imdï¬i ll Wrmrr Dlnlrlrl 500 yrlnry Tmuurcr mmpllmcm rd our 5mm mu Trcnuur In on lhclr emc rncy in ner lrnuthy Mulnmnulnn lho nmmlnn Vnmrnn Imll lulu WM pmldul by Mn Mr Vlllo MID MIIIIHI by ho umlary Mu mm UHINHKR HICKNIUN llminru Hrml lnrlmlnl NM or MIN nncrr Surlrly sponmr ulylltl lhnmxh IWIO hm Ilnrn llhlrdnllu mm fanIn Packnn Lnlwh Athlevrmrnl Day May ll ll Illflu mu lur peace lrnllru hlllcl nomlnrrl Icll llll Amllx many Tnauum Unlo lnrlo mdo Crusndu whrn all Cnnndlnn nods wrru urml nl Ihn lmnqufl hrld In lho Cun Idl Room 0an York Toronla we lhousnnd lmllu wn Izhlluhl cl lhrlr winter ntllv illrl Thll own mused nll unndlnn loath map Ind buy anndlnn and make morn rm rlnymrnl lnr Cnnndlnm Mn ll Wrmrr Dhlrlrl Sm Tho EmIgranl organ num born by Mrs Bill Sierps and mmmcnu on the mono Vnrld Ilalm are our nffnlrs were xlvcn by Mar George Holt Comparisnns warn made he Iwcen what we are prcschy do and Iulure propnsI llnns parllcuIany pnr lnlns In Womens Institute ncIr ivllles Thu mIl call was answered by current cvcnI pcrlnlnlnl Io ha UN or Inlcmnllonnl al 111111 whlch added Impclu In the theme he mncllnx Idld the Incl lhnl lho hoslrss new CanndInn Mn mu sjcrps DISTRICT PRESIDENT Mn Allnn Todd 50th SIm jma murm ProsIdtnl hrauxhl artulna Irom he Dlxlrlcl and old ux he Ilnnrd McclInz khaIrtd by Mrs Vlclor OIIrIcn when cnnlncu wnro made an jug Harm gs lhu Iund AhMI Mrs Enrl Cunningham chalrcd the program nsslsted by Mrs Ivan Maw whu spoka on The Black Muslim or US group WTLD rcrrymln segregner Segrcgauun seemed to be an opporlune topic for he Cilizcn ship Commlllce to choose since Ihe recent controversy aver the dismissal of Nrgru tenor mm the Olluwa Sweet Adelines bc causa bylaw of the Inten nallonn body The ladle continued tlIelr ml rlun eludy The Rim Aslu For lhls mectlug Mrs Jacobs Mrs Short and Mrs Putt chose the Island at Tulwun or Formosa lt ls about three llmes the slze Vancouver Island and has populnllun of 11000000 people lhls Island has year ground warm temperature but vxpcrlences Iyphoous lust cause great loss at lllc and property Tulwau has been seltled by number at people fleeing the dlsardeu al lhelr homeland and The March meeting of Wesl mlnster Presbylerlan Church Womens gmup was held at lho home of mm Mucfhersnn Steal Stret President Mrs Bunldgc presided Mrs MacPhersan was planlst Mrs Murray and Mn Sum mer conducted devauuns 01 lerlng was lnken by Mrs Jacob and dedicated by Mrs CHnnIdgu Discuss Segregation At Session 0f Thornton Womens Institute Rim Of Asia Studied At Mission Meeting Ellwood Madlu And his wits were given reception and Complete Appliance Service Dopol TONYS APPLIANCE Ind SERVICE PA 642 RECEPTION HELD FOR ELLWOOD MADILL Nu membm and while will lm wtlcumo nuum The Malian hnxlcsm nr um April In owning mctllnx will be Mu Spancrr Mn Dnllon nnnlln Mu Ulll Sjcrlu Mill Mn Thomas All canvcï¬cra 5m rem ndm to bring mnvtncr hlslory banks In um on la the new convenm Tho ncxl mccunz will he he elccllnn of olllcm with full re porll from all the tommillccx Ivan an wlll be the hou Uscd nuclan cards and stamp needed ur Damul Shollmd Workshop Tl ELEW OFFICERS Thu roll cnll will he Joln aunln and pay your lens Each mnmbnr was asked lo brinfl two recipes only one In be take or cocklcs la the next mccllnx fur lhe special Cook nook cdillon of The unrrle Ex nmlncr Mrs George of will pruvlde The nnrrlc Examiner with Iormnllon or he speclnl an mgnl Club Edlllon Mrs Jonncll president swimmlng classes asked for assismncu from molhcrs Slnndlnl