been going in he sai To night they just went in Du who scored his gnals 19 seconds nparl he ï¬rst when the game was only 49 second uld had similar rcmatks Heck ilr 11 law goals had gone in or me like Ith cnrlicr NOT ALL 50 EASY 5mm JOHNNY Bower at Toronto Maple Leafs flanked by Larry Jtflrey and CUT ROSTER CINCINNATI AP Cincin nnu Hod cut lhcir mm In 21 players Tucsdny by sending cnlchLr Don anlcllch In their San Dingo Inrm lcam In the P1 rifle Coast League on 24hour recall The move let me Red wilh lhrw catchersJohn Ed wards qu Gender and Hank Foich newcomer third baseman Bub Bailey whose bonus has been osumnled In the 3175000 urea sparkled for the Pirates Ik hlt humor and crucial single The Pirates wnn In the ninlll nll reliever Bah llcndley when Bill Vlrdan singled with two out and Dallcy beat out slow roller for hit Then plnch hillcr Ted Savage muck Illa wlnning blow slnglc Elnoy Fact who pllchcd on 01 hamsloaded noncoul lnm In the nlnlh gut the win In rcllul Bmglla set Ihcm down with lwn hlts Larry Burright got both single In he first Inning and double in he ninth Hrogllo rcllrcd 10 Mel in raw Du credited dclcnslve mly me by Detroit for his goals 0n the first one Doug Barkley left the puck long the boards and Davey Kcon led It ahead In me snld Du whn bum Dc lrnil goaltender Terry Sawchuk with 30mm shot on the play would huvi had 25 or 35 over pge season he said He had Floyd Smilh 17 of Detroit Red Wings doc ballet type step as heslops Red Wing At 805 Le co man Dob Bunn In the penalty box Gnrdlo Hnwe put Jclfmy In the clear wllh pcrleck pass and gho win or mi 13100 Jamex who soared one goal In Detroits semiï¬nal against Chicago Bnck Hawks gal both In gonl in he scwnd period Tomnlo gonllcndcr Johnny Bower stopped long shot by Jeffrey wlth his skaln but the puck dropped to ho Ice between his legs Before In could 5pm Rummy palgegi Inle n19 not chiï¬ scar his second goal at 508 of he hlrd period steering Bob Pullonl long that under alllnx Snwchuk Nevin mndc It 30 at 1142 at me first period with some assis lnnce ram anomcr Delmil de lencemnn bad buy Howls Young Vilh Lcnls Tlm Horton in lhe pcnnlly box Nevin mm the puck mm between Younxa sknlns cu in un SaWchuk ram hr Ion side and heal him from close in Barkley also got Bulls thanks for tho second gun at ma He just handed it to me at heir blueline and flipped it beneath Snwchuka glovp cqsuEs own nanovrm attack In the second period the ï¬rst game or the Stanley Cup inn series In Toronla last night CF ercpholo you inuy be lodklng hr now our shop Hm TOMORROW DANGERFIELD MOTORS lnlnml puvthnnr aavlnl lmmlnim lith Humr um hulk Mn Anndml TORONTO CPFrnnk Mn hovllch nursing adnmagcd knee todaybut he wont re culve any zehwell cards mm sub old guy named Bill Gn shy Mnhuvllch collided wilh Gad Lhy lhc first period Tuesday night as Toronto anlo Lent Nmned Dennu Red Wings 42 In the opening game or the Stanley Cup finals Later In lhe Detroit dressing mom Gndsby was told thnl Ma hnvllch has been lost In lha Leafs veerhaps or lhn rest the series Tao damn had said he 11v year veteran deiencemnn mfle crenxlng his battlescarred ace gave him good clean checkWilli my knee Our knees SCREEN FENCES mm Prank swam Get rBlessiï¬gsv FgomDetroits Billtï¬adsby All Huvrr mm In pronlannnl lu uvv you llmu am money Hlmply menu ywr lul rhno hm dulxn aml plum Ilenvrr In mlnulu ynull Lnuw lhl mu Nllhlnl all II Trnnl III Mnnlh Mx Monlh mlmrd llympnl lhlo Nolhlnl Down AI mil III