Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 Apr 1963, p. 4

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graikfi um llnlunll gr II nu mm ham Alumina mmn In null rm umu luvmm on mm mun In mun lunch m1 lulumy IlnlMIyl uva NM WAI IDIn nlun lLumrt II Mllqu III mum not lull um mun mum mum 1mm unhllln nmuun uhmmIm nu um Inlly luv Ir mm in mum Im hm mm It mlh m3 mm m1 mum ponuldlu luv on my nmng 41 pl LAY1 mm rum CRISIS OF CONFIDENCE Lo Dralt Ollnwu Canndn Is present zolng through pollllcnl crlsls of confidence The number of volm who rightly or wrong ly no longer believe in the cmlnlryn lrmllllnnnl pnrlles hnx consldcrnbly In creased In rvccnl yearn lho mum of III nlnlo nl mlm are obvious The Hm In the Inanlly of mu old purllm In Java the people tlrnr mgrrxnlvu an Inn nullcy lo snllxly hclr nch and lhclr loulumnlo asplrn Julian mcoo North nod $15 and cosls by Mnglslrnlu Cordell Foster In Colllngwood court on charge of Ilstrlbullng campnl litera ture on clcctlon day or mun clpal of my nuul nuuA ulna Kenneth Taylor Mrs Bruce Snr cant Keith Smith William Lambert lllnm Grooves and William Knox Ontario Sea Cadet boxing tournament was lirsi Eubiic event in new Midland Armoury arriea Lyle Parker won lightheavy weight title by knocking out Cadet My Toronto in 30 seconds and then kayocd Cadet Slntle of Toronto also in yound one Barrie Citizens Band directed by Joe liieNelllle presented Pap concert at CGE auditorium Sunday afternoon before large audience Vocal numbers given by Bandsmen Wally Kennedy and SgtMajor Norman lleathcoto of Canadian infantry Band Camp Borden accompanied on piano by Bert Churchill Veteran bass drummer John Baxter featured in ecial march composition Collier niied Church Choir directed by Dr anist Lin Tuiford made lne presentnt on of sun ers Crucifixion Special parts taken Alfredmshepherd Victor Knox Mrs Barrie Examiner March 30 1953 In specter Richard Cox retired aiier 33 years service with Ontario Provincial Po lice Succeeded by Inspector John Clark who came from Dundas district Mrsr Ellen Carley formerly oi Barrie attained 100th birthday atiewiston NY But notsaoid memories die hard and partly because of emigration and the low state into which the profession had until lately ialien Canadas need for both more and better teachers was never more urgent than it is today 10 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Public opinion has within the past five years or so come to realize something of the seriousness of the educational crisis confronting this country Out of this grea ter awareness has come new respect for teaching and concern to make amends The act that teaching salaries have since risen steadily and are today much more In line with the groper stand ing and responsibllitles of profession is the best evidence of this Research is vital It Is being carried on everywhere particularly in Canada The fight against cancer ls never ending and some day we ma find the skills to con quer all forms the malignant disease But until the battle is won there can be no letup in the efforts of doctors re search crews and the general public The layman can help only by making The Canadian Cancer Society is seek ing many millions of dollars to enable it to carry on threefold program cancer research education loe public to sign of the disease and assisting patients in OntarioI the campaign objective is 31 800000 This compares with an appeal for $500000 10 years ago and is clearly indicative of the increased scope oi the organization An organization that has played vital rblo inhplplng to save and prolong lives is appealing for financial support this month Teachers Mold Young Minds Support The Cancer Sdciety In Its Fine Work Of Mercy We need them because of our growing The Barrie Examiner