mi Mun mun uy mm nul unlrc YIJUNdh nï¬AIIumm MMH AVH IA IBM mm In WnnInn ml MI Ilvlphvl nmqlmm Apmumnl hw mmnl minirr BARBECUE CHICKEN Nw mm mnu In mam Vvuouln mm mm mum on dun QUIHIN MLIZH An mu nml mm pump mm muna um mm KEN WINIIIII Ill nrmmd Iqu ivi 1mm 11 Nnrm Xansmï¬iis mm mung11 mm ll vqulpmonII llV Mme REPTIE BAYVIEW ELECTRONICS ll Ari1nd urï¬Ã©mnï¬i 5mm TANKE KEN WINTER nmma AIL Chrumv Churn HM Cnulufltld ma mm mm WM msroNslmuTv PLAN Tn um nmbla mu domullu m1 mmmmm nnavlunn ma umnn rulmx mo Pollher mm luau rump M1 lumpl by nun Queen I1 MIN Au rims ARCHL NURSING HOME myneld 51 1155 Pousxiti nEsMUï¬mTT VQuaIuerorkmanshlp NURSING NOE FURNITURE hm may cuh mm purchua your nm or lee1nd moflr LEHOEUF JEWELLERS 5m Dunlap FA Dunlap SI Duane AldonPA mo wnuun fllwnPA an LEARN TO DRIVE JEWELLER MORTGXGFS Collier st KOHL GRKYDW REAL ESTATE For your every my mndl ouudm Fnod Plln Lnd and trunk qumm of bu nanquu Tunney Bulk men rum Ind Th Houu Full Hubble Her PA mu INSURANCE All klnd ul med umflum eke mc mm remunlurl etc nchs FOOD MARKET 150 Colllu PA 8433 HOBBIES GARNEFS Dunlap st 43 Collier 5L THE EMBASSY HALL 386 Blake St PA 68961 CARTERS USED FURNITURE 17 MIMI Ave Prucflptlnn ylckld up Ind deliv cred r910 clglyxe GGROCERIES MEATS 11ml nvlnn Io you Wu hm Illmlku Ind model un Eur hm Inland BAY CITY MOTORS PA 7033 PA Ist Ellihem Arden nunfly 1mm leay Mmena Hypo unem nln Pnnca Mucnmm Chlnll mm ENTERTAINMENT Blnqueu Weddlnu Cmvmunm AUTOMOBILES BEAUTY SALdï¬ COSMETICS DRUGS NORLIN UIHOISTHIKY Ann II II um THESE FIRMS BENTLEY CO cm JOHNS DRIVING SCHOOL snorï¬nns mmmsn IImu EVERYTHING CUSbENS PHARMACY Cemluruble prime not SALES VICE MARIE BEAUTY SALON flhnur wAlch anh min Ihlmfl 7r lllvlt Ill Nu pMIKIHnM mp1 In nu Hm Speck 10 Buck 50 Tlnllnl Dul Sneclllly our ur mum M07RTGAGE FUNDING mnil COUPON LANDHz Lunnzn Conllrucllgn All Dqu 01 Insunnu cnrmmix Paul Whlll thï¬ ml 7mm LUNCH AT COLES ATOZ vmtulï¬s Im IM Can Supply You With OUR From Mum uw PA Im PA Hm IA HMS PA £5581 um PA 51211 um IA Mm PA 99331 rim PA 35939 IIII lnml rf rind mm rum Ilumlmml NMI In mum nm mln hum um um Intm ll Mvummhll llhlll IIIH um nnl mm um um run 1m mull UH Vflnthflnl lMIfluIn Mum nu II fltmnHIIIMI 7M1 In bl VImu Indfl NI Wm vllv NIH nun lru Hun my mulmvln Ill willmum Mn AI rnndlllnfl um In au windIv unn uha In Mn 11 Wm Inn Andy 15 Mlllnn mm IMIL Im mnun lnur mm udln hluc an manMn hlul human Mull mlnnlnn uluau mmaup Iv um um mann III mum 1mm on ml lll IDIJT Im dnflr MM ln run r1 run malrlxlnl Iran lulu ulll mMnI nmnm udla ll mi 0M mm in um um man Tllxmmu IA Hill um um Illhlnl Mm mum Ill dawn to mum pnom IA IYIII my hm nmnlhly Ply mm annm um um rm um In lllc nun mlrhxu In runnm mm Irud mum um yu wth lphnnl um mun VluImluhwf Inmmum Wllm Inr rrumm ndlm nun mum um um nunm law mll Tmnl lwhom mu mil mu nu vnour Aulnmmr luur door wunn nmlo um Mud nma mm Ilnwn ml In um yymmu Tllwhnm IA Iu 1531 mm mnrh Wunn dnp nun moumc nun Imd whil mu um mtmlnlnxly nlnl law low yrlu ms rpm PA Jul momma mm on mmnm mu wotk cm Aubny on Mm AUInN mo Clmbrldl on awn tr excellm analuun ml cum Tllwhonl Cnmv 110mm Ilm lur lunnu Inlnnmuun WANTED on body rlymnum nr man mad or m1 In and common Apply Bly mld 5m Dune ll CIIIVIIOLP Mr lnr nlr no door VI