sigh Hum In cuvm lo rob by 100 workm In ovhor covnvrlu buy an mnlu Mo many othnr form my pupr box Very omn wot In Cmdn parlorm only lrmlon ol flnllhcd producn and wch pmhl handllng cl pro lry Indunry In Cnnldn Ioday porhl morn Ohm half Ilm unmhllng or urfhnr work upon In moxt um 0h Inbor rnqulrod to produ menu 99 hr moro labor Ohm In umlm um av Immnung or iurmr work upon pm and oluwhoro In othor covnnlu In moxt um 0h Inbor rlqulrod to product tho bulb pm or olnmnh unqd lnmondlry menu 99 hr moro labor Ohm umlxod In mondary oporatlom For um In by coym cl wlnm product onouuh nw um THESETR ETHEFACTSL IN NORTH SIMCOE BE SURE TO VOTE FOR PROGRESS ms nu ucu umu Jon tour other 5chch ob are created to that even on mull acnfo 01500 new Industrial 00 ctnpioym Ivorn we would omor with 250000 NEW job which do not now exili and foregoing is on modui ulcuiailon the polentini at such plan Slnmoly luck it Is probably redundant to point out that ii Iueh nlri were extended to 500 new imlunlries with 100 emplayeo average new hulldln alone could account or romethlng like $35000000000 which In turn ealdel finding 60000 new manufacturing John would also provide or greater number then thin at new employabiel in other branches oi labor comiruC tlon ucrvlce indualrleu etc believe the regular lnrmuln in that for ench mnnutnciurlnf joh our other service fob are ereeied no that even on this email m1 01500 ne Intlliailltl of 00 employees lvnrnnn lamM mnnrnn mm mm mm unuuuy nnu gamtuuy employed Perhaps at least thll suggestion may be new approach to not only the problem unemployment but also to the encouragement NEW In dustry mu rvl ur In uuAL SUM at the outset so thatï¬th em Ilium of Investment In new plant cqulpment etc would be 60 VI such melhod new plant employlng lOONEW PERSONS in llleleDUSTRY would recclve maximum nld to erect plnnl and equlpment My su gelted plan that In such bans flde ones when the becom lng In In unry from SECONDARY to BASIC would DOUBLE em ploymunt It lent the Federal Government would advance Interest free an amount of capital necessary for expenditure on Slant and ulpment equal to the ï¬gures shown on attached PROVIDED NLY that npplle ant nlso PUT UP an EQUAL SUM at the outset so that the Governments Ihare of Investment In new plant equipment etc would be 50 map uuunlsly ul course cue to the lact that in the art our ulation has not warranted such secondary lndustr becoming ASlC in ustry However with our burgeoning opulation at plateau has now been reached lot at least SOME of our CONDARYI Canadian industries in the normal course of events such small SECONDARY businew cs could and WOULD become im ortant BASIC industry it given suffic ient time which could well bevano her 20 years Naturally this slow growth would have little effect on unem loyment NOW and it was in order to telescope time and provi iMMED ATE RESULTS that troubled to work out suggested formula In very many instances of existing SECONDARY industries their transition to BASIC industry would double and treble their nrasant Am nlnvmnnt In Canada we have thousands of small primarily of course due to the fact that in the warranted such secondary industr becoming with our burgeoninEE Adl nna cnun nu umAUA $115714 each per year For ONTARIO ONLY 91541 each per year For ATLANTIC PROVINCES 175054 each per year This is of course staggering total and point the need ior new sources of employment being quickl iound particular in the distressed arena Naturally enough in such Jistressed area very extensive and intensive inducements must be provided In order to have new industry locate there It was with this ihoufht in mind that devised program aid by tho FEDERAL GOVERNli ENl Jan which incidentally would be lurther Eugmdented with Provincial ai to encourage new industry to locale in an The next question is of course WHERE is such new industry to be found You wlll observe that for gurposes of com arlson have broken these ï¬gures into groups vlz ANADA AS HOLE ONTARIO ONLY and tho ATLANTIC PROVINCES the latter by vlrlue ol lta being probably our most dlrtressed