Cnmmillccu mccllng wlll be held April at lhe home oi Mrs Dlxnn Three bylaws were adopted on lhe second rcndlng crs Conference In Guelph re port Jack Hood lunch April wedding cummillee nominallans committee nominee shock or members Insurance on Park Booth Euchrns to end March Cookslown Red Crass prop usillon Iha people have rcmninéd in separated groups with each wave of newcomers iorcing its predecessors into some less de sirnbie aren There um our dli ierent pennies in Taiwan The Mountain pcopie the Iinidm the lilainianders and the anunese lhere are many Iaith Buddh ism Confucianism Muslim Shintaism etc Christianity has become tho dominant faith in Taiwan based on the quality oi Christian living the deepening oi Christian faith and he widen ing oi Christinn vision There are about 14 Protestant denom inations in Taiwan since the war About lwothirds oi the Presby terian Church in Formosa are Formosans or Taiwanese that is Chinese who speak the Army dluioct the remainder are from lhe tribes in the north and west of the isinnd The need is or Christian Education Workers kindcrxurlen teachers and train Wlw RHYIHM wilh aBfl BEAU ten so that friends could didnle Over 50 attended meet um Conservative can the home of Mrs 1y Trotter YODAY ONLYI Twlu Around Dlflodlll Mu Ind PLAY COOL We Hunk Reid JABC School In Camp Borden nnd mldtnt ol Alllslan Ion Thum dny momlni for Calgary Allu where he will allcnd re unlon lhu Lord Slrnlhcann Horse bclnz held In memory lho Battle at Muml Wood 1an rttordcd cnvnlry charms of KM unIL W0 ncld Vcl unol 1h Dnllll of Mum Mr and Mn Harold Cm cnddcn Slnyncr were mid week guests at he home Mr and Mrs Alan Swan Vlclarin SL West Friends 01 W0 kn Ham elln will be sorry to learn that he was hospilnllzcd on WedncsA day for severe stomach nil man ALLISION SOCIAL NOTES Fnlher Schwalm St Paull Parith has glumcd hqmo nllcr may In venson Memorial Husplla where he was hospital Ixcd allowan mild hem so are He Is recuperating nicely Following lhn sludy he ladle enjoyed relruthenl served by the hoslcma Mrs MncPher ion and Mn sznslde The April meeting will he held at the home Mn Murray nu nun 75 Name sum The Presbyterian Church also supports hostel near many at the government universities uhum Christian students may live togethzr In spite oi the great growth made in the Chris tian church in Formosa there is still much to be doner ed lay minister Tho Mission Council oi the Preshylcrlan Church Formosa consists oi all those missionaries whose church boards have put their Formosan resources under the nontroi oi the Formosan Assem bly in his mission Council are missionaries of the Presbyter ion Church in Canndn Presby lerlnn church or Englandlhe Reformed Church oi America and the United Presbyterian Church of USA There are rever ni theologlcni colleges Bible schools and hospitals THIS WEEKI BUSINESS ADMINIHRMION Sunday 4pm Channel SMELL on COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED ALLISTOIF SOCIAL NOTES Wakh mondary khool Indian 900 lbs inch on lldllll nl tum lrom pmlnml pmhulonnlu sum SUNDAY niTnlecllor nlllccn was conduclnd by Mrs Evans Thu alnlc la lollowl Pmldcnl Mrs Allan Brown Vlcepml dcnl Mrs Lorne llnndy Sec mnryrcasurcn Mrs Mark Smnnxlo aulslunt Mu llnrry Vrlglll Dlmlcl dlrcclor Mrs Gordn Jory Convnnm Alan ding commlllcu Agriculture and Cnnudlun lndunlrlu lllrl Wllllnm Mulane lllxlorlcnl Re search Mu llnrry Vrlghl llomo cconamlc and health Mn Clnrcncn Brown Clllzen xhlp and education MrL Tum Coward Puhllc relnllans all lccr Mrl