Indlrd dirk In no A4 rondlllnn nod ll Tzllvhnnu PA I14 Ill YOU GET GOOD DEAL ANDA GOOD DEAL MORE AT FRENCH MOTORS 75 Bradford St PA 85971 NOTIEE Will do cuslom hllnhlnl an mouth mm nu Apply Gear mm 1111 um or my lur Hm mamIain SCOTIA PLAN LOAN 1m BANK OF NovA scom mus BULL Fundy Teddy Mm vel ban qunry ma sired by Bumplcn Finn Una Mun2 dun Ounllchem ml Prince zxceu ml Fully uccndned Ina llsled jean Shelxdnwn Coukslown Isa AUTOMOTIVE mm now wxlh lawcnsl life Insured YquKsnm Ile lar nll In Week old use In YorkMm week om Apply cecu shen 1m shunly my Ielr 513nm PA ï¬suf MOTOR cakï¬on SALE ms nu ale pm nln week old well sumo Apply mm Dummy RR Lenny humu m5 Lemy Has Vermin Pin 12 weeks om Plu week ald Good Ilentord mu mnmhl old Apply evenlnn nr Slhmhy Emmett Slona Phelpston BAY Good qlllllly blied by In nlI Avply wuxmn Boychou ml Lemy Teltphonn Slroud mm or In lurlhzr lulnnuflon OLIVER 6c Tumor uh new Ploughl Spruder Slda Delivery Jule Power Mower ntmr um equlament Also stlndlrd mm mm coll Tllrphonu mull 12569 my and smw Ruining2k pm PA 57552 HAYquinth well am ml ed My In Iqum bllu Apply Clmpbell slmud mm HAY ron sill my cent bile Telrphon Johnllon ma um um Iecond culilaulnhbulel Telephunl strand mm DEA OCK Highest price bald dead or crippled cattle Ina 1mm Small mlth removed me For fast service PHONE EARRIE FA 61232 Conga uk Im ZENITH 91180 NO CHARGE My dun wuk MYGood rnuxuunu oo alles al FARMERS MARKET Farm Supplies Service Case New Holland David Brown Bully Farm Equipth I76 BURTON AVE PA 8237 CASH TRADE TERMS NICKS DEADSToEk WHO ELSE WANTS NEW CAR POULTRY CHICKS RR anmend Duluth License No 172062 Nick Montague Prop CHARLES CHURCH FEED SEED GRAIN FARM MACHINERY LIVESTOCK rA Im llllAllIl Worm lo flu hamhula Gum Inv rim ll mldum Allhlm ll Hlfl or mm IITIV In wlll mm mm an lwnl han 1mm mm run 17 ml mm mm mm Tibvhnnh FA IAunmm Wm lmmnlmu Mu luplr Tm rum mum mun lnulul ull mund lulld Lnl mum r1 Hymn 1m pnmlnm nun mm luullnl mm numm um cn up llm um hn run mm rMMun In my own hum hullll louhd Unm yamnun nnmnm human In my luv Mr run ummn um mu odd 1m unulm hum mm mm uy Nu luo mm nuamhu ulu TIMhone um Illflul 0lrl dun Mle lmllllrm umlu luMymln mlth nu Arm ll nun minL Mumm wmuN um Mk mmnn vlll mm mu nr putmu rm um my any Army In no 10 mm Bum MINESING STATION mm wool as Vupfl slmm Caunly IquulnI lucmr or In nua Ahoul nun mmmwn on lor nd mum In ynur valklflon EMPLOYMENT WANTED INnmun nu mu yu ulnm any or mm Hem um III In mm ï¬ns ll MrlIAN IECTIIAI mun MlLLII om man Optnln In many um lar hum II Inc tar cll In wnmun round Noun Mr Mun hm nod hr Int 1mm Iarmu employ Wm no mm Inmlnu STOP WORRYING ABOUT mm Pny them by Mn nwxdlh Ber vke In num um pm sum county Ely Lo nun who nwlelxhx Dept nLunm 4005 Richelieu Monlnll anmmcnn yuunl munkd mm win an or Iwo cnlxmen tor lenenl mu work In Mlmun sun Aprll 15 my mom modnloxu eru Box 11 Birth Enm zr Opportunity or man or homnn experienced In table Ippalnl mm or cookwnre an advnnl nze but not necessary Indepen dent hours advanced commlh slon Car neccunry Write REGIONAL MANAGER EASTERLING OF CANADA Mus warrior or onmln Mo lnr Leuue ynur mum club Ap ply person It our am In on nnrm Plul an April mm 10 In mm inm Apply wnum mm mm expmun In Box 14 mm Eumlner nnriï¬on