Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 Apr 1963, p. 1

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ml nolh hum ml plum lprcnrllfll up lo mo 1ch lloodwnlcr In worm wldc lakca In luwlylnu mzlom olullm cily TORONTO 1UP Mb card Tumnln lnwyrr who hrlped Drunnlxc lhe Fulornuun or 0mm Collnurrn Anodn lom In Jnnunry mhl Snlunlny munmrr mung nwnm mum Mk Hm vrnvlnclnl Kuvnrnmmi lo Imus uuldnncn In mrnl rmmdln In municipal dull and Inw Mr Hum will Hm Imnlnrr Ilwrllm Mm Ihnuld mk new numltlpnl elrcllvn drdr mat fly Ralunlny nwnknulv Inf Workml lulr mmpm Ie mldenh tollur nhmlnnlcd Munchle vlrrqlum now hpld In will By THE CANADIAN PRESS Flood walcra swept through three Northern Ontnrlu cummu nlllu Sunday but Inulhwcstcm areas hard hll narller last week reported receding river levels Sudbuw Conlslon and Little Britain all within few miles at each other suffercd henvy damage as loading in tho re llon reached its peak About 400 homes were swamped in Sudbury water reached ccillng hclghl In sev ere Lllllc Brilnln homo and Conlslon citizen rnsumcd their day old slruggle to protect nghwny l7 mm hn swollen Wnnupilcl UVgr Fears that levels would rise Increased with light rain pro dlcled lo coniinue iodny and rialng daytimu temperatures which would increase spring rum responalbie or ihe nvcr low the lccJammcd rlvm and creeks In soulhwnslcm Onlnrlo con diliuns eased and many centres hoped levels wnuld remm normal Ioday or inlcsday The Thumb was dropping rapidly at Chnlhnm and Lon don nnd olflrlnls hallcvn lhc Hood threat has ended Slrcnm level In tho Gull Kitchener nml StrnHord area also dropprd In lho north more lhnn 100 puhllc works employees nnd cluzcns laugh desperately Sunday In smash Ito Jnm which backed up two cmkl flowing lhrouxh Sudugry Mas rrsldcnls in Hue hun drch home inla whlch Um unlcr pouml refused Iu lcmc moving upstnln or Um duru llnn An unknown numbn nlmudnncd lhclr humu 00 EIIOW At least luo hulldlnxx wcra lnundnwl with nnly mo 1an vlmnla In the swlrllnn wulcr Um laprun Ichoal wnl llo lnIIJ the lllnnrhyl Imkv PromHy Mum AIsoclnlllm Um he Inunldpul anlrl do mllmrnl Ihuum omdsu marl mnlrul um rnlmly munclll Hu Ianl hn wnulvl Im mo ol Ihrrn Alun ol the lulrrnllnm 1116 III Illlmhl ho In INK my Iuclnl luMnnltrI llm sum nm wllnzm vlghln hnml nnla rnndldnlu In rural llrc Iml and In numa lhrlr voian mm nouns EASE The Saugrcn River n2 ccdlnx In the Pnlley South nmplon nrcn nller causing con Ildcmble damage la coungc Ind dock by hurling pllcs he algal lhcm 99 Your No 77 Lady Churchlll cclebrallnz her 7Bll blrlhdny today hold hands with Sir Winslan Chur chill as they walk through Govt Control For Cottagers Heavy Flooding In North Ontario For Examiner Wan Ad Tele phone PA 324 11 wephona number to call or the Busineslv or Editorial Dept PA 86537 Our Telephones HANDHOLDERS OFF TO BIRTHDAY PARTY closed as water lapped through its classrooms Dlld anulhcr with water already covering It playgrnund lhrcnlencd Floadwnlcrs cut of Illghwny 537 and 529 and swept not decp across halfmile section of Highway 69 whlch was kept open by detour No lee walnr swirled across the Brady linderpnss In the hem 01 um cly In Conlslnn eight miles In the cast lasHlawlng creek swept away road bridge as cltizcn and lelc employees resumed conslrucllun snndban levee breached late last week la pro Ken Highway 11 r01in dam fanaiothI