Economic Mr 1mm said that ï¬ve per ilan dled In an apartment build Inz erected on small flood lain the crock you could ump over mm hp nlldhnnm Jam Hell at Ann Alla inlu nun bl Ia rm mum Enab Ilnmwnl Hum Inmolnu mm Ivr pdnrlpll lhnl lha wqu rmvlu Imm n94 0mm will mimic 0m Irul rnIIIn um ml move mg VIMw rate you INCREASE RATED Mr Nelson vuxlnlnrd um IM Iflrudurtlun ol lolllm ralllnl Minn Umflnflc and 0N Ovlllln wl mm In hrmu monme In or On nulum he wkhflon ol Hurll vll Um Imppflu new number pper will In unl Ivy mull Ind mo 0m mbmlbm nflodnl V11 bu nomkd by hlephono he mam duh ol llu number tbnum my nnw nnmlml umld mmnr he IBM Mg ppm dlmlmy lo he publllhnl In July was chum In lolo rm numhcn or norm 0m mghmllml Nolmn flelll mnnmr hm mid hm lumen will Inmmo aflrclho Mound lho m4 of June They nm In llm with lcmu ol the Complmyl mrchuu Inn0mm th lhl On Tolmmnc Co he sumo rm Mr Nrkm Id Ibo number punch on no mulllpnrly Han will be duff In no mvrp llmn 10 Thin wnsuxn cy Con ICIVMIOII Aulhorlly canlmlllnz an arm 1210 square milu Awus mdaincd by order mum Tcll in May of 1900 ho naked and lho nulhnrlly was then Iukcd In survey the are to lugs lho walqrshcd In 10 0m ltllphoM use will be able call Darrin and orlllln wlUmut paying long dlslnncc chmns 150 0m aubmlbcr mm lhu Shnnly My man will becomu mm the nnrrle ex chum and number wlll havu Ihelr mvlco pmvdcd by lhn Ollllln txdmnzo END or JUNE rd on Ihe rlnclple of periormnnm by pcnp snld Mr Harvle You ptopla In this area may be In fviled and physically involved an do your hll Kn conservation lle anld that even the Cily llanle even though only 10 per mm In flu watershed will feel lheeflggl conservation Three telephom dcvcloprncnu Involving 0m tubscrlbm and and Orlllll and mm ex change were announced by Dell Tolcxlwm In Onlhrlu were are now conservann aulharluns our of 3th In Northern Ontario He Md the audiencn he re counted IhL1 army Ia emphasize thc need for recognition ol walcrshods and the urgent neat ar conservation authoritim ul Amllonmas Called GrefthVth Its called the Town Creek and you could jump over it he said People built near the creek 1961 67 Inches of ram all 131 lhe area in 12 Mcnllonlng that Mona Town ship was he ï¬rst township in Dulferin County to realize the need of an authority he old nary about crack near Tim mina 00 Telephone Subscribers Will See Changes End June It tank 12 years to realm that Ihe Noltawusngn River was part 01 watershed Peter Harvle of he Noltnwa has Valley Conservation AuKhA ffigyyqs speaklng 125 plan Ll mee use He addressed the Klwam in on he value or conserva ion and explained various types land usage that could be used te centre wager seegaxe Says Conservation Is Only Realized By Physical Work McCulcheon quoted from the Financial Post which said the economy on the npswlnx OuEVï¬rowlh was not exceeded by any country In tho weskem wnrl Our Industrial growth was water In 1962 than during any but two preceedlng year since ha war N9 N7 mbunw We do have Er difficulties bulidwe are noi in imubie he he taking In support Haber 1h Progresslva Conservative candidate for Simone North Mr McCulcheon said It great mth that we are In economic trouble Ho cxplnlncd Ihnl In Iurvey Senator Wallace McCutcheon Minister ol Trade and Commune laid meeling in Collier Street United Church Hall yesterday We welcome min lnveslmeni In this country and we ask but iureign investor act like Cnna dim while they are in this FIGIIT GAMER uflflla checkup anda cheque Well0M The 170 Ora lubscrlbm who wlll move lnlo lho Rattle and Orlllln exchanges wlll xol lm parlnnt lmprnvcmmh ln llwlr lelcphom mvlce nma wlll lnclmlo dlnl