CURRENT FASHIONS Ill coats suits and dresses as well as in sportswear were shown at the iashiun show sponsored Thursday night by the Cookstown Womens in stitute Some at the models who participated wearing nub WI Members Model Styles For Spring CODKSTOWN SiamWhen doors opened last Thursday night at the town irall tor the lesbian showsponsored by the Womens institute arganircrs were surprised when close to 300 spectators crowded in Extra chairs had to be brought in to seat everyone Muddy rourts failed to take their expected toll on the turn out Timing was another ad vantage in the Shaws iavar just close enough to warm wra titer and lust lar enough away from Easier to arouse interest About to ouliils provided by Mrs Gertrude Pinkneys Ladies and Childrens Wear Cooks town were displayed by local models Tiny tots modelling the lat est in childrens wear stole the show or the iirst haiihour They were Kathie Monkman Lori Lee Monkman Beverly Monkman Neil Pinkncy and Gayle and Kim Amon Junior models were Donna tlughes Judy Airth Fatty Cook Margaret Linton and Bar bara Coulis They modelled complete line at spring clothing for teenagers sportswear clothes for school and or spe cial occasions Sheath dresses and spring coats all eoilarirss predomin atcd among garments shown by senior models They included itlrs Gladys Wilson Mrs Juan lebb Mrs Lillian Cook Mrs Eleanor Graham Mrs iieth Taylur ItIrs Betty Cohurn Mrs ionise lloughton and Mrs Ruth Pinkney With the emphasis on trim lines in the dresses and straight skirts in the threepiece suits spectators were heard bemoan ing the loci they hadnt gone on diets sooner Commentator tor the two hour fashion show was Miss litur jorie Trotter Cookstown The show was opened by Mrs Wit bur Trotter WI president who later presented flowers to Mrr T0 MARRY The engagrrneat is announc rd oi Mm ianrl Sultan Iiruwn daughter at Mrs itda Knlght Suttonvltrown ul Oslo awn Ontario and St Andrew Jamaica nnd lion Sutton Photo by in no IN OSHAWA llruwn oi Orho illat Jamaica to Philip Sauve sun at Mr and Mrs Frank me at ila rtaneutshcne Gregorys Church Oshawa will be the srtting tor the ceremony at it llJtt on April to Use Carrot Sticks For Diet Snacking Ily IIIA JIZAN KAIN It was Mark Nola who claimed that llalnt il habit and not to he iilrmf out iitr inflow Inst roakut tloil Iiit tlitirl it ran line via hut IIMI irilghliul hulnoxilt was also the one who liitllii it any to give up Irnnkiuu lo lotto it itltndrrdl oi linwn Modern pryliroloilidl know that In arty innit moi habit the IN plan in lo mlntllnte good habit for It inui one tttlv il liennolni pltxvt lllat urn olnn works run urlli invoking the rlgnrrttr habit All ingenious urlrtlrmau rle lrnnlnrd to no Lady Nicotine and to rlo ll without piling on ground mom not nun no wngrr Itn died to uiu his rrrlpc ttr carrot hlirkl lint wnlt unnrthinu new hm been added garlic salt iiusy during the day our rr smoker was able to rope until late nttrrnoon ttrrl as ho toitttttl not Iitl tlangrniuq hour II that rolnxlna time at tiny nhrn irirnliI galtrrr iur it little convlilnttty Thats the th he Iornlm tor rnrrot lildt insltati it llrtltilu or tattooing lhlhil Cur ulap raw rmrols into strips about king size and Ipiinkin lightly with garlic salt in Mint allrku nu Iong and slim and you can go thronsh the motion at rrnrhing out on dont gain wright you Just get healthier he concindorl tri rurrliiuroliy its now year and ray since he gave up smok ing and hr but hold the wright too You mired tor sutlgrstlonx to innunit weight rnrn dur ing tirat trust trying period when one Iiist give up krnok tart had Imokrd inr tw im yrara lfllI knew my titr pulse to put