tomu ol detergent rcsiduus MIMI are major pmblcms In water pollu llun conlml may be on lhclr way out chcmlcnl approach ML minallng hue residues In waste wnlnr hns hccn devel oped by du Pan of Canada Ltd at Kingsmn 0nL research ccnlrc Dr Hugh Elsenhnucr lhn Du Pont chemist uho deval opcd lhc mclhod described lo mcmhm of the water and mule chumlslry dlvlslun lhn Amoricnn Chumlcnl Society hm lodny tho dclnlu his rc sumh on chemlcnl axidnuon Process suld rnsulu nl Klnnslon look promisan but cmplmshcd lhc wark sllll In tho prclimin my mac and Ihnl extensive mmrch and dovclopmcnl re qulml MIan lhu procm gun crowd of wellwishnrs on arriv ing at Londnn home at lhelr daughter Mary or 171th day party Mary the wlle Mludayllmwma It New huh 1mm AM In mm rum Lny momlnx mum Method To EndSoap RésidlieS Developed In Kingston Labs L95 ANGELES CF The Eh marrir Examimr SH Famous Doctor Dies In Florida TORONTO CP Dr Clar ence Raulley oi Tornnm ho ynnnucr member of an interna lionnny rccognhcd pair bmlhcr doctors died or heart attack Saturday while on va cation New Smyrna Beach Fln He was 74 Dr Rauncy at his death was hunornry president of the Cuna dian Medical Association and consultantgeneral ol the World Medical Assodnllon whlch he hech ound bmlher Frederick who died is yours ago was nniionni commissioner of the Canadian Red Cross Society from 1918 un til his death and had segvcd the request oi Kile League oi lied Cross Societies temper my medical director in 1926 at Paris b93611le lo mmmcrclnl use flle pmblem ceran residue male In waters nrlso rum um Incl lhnl mnny dolor Kcnl are not readily consumed autograch by bacteria me most common form drlcmnt residue is foam whlth often appears In surface ivnlcrs rcwnxe lrcnlment pl l5 and Ingwntpr dclcrgcnu nlkyl clone sul The cumin weigh lhesa onnln or Aux like soup made lrom nnlm nnd vane able ms whlch an be hmkcn down or oxldix by bnclcrlnl Mlinn in sotvnge disposal plums A113 lunly parflnlly dc llEflde Dr lilscn ur described his mull0d as used on lhu oxldm Ian ML wilh hydrogen per oxide min Ilmplo melnl Iall an cal ysl Dr IJI nhnucrl ram rk mm do nrnilnblo lo lho mm In ndvnnco at delivery of Agriculture Minister Chris topher Seames It was he first lime this sprlnl he Yearoid Sir Viminn venlured am of doors AP wirephnio II llnlr flul apwmm Um Ihe rudllril Mupnpcr mlh new Ihmd In In In lxluvvy Wham Hnmlh fitfiflfijbum mq mumnm Nchnrk Mirm in AJj EMMY Whnt ls go us on In Guale mall or her own good and mime gopd thle sl Cen Velensky returning In South ern Rhodesia mm Inlh In Inn don which Noflhem Rhodesia Eva gen 01 fling éolmedo cm nr rifinn Federation snldflx ll lmpernllve um Southern defiln 919 ll ndgpndny GUATEMALA CITY AHA mllllnw takeover In Gultemnln that sent President Miguel Ydl gums Fuenies into exHa ap peared today to have blocked any chance 01 Communist election victory In this Central Argegicgn republic qu ralla Armdin 54 Ydlgnras deltnce mlnlsler made ulnar he Intends to he strong man leader as he look over lhe govemmufl with paw 013 to rule Qy acme SALISBURY Reuters Sir Roy Weiensky prime minister of the Rhodesian Federation lo duy mid large predominaan whlie airport cmd they had been said nut by the British zovpmmenl Thu coup Suds appeared to hava lhe appmvn Ydlgwru who arrived In Nlcamzua by suld the 61year nld deposed leader prima lg He said those Southern Rhw