Sheet mm shop In up 57y Emu wm 113353183 Jï¬p 09721 lluer rived with our wluh mu uuwm In mm or Tun Inn muna Nawm strut Telephon PA 19005 Illlr Wu cu ANY unouP or DrunkHm ruled In lurmlu club dine mm at wlnllnl ll qulpped Inn nr mum Fm Sham elm ulephon PA H95 IAuchionI Maw mama enameled Ihletlolh 7198 Lunch Teltphanl evenlnu PA an on mnmmm an 351 meom Apply mu Cnmbuhnd slum or telnphont PA um lay an IOST roï¬‚ï¬ IO HELP WANTED Vu nnrdxm ETEZEGETBIE cm PA 66561 nan mum lull boat hull Fun V240 pickup an your own but 75 buck Ind dflv ll ley Dull HIMWIY um Pemunl HEEER SMITH YOUR CON SERVATIVE CANDIDATE Would you like to meet him ask questions discus Issues Call FA 61455 or come In lo Com mittee Rooms 55 Colller 5L Barrie SIMCOE NORTH PC ASSOC Read Small Ads 80 Who Doesnf YOU DOI MONAICE our door IMO nuLlc two tnnl ulcepumnl cow Gillan lel on mm Week Televhanl PA um III to lick Miller atqu mm mm mmx Al dupe or Apply 11 mumu 555321 Bum when nnun sum Culaum szu rby bgnlflld humpy MOTOR CARS FOR SALE mu own homo 0171 In 3mm PA ms or PA PERSONAE TEACHERS WANTED TRUCKS TRAILERS MALE FEMALE 333 Wilson Ave Downsvlew Ont DISTRICT MANAGER FEMAiï¬HII AUTOMOTIVE MALE HELP IllIIMI INIIIIVII IIIVVIVI 19 05 um 111 Fnhlon um In or FUI UR VEDA Elm Sm hurl dxlllvmm mum Huh ham Mu mmer of good lrrolemonu My min IM Ioml mm mm me tuh No mun form In DOM TRACE Audlmur TQMMM Elmull I70 HALE mlmm Ilmlwrh ml Gm Cnulr Implemqu Ilm min and lnmlï¬un TN Cm Na mom firm In nold nnd awmr mov lnl In Vnncomrr Illlnd CIIMILIJI ll THORNTON lendm Tcndm wlll b1 mama by hi undenllnod up lo Ind nclnd1n lb 21nd of Aprll hr cnuhlnl ol 10000 lam of naval dlvld 9d bttweeu lwo loullonl Drivel to crth by um um Jun Lowm or my luver not necmnrlly accepted IL PAM AUCTION SALE Saturday Apr almrp MIL LEONARD HEIHHNGTON Lo Innuulon 0m Townrhlp mllu Milk Na 11 Nlmwny mllu Wm rlllll or mlln north 11 why 13 Auc1i6N SALES meu Cash DATED ll Bunk Ont Ml In any of Apr 196 JERRY COUGIILIN Auulmur MYRILL DEAN mm or ha County Simon rowrgsugp omwsxom uIutll nn um vy PUBLIC AUCTION on THUM DAY EVENING APRIL 10 at Vlllcyl Gnrlle 12 MINI Iml II hour 730 oclock pm By virtue of warrant luued by the landlord and dlmxed lo me for execution have xelzed the lollnwlng thaflcll Mr and Mn Joseph Colman or arrears In rent 21 TV sci 1pm ches Icrlield nulle my chnir coma labia Inble end Ible mp Able Moor 1mm 51m chmme tulle Mc Lary rdrlgmlar alum range chest dnwm Continental bed And mnurw rallnwny to And mul mu Icrlield lulle coma labia Ible sun Able 5110 chmme 12 TENDERS will oiler be nbova men tioned ch eractlva My Ind communion prclened Same travelling In Ontarlo expenses paid Must be willing lo reside Toronto Excellent mining all company beneilu CALL MISS NELLIST DAYS PA 83771 EVENINGS PA 81834 The funeral servlcu March It the Pelhick Funeral Chnpnl Barrie wa conducted by Rev Wllllams Emmlnuel Blp list Church Harrie mlsled by Rev Mlldlefl Brice brldge and Rev White Toronto Temporary Interment wu 1n Mincsing Union Cummry Vault Neighbor Mung as pallhemn were Leo Cnvanaugh Ivnn Cumack Jack McKee Humid Tracy Colin Stewart Ind Hu vey McLean 0i cheeriui Ind kindly dis position she wu Always ready in niier hospitality Ind aym path in those who called upon her