Is BirthsOf =Marina Holding an ofllcc in the local unlan aulomallcully makes hlm delcgula In Central Onlnria lDlsuicl Council The council has xix anilian local Ind he was elected lren purer In 1967 He Itlll holds Hm ofllce ln Seplember 1957 he was made buxlnm rcprcscmalive flhu councIL Dld anyone ever notice lhe earth and stone breakwater an the west and the bay lo appuently few questions have been raised about it But there has been nelsa emanatlnz tram citizens about the heml tilul park that Is supposed to trace the southwestern end the bay to the tune that it llnt there Well of yesterday Iour pl capable gfntqorlng125 anure Act in stuntways Ind cunnclk andyharbnr commlunn seem Io act 1n gushanger waya capable of mooring 125 and praiecflng hem tram Derrick Manson was born in Plymouth England and educat ed in Scotland H1 lather wag leldinl lnrpedn man In lhe Royal Navy and Ihls accounts for hl being born in Plymouth where his alher was slalloned He attended school at the Mr Acldemy In Scotland and lull school Io tome In Canada ln ON FARM Am in lha Bradtard am When his molher and slslcr came out In Canada In Oclobcr cl 1h um year they selllEd on farm near Barrio Darrick slnrled doing carpen ler work in the summer 1919 Ind joined Carpenters Uniun Mai 280 in 195 He becama rcmrdlng sccrclnry In 1955 and financial secretary in 1957 He Itlll holds that office In 1954 he was made pres dent of lhe Ban1e Labor Council Ind held that pomlon unul 1962 Ind lhen served sccrclary Ha now vlceAprcsldcnl Mrrillvd molhrr um um only Apparent wNMu lo hrr nlnMrmld dnuflmrn mm Wtdnudy Illflmn In Tlny In Tiny Twp Th ls eumh In min lrllcln on um undi dnlu in flu orthmmlnx elecllnn Thll Ifllcle nboul Dmick Mnnnm New Dem ocnlle Plfly candldale qr Duflzrlnélmcoe DERRICK MANSON NDP Fgrmer Carpenter Is Strong In Union Cnllcclive bargaining process of the nmr fulurc wlll have In include grcacr mapcrnllon he mean management and lnbnr in lhe ï¬eld lnnlning nnd relraln my programs so mm the skills our people cnn ndcqunlnly meet lhe challenge nl tuchnnlm Eicnl clinan which brim new synthetic mnlcrlnls lnlo lhu con slmcllon Industry vicious weather werencartn completion That earth break water will mnke the area HR lagoon so any clty officials Vlctur Htggtnson superm Iendcnt tar Lake Simeon min tcnnnce Services the construc Ilon company contracted to con struct the marlnn sald We were bit late In starting the work due tn Ihn temporary Inst of nur piles somewhcm between here and Ottawa To dale 4m pile have been driven inln um bay heel some 30 feel lnnflr and some 15 Ice long and almost all thy Derrlck hogan lo uh keen Interest in labor nflalrs In 1951 and joined local mo of the Cnrpcnters Unlon that year which was the year It was founded In this arca He says hls patron Salnt Eugene Debs who wax ccntrgl ligure tn ofganlzhlg He says hls pnlron Salnl Eugene Debs who wax central ï¬gure in organlzlng American railway wnrkcrs He was membnr of Ihe Michlgnn Legislature and ran for presl den the United Stale an lnbnr llckel drawing more than mllllnn voles Dcrrlcka polltlcal lnlcrcst was motivated by John Lewls stand that labor could do only so much for itself through col lcctlve bargaining He believes that the benefits urganlzcd lubol gets through collccllvo hargaln ing should he shared by all the workers In the country and lhls should be brought about through pollllcnl legislallun He ran as provincinl candidalc or lhc CCF in 1959 in Sin1cm Centre He says This was my apprcnllcuship In lho pulillcal arenm Dcrrirk says The gnlns made by nrganizcd labor while Hwy have brought carpcnlm am up ram an amaze of $115 an hour ln SLED an hour mm 1951 In the prnscnl arc nal enough FOLLOWS JOHN Atmrdmg 1n Elmmle OPP Tumlnhln Ilulm If Imm nthnul hm hm hm slMlml II muvr Mlcn Hunmkllo Chm lirn Mrpprd mil lbchhul ll um um muck Ixy 11 mm Irhcn hy Myrarold Mnrllal Form HI lrnclnnu 11m nrcwrnl nmnml nn PALM BREEZE Vuy um NAVY RUM om pllu at least lilee into the water hed Tim plles wars driven through lunr eat 01 Ice In February using 1000 pound pile drlv er which could break through that Ice in matter eight to 10 seconds uld MLHlflhr son What vlsihle now seem