doslanx whu helluva In the maln tunancu of cullum Ind clvllim llon have In real they cannot count on he wppon of Prlmo Mlnlslcr Mncmmnn and hi ov emmcnl They have told but and they do nut can wha happen no ho said Welcnsky mld he won lo Lon don wllh another plan whth would hnvo glven lho chermlon lenltodu the right In mcdo under mndillon dulng lo Ialclunrd lhe pmervnllon ho 11th one and economic llukn between tho hm mmpon cnls Iho lcdernllon Naflhcm nnd Soulhcm Rhodch and Ny uulnnd Vclenskyvmild ll the duly everyone black and MI no lhpL Independence mum Then MA at tho rnnk he snld HAD MIIEII IDEAS never an chance pub llnlz onward lhll pmposll he In Guatemalan Head Goes Into Exile Welensky Says South Rhodesia Sold Out By British Govt PMREMOVESLASI AUSTERITY TAXES Barrln Ontario Canada Mopdly April 11963 Yorkl mmy nonpava hnn endm wllh lh ronr of Ipced ymm nmnlc to lo um 000 mm loyen and 3600000 mnlm Ilu tilyl mnhr qnllyflnxym In tha Central American lnllCaxlm movement Permit said he did not know the whereabouts of leitlst on mar president Juan Jose Are valo 58 whnse secret return from exile In Maxim apparently touched nil Sundnyn coup Are vnio had planned to run or the presidency and stood good chance at being elected The new chief oi stnte laid pres conference that therewa little resistance from Ydlgnras He said three top military otil oer went to the can Crema the presidential home to de mend his resignation When the doors were not opened tanks were used to force them mm labor dhpulu Iml ahul down lho paper Ind ml Hm rllyl economy In ullmnled $130000 New urhrrIJmulhl up apm 6mm nlghl nlmollal Ill lhl mm could vrlnl llwm Tun mornln Ipm Thu Tlum Ind TM Imld Tvlbum nlunwd In 1th lhulr mum prlce nn ppm uld really lncmud mu and In lncrun In In cull ha nm rlgg Ilncq lm other Wmlnh man New and The lrmm nuhml ll Iva MM Both In W331 21 numb plWllll AI mu on real 10 Major In Mum mm mFJoiaTuh which mm fie HI Icm held Yifllora and hl wife until they were flown out OK the country feast ha mm may might nah us in the breast and um gytlholrnns grouqu Ila said he and Bullet Central Mrlcan 5min mlnir ler had been dluusslnx Iuch specific question as the next lovemorKcnernl at he ltdem lion only lwu day berom was summoned In Illllcr Ind 01 wlm our Iuturu WI 1011 Asked about thechnnce Southern Rhodesian Independ ence Labor government came In power In Britain Wel ensky replied fhey Eunm den with us any worse than we have hid in the 1w yew Southern Mdam axmu re ucal Kn landon My lot ndanu yreunl Ihc Brllnh zovnrnmunt wllh po lenUAlly explosive pollllcnl and diplomatic mm Southern In um run by walla mlnarlly Injcmmcnl To grant this lerrllnry huh pendmco would lncur the wrath ol Negro MUmAlllll Ind umb nhly whip up rnclll vIochce would nlw pmvoko nulcrlu 1mm nlhcr chm govtmod mm 1119 dual knell the edem lIon wns Ionnded In 1411an Ins wmk when Nanhcm Module was granted the right In indu pcndence Northern Rhodesia mind by an Negro MUonnUsl Knvernmtlll lmmcdlnlely uld would qull lhu lcdcrnllcn Nyunllnd Ilsa Norm ruled had Already won pledge at In dependmca from he mum and WM luv the New nlhm loo Hq and the worn ollhe cdunl nvmxment and main lcnnnce lhe Queenl In the Mexallon must go on and long Im hm will no does go on 14 will do nulhlnz hflp break up Um Mam NY Gets News Again 7vqu mm Nw edlllan hmuxhoul lhn Ilrlke lulled Ill