Slnn Wnlson Audll on Mrs Clnrtnco Brown and Mn Lorna Jury Fallowln tho elccllnnl Mn Evans lcll Ihe member wllh ml Ihouxhl ll wa work hard lour lmlllulc we become Mn nruwn Introduch Mrs Sum Evans president 01 East Slmcoa dislrlct Mn Evnnl spoke on he obllnugnn to In nIlule work and rcmlnded member of the DLstricl Annual to be held at Wuhago May 51313 pr onIcans report of the Hndlnxs at the speclnl Farm Forum hand can or Womenl Institutes was given by Mrs Mark Sponuglz Tha presldenl Mrs Allnn Brown called lho meeting to ordar wllh Illa Inslltula Ode The March meeting oi Dalston Womens institute was held at the hum of Mrs Stnn Watson with 14 member and seven vi ier attending the potluck din ner preceding this medium Dalston WI PotLuck Dinner Precedes Election 0f Officers momflgn qu WELLAND Mrl Welsman who has been vlslllng with her daughter and aonInlaw Cpl and Mrs Melville matured In Welland March to visit her ulster and Mn and Mrs Hem of tho RC5 ol of Saskatche wan mm motored wllh SgL and Mn Murdock of 15th Street to London Ontario dur lnz the weekend to attend he Sport Meet with the RCR next While there they also vlslled Sgt and Mrs Campbell of London Mimi 5130515 mm The hair wishes Si is Auxll my members wlIl fallow Mu Dean with the hope she will be returning to visit us another tlma Picture oi Mn Dean culling her unwell cake and opening her gilt will be among the nou venln she will be taking homo Mn Betty Murray President on behalf of the Auxiliary mud premmuon brooch in the Ahnpa oi silver Maple lea with the Medical Corp crest assuming lhcake Mrs Dunn mother Sgt Dixie Dean has been visiting her Ion and lnmlly and will soon returnhome to England The guest of honor was pleasantly surprired when she was invited to sit at the centre of the head table which was envered with lace tablecloth bowl cl lowers and silver candiebra Don decorated cake with large green maple lea and centered ll with the Medlcal Corps crest lhl calm we later the place de reslslance of beauulully served farewell su per lnhannr Mn Eml Dgan 1115 March muting 01 the CFMSN Ladles Auxiliary was an merly awaited evening when the member wluremd the darnonslrann ol Icing and cake decorating by master chef Sgt DarrVan Richter WWW MilMM 9MP BORDENVSOCIAL NOTES cumn ixiri MEI WANTS QUIT DUBLIN AP Kim Novak was Ieporm today In have oh lend ta qul her mlo mm mm Human Bondage which Is running Into producllnn mags here Elizabeth Taylor is said In have been Invited to take over tho part Mm Sponngla was damned la allend lha Guelph conference or secretarytreasurers to be held In Juan Thu next meellng will be held April la the homo or Mrs Tom Coward Roll call wlll be payment of Ice and My 11m redullan Thinking Day Parly was held by he pack wllh guests lncludlng District Commissioner Mm Dungurand apd mothers better homemaker and better clflzens Cpl and Mrs Melville and lamlly Moro Loop motored to Welland to vlslt tho latterl mother Mul Welsman and uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Beaumont at the weekend Cab Glyn Melvllln remalned wllh her grandmother Mrs Welsman tlll Easter Holldayx we Monday ulth all went over ï¬o the Alt Force where the Anny Ladle ellll nuanaged lo squeeze through to lake the Intel plnc all by hm 12 plnn Wlth over 80000 plns to each eldas credll ll we very close and excl lnz llnlsh Hen14mm Enrrla Sports Ltd donated lhn hand some Inth whlch will be com pared fur annually Later social hour lunch was served and Jlm Harrie made the res enlallon to Mrs Alma Ml