and she had with drcia of iriendx She was Interested in the weflare of her community and was quick in oiier her ser vices when sh could bu ni any assistance Survivor Include her hus band Maurice William daugh ter Eleanor huhe pannll Mn and Mn Georg Seymour and brother Oscar All Mid land Ind sister Edna Mn Lloyd mmmhg 01 Strand lEGAlNOIICES Followlnu In Illness of new all weckl ery Lucille Sey mour wile Mlurlce Janet and at 11qu Vlctorh Holplld March 16 1111 Im Mn James Wu born me July 1m hunter Mr and M11 George Sey mour 0n East 12 m2 11 married an Jone ol Mino dng Station Alter raduaflnl from Norml School In leerboroulh lhI laugh Ichool Milan kindle and Mlnealng Station Lam nhu mm at Mldlmnl Mines and Edcnvnle She was member of Collier street Depth Church Bunla During the year 1539 she nt lended Moody Bible 1mm Chicno Illinoh and In the loul community she wan mmm Sunday School leather for number of years 11 Am leMlNluH IUE AY APRIL luv IO HELP WANTED mas mums IoNu YELLOW PAGESADVERTISING AUCTION SALE Clerk and wouurvr Grnvexlmul murlo rléeyl4aiJ 13 ADVERTISING SALESWOMEN THE BELL TELEPHONE CO OF CANADA BAILIFFS SALE OBITUARY dly rll 12 has Aurllnrwr For lmlilnl Mole M311 Mill MONTREAL ICII flnllml unlmml In Io run or MI on In wow bunk mhher In 1m whlm oI lhl Dan Nov Ecclln Mnlrnra In mndo mncumnl In In llyur Ierm In mu Ivm pmlnudy Ior ramplrnry In commIl mo nml robbery WWII ALOULTIE MONT lCIlr Imn II Tann dlln Amnnutlu And RM In Illlule nId Monay lhs per Ionnnnce nI nnldll Alourtln nltlIIIa III lmn nmvvrclnlnl evnwamo hul In Cnnntlll Ila lold Mnnlml Cumullan Club In AMQIII pmvld an III maul mmulul uIeIIIIrl humhod anywhm Iml lhm In molnlllnn III ldlllvomlni In Cami amen m4 rum man muons up IIATOW ARRIVE QUEBEC CW11m lflllsh llntr Mom In ocean pns unler mxel la onler llu 8L Lawnnu lhll nunn nnlved hm Maudy II no pulen urn on flllurdny NAMED PIIINCIIM TORONTO CPDDr Donald my 41 III bean IDWIMM Nlnclpll Unlvmlly of TDNMDI Nu Colllu univer Illy oma Innaunced Mon Iy uumr num ber hlzh Ichml phynlcs er IIookI mild but npprnrul wllh Dr Inllmnn llumr In Iwn cm lrleleinn mluFocul on why and Twn or lhynlt byinw niu ll no hour In parmll groccry em lo remain upen Irldyl until pm Gmcerl will remain cloud in Myndn and claw DOGS TEllflolllZE OTTAWA CPiClly councll unanlmauslr enduned motion Monday nxhl calling in tougher domalchianmum in Clnndns cnpilnl Alderman Don Kay mid women Ind chll dun ln Iuburbln Irens lnl lerrliled by puck at unl mlll raumlnl he meets Thu police cammlulon will be liked in In higher llnu lor owner who let lhelr don run ll llrge AMEND BYLAW sAllNlA CPlAcllnz on petition lined by malarin of Small grace lly council Moq nluhl Iqregd lo Amend CAUSED BY SMOKING LONDONOnL CPIFire Impeclor Weston snld Monday night careless smoking likely cnuscd an early morning blue in he ens collage of lhn Onlnrlo Hospital here mulling In the cvncunllon 69 mcnlnl pltlenu 1n nlghl auire None of the patient mu Injured hull Wllanskyr one of the our Memorlll Univmfly stu denu who kidnapped the pre mlar uld lh and the three other lludenb called on the pro nlder Friday Ind outlined the pun ST JOHNS Nfld CWPre mier Joseph 51mlle was kidnapped Mondny It cost at 3250 the bum party but Ipplrenlly he