Sunday pvln lo 20 ml horn 15 Th nlwurpar Ihuldnwn lnnlul nn collllul In Ill cllyl hlnln bum Dtc wllh um at pvlnlan It maul Sandy when 11 pm mumn membm Nu Inn mm unlnnl um olned lllo Ilrlkovnlrd In um put gvnlrgcl wllhlhg Pu an Aluminum Nu Ym Lily IIM lur mml nu mmHon vnlunuruy Nallml Labor ltdUm 32 an Alma upku unlnu mu unknownan PRINTERS lllllKB IIMI Oily but lhul in Mm mmnmu Nun no ledhle In Thu 1mm Amtrlun rm mnld mbunu lunar Inland Pm Ind It It lmpal qwuged Mn nury Corbin wiln at Hm mlnurnnl owner lured mlmr burn hu hunch HAMILTON CH11m polka dcpmmentl crime laboratory ll numlnlnz ramenls homomade bomb whlch ex plodcd Saluninf um Almost um lwenrod boy hll cyb lzhL John Slcoll Amman mu mlenscd mm hosplul altar beinl lmlvd or were born In hundl The bomb wan In wrappcd pncklzo the boy found In leltphom boom Ind vuu hnndlnx lo womnn In mnvhy reflnung when It uplodgd RCAF Slallon nhént 15m abovw Police today Ire narrth or two liyur old lhll mh sinl ram their home line we pm Sundny Cheryl Eddy amnswmuen mu ery St Barrio werd list seen Sunday altemonn by Mrs Jack K111i Junel mother Mrs Klnz nw lha two zlrlx wulk In to the bur depot Maple Avanue Cheryl was to let the Edlnr bus and Jana war to return home Immedlltely Dc scrlptlon of tha two IltLI wnl teased by palm todny Cher yl Eddy 15 years he Inches tht mplcxlon blond hair last seen wearlnl brown speckled slacks und luld corduroy Jacket Jam Ktnl 15 yearn Int Inches hllr recently tut rhart lIKhl com plcxlun brown hatr blue eyu Illm build welrtnl brown Ilncks Ilkhl belle trench coal nnd vnln urern mutter Ihoes Bomb Goes 01 In Restaurant MISSING Remavn the remaining Im port lurcham hu brought up pomon charm that 1h tlmlnz the move1m week brim nu Moqd zenaa1elecllon Potlumn lo InhaleCod mm In In In lamp pun an Uma nobody home hm lonllM Mua bu MW mm MI Inuith uni lhI romch 1113mm In plpm rm Dulr bell to com of PM Inch In Id Men In mwpm mus next Manda genre elecllon Is an Ind canon 01 lbs Pm mauve Cunsemflva putyl dePerallpn Opposiiivn nuclion lwlilly followed announcement at polit ical railiu Saturdufi mm by Prime Minister leienhnker and Finance Miniuler Now of the ad 30 tile Ipeciniluviga im it was workAndres week end or our party leaders Mr Dielenbaker Ind New Dum ocrallc Party Ludcr Dou glas Ifler respective rallle at St Thomas on and Sydney NS were ll lhrJr Otnwa homu Sundly Llhlrll Lender Lester Parson ruled Van couver Island holiday 10d Iflu Sulurday rpuch ll NI nnlmo 30 Social Credit chief taln Robert Thom son returned to Album alter woday min through Samtchnun mum mmm Ade puthlion For lhl MI 21 dlyl MI pvlnlcd and laid 150000 0le day mm nun daublo ll norml clrtulnllnn For dlyl may whetown wen Inded rummunllt ugnnl Eiliom um IVIIIINI fin 1111 In nun wnl milhie lrom ml and laluvlnlon th uplndpd rully ha mp0 lawn and lruqumcy hair Mlulnl lhc lulurrl MIME color um humar Ind 11y llylnl posed mar Inst Junas elecuan to help hall the drain on Cam ndn orelzn ex re nerves Meanwhiie eieciion over this weekend continued at high piich aver the issue oi whether Canada should quuiro nudenr warhead or the Bomarc missile on this canpirya soil Mr Diclenbuk amounts mu the removal ha lur nhuluulduu mp reflects the Illchm and mmem 01 m5 Cyndin camp BRISBANE neulen Australian Air Force hfllcoplrrl lo dny plucked 10 penam nhly mostly from rooftop In Southern Qummlandl blues flood