ltluphonln mm llxllngx in IN llnrrlo an Orll lln udlnnn ol the dlreclory Io bo publlsllrd In July The ruralch lumcrlbou wlll my ho rnlu npplylnz ln llnrrlo nnd Drlllln qthnnlu Mm Mr am they wlll be able lo cull InIr hlrndl In 0m rxchnnun wllbout lonz llflnnca Hmrm bmun cull lwlwten Orvllnnlo Ind Orv0m will be lull1m CINADIIN GANG IOCIIIV Illnll Md Dlmld Hull BMW Eul PA 6J0 pmponlon lo the Increase In Iha number telephone that can be mch without long dmern charm Mr Hurvla also mentioned that the authority always lempls ta dcmomlrnle cnmcrvm llun pmcllto In tho ublIc on rnscrvcd land mm and that by lhtso domonslrnllom the people could IFN tho pucllm on their own and Humnn ncllan In lhu past has resulted many the floods Mr llnrvlu aald um In many mns when floodlng hu oc curred ollen lha problem could be traced back coupla of hundred yen He also sald that Evidence was also luund In some flooded plain to strength en lhls He said that an area was sur veyed or hydraullu lamiry land use wildlile and history of Lhe shedi llisiorical ramrd give the opportunity In locus Illcnlion lo speciï¬c problems watersheds In an am like the Nollawa saga Valley the work done along various lines Speaking at the heavy 1m balanca paymean Mr Mc Cutchcon said In 1362 or the second time wa had favorable Referring to the removal of tuxcharges new of which was released Saturday he aald Our reserves are slmnler than they have ever been so the surcharge had to come all It provides employment And the nnswar to the Imbalance cl pay mcnl also 1123 In the secondary Industry Mr McCutcheon said RESERVES STRONG He said great nggnrlunity lie in hagecondmjy dqmy che He said We must male 105 and develop the secondary 1n duslry so that lt can take larger share of bath Ihn dome llc market and the export murk eL This will Increase both an he Iatal market We have problem hul In this we are not unique they luv the same problem In Ill United States Mr McCulchean Id PETER MRVIE New Yuk Dnnlcl Mn honey 75 publisher the MI nml Nam whllo undmolng lunl qlnccr npynllnn landan Mme Moxnndm Plhudlkn no wldow lho lulu Mnnhnl Jauph Illludxkl of lolnnd Toronto Frank Nicholas Beard moclnl pmlnssor of tconomlc and pollllcnl Iclcncc II he ymvyully Toronln TmnloJ if 00 an vzlcmn newnpnpnrmun and for Wenan Lnos Qulnlm Pholnnn ls lurnlzn mlnlalnr L103 nssnsxlnnlcd by sun In In openlng address GC lllllnn pnld mm In all the personnel who had hand In lhls project He then look axe In hand and lmnshtd down tho The evcnInx look on an Eng llsh Ilmos here the gucsls be ing reel by Robin Hood and Friar Tuck Cocklnll wen hen nervcd In the mnln lounge whlch was decoraled for thls occasion with pornam of various mem ber 01 the Mess dressnd In medlcvnl caslumc ream coma Iran for mambcra of he Icm Mus Th was the night the Oak Room was opened by 00 lllllon CO n1 Hm BCAF SlaLIan Many previous membera along with xucsu mm the Anny were presunt at this ausplclmu occasion DUSI FLYING Public works employees in Stayner are making the dust iy these fly they sweep up the winter chmulnlinn sand on lhe lnwna streets and sidewalks Counciilar Aiiister MacDonald said Ihey were to have slatted week ago but were stymied last week be cause the street wen siiii loo wet After the loose sand is removed the menu will be wasth oil By THE CANADIAN PRESS PC MEETINGS meeting in support oi El wood Mldlli ngressive Con servative candidate or Duiier insimcoe will he held Tab ienham Town Hall iomormw Similar meetings will be held Thursday at Stroud and Friday at Allislnn Special spenkm will be at all meetings which will start at 530 pm CHAIRS HARD Simnei Council had meet Mair in