WIS In mr the whqu um Pameh Claw mumold bounty contest winner and NIndIle Slutordshlra Enz smauwood Held For $250 Ransom FEMALE HELP WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF iéjccldv puny ol In ullln DC plm lch cruhnd In In NH noth noun In norm mm night wlfll Ulhl venom Mu Mud LONDON Ilculr The In ulllclnl Illikl In landnnl lunilni hlllmy maul Monday wllh lho uhmom want dllpu lwlwwn Um Lomlnn hrnth ul flu lllblb flunk cl lnklmn and II IlklIHlH duh Thu NIIlonIl Unlnu Hank Emvlnym uld Ihq hunk hu urud la mlnlmum wnc ICIIC DEMAND HEIRION JEIIUSALlZM ANTh nmquIun lurllu mulld Pr mlrr llrnhurlnn Monday mm what mu lumm Mn pro 101mm llllllldl ley do mlndul alwlll pullmm telIon lo deal wllh numnllnl nmr our Wm Umunn Ir rnllnlu Imilnl or Unllrd lush llowhlln FIND CRMIED PLAN my mnqurlfZA um up lnwcr Ilrnndwuy Monthly Hm rnlrul flllum llrktr lap plrnde The ï¬lm mod In an open car ml lucnr mulor ml um wrndm In my Ihmulh lho llnnnclnl dlurlcl nlmytly All noon The Hnl wM Kunl an Mllrlul en lhm mm Mnmr llnhnl Wagner rhuncd bumb lhrcnl lorccd p1 Ice Mondny nigh lo mrrh lho ocean llntr Funca nnd mum Icope numeroul places hr mu jusl before 01 vuch wu Io Ill Mlh mm lhnn 1500 Mr lenzm KING GET TICKEII TAPE NEW ypqg MUKIM Hu un II El Morncm wnnrlnl crnwu nnly on mwl lulu mlu PEAK ERUITS ANCHORAGE Alalku MP violcnl volcanic crupllon was rcnnncd Manduy 300 miles suulhwcs of here apparently In Alaskas Valley 10000 Smokcl In Me Kulmal anlunal Monument There was sncculu llon the punk erupunz was Mount Trldcm which New lls lop 12w yum agn Than no am In In rezlon PUHIJSHEII DIES MIAMI Flu AmDunkl Muhoncy 75ycnmld nuhnshcr In Mlnml New dlcd Mnn dny whlle undcrnoinu lung mllon In Doctor llmnllnl in cw York Clly Mnhnncy hnd bun nuhllshcr he dully llnce um He also was chnlr mun of ma board or mum of lhe Unxvmlly Mlaml GIMME LINER new yonx AWA do The fun coll Ihe Llhcrnl parly $150 whlch was runsnm bank dran made out to ma Red Cross wu pnld over for Mr She mid the kidnapping was dreamed up by lhc our sludenl hut Mr Smaiiwoad was quite willing to join in the UH with Miss Wilansky ï¬rsL year an student were Bill Guodycan secondyear ensl ncering student and two ï¬rst year premcd sludcnls Derek Luscombe and Doug Jamlesun The stunt was pnmnrily publiclty gag far Red Crns fundraisin campaign hut Miss Wllamky said April Fools day mlde easier to pull 01 WA STUDENJS IDEA pmpasnl or United Nation Inquiry lulu ll Alrlcan lenilm Ilcs but outred to discuss wilh nine or 10 Mrlcau commie rhnrge that lcrrfloric an Ihrcul In peace Portugal dc nicd lhc chnrzcl The preme nunin disguised 541 he wouldnl be recognized ai Memorial was iakcn la stat room in the science build where he spent the morn He went along with ll Ihe said and may picked hlm up at Confedurntlan BulldIng legre his gtlice Islocated Innd bus conductml hu can ed on her marriage to Clive Lucy 21 because of her pony FROM NOW ON ITS ALL VELVET RIIIIKH END Asked chum would be Inid he laid Yes Im making charm am chnrzlng hum wim being linL fellows and Im charglnx Mom with helm phl Ianlhrnpisu Reporters wera skcpllcal he whole story when Mr Smallwnods aflch lint cnllcd thnm to report the prcmlcr mlsslng Then flu prcmlcr hlm sell phnnnd rndlu simian CJON and