rescua opernllon In 10 you An ullmnlod 50000 Iquarn mile territory were cut of by the floods Ind ulna plane and two hellcopurn today beunn dropplnz 00d Lo peopll trapped In oulhlqk Areal In Vnncvuver leenl uno mlc IHIIII crllloWnller Gar don Iold repoflen Mn ll Ultra had been consldered plan to 1m the surcharges he llep would hm been liken Ionl VANCOUVER CF Thm men dled And 131 null dd In lheir pyllmu when Ira raced lhrauih pm the donnlmm Amlln Hotel early Sunday Sovcn Injured pcnons wen Inkm lo hos plhl or lrenlmenl Ind mar released SYDNEY Aunrnlln Inculm American ulml Marlo Th0 Body MchnIld nlurnrd la Sydney pnychlllrlc huxpllnl today Pollen hnd Hatched Um cllyl harbor lltll Sunday Mm lho no rm dllnppurtd 1mm hr hmpllnl room Mlu Mannnld was IL ghnugd ram the hpxplln Mlcr ngum Sim hnd bun ndmlurd WOODSTOCK HI AP Thm Hllnall annn Cnlhallc prluls and thclr yauni plXol were killed when Mr 11th plnnn cmhld and burned north here In demo on Sunday nluhl Tho 11cm wen ldcnluled now llmld Hchlcmnn 71 Thomas her 21 And Kennth WaJuu Alto llllrd wu nobm Hclnemnn brnthu nl Fllher llelncmnn Balurdny Vlbrurzml mlmanl In ulter By THE CANADIAN PRESS Floods Cut 011 50001 Square Miles Three Priests Die In Crash Three Die In Hotel Fire Actress Lost Returns To Hospital Opposition Says PCs Are Getting Desperate HERES ONE NEWS BRIEFS Nol Moro Thlll 74 For Copy12 Pagu Clam1n onlth Cloudand molar nxesday Jaw tonight Illlh tmrmw For summary plus turn to pain Local Weather ago To well until the final week Ike election clmpalm he bald wan sign Conserva ve Sodl Cred Leader Thomp son Swift Current Sash questioned why look th pressure of an echUon enm palxn hrlnu out the sub charge ellmlnullon Canadian would not he Mad by the mm cefneng he gangled Ni Leader Dculla aald Canada has hula city of un employed scattered ncrns ha nation hidden behlnd cumin of statistics they VI rundown ol lhl Icllvlllu of norm comim Ille chlrnlen during lh Nrkoul llnl up an he dmll flundy nlll errnr umnd hunt In hi us wllh daily rlrculnllon ol nrnrly 900000 1110 ulnar nnnuunccd on in tvonl pm New Yono All Mull Shortly nllerurdn The Dull Nu who dilly clrcnlntlo 01 man man 1000000 lhc Imul In an UH pul In In nm immune In wllh lmt In hlnmr Hul uldx Non rhr Von Wlan cman of huuh The Time Ind Tho 11mm Tribuna lppuml 0h Will nnulllnl Mam lll nroclnlmed lllvmlumn mm on he lmul pun mm Trlbune An odllnf Illyfllltl thunk lo Mm II mm thunk lo Mnyof Hob Wm who mail de Ml Ind mm up IMI Illa mull whleh mn egpum II III In ervallvo and Liberal leaders nzaln cmssed verbal award over the Roman Issue In tho wake of statements by US delence secreury Robert McNamara um mu Bommc was of llmllcd vnlue and wu decay which mlghl mum at uack on to missile sites In Can SAID PM LIED mm éviduicé Vmakes Pearsons argument gm glove old you the Barnum was no longer an eflccuvo lnslru man and Mr Pearson said the rlme mlnls Bed said Mr leienhnker Mr McNh The berm leader said Nannlmo that Mr Dieten baker think the Boman no Rood he should scrap Hes milor day vt lustthe rims minister and respondble oxiduzcxo may Mr Puma Farmer prime mlnIsIu Loni ISL Laurent laid In lelevIsIon lddreu Illa Soclnl Credit mane lary theory hld been tied In European country and had re quIod In uvm Inflnllon He urged Quebecera to help elect Iknblo leml lovernment

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