Walls Publlsher iiaatrféfixaminhr QTHER EDITORS VIEWS DOWN MEMORY LANE Publlslied by CanadianNaWsphpers Limited 16 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario bllsher Brian Slalght General Manager TUESDAY Man us 41 of what Ihls latter device In nymbnllc are not lmro but surer It would not be on unklnd rut lo luflul thll lhl tlulgucr mlghl hive Iven racognluon lspoclally or In lm lullon hlghcr Itarnlng lo he nlxl mm In lhu pen ll mlnmlcr lhnn the IWONA ll umslsls nhlcld vcrllully dlvid ml lnlu lhree mllnnu Thu two nul uhlc mm have plnln burerouml whlch In dlvklnd hnrlzonlnlly by lhree wnvy lhm xymlmllc we mum of the Trent wnmwny In llm cnnlrc mllon there was word mmng nym bn1 which appear Io be the unlvmllyl crust THE PEN ANDTHE SWORD llcllcvllle lntclll enter runon rlrculnr whirl lm been re crivrd mm the Trent Unlvmily Found In Fuml hem rnthc nllomljng gym lm whirl mm Hons Again hr lhclr lnacllon the repener violnllonr or their undertaking to the people lhclr lack of frankness and Inlullcclunl honcsly They no dls llked or making consciously or not slnlmnonls nor to mlnlcad tho voter In ordrr to grab his valor They nro lur lhor blamed or lacking construcllvo rnllclcs and for followlnx reactionary Inn bu Arum an uum llaIi convened by Mrs Gordon 50 oufllul wuu Hamilton QC announced ap eal would be made Codrlngton cm and School held Kiddies Fashion Show Mrs Hankln presided Mrs Fred Crowe gave commentary and Mrs Jr Culbert piano accompaniment Feature was Bar rie Centennial number in which lliurlel Bannerman modelled wedding dress worn by her grandmother the late lllrr Albert Bone of Thornton 80 years ago Barrie Flyers eliminated Toronto Marl horos by winning seventh game of OHA Junior semifinals 63 Great periorm ances given by goalie Bill ilarrlngton Tony Poetn Don McKenne Doug lllohns Orv lessier and Sklp Tea Some of best for Marlboros were Parker MacDonald Charlie Burns Bobby llaun Ron ln ram and Billy larrls Mayor Wlbur Cramp oi Orillla had plan to sheer oi norlh part or Slmcoe County to term new county with Orlllln as seat but get little support Coronation Tea held log Sunrise Group of Central United Churc at home of leader armour McLean LL ivan Wright of Royal Canadian Regiment Camp orden gave talk on Korean War to Barrie Rotary Club Mrs ll Rodgers was hos less for Kiwanis Auxiliary llower Fund tea at home on Sunnldale Road Bela Slgma Phi Sorority held Spring Bon net tea Ladies of East Anglican hila stun held rummage sale at Trinity Parish nil mum Fergusu through lawygr John An reasons or hoping that the current drlve to Induce growing pro orflon of todays students to make teac lng their chosen career will succeed And for supporting it population We need them because more and more students convinced of the im portance of complete education to their uture earning power are staying longer at school We need them because the influence of the teacher in moulding young minds and developing tomorrows citizens is second only to that of the parent and the task is not one than can be left to just anyone And not least we need them because to be long on palatial schools and short on good teachers is to confer no favor on ourehildren or on ourselves Through the efforts of the society the public now realizes that cancer once re garded as death sentence can be treat ed and cured ii diagnosed in time More and more sufferers from the disease are seeking the facilities of the society but such assistance takes money Thats where the average citlzencomes In His dollars are needed donations but such assistance is import ant The education phase of the program One of the most practical terms of society work is theheip given to cancer patients Patients get free preliminary nursing care and transportation if re quitpd to