the ire hail liinn day evening The ndvnnca poll lot this April election was inking place in the council chambers so he councillors had to leave their comiortnbie cushioned chairs behind and settle for the hard straight backed var ety mun uel cushions or them chairs qulpped councillor Flock nl ane sum of the meet lnz Opening 01 Oak Boom Kt Borden Is Like Dream Come True CONFERENCE Rev George mm of Bethel Pemecostal Church ls alundlng the Western Ontario District Commune of Pentecostal AS aemblles of Canada at Toronto Rev lhnlu an lhe Creden tial Commitm Any numbnu wlMu tn unhnllw 1n flu Inni shawll lnrm In ulna tn all um LocAL GENERAL Tho lnsl quarter was very much more avorabla than II had been for any quarter In Pram new This ncUnnlnok place over 15 months and he dollar was utahlllxed at am can lwxwwsmmmumtl baiancawof uncle Thu trend giantulrgcllon FREE Huvlu rvovd pd by lull hmlnm Hum who luypm lho umpnlm uponand Ivy lha Chum hr Commute Shopping Service Ell In mens pyhmu wllh lmllm Am ml min mm bnhy rmlnu vmnndl olhvwanlh 7M lavw Ilvp 16 lumplulu ul numla llonIIIx ovmhvd mull plnll ll llchnn thhl and Mmlynl lmmi Hump Room will Ihon pnlnt Ind IntInd IIIl Ihlrh WANTED DEATHS FOUND GUATEMALA CITY Gun lcmnln new dlclalor Cnl En rlquu Purnlln has announced he will deport nll Communlsll nuw In lhn counlry um let no other cnlcr The pravlslonnl president old pm conlcrcncc Monday mam Hun Guateman calm lullnwlng yl mHllnry roup But he detenc mlnlalry charged Communist nullnlon nru plunnlul dlsonlurl Communist demonllrnllonl were hnnncd but mm mlly wna planned today In rulmr nubllc approval or lcrnlln An nrmy mum and former dlp lumnl whn ulud pnwnr with lhc nvnwrd purpqu trncklnl dawn on Cammunlll Iubvmtun Seen among the nuqu Wm Brig and Mrs Moogk Com mnndcr of Army Camp Borden The Commanding Ofllccr Slnllon Vlnnl cg WC Davies and Edl Cox of Rockclllle and AFHQ mspccllvcly SL rcllrcd and Mrs Halpin Tomnlo and and Mn Sklnncr from the Suï¬ Cal Icgc Toronto lug he room Th9 Oak Room dellghllul Solid Oak used mmughout the room an the wall and in tho chulrs Taslelul cur Inins hang at tho window glv Ing lho room mun almos phxorc gnrquoard door which was seal believe the meresslve Cnnservnllvcs have wandered and lemhe train on tho track at times wunl bllndly Inllow Ihe leadershlp man 11 think he wrong GUESTS The five candidate or me ridan wtro guests ha club This is no of series of com New Leader Will Deport All Beds Mr Browne In ans werlna question from K1 wnnlnn the KempcnIelI Bay Klwnnis dinner mecung yester dny nflcmoon Thu Klwnnlnn asked Mr Browne what he would do as an Independent ll elected to GuvcrnmenL Jack Browne Independent Conservative candidate in Sim cue Nnrlh mu man with leprosy have party behind me in ni people imnxina indepenï¬icncy as Ha anid Um United Stale Trado Expansion Act provides an opportunity to cwpemo with Iha United State nnri mentioned the lower trade barriers Mr McCutcheon concluded Whatever diflerance our econ mic have they are lied together and they must stand or Ill In We musk not be an concerned wlth the mar term We must be concerned with the long term We no hnvlpg number United Stale huyers arriving lo day In Townm Mas pnlllrnl pnrllu In lhll with the Unlieii sum he said In 196 experts to the United State Increased double um of our Inmau in Import It like 56m lime for busi ness declslons to be reflected jn tha countrys accouan Ind dont heuevu thaliwa shall no lhq Ml result or my year to come ha snld v3 RELATIONS Kiwcmicms Bend Em Io Riding Candidates cr hum Arneutm WENDY IHCKH Conlrnl American nullnn Ip proved Ihn coup nllhbuzh Ml gucl Ydlxoru