dcnlcd It was hoax Mlcr lhal the reporlcrs hogan tn lake the whale lining nugre Icrlously nm on kcpl up the prams even liner he wal rc lcascd with slalcmcn on how we he was treated and com mcndcd hlx kidnappcn Inr lhclr nxcnul Smallwood batoro was ro Inscd Lalcr lhe students presumed lhc drnh la Campbell Eaton president or the Newloundlnnd Red Cross Society Then lhey explained he hula lhlnz In re porlcrs The federal government must reduce progressively lls sham of revenue and enable the pmvlncc lo rccelve as first slop per cent ul personal and corporatlon lncomo taxes The exact proportion should he established In mnsulmllnn He told press coniercnce monsored by the NDP Ciuh an tha University at Montreal cam pus that provincial zavcm merit must be lummteed sui iicieni revenue tn fulï¬l their nbilgatiuns in lhe fluid at edu cation and sgciai security MONTREAL CF Douglas New Democrullc Party leader sald llnndny the lederal government and lb pmvlncns shnuld share eventu ally nna mo hnsl the rev enue 1mm personal and corpo rallon Income taxes RundlnE from laxpared slglgmcn 1e salï¬ Douglas Says Revenues Should Be Shared 0n 5050 Basis Velvet right Clive got tired anglau talk about her horse and demanded he ziva up he equan love of he Illa Ollie Noam IIIIO mp Sxio pm In III 11 Nm TO PLACE YOUR COMING EVCNTE NOVICE our dilly In Thu Examlmrl rimmed Idn ling union Comlng Evnnh nollu tho uonom Idvlslno inn about uponom Individual nmnnluIlonI 0r olhar Inlcrprlnl USE BARRIE EXAMINER PHONE PA 82m THE BARRIE EXAMINER COMING EVENTS AD T0 INFORM PEOPLE OF YOUR GROUPS Moolings Social Event Fnhlon Show Enlaminmonl Dance Inmucllon Clusol Spam Event And Other Occuiom HI nulcmcnl propuled Ip polnlmcnl clvll urvanu at top pa level whose Int lnngunxc French 10 Ihnro mu unrlluns of unillngual Enzlllh civil servant be period ha ore hillngualism hmmel unl vmal nl lhln lavel lllrl Douglas propoled rlcs stops ln pmvldo lor hlllnznnl nnd blculluml ledml clle servlcc including estab lishmcn 01 language schooll lor bllinnual employee and bl llnzual personnel ln unlor pol lcy post In the nvcrnment The Ialnry bonun would bl nald ullcr 1m adjustment perlod we ycnrs and nppolnlmenl al hllingunl acnlur clvil lemnll would allow Allnr mmewhn longer udjuslmtnl purl Mr Douglas laid In his mie mcnl ihui any province um does not wish in participate in Maui provincial Mm prev invuiving conditioni Kranla should receive the quiv plant Unnth Iederli abatement Most of Mr Doualas Ime menl deal wiih FruchJJnulixh relations In it he proposed the csinbiishmonl oi coniederl ilon council In study problem threatening lo dlvidc French and English Canada and the air polnlmcnt oi icderalprovin cini commission of Inquiry on lcdcrnllsm and blculiuraiixm Mr Douglas said that than nothing cunlradlclory he lwcon his pyupasnl and the present system lcderal equal lzathn paymenu Io he prov lnccs Elnbnmlnx during ha ques llon period Mr Douglas 5an that the pravlnclnl shnr in carpornllon and personal in come taxes should ha Increased by one per can year until it reached 50 per cent Mlh the pmvincca and Ike Inlo account lhelr parllwlar need and prclercncns or cnl hyweddlu Sh called at I9 wedding 50 Clle ls nut and Velvcla In clover AP Wirephotm