trpatxngnt centres has paid off in awareness of cancer The den er signals of fiancer are well known to majority of people Such know ledge has been the means of alerting can cer sufferers to their affliction and brining them to clinic and to their fami physicians to obtain treatment in iirne to save their lives Tomlln The ll only om Ialutmn The plum Allullon Ihm humn nurvlul vimMI an IM unlly or emnllrmll hllliy lvm llml In mum an In mum bar Thu conlmnlullnu Munn Krn nedy ml thunhthv um Cuba MI Oct 11 1902 prukdml Inlo nluk mmy om rrllIrIl lung or nvunmrnln And all nplu today human Mu mu II In vitally Immum um lhll mm be Indy undrr me All nthvr quunnm hy mmvumn rllhur Inmlenl nr lmleunl or IHIMMIL TM mlln problrm 1n lhl neur tamlng elecllon In wllhnul doubt unemployment Many to do nol mun hlu llhrr euun lhey Ihtm lvu hav mnncy and dont at Don uny ono clu or Hwy cloud lhclr eyu lo Ibo prohlem 1an mph new wmclhlnl to opm Mir on In the problun Them clccUon any lln unemployed nnd lhrlr drnendenll Iknuld orunln In orderly march pul lhelr rlly hull much clnml be an lulud lth he unemploynd nnd lhtlr drmndcnll Ihoum ur nnu lhumnlm In an oniova Iruy In lmnl lhrlr rily hall 11 would damnnalruln hnw mnny 5mle my dimlly AL haul hy untmllnymtnl And In Maple nul ml hnmu 1M nut day vutn whely Sllnod Ummplnml CALGARY UNEMPLOYMENT 15 ISSUE Dggr slr High blood prmurl an be danznroul low blood pmxure unlcu xlrcme mum no In tonvtnlmca Ind Avoid the luv 11 he coccyx or vcslizlnl III at tho end ha Iplne flmlscd can remnln scnsltlva for qullo Iongume Frankly lhnruanol much In do txccpl wait or II to recover hope mm ollcnd you by usan your use in wnrn nlhm Scnl ht an to be worm no on Deu Dr Mnlnen Ivu read lot about high blood pmauru but nolhlng nboul what lo do or low blood prenurcfihma Dur Dr Molnar Six months um sat down on In bucklo mu bell and Injured the end my wine By evening could hardly III down The paln later subsided but have lo sit or long Um very palnlul la move agln lhcre something can do or Ahauld doclon MRS Certainly me swimming dun gcr is Ihal Ihe combined de mands inr circulation 01 blood Nor digcslian for warmth in Ihe coal or cold water Ind ini Iha excllion required can de prive some muscles an ade quaie supply Rebelilng Mr do has cramp And cramp can mull in rowninx but Dr Molnar You re tenlly answered qucsllon about swlmmlng allot eating wouldllkc to know ll Is all rlgh lo lake hull right allcrward or wllhln an hour or IoFHll IO YOUR GOOD HEALTH After long hard smell fishermen can wall Io get back Into Bull By mam Mnlner MD LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Can Take HBath After Your Meal CRITICAL MHUE SPRING FEVER HITS FISHEBMEN winter halidly It all mlmwlu no my urll ha mum llddllnl wllh mum and llnnul John when In mid And I19 anudrl Huh vnltr would dam den anlwcr Imm undl data In IMI quullanz Whnl wlll you do In prnmnh Wurld Government llnl yrlorily lu yvur promm nm mumr In IMI quullnn Imu rrndn puny loyally II II Ilmply no lrur Um mullIpnvly para llnmrnl wilhnul IMP runw lly Mtm rmlllmrnlnxy mullm lhrrlI II HMO why llw Imyl In nr lhm lud lmlnlI tnmml unch ummml pnwmiu lime ll inlclllimu Iml InImIIy vmlhl nl vr nuynnr In mgmllu wuly wlm Ilrmly dNIMNI llul lmmnn uunlul mu lhe ulumlnnnl luur Inlay ml lnmlud prlmlry anIl ln um1 lhr cmllnn World Gnummml at me Noni mi dnlnhuu nmkll ll dlncuulnu nation nl delrnn In Nuclear Wu II lrrrl VIII buktd by mmlvn am In only hope lnr mculnz humunlly nlhrr td In Ind world mull In rrvllccd World Gav nrnmcnl Only In my my lnlcrnnllnnnl law be culomd by nupunnllonnl tom The rule In Law II the anly nmwur In hom lcldc be alnala or maullulu II it now no lonxtr qutsllnn ol whclhrr wo uuuhl In hlu World Gavemmnnl but how up II work amtn pn Iltnu lei lazether Ind