uln Kendal of the Army Ledlen egue Congratulations to Mrs Lenl Buck president of the Alr Force League or organlxlnz the cum men and bll thanks to her commlllee or the dellclous lunch served In the Soclal Cen tre Prlzee or hlgh single game went to Grela Ross Army Dob een Pelllson Alrlorce ngh trlplee lo Doreen Famnm and Rev James All In all lot ol tun whlch we will be looklng lorwerd lo nqxl year M9101 Iqwamnn We unload and unpack them In an curoiuliy an packnd um put anything whm you want It Io you can man living again Human and rlende In Waln fleetJ LADIES BOWLING LEAGUE man umer end enley able tournament we held no cenlly when the Air Force La dles Bowling league chlllenzed Ihe Army Ladies Twelve lenme mm each elda pulldpnled Af ler Sundayl iameelhe Army Ledlee were ahead by De nine be lh alleys juglam mfg andMrI END OF THE JOURNEY YOUR EFFECTS ARE HOMEI Aha Iho usual openlnguil thrl in II world In you golng non Chant 223 Wllllnlton El nmumunvn Arthur Johnllon 15 Shirley Ammo LONDON Reuters Ran doiph Churchill said hem Fri day he had accepted an invita tion from President Kennedy to attend the Whit House cere mony coniarring honorary United sum citizenshi ncxt mexdny on his father Wln lion Churchill Randolph Chur chill journalist Ind writer will leave here or Washington Sunday with his nyeawld Ion Winston who will also mud tho ceremony uni lnu each girl ill candle for Brown lea oi the country which each rerrmnicd The girl told eomo thug oi interest about each oi these countries Proficiency Badger were preeenied to the allowing Franklyn Arhuckle House Orderly Swimmer Del ornh Moiiet Home Orderly Collector Eleanor Olleon Don clog Collector Ann Wnlarek Dunclnz Collector Simona Chev pui Skater Sheiln Stuart Slmier Colleen Weddell Sku ier Fem Doon Swimmerr Eihel Nnughler was enrolled on March 20th and Debbie Scott and Guy Slat received their Golden Bar Canned Apple tuice and to mato Juice are abundant and 11an turntable prices compared with other Juices The department my bmller chicken all the molt new mini meet wflh good supplies Available Heavy weigh turkeyl plenulul at attractive prices The seasonal peek In on xuppflu not expected to be qu met In last you with the maul that prices may be up law cents dozen but sun at the low pain the semen toward the end of April UllAWA CPY Hanu ba con broiler chldxena and hm key wlll be plenum Ind amm mlcal on the Euler market the agriculture mt Inld Wednesday In monthly food outlook mm mm BANNER IATUBDAYAPRIL 1968 Broiler Chickéns Economical Fare The Mutual Life ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA The company with the outstanding dividend record It youre like most people you buy lite insurance for family protection But your policies are sound Investments as well when theyre the cash valuekind Mutual Life policyholders enjoy steady increases tn the guaranteed values of their policies plus unsurpassed dividends Check the advantages ot the Mutual way to guaranteed savings and protection Call the man trom Mutual Lite today PA 2308 3m moo gird Ind CONDUCTS AJIEST WASHINGTON AP An underground nuclear test was conducted Friday by Ira US Atomic Energy Commission ll Nevada 5119 run mm gméfï¬iwi FoaluraShawn II 410 645 910 pm mo um wn nauama Ina nroalaal snow ml In snow nuslnass TECHNICOLOR lAST TIMES TONIGHT see 73 The Mutual Life is paying higher dividends again this year when CIWth 81 SM 8M Dun rimi ML llmlu ï¬ï¬ï¬‚flaï¬ Téchnicoloawmm IQQIHACHE narwuu In Hi in v11 juiujnum nu mm um um mm 1n was cm