stitllliillfl into my month could easily lend to pow pm in not mu rrrtim no itllrloh wasnt otunrl to sulnlla into one lrnronlrottnhle habit tor another tIttiiIttI would drink plant of wntrr when ltrltitJI lnr tonvlttinu kcpt prlrher oi water and glut iInIItly lhil lilitwvi nwxrmouly to Itrtl trltititl it iI now live yearn shun me up mrokinu and my urlvht In rx nttty where want It to be rite tittlilltilti happily Iim ltnutirnncr an the ap polite stole to increase in appetite II Irtnporary Take the attitude that you need riot pile on pnlxnril An rIrrllcut way to Intlsiy appetite nmt locvrnt circular overweight in to tncludr protein at lltealtuit time on on and pine oi lean rural plus Illit oi loot iiutl anti rottrc Inning the tiny dont rrnrh tor sweet tnr Ihnt can create another rvavlnl Itrarh to runot Itirlt sprinkled llchlty oilh sarllr Hit and or drink gt ot water iits they displayed are tram lett Mrs Ectty Coburn hiss Ruth Pinkncy Mrs Beth Tay lor Mrs Luise ituughton and Mrs Gladys Wilson Gertrude Pinkney This pre scntrrttan from the wt was token oi appreciation for Mrs Pinkneyo work in supplying the clothing modelled during the show iialr stylist was Miss Patricia Beech Cookstown and ladies in charge at makeup were Mrs Betty ilolbert and Miss Janice Leonard Len Vilsan Barrie looked alter stage decorations and Max iioitands Lefroy provided the flowers Piano selections were played early in the show by Louise Barbara and Mary Wright by Janice and iticky htonkman and by Shirley and Bobby Taylor More music iottoued at inter mission Mrs Harold West and son Lloyd played piano duet Mrs Murray McDowell played several numbers and also sea eompanlod Mrs Robert itiiey and Mrs William Draper in ANN LANDERS Informal Dress For Friendly Visit near Ann Loaders im not prude nor am the type to poke my nose into other peoples business but value your opinion and would like your views tricnd at mine who Is single and in her middle thir ties has her own apartment This friend is acquainted with rather attractive gentleman about to its is bachelor and has an apartmutt in the same building live in the building toodown the hall from the gentleman The other evening came home later than usualabout 00 pm was shocked to see this woman dressed for bed nightgown bolhroho nnrl nlipperr but about to enter the mans apartment Without the slightest hint at embarrassment she greeted me warmly and announced My TV broke down and itrgtnnid invited me down to sea the late movie This struck me as indecent Or am litlnl illTHE IJAIIK AGES Du Am In our society most people dress for the oc casinn when one hears ski suit iolks lust naturally assume he Is going airing person in shoulder pads and shin guards looks ready tor Ice hockey Your iricnd used poor Judgi rucnt ADOPTION Dear Ann inndm married widow tirren years ago ilty wiln paer away in row the same year her husband died My own two sons hnvo gradu otcd horn colltle and are on their own My wltel two Ions are it and it yran at are Iovr her boys as niortt as love my own They are rlrvoted to me trial no barn is wondrrtul itittllnnshiil want to adopt my wllnl mm legally and change thrlr nnnrn tn mlnr My wild to niiulrut it because Ihal airalrl her ionnrr inttnrlulnw will tll lhn boys out at his will it ltrry do not carry on his tune My name tlhcy till the last at his hriui ihilo thrlo ll tonIidornbln wraith thrrd dont irel tilt in ilttpoitant IItII Mel Allin It mpmrr lilrsu ho ndnent SHAMPOO AND SET $119 littiNl IA IJMI ASK FOR Till itUDttldT MM nan garrlck also Slams on Maple Avenue OPEN EVENING Ing hnnio unoalro inod tmm tho rrslaurunt makes great deal nm mm malt MONDAY APitiL mt SOCIAL