cnmpnro xymploms Mtnuplulc 0an la hppcn we cant atop 50 Id ll huppen but keep our eyu And am lunod or my ml troubm my occur Some doubtless An lulkcd Inlo havan symplnml whlch hey would nlhcrwlse Jusl brush aslde ll lhcy hadnt been llllcd lull dlre lorrbodlnn by olhcr wnmen The lhlnz lo member lhal lhls pcrlzclly mm 131 evcnl whlch ln due llmo occurs lo all women and Ihcro no rtnwn lo expect nnylhlnz lmlblc Annoylng yes Iome Urges lml lhnll all leeliul hlnn are hut flashes and sometime Inna bllily Some women afparcnuy have virtually no dlflcully at all and yet omc huvo nod dcéL Evcry doctor knowshe can lak unlll hes blue In the Inc and not he nhle lo describe or predict haw any woman wlll feel at he llma of menopluse He doesnt experience It mule deiforeyour doclorl lack or act but smelly admin Mi blunlncss Not much difference Actually mmnpauxe mean ha and of menstrual periods and nhanne lile zcncnlly re erl tn the lime during which symptom may appear related In Iha adjustment 01 um Iyxlem dlflerent harmona lupply an gcljvlly Dur Dr Mahler My doctor said am golnn lhrnuzh he menopause asked what am supposed to expect and he replied Dnnt ask me ask your neighbors Whats ha dillerence between menopause and change at lintMRS Irds lnn It may cause light hnzdelness dizzlnas on aris lng or bending over In some cases law blood pressure Isnt annoylng In such way than just be glad that youre on the sale side These two are already dmp plug thcxr ncl Into spot on he Welland Canal near 5L Allan Im Wthlm Spankan In the Vancouver In nmuln Dr Mncdonnld nld Canada has smaller pcrctnh IKE cl Imlncd and eduralnd pcoplo than the U5 lawnm Imnllcr pcrccnlnxn no lo col Iexe or unlvmily liter hizh Ichool graduallon VANCOUVER CF Dr John Murdonnld prcsldcnl Unlvmhy Drillsh Columbia nld Smurdny Canndal econ nmy In nurturing because nul enough talkKern Ifudcnu no on Io unlvmlly Dan Danlek chnlrman of lhe Montreal Committee 100 said hauvlgll wgsrbglng hreldr closc lo lhehpriilVIlcdcml election In convince Canadians lhnl they Are lacing moral issu The demonstrators organized by the cnmmlttce for nonvlo lent acllon the United States and the Cnnadlnn Committee 100 carrlcd banner with slm guts such as No nucleu arm tnr Cnnndn and Than Shalt an XML Now to hlm lhlllorkflh ha rumd ll not reckoned gen but debtRomnnl CORNWALL CF About 30 persons ended Ihcir 24hour as and vigll or peace at noon Sunday In ceremony on lha St Lawrence Seaway Inter national Bridge between Corn wall and Masscnn NY Only Gods grace can atone for Gods diszrace Canada Needs More Students Says UBC Head BIBLE THOUGHT Catharina Ont But the smells havent got the word yet and tho catch was nolhinn Fast For Peace Ends On Bridge Savings this Week at DA ALKA SELTZER 25s 58c BENYLIN Cough Syrup 4oz 78c DODDS KIDNEY PILLS 73c EXlAX I95 43c GERITOL Liquid 2401 or tablets 80 463 BABY POWDER 901 68c PEPSODENT Tooth Paste economy 89c PHILLIPS Milk of Magnesia Tablets 100 73c ORNAL 23 203 258 SCHICK lath Krona Blades rog 49c for 79¢ Then Plieu Efflcfln to April Anaul Annhcr rldlnz up clal In msl Knmloops where Davie Fulton mlfncd In lnka over he provluc leadership Tho Conservatives nro runnlnl 6a ycnr old Dr Charla Wlllouzhby nxalml uhml Jlrl Whlsl who mm In ItCOfld 6500 vole hind uglon hut June NDP Mac Douglas con dcrtd Into In Burnaby deb Erhan Ker the wlnnlnx NDP candldaie wha mlmd hll HumahyCoqulllnm Inn to make room at pnrly 1mm Douglas trylnl In neighborlnz ridlnl Frnler Valley wnn lusl your by soclll Credllqr 11 Patterson lm 66 Dunlap Ilru mm film up with 10 wlnnm last June Ind most pnuple expect he to WI be re turned perhnhs wlth one to three nddltlom They led ln lhe pop ular vote wllh mow whlle the Liberals and Conservatlves al most Mod the Conscrvollvu zet Ilnz 187423 and the bowl 