Fuenlcs ho elcrlnd pmldcn ll dllpoIEd wnl mllilunl nnllCommunlsl and conscrmllvu Mr Poguu slated n11 pnrlles recognize the seriousness of the unemployment problem and The smznnlinn aur economy only samu man so lhnn omen FIVEYEAR PLAN Dcrldlnx cnllcd tho Conservnllvo Ivayear ann to crenlu mllllon Jobs Mr Pagun compared lho Cunscrvw lives In man walking on endless moving bolls If they wnuld HI their eyu from tho belt Willard Klnzlo Soclni Credit weal lnlo an cxplanullan oi hll partys proposed monetary rev arm prnxrum whlch would ha dclermlacd by praducllnn whch will brlnl about alahlo dollar at homo and abroad Ralph Snelgrovc leernl sald he would read an edllorlnl from ha Saturday edlllan ol the Tar onlo Telegram instead 01 alvan speech The editorlal ex lnln ml why the Telegram had an ed ll support from lhc prlmo mlnlsler to Mr Pearson Russell rogue NDP blasted the Toronlo Dally Slur or dly lurking Incl In March 27 mil nrlnl lle accused tho Toronto paper of not glvlng lhu whqu Imlh nndhus dano thl del lhernlcly lo swlng hc undecided and tho llllnlormnd vnlm la the Llhcrnl bandwaxun First wo llcbor Smlth Progressive Conservative who love on allround resume of lha PC platform across the notion We believe herz should be as lmlo Interference pos slble by tho government In our prlvnto live Mr Brown was the only candidate who did nu deliver an address He said that he olher candldalos had covered thu elccllan pretty thoroughly and hu ruqueslcd qucsllnn mm the floor hlncd appenrnnces Last nlghl they went Conanwmd for an alhcr mccllng spunsnrcd by the Chamber Commerce MINISTER OF TRADE and Cammam Senator Wallace McCulchcon chats with Arthur VOTE llBERAI Mr Smllh Inld must in clenso uxpum mnnufntmr orbdecrease Imporu ol manu factured Hoods Ho anld all PC pullclu were centred around these prlmn urpom lho vnlunllun dollar new ex puru crodlu tax lncnnlIva 101 Industrial expanslon Ind export exynmlpn In closlnl Mr Smlth Inld Ihn PC pollclel warn luccundlnu nnd how lhcy conunno lo luc ceed In munulnclurlng title like Elude may vnry we de erman lho mm he nnllon Mr Klnzla said hut In null Implementing Soclul Cred program In novemmenl auto mnllon would become blen 1111qu anh outlined two IEI sans why Cnnadlnn Industry llndx dlmcult to compete In urelzn mnrkm hlnh can finished product becausc ex cessive mallon and the cm mnlmnlnlnl av Ir cent of our work force whl lha large part WlBhLl work but LI un lble muru employment my BLESSING Now once more the day or dcclslon nppmnchcs But this time the result on April wl have an more Impurlanl menu on tho nnllon than tho mulls In 1958 or 1m Juno Mr ne Krova read that Sup port or Social Credll Party mean support or llscal pullcm that on dangerous Ind Im pangtlcgj In the gxkgmo The Telegram edllorlnl read In 1951 this nawapnper tell was essential lo the fundamen tal Interest Canada am the Liberal admlnlslrnllon which hnd zavcmed Ilnco ms be dis missed mm om CHANGES mer Mr Smllh anld Wu do not helluva ln nbdlcnllng our unv ernmenlnl respnnslhlllty lo the bureaucratic control 01 any sch eclcd group or hralns trustdo not helluva In managerial gov ernment sold the PC pnrly helluva that democracy elthar stand or lnlb on he dlrect control and responslblllly 01 ll elected represenmlves they would discover um they are run only slipping iteadlly backward but also downward Evans MP Simeon Cen tra and Haber Smith right ngresslve Conservallve cln mm or Slmm North San vor SNELGROVE The panel dimmed tha ques lIons What should we expcd ram our Coops and What should our Coop ch 1mm us 1th brought out many the urvlcea that are offered by the cooperative but also