Smart trim and practical ha 11 20 single ur Cadet is delivered complete ready to tPsy In follow plan all stud and raflcn pre cul lqspegd the MI ururm mum mum IL HI II III IL PHONE HAVE FOR HT FREE MHMATH BASEMENT mum mun Iinmedlale dcllvcry or later dollvery at your convenience Gel Ingmar wllh your nelghbours and save on quantity prqaeasnn onions This otter ends April 301k Forledclixlénlfluxm Tillthe nave lenclnt phonéoi vlsll Buver Dumber FEESEASON FENCING ORDERS OF 100 FT OR MORE RECEIVE 10 DISCOUNT mnon IM 10 OFF $219 WINDOW UNITS FOR PRIVACY HAVE PRIVACY THIS SUMMER CADET GARAGE 75 WOOD FENCING IMTII IIIAu muon mllnn ucllon mr nd gave twist Nu IMPIIESSED lheVWings whn are used to wkhr rmehncks didnt sound like lasers mun attracting mast uh tentlon in the Len mom was llu Dick 9qu who scored two goals with 15 seconds Ihc second at qt thenï¬rstpcrlfld thug nld qushy Looking at the circle of re porters gathered wound hlm Dull said you Icllnws must bu louklng for someone else Dulf grlniad It lhef had snarled taming my way like lhn earlier In Ihe year would hula hï¬d 30 mm Toronto coach Punch Imr wurrled when Dclralt fought back In the mend period hm Good vuurul wmrn kerl rmul mnumdlnm $89 PK It UTILITY 45 udlnn II ll mm II Bu ylmntd lemon Hula the work at Eddie Shack lha rambunclluus winger who was usmgne check Julrulls great Gordie Hnwc IIITHE BARN EXAMINER lInwc wlm admlllcd he hadnt piluycd well managed ï¬ne as didnt mullcr 10 thlher hunk or Mnhnvllch an up watching Howe said CPL But chuck did good Job lonlght so guess Ill keep ll lhis wny hummus mum mumxead ma revivn lhn Hnwcsmmk cud which 591mg the hack was with New York Rangers Hnwe mil there are players he mlrcs more than chulllem die In Ihe Delrnll mom young Larry Ieflrcy sent In lhe min on lwlco lhis year but recalled or he plnynfls was mm Iha hagpler Red Vngs IIWOOL BATߢ In In 10 unom Md nylon I17 BRADFORD ST lATTfl FREE um man In In In In Alphlll Imprrlulrd VIII Sherl WATEKPROOF AND DECORATE MASONRY SURFACE CONCRETE ARDENEB um ï¬ndï¬ncr ugd ï¬nish In one up An easy to use low cost com on mummy m5 hlnnuon ï¬ller and ï¬nisher Ior dusmm dump mm ammo Mock Jun Insunz linlsh In basement brush II on Six lultl Dmmlnr Colour 995 Colour 950 Sclecllon Ind Vhlla He wore helmet because at llrllhh any new vlh ch Ilnn Illnllnf luvt ptlm on Ill lar mummy nnler nuw GALVANIZED STEEL ROOFING Or More INSULATION TEN TEST SHEATHING 92591éiisnesm 15 as lb ylll RESILACRETE Fl llva mmuuwrllvlug InnInn uumm lulu Inllnl lru klll at Humr vllll plum Ed 0UTDIN LIVINH MMl KIN WEDNESDAY APRIL 10 concussion sumred in 11 an vamc the semiJlnul ngnlnsl Chimuu mu todny huu strep hrum ml had to shnl rcnlcllll Hewitt uhlnxm scmd both Dclmil gnals InliurqnIed 1m he For Bu Eclecllon Shop In 25 human FEE6m Beaver Velve 1000 pm finished velvet while more than 1000 sound absorbing mlcm perforations per we CARLOAD SAVING Tongue and Kronvcd Carton Iol only Coverage Sq in It Prellnlshnd Illl wan lLIn darn IHI lonluo mx lmved CID mn lou only nanrdl lo and 12 width nod xcncrnl purposn undo Fireprool gypsum lhlck ncsl prcflnlshnd grains easy to handle and apply CARLOAD SAVING ftMany 12m to iq wooos TENTS OFF ON ALL TENTS ORDERED NOW curry évcrYlhlng II we camper at THE MANS SHOP BARRIE GOVT SURPLUS Mlnuldurerl Clenncu EXAAIINIJH WAN1 ADS PHONE PA um PINE BARN BOARDS TVE 36 ACCOUSTICAL canch TILE PREFINISHED wooncmmzn PANELLING ATIN COTE NEWI lr 7M um $0 95 Sq Ft GAL 98 cflrcy Dr