167299 Dexpllo Soclll Cred provlnclol government Sacred condldotc could Amos only 97171 votes last June In terms ol souls he Conscrtmllm won the leernll Ind the Sodol Crcdlt WING AGAIN For lhla reason Ind othcrl BC 1h slmnnhuld lbs Nzw Democrats the on party to come out Irme In In Canada joifllng lllgnuclear muons OHAWA The nuclear arm qucsunn major election Issue in Canada mos weslem vrov Ince Nexl Quebec British Columbia most likely to be Influenced by party Illlludu on Canadnl acqulmlon oi nuclelr Inns Man By FARMER TISSINGTON one Buruu Bunlc Examine One of Ih very pertinent observallona In It that we may have la look on worker lralnlng In the tuturc as adm llon Ier the cradle to the grave That many worker wlll never be ride to completely slip rnlplq Technological advances have been going ahead so quickly that lb 01 cmcep um mun muld do 1h on Job or Illa ls filsappeaginx Herfiay havn lo change hll culflnz or his aklll in lime to mm The committee used lmulna llilx question that II broad and complex Impoflnn loduy The Wukneu with many ed committee um on ma lm with such maps they really do not get Into the mm at the Inguen In hlsparllculnr use one might hm thouth that In Independent oommlllee pem might have been better chalce Burtth hu provzn to be no the case The committee cud In admirable Job my mum By DON DHEAEN wonbNmm report of the lelect commluae on manpower kahuna an exceptionally 3mg one EQERAL ELECTION QUEENS PARK Arms Issue Major Question In Campaigning In The West Cradle To grave Training Envisioned Ran PA um CALDWELL DRUGS LIMTED ALLANDALI DRUGS LIMITED committee used lmlzlna HARPERS PHARMACY ROSS DRUG STORE Pmum lb Conservative Inld lhclr Yukon mt Ind lecrall Um Northwcsl Tcrrllnr Its the overall comensm 01 ha rarly Ilnndlngl In ml live par he lrcllan ll onurvm lives 1mv Sadnl Credll 09 New Democrats 19 ll In Victor Where Ihcre has been Home lnncrpnrly Ilrlre man he Conservatives wln Mr McPhllllps mlznzd and has Just been Ipyoinltd to Hue Tar Board Liberal Gums who rnn mend by 2000 vnle In Exqulmallsannich In June is lrylnz Izaln In In Vic orln riding THE CONCENSW Opinion group 0an pulldcnl observm on the p05 Ilble oulcume on Aprll wllh In Juncl scalp In brackcla NevIDemocrnfa 11 um Ln eralsa Conservative Social Credll 12 um NATION The two Okannun Ients Boundary and Ravelsloka have elected Conserva David Pugh and Slum Flnmlnx Ilnce 1959 but lhclr margins have not bran massive Any mm to the NDP or ubernla mlaht be m4 fluted here plln Iha umpaixn Liberal Tom Kent one oi iha pariy brains irusii Sama lezrnls hnv been having second thought about in ndvisahiiiny ai send inz one oi their up man into In nlmnll hopllex light especially as he in lied dawn no much in be ni value in the UVCPI campaign WHAT 10 WATCH And It also look department of education officials tumult The commlltee cover so much around Is Impossible to even give really good umpllnz at It hm But should make valu able contribution Hon John Simmonuu tho chairman men It good hand Ti committee dééplte ll majority ol unvemmen mem berl was Ilsa refreshingly rank Ind Independent II den hesima lo mum the R0th punthough gen erally glvlng II prnlse This unorthodox but It makes sense Tho commmcp nlw was not filed down by ordinarylnhlbl ans For lnslnncc It proposed that perhaps we are training too many engincen almost sac rum today when university tramhu such nod It took the point that many engineer at present In work ln technicians And perhaps we should train more tcchnlc Inns and hold down on th ennlneen 620D CONTRIHUTIDN For Instance auggcslud youth campl 6r lralnlnl these who have let ucondn school without much Immrd aluhwpe ol mun Job HlY AN EXAMINER WANT AD PA H407 PA 901 44M 68c 89c 73c 258

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