The program Included d1 mslnm on ma comp principle nnd makes ï¬lm that de plclod the value raptu tlve to young laxmen und panel dlsculslon wllh prepared questions The plnel had In chairman Geom Jacluonu Brndloxl and members Grant Cue manager Simon Dblrld mopemlvo Ken Mu lm manager of Drlllla Farm mmrallve Ken Wllm ol Slnzhnmplon and Len mm min Station The mnlerence sponsored by the Simcoe Cnunly Federation oi Agriculture was held to give people an opportunity to db cuss the change In nur com munltlu they relate to cm operatives Attendance includ ed memberl board or dine or and manager at wopen the in the county lncludini Oriiiia Coop Simeon District Coop and Stlyner Ind New mnrket Coup Robert smallneld Member Relnuam Dupnrlmem Unllud prermlva Ontario ad dmsed the Cooperation Con mm hold strand this wzek Mr Smalllleld In re marks reminded the 25 purimu pmcnt ol the reason why co operatives wero formed In ha first place how they have pro grexsed and he uava fluures to show he amount of buxlncu dana Ihe dlllcrem HeldL PJAMSQEE liar McCulcheon was honored at Iunchaan reception yes erduy In Culller Slmt Church Hall Examlner Photo Loyalty Said Important Item To Success 0t IoOperative imam rubum Iy llmm gun umummkm PERMANENTS $599 Maul A11 OPEN EVENING wow use nubdéiméx won lntnlura lhll CM Scrum will hav HIM ol callxtln bnrunmlnl wlUI hlndlnl nrhllmhm EUIIORT Idï¬vghp pue lmuhg In unnmn wrman commlllu lo Idvln on local hrm problem gnoy Elhpllllmulxl or upnmloq ï¬lmm won or member at lho Armcd Forcu um lhc Clvll Sorvlu la emuru Uny ucolvn lurkI ulv Alanna than mm In wamu ln Indunlry Ind am or Ilmlllr Jobl ITS TIME ron ACTION msimcomom dmlry lncludlnn lhc uubmhngnt nl nlllonllri pm In uni uh Ilmm am Mililï¬du through govunmcnl ulllunro ln llnnndnl Ind mummy lIBERAl GOVERNMENT RALPH SNELGROVE AND WILL SIGN FOE FILM LONDON maulemSlr Wln lion Churchill has slzned an nmcmml with us pm duccr tor ï¬lm hand on his memoir the Second World War it was announced Sunday The film in in he produced in Drluin Churchill signed the agreement with pmduccr Jack La Vim wnriimo pm repre untolivu oi niiled commander Gen Dwith Eisenhower lrtutd um the males Item that Ihrmember can aim to hk cwpuratlw Loyalty without which the coop canme he nucceulul quosllonl on an evaluation alum Mm AMWelCd and according to the uplnlon of those present ll wlu an enjoyable day wllh much worthwhllo discussion It was lha mum of ham he maelan that Ms conlmnce should ha lens on annual allalr wllh hall ol them lndlcnl lnl he need or two mnleren cc year Most pcoplo laklng par were 01 the oplnlon lhnl the best lesions were the small group dlscusslons and re ponan aesslonr Tickets and the latest Mort that he sale are lawn bit Irom other years an on male dolly the Earth Arena There no man than 200 local youngster inking art in 1110 Saturday thaw at mean many more than 200 coslnmes Imam sumo children went lhree and our duran ha nigh had to be made Work on tho drum started last December and Mrs Wand happy to report lin hhed Mu Woods costuml converter uld lhc had lot of tun chooatnz motelIlls lot the hundreds ot costumu It was Interesting work but work that couldnt have been Incom pllshed ulte so pleasantly with outthe ull support the chlI dronu parents she sold The mother in m1 lha lemon too have many renxonl Each want her and to shine and knows she will Each has p13 ed unnlher role wall mm In costumes lls no Ila the children who aboug Banlo Skat Mothers Help Make Carnival Dnnlop El Elnll From MODERN INSURANCE SERVICE FIRE AUTO CASUALTY INSURANCE SARJEANT INSURANCE AGENCY umued Progmllvl Oralnlnflon Conlult Marlin to And may