NOTES COFFEE PARTY Mr and Mrs Read at Shanty Bay Road were hosts at toilet party in honor of Pro gresstvo Conservative candidate Haber Smith and Mrs Smith Mrs Read was assisted by Mrs Donald MoeLaren SQUARE DANCE JAMBOREE Biue Mountain Promenadera Square Dance Club at Ceiling wood were hosts to square donor crs tmm many parts or Ontario Saturday evening in the gym oi Stsyner Collegiate institute Don Armstrong at Florida was call er tor approximately 250 danc ers tram Kitchener Hanover Wlarton Collingwood Csmp Borden Alliston Sudbury Lon don and Barrie GETTOGETHER An informal gettogether was held for members of the Barrie Young Liberal Association and their guests at the Continental inn on Friday evening Guests were present irom Barrie Camp Borden Toronto and the sur rounding area Receiving guests were Allen Cowan president Miss Janet Robertson Don Campbell and Frank Tooko vice presidents and Miss Ruthmarta Green secretary OPEN HOUSE Mist Cathy MeVIcar wire ed itor at The Barrie Examiner en tertained Sunday afternoon at her Collier Street residence at an open house ior associate employees Guests included Mr and Mrs iiarvey Blackstaek Ted Beaudoin Steve Joneseu Earl iinskim Gerry McPherson Charles Tully and Mr and Mrs Graham Dixon Mr and Mrs George Mcvtear of Port Credit parents at the hostess were also party guests FEW USE TIIIMBLES Thimbles are no longer big business West German works that once sent millions of thim bies all over the world now can not keep busy their vocal duets piano solo was played by Miss irene Mc Master Cookstown Wi member pre pared snd served reireshments downstairs alter the show them and do all the necessary things My pride is involved that do you say DAD Dear Dad Your sons will carry on your iamlly nnma it is not unreasonable tor this erandtrrther to want his sons boys to carry on his iamlly name Unless the boys express strong desire to have their names changed recommend that you disregard the linanclal advantages unrl respect the old gentlemans wishes IMAGINAIW IIJI ileor Ann Landcrlz My hus band ond are land at Mr and Mrs They are work ing couple as we are and often in tour at us have dinner together Mrs has habit which ilnd embarrassing My husband says its ridiculous for mu to have any loellngs one way or the other Mrs has small appetite She niten asks the waiter or waitress to put her leftover meat in bag tor the deg My husband tutti know they have on dog is ill cheap trick or mittNEW VUIlKEIt Iiur New torkrr am alternately saddened and sick rnod at the thuflilllt at the Inn rdilile iood that wind up in American garbage path Tak ut rrnxe The only thing that doe not make srtm is the invention at the ring Why Is Mn dclrns hot The waiter or waitress couldnt turn tun Draperies iiiiIC0Vi7iltl DIIAIEIW HARDWARE itItMlIGO iillAlEH VENETIAN BLINIIS WINDOW RIIAOHA Estimate FALL It TtilIAY Robert DUNCAN Downovlur ltrtvn PA 61777 FASHION Ea UNDER imam Cotton broadcloth bra by Dairy thwith underarm shining tor porlect lit White in size 3240 ABc cup Also available ln long line style Whlle in tires 32 ABCD cup $4 Power netgtrdles by Daisy thwilh satin taslox itont panel In white with small yellow dot pattern and embroidery Sizes SML or Ext tonalcg pantie glldlo with dip walsillno illustrated Regular arpanflo girdle with dip walrillno Sorong highwaist slylo wdh ripper IO lull and over sgo hlp tlm Luxurious nylon tricot itntsttod with sculptured banion taco and crystal planting White black or opal hm to iit sizes 34 to 38 498 Matching bliall also ovalobit pr Shop Walters Whm Good Tali in which Not Exprvulvl ALKERS sronrr ItoUMr Daily lit Iltl no WNW 57 normal lrl to II No at In