labor area Naturally the same formulae could easily be computed for each and every Provlnce where and 1f neces sary Accordingéy lt wlll be seen that The COSTTO ANADA of our uuemploied annually excluslva ot munlclp al or other relief and wellare For ALL CANADA $115714 each Ear ONTARIO ONLY on Further to my letter of Statistics figures from which been made MlnlmrrorTnd Ind Corxmcrco OMIWI of 531m Eq INDEPENDENT EONSERVATIVE thatmean THOUSANDSOFNEWJOBS mwlprlnr If Mo many oOhOr form my pupr box conhlnm Mannyï¬rming an Cmdn parlorm only lrmlon ol 0h llbor Imnml to comm 9h IIVI mmrl and wch pmhl handllng cl produnon Nu my through lo flnnl lulu 51qu cmploycd at least thll suggestion may be new approach not only unemployment but nlm In munmu morn Ohin half of all IIIup wnrb cturlnnjro edcrx of July lllh now have Dominion Bureau of on attached sheet cortoln calculntlons hm uu uuuaulu In eu would double and treble then prasenl em Colllnnwood Sopnmbcr Fourth I961 QNDAEYfJndpatriea on Ii my um II II eon mlndhmn 0000000 OVER THE 20 YEAR PERIOD SHOWN lN ABOVE CHARTS ETCr THE TOTAL NUMBER OF NEW EMPLOYEES in industry at 160000000 Now roallzo tharts andiiguros can be very con fusing particularly to the uninitiated but al though tho illustrations shown scam to be very gnnurous actually they are very consorvatlvo lfwo add to thaw ligurcs iho new industry croat ed as rowlt of this OPERATION BASIC EX PANSION by way of new schools public works weakly were converted from SECONDARY addition to our Canadian payroll of TWO MILLION MORE WORKERS doling tho ensuing 20 yam Naturally too while all this is taking place tho normal expansion of currottt Canadian industry would not only kaap pace with the past but because of the above program be actually accolor atad Remember that this operation BASIC EXPANSION in calculated to provldo EXTRA NEW JOBS that nothing In our current Canadian program now anticipates Admittedly the flguros shown above are for from complete and represent only the skeletal bones of OPERATION BASIC EXPANSION but such formula COULD VERY EASILY produce many many thousands of NEW tabs For example If only TWO new small Industries weekly were convertecd from SECONDARY to BASIC Industry and each averaged only 100 workers and these are very conservative esti mates even thts converslon would produce EA CH YEARx NEW PLANTCONSTRUCTIONr $8033043200 TOTAL NEW EMPLOYEES In new Industry plus affected servlce lndustries construction etc approximately nn pm an All OF THESE FIGURES ADD UP TO Thoroforn Total um um um £5000 blinderareltp 10390 Federal Coat of Each Unemployed 115714 20 Year Cost Of Each Unemployed 2314280 Average Weekly Wage Manufacturing 7427 Average Annual Wage Manufacturing 386205 20 Years Wages it 1961 Rates 7724080 Government Subeldy Based on 57 01A Wagea Cost Per Employed Penon Not Now Employed But Absorbed Into New Industry 19310 Govt Subaidy AI Above But Adluxted In Re latlon To Regional Cost of Unemploy ables Shown Above 19210 Federal Gain Per New Employable Result of Foregoing Formula 96404 EXAMPLE OF SUBSIDY ON NEW INDUSTRY EM PLOYING 100 NEW Govt Subsidy 20 Yr Times Annual Rate Sï¬own Above 100 employeea 38620400 321 Private Enterprlte To Provide At Outset Same Capital Amount sauna on not Unemployment Ins Paymenls Par Unemployed In RelOlen To labor Force Avurlgo lncomu TIX Pald By IIIIIII up mu Toni llbor Force Toni Unemployed THE COST TO CANADA OF OUR UNEMPLOYED VII This In No Clpml Spending Paymenn Par Unemployed II Publlllml Iy Iuk an LOYED BASED ON DOM BUREAU OF STATISTICS I961 FIGURES All Canada Onlarlo Only Atllnï¬c onvs 6518000 2393000 592000 469000 132000 66000 72 552 1115 lndopondonl onionMn INCREASED CANADIAN EMPLOYMENT REDUCED TAXES FOR EVERY WORKER HIGHER STANDARD OF llVING FOR EVERY CANADIAN $77240800 38620400 l0390 115714 2314280 7427 386205 7724080 $105324 $64248000 32124000 32124000 10793 9154 1830820 7809 406068 8121360 EMPLOYABLES 75479 16062 20303 80748 Atllnï¬c onvs 592000 66000 115 $82380000 190000 8000000 41190000 l6306 9948 73054 346 080 6448 335296 6705920 152495 20595 3765