Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Apr 1963, p. 22

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WM mum or even or ncccplnncc next summer nm In lhu lmnd vln brand mine in deeper as well as brighlcr colors The cnrdignn collnrlm sport Jarkll has been nchlcv lnz higher nlnnding In this munlry or number at ycnrl Clean crlsp mnlrnsly pal lerns are rnnlrlnz slmng comeback ln mens and youllu span jackels for the min summer season 1961 This Influence can be seen In lhn top selling polyesterwarned blend lhal were formerly dorm lnnlcd by dull monscy lnbrlur It In also very apparent In llw lndln Madras Jnckcls ltxpcclcd lo be very slum In cln sslc hops nllm brlgM colors shnnzly dclincd nn gelling bl Secrsuckm handed ONE OF THE newesl Idea In Canadian lashions for men are colored cwrdinnlu an Idea burrowed mm the olher sex which expected In pmve pnpu lnrn This xemlusunl Weeknn der suil designed by Tip Top Teflon leanm nalural shnuld an mulching vest and Jacket In black and white Glen Plnld and Bold Patterns Stage Comeback Bus and Glenn ass Glenn Dump II our 70 per ml of Cnnndlnn hnmza now have lowing mnchlncs lec incninn he Induslrlnl swing mnchinc In lhe mh cen tury brouth women out homes into Inclorlcs where they cauld be pald for dolng hnl lhey hnd been dnlng by hand at home uilhnul wanes Modern huma sewinz machines and local sew lnu cunlm hnru mm lclcd lhc circlc and the much no which rclcnsd Wumtn mm homa sew ln hI hmuuhl lhrm an In IL Ila mo comfortable and good looking was huge sums in sweaters51in Is as mnt lnr factmud seems to be gainln In popularily in Jack cl and sport mu plenUess charcoal grey mums Alumugh the cunt ls threebutton he suit coal has Iapcls ruling la the second hullon give Iwuhullon cflccl The girl ls wanting Tip Top dcslxned lhrce pince costume suturing 1963s longer Jackal and lapped pockets in antique while wool buucle FIRST STOP FOR WELLDRESSED SEWING CIRCLE Barrio largest Mens Boyl Canadidn Men CosmopOIites WhenItCbmes To Fdshidn and BrlIIsh sIrIpu scam In sport mm well In drum shirts In IddIllon la In other mlors lhcy Include rlch brlxhl wipe In sIgnnIIlng huts The Waxlcrn or IIunch wtnr InIIucnco Is evident In Spur shin come up in an Even wldcr nrruy fashion lhnn usual hi year no Nuullcnl Look so popular Inst ycar due or return engagement with no dimlnishlng It pop ularin In duhL Tho sully mot show up In mu well mIAnndscwn shim and In sly llng nulhcnllc enough lo mil lhu most ardent sullen Add lhe popular tabs bullan downs and moderate spread col Inr stylesplus the very low vanishing band stylesand your fashion rang wmpleln Any and n1 lime slylc are made In short well long sleeves 10 mm the db mud all men or warm weather mmbrl Next new node look more collar bit higher mile fuller In the cape and mu wider In he spread hose styles have dmssicr look with out sacrificing summer mum and summer Ila big broad bold British stripe In deep shades blue gray brown and red the new shirt me also available In narmwer snipe Ind pin stripes Slripcs make major lesbian news In shirt or spring One of lhe mast Interesting diflemncurin the new suit he rend toward brighter eol ours no to say um the ice cream shades or the early 50 are back in vogue but lhcm is noliccuble emphasis on As for suit tuals they will be lime shorter Pleat are dis appearing on trousers and lhey nnw have What Is best descri bed as an uncluttered look case in polnl ls lhnt large number oi men are expected in Iavor wines lmuserslhls ycgr 11m twobullon suil could best be descrlbed as malurlnz of the Ivy league look wilh stress being placed on natural looking shoulders Ax lhe same lime pols Ire Allullly wlder there more chest cxpmsslnn and the ovnrall ellec more mus culine one than has bcen my pnrenl in recent years Stripes Take The Spotlight In Mens Shirts For Spring The new look for mens clolhe neverlheless don not present startling change mm cumnt fashions The oiled aehleved ae lually sublle one and three buuon suits will conflnue ll be popular particularly wllh youn ger men The lwobullan meat howaver with 195 more nalunl shoulder line does alter refreshan nllernaliva lo the thremmon sull whlch n1 lhuugh mu ln style has almost becoma unllorm or men ol all age in his counlry The smart new twobutton ml golnujo make an excellent Impression onv the Cmdlnn male company designer pra diu Its sophistle suit vthnpsucceeds In flattering the male gmg PA fill But theres no dauhunx tho feel that the lwobullon mill and hflghltr colours out of lashion In 11 counlry or mom lhan decade an mmlnl back with vengeancc Canadian ménwha prlda hun selve on having asembled good wardrobe may greet the new wlh nixed celpngs lal and Studonls Store lhe dcslgn and labrlcs ol lho sporl shins keyed In those worn by Um real mwhnnds lnlnlcd pockcl flaps yoked lmnls and bucks lnncy bullans and fancy cull disllnguish lho Wcslcms For those who prclcr sleek sophlslicalul styling than are updated Conlin nlnl colluer shlrl wllh llullnnlypu dcslzn cucing lhclr lnllorlng TrndlllonuIIsls nl course wlll have wldc sulcdlan Milan down model whlch will appear In all of he sonsonl muxl pop ulnr pnllcrn nnd solld colon STRIPES In or spring in sport 5111 This bold lodcn slrlped number In Celancse Arne Trimlate Ind muon fluence of mens dolhlng styles in Canada still very slmng nne Mr Cohen mnintnlns he same lime lelevislan and jet planes have Thu dues nut mean however that Canadiun