ed to be dlsornniud at nm glance but upon Ippronching dellnlle pattern 01 plerurakel place quickly Secretary at he HubbrCom mission Lhyd Paflddze said the cnmmlsslnn but been work lug an plans to II In this end of the bay for many years and He member Barrie and Dislrlc Winter Employment nmpaign Commmce He was appointed by Mayor Cooke to represent the Barrie thar Council lo the Maynrs Commmee to seek coordlnulor for the rolulnlng of unemployed under the Prov Ince o1 Ontarios Program SPARE EIADE In my omnmn Canada 15 now polillcal maturity whlch demands pollllciansv to give black and whlla answmjn black and whne questions when party present program he people at lcc tlon time the lens lhe people should expch that when lhal party form government lu program wlll be pul lnln nllecl Ilrr parent am Mr and Mn rmn Chrnllrn Illl Penn lnnz Accunllnn to police her lmlhtr was wnlllng hr her mm lho mad uiwn llu Incid rnl nmlrrrd DERRICK MANSON WHIIE CAP WII Ona thing or aspect of the mnrlna um should be al inlet est la laxplym It will not only my forms In aimosl ï¬ve years but then lhe maxInn will produc revenue or the ally said Mr Partridge and Mr Huglnsang As mentlnned oiten ln ha pm and expounded by the mm radio and television about $60000 has been annealed for this end of the marina Skin divers will be called in in in operation soon ma ice give way Tim nnly thing holding iha piers irom swaying now laid Mr Higginson the Ice thn that melts ihe divers will he nailing crusa beam and crossban under the rupture Along Ihe shore line 20 lee ill will he used In some place and less In nlhers to grass ln lhe entlre ma up to the hackwnlk that wlll xoon be Ilenedl parking lot will be cunslnlcled and fencedIn aren wlll soon he avallnhla bonlersl Well have protoc llnn 24 hour day sald Mr Partridge will be call inl or rcnlul conlracls May Ind the marina prom In be lllBCesl It wont be ma lung halale the eight other plnnned plera eel weigh the pile driver We plan to atcummm dale 315 boats said Mr Parl ridge wont be km long nuw for cilium whu have been IdVD mung use at the bay olhu lhan unitary deposit to com In In xhoru and transformation of Kmall ICZ maul when my councils and harbor Nmmlsslwn Hnally rc cclve 1mm hlghcr authority tho powers to they move now somglhlnx hula done about IL so What vlslhleï¬ only onethird oi the planned pro loci or lhearca Planking is belnz nailed onto the piers Cat wailts on Ihe soulherumqsl pier are limos compiated TECHNICAL ASPECTS In some places that hnva been pressure creosuled and are expected to Inst xllghlly over lmlyenrg There are alsn three effluent extl or sewers along the marina llne and work will be dnnu loan to reroule to some extent the deposit lald by these watercourses Thu breakwater has been Elv en sum coming on he east Iide and will he grassed ln grndually ll necessary to hold the banks logclher lhlre ls slmns possiblllly lhnt weepan wlllow Ircc wlll be used to per Iorm the necessary duly Only necessary according lo Mr Parlrldge CALL CONTRACTS 1th money want or plllnks glmnst too and hall lhlck FIIEE lnvln ed by lull hm null nu umplln IIIOIIIMHI by he Cham Cummmo Aly mm um minus In mm lnvlrl In ltd la all PA Hm Shopping Service mlrrdnwm run be mend Al FJUML Wu Also lnund In mun Iunrr Null mmefle In Iml ml of Ihnkl lhrud Wu lound mvnno block hnmlmkhulrd lnhlxloih lmlml mum rnalod wlve wk or Alar In dlnhu um nmllomnldnu for null FOUND 100 Ind ill costs hnd MI Emu Iuspended or six months HI Illomey ID plied or mlrlclcd llama la ennth Ihc Captain to let lo Wfllk vcrymoming In Maglslrnla Fosler Cour ycslnrdny Cnpuln Dnvld sun through hl defence counsel John Cockburn pleaded xullly lo minced charge Impaired drivingr Asslslnnl Crown Allomey John Murphy prescnlcd evidence which mcmloned lhnl Cnpuln Davldsbn at ms nm Much smashed through the tenth barrier and hls cur came to ml cw ch funhcr ï¬lm Hnall wlll mm It hr rie Curling Club mum tight nclock The mcnl InI or he Dangerï¬eld nophy wlll he Larry Hurll rink VI Gard Mllkrl St Georges Anglican Church mlghl haw new exmulnn within one year at Iuslduurch ofllclalg hop Tuesday and Wednesday eve nlngs scale modelol lho proposed 4300 mum 