dcslgners who once looked solely to Grant Brl Iain for inspiration mm are In fluenced only by US personal files said Gordon Cohen Jo signer or leading lashion house or men President would seem ls making 1115 presents an in more ways than an To Prlsidcnl Kennedy goes lha credit or popularixlng the lwgbullnn suit The new sler fashions Indeed mum the desire ol everyone to appear slim Even as shofl time decade ago he can pulent man alien symbolized suc ccsund mens clothe relleded Iha subconscious dcslro he Canadian niale dappeur biz and rugged The emphasis on the new sLyle is not cnnfincd to Canada and the US In Europe loo it Is Miractliug much interest lrom the old wcdge Shaped wlt It could be Flrstly the hut lon positlunlng Ls dillerenlt Sec oddly the new sult coat are much trlmmer ln sllhouclta Gorge are the old wlde padded shoulder and wldn lapel and you could almost rnake two palm ol newly slylml trousers out of the cloth used or one palrlo years ago Alumna the lwwbulton null 11 coming back It wont be ol any use In cast speculative eye on those old avourllu which may still be hanging In the dos brighter mlour as opposed to Ihe sombre shade loa pas law years More accurately tho shill mm dark to medium flours with olive ones my and rich brown exuded to he 95 WP 11Ienewstylets dlflerenl an essentially Ivy League Inspired The ynunger man who came of age when vesls wcm empha llcally out lend to look upon them as sophisllcnlcd articles of apparel Tho mam mature Cnnndlan male essenlially comervallvfl 111 quesllcn simply posui Is Ulla Tu be In sler do you or do you nut wear vest The answer all depends Vesu an finding favor with young men who also prefer mal url sh der suns which are Mens clathlng designer In Canada therefore must keep constantly ln touch with lashlon source and alert tn trend In order that lhelr awn deslgns can reflect the newest styles The need to get the latest tushlons into the smart mens shops 14 cross the nation In the shortest possible tlmo is today greater than lt has ever been before Modem communlcatlons lt would seemhave made us All cosmopolites Allhough world renowned fig ure such as President Kennedy and the Duke of Wlndsnr when he was Prince of Wales will always Influence mens fashions In crontxlbuggn of ha Tzistlar requen expressas dlvlduamy by wearing clothes unconventional cut should not be undercsumllcd he dedamd Also earth grewan 11 fluenca are members or he In lemallana Se who lnaquenlly spend large sum money or worldrenowned tailors create something dIsuncllva or them Wear Vest If You Please urban centre In many exposed to new style as quickly his urban counlemart and no longer content to walk tram six mouth 01 year er the newest vaIn such n1 town menu with mpect to men clolhlng slyiea In Canada the muenlna of un ushlon cycle can be dlmclLv raged to TV said Cohen Because of TV the resident smnll lawn hun dred llde fury 111te also tended 111qu Wesum Hmpesn Influence on swung Italy In particular he noted has eonlrlbulbd many Idea to can adlan and American dcsime flwy In rm never stopped wearing vests and many would consider themselves Improperly dressed Ihey appeaer In pub lic wllhoul one lhl View course doesnl aka Into account such special mum in induslrlnl tycoons and member the llnnnclal mm munily when It comes lo clolhcs on he mnlrnry was among lhc Ins lu rld hlmscl the vest and in lho oplnlan of Mr Ben DunkA clman Tip Tops prcsldcnl will be among the lust la return ll nlemsl ln lhe Innlc dress or sult Its the big fashion look In malernlly slylcs Ms spring The hlgher Wills ls alsu coming In nnd Its especially smartwhen it used In unlc WELL DRESSED or all oc casions ls be male In medlum bold plaid tailored sport coat lhalcanbe drcssed up or dnwn The classic lhmebullon jacket laps dislinclive SupPunk um require no halt yet it smnolhly and smarlly Cams NEW wmcs In SMMI HANDBAGS Ml or mulch your enumqu lhh Sprlnl with one cl nur gleamlnx black bcnullcs line of weekender sun which alum colour coordinam something whlch women have known about and cherlshed has been unveiled The coanflnam consist of coal and trousers Which have Canadian manufacturers tailored sportswear the type sembuuual clothes which Canad lnn men prefer when they at IAnd race or otherwise relax over the weekend have alolen leaf from womenl lashlons And Lha results astonishingly enough Ire excellent IA THEBARRIE EXAMINER THURSDAY APRIL CoOrdinates Are Latest Trend In MensTailored Sportswear 0F BARRIE 44 DUNLOP ST EAST mmvrs with one cl nur lenmlnl black bcnullcs Thm luhlonnhlo Cnnndlnn mmlu pnlcnu nvnllnblu in hon New Ymk xlylu Inlnrlm In In red or blnck bcmznllno Cllllpl In In mid colouml mrlul him an mp are 32 fig TRANSMAN Mm lull Lumlnahd Fur Wool Trench Calls 34 LsnglhCom All Wethr Com Jnckm 09 unwav um and wonderful lam1m and wide tango chum In colors When It Come To STRANSMANS SPRING COATS In olfier verslnns lhcre may be can and vest made matching fabric but with Irony er of solid shade Caluur coordinates represent new trend in mens high ash lnn clnlhing Canndlan men it Is believed am going to Ind this new sports alum eminently suited to their needs Jackets sometimes have spec lnl features such shot gus set bucks which allow great lrccdom of action been specially blended with re spect lo colour and materials and requlre pmperly matchlng habcrdashery Como To 99 Spran PA 84284 33w

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