001 ad dillnn was displayed to mem bers the congregation at Stewardship Mission meetings In the church hall Members were asked by Slew nrdshlp Mission chnlrmnn Harry Smelhurst lhey would sup port the project To dale over 150 members hava Indicated an Interest In Ihls and 1er will Ingnus to participate In he Sicwmdshlp Misslon the An zllcan Church of the Wen Sim ene Deanery Dnmnxdlér ihe Barrler wu nsllmnlcd at us Cnpllln DIVId Innx rnr lost ll wlndxhleld In he ladlu llnnl or the Mn Mill Memorlll Trophy ll wll be the rink ol Mu June Clyne vx My my Mi Mr willbo 1m Gmup mena dumplon min of Wtdncsdn nlm turlm bawrrn llus rlnkn of Ab Jlnun and Knrl Jonml The Ban1e Fire Department was called out to an comer Blake Collier and Dunlop mmu shortly after mldplzhl lh5 moryglng Io my on re When tho depanmanl not Iho Supertcsl Station on ma comer smoke was plainly vk lbIe from the oulxide It turned out to be unokey Inmace Ever smash through on ol lhe barylcrgral Camp Eqrdcn Captain Mumy Davld Royal Canadian Navy Burling lon didnt try Io xmnsh lhe south barrier but lhlnzl stood ha dld Soon after he was charged with driving Whlll in loxicalcd The nddiflon would contain 36 by 50 nudimflugn and six addlllanal roams Final Games Tonight Curling ANTICIPAIING Ice break up on the ham LakISlmcoe llnmtenmca Servicu eon Plan Extension At St Georges Crashes Barrier Captain Is Fined Smoky Iumace Sounds Elam WENDV IIICKI CumAl Assistah Crown Mlomey John Murphy uld lhlt Cpnslahles Miner and Plu lcn wua eastbound on lllxhwly no at mum Much 2rth lheh nutrition wu drlwn In weslbound car ryï¬nz to mm It on the uh mansion Eu Township 31yearold Newmlrkcl mln wnn admitted in Royal Vlcioril iioxplini tnrly his mdminl Ii ler the car In which ho wu mnzer icll Iho mdwly um hydm pole nannid Thomson Pumped Iireel Newmlml In Ilili in In hmpflni wllh undetermined injuries According to OPP uu Accident occumd on Highway 17 Ibout lwo miiu north bl Highway 400 Driver of lhe car John hicNIliy Shanty Buy lod Blrrlc wu not iniumd It cost la to thaw all In car these days more so when Ontario Provincial Pollu con flath In walchlnz John Boyle 19 oi Camp Bor den was charged with carries driving March by two OPP Cnmtnbiu on Hilhwny no nur Anxux Boyle Lhnmgh dcicnca ilwyer Gordon Mchuk QC pleaded guilty to in churn be inn Mlzisimn RFost¢r yesteniay lnclnra or lhemulnl hld ram plllnz cut The mu nnlhe lour pier when the let two of thelr melt build Ill will be used mmplelcyork breaks Car Hits Pole Passenger Hurt VICTOR HIGGINSON 1cm superlnlendcnt or Lake Sim coe Mninlenmce Servlcu Ind Putting on Costs Lad7$6250 CmWn lheel dial he constable look not of mm which mddcnly lunmed the brakes twerved Ind Almost ml14 2d aver Amrdinl ju evidence pre Ienled the lwn constaqu tum ed and ave than or mike lcldllnllpfld In ex am 100 miles In hour said Mr Murphy Whm lhe cu wns flopped and the driver 3de for his reason hr apeedlng Mr Murphy uld young Boyle floldthu ofï¬cer guesslwn Jusl showing on Police mid Ihem wen our Mher passengers In the car Mr Mch polntcd out then was no Indication or any evl dcnct of llquor present in this In mumm leer found the ywlh guilty Ind lined Mm 350 Ind 150 cosh and xuxpcndcd hll ddverl 11mm or III months Ho uld th0 you drive In show you Ihould be mortu cd wlm he ruponsiblllly MM ll meln lo hlvo Ilcencl lo drhI Ind mu best method In lmpm um upon you la give you long lmpcnsflon mu Forbes mif mm over plum or the marina new under capstrqdm at tha Mr Murphy Rad from he Nuuu BnhnmasH Napler Moore 69 retired editnrinl di reclor Macleana publishing cumpany In Toronto MonlrenIJnhn Big Six Jocks 66 an athlete mel wnrknr and tough RCMP agent who unce dispersed an angry mob of 100 Mohawk Indians sin zlyhnndcd MassOsknri Tm kol 90 who became the lirsl premier or Finland in mu llon government armed by the Saclal Democrats in 1911 under OntHalth Ed gahJardine 79 town clerk and lnasurcr of Hespclcr or 30 Yum Covlngtan Ky Charles Pop Akcrl 80 who said he was the oldest farmer jockey In the Uniled Slates west and Kcmpcnlell Buy Examiner Phawsl The Finest In CANADIAN or ORIENTAL DINING 19 Dunlop St East lel OM Ordnn PA 60163 or 64 CITY CHIS DIsHE DEATHS