BRIDGEPLAYERS ATTEND FINAL PARTIES 0E SERIES Dur lelnlor nhnuld may bear lucky 34m urn lhlruz III II em ncunml yan llml lhom cnlnmillm all Im to hnppcn ulml mll hudmnrl ls jhrlnlng nu uxlh Hm 11mm walk Il may lie lhnl hr suman uimuly mmls lIulIIK hnum work nml wa ncddtuls mu way mm own ll you need help hlrc unmnn an ann time hmlm lll hrnprr lhnn um lrclh azrnNn 1mm Den Ann mam Today Im wearinx dark glasses to work or the scmnd liwa In three months Why Uccnusu last nlghl my husband opened Um cupboard door and net dcnlnlly cuughl me rlghl squnm anhoe No he dldnl hil mo an pur rose Ho ncrnr docsor 11 ml so he says Slnco mlr maul0 three year no Im had our Ihlncrs hm loose will and mlmcmus hmiscs ml mcqn just cnrclnsm nle mm Inosrnlnn hnppcnrd llku lhlx He hrlpinn mo pulawny the cunnul wads Ho dmppcd can munkruu an my lune Anmhcr mu Mm dnln Aprlmz clcnnlng and the map handle Mcldrnlnlly flipped out his Ilnnd ww Ilnn lnuu all me uhnl run In Alum minLIVING IMNGEIIOUSLY our Ann Lunlmx nm 11 yran nld nnl mm In lock and Inns IM Ilml nny Imu blu nllrncllnl Innlu THE ANNUAL MARATHON Brldue sponsored by mem bers or In Kumpenlcll Chap ter of the IDDE wound up at ï¬nal party held ha RCAF Association Room on High Marathon winner In Group one were Mrs Em ma Gamer and Mrs Charles ANN LANDERS Barrie residents were also an joying an evening card playing hr Knlghls Col umbLLs all an Burczy St The evcninu maxed scrv WIEGINS FUflS Annvi ALI um rn knmilun unmmn Axum on noun flclnn Van flu run Comm In 10 aqumn VI mm Inch miln Ind Illur my His Helping Hands Help Cause Mishaps Dn lap IL lflu fmnh About 1th months ago bmke up wllh fellow Id gum wilh or uvcr ycnr ll wn terriny hard on me bccuusc dccply In low wllh lhu EHY le month lulu one hls bcsl lrlcnd nskcd ms or date nurle and made it plnln lhul was mmuuh wllh law or whlln and lhnl wu would Ibo Just pqlx llo has kvpl hl part bunznln hcnuIHuIIyln Incl loo bcnullIully wish now hadnt aald nnyuflnz because Im In lcn 0r hlm nnd ham Bul ho slinkox hands wllh mo lhn rnd ol lhc cvcningllkn In the rcctlvlnu Ino church pmly honully believe our could be Um lonmz kinks rnmnnco on record Ammcrmnm ml lhrrvslslcr nct nml Ill crurk up clpl lltnmlANNA LII mu Annnhrllez Slncc In young mun mm lo be an tx pcrt lolluwlnz recllnnl youll have ln lnl Mm know mhlly of course lhnl lhu Ilu the bum changcd Tull Mm youre mmplelcly mnvrrcd ram your huulntlm mm mm you wnnl In Him law mmlhrr rhnmc antnn 11rle Mrs Yvonne Leighton and In Cnmlln Corrlnan second Group No winners were Mrs Nurthway and Mrs Dew um Mn Ggle and Mrs Evans ond Gmup mmwlnncrslm eluded Mr and Mrs Par sons ï¬rst Mn and Mrs De lea of card parties held duh ing the winter momhs by member he Barrle Vw menl Liberal Assoclallnn Above Mrs nnlph Snelxruve lacing he camera rcvcaLs her excitement she reaches Den Ann Vlndtrll Our mu buIlnu our mu mum mm nu Mm le ll In Innl Mild In mu leva Drnvlnl mm men rhmN Yummy 41 Dunlop IL Hum Hm Maud To mm Tn WmIuvlh vilnl all 69 MAPLE AVE yearold son was married lwo monlhs ago No um hls lovely wlfa whn also 22 live abqu mllc from here He brought he to our hum last weekend or lhc Hrs Mme We showed movlu allu dlnncrold family plclum taken over tho last several year There were low minulm of nn old ml which shuwcd our son will Inrmcrzlrl lrlond 11m brldo wu lorriny hurt and wont to her room and med my we were lnconsid crnlo no to have nnllclpnlcd lhls My husband say she should have bccn adult nboul ll Our son manned Why wasnt that reel mwn oulI rnnkly nobody thought About How mm make Amends wum our dnughlcrlnlnw to llku us TM 15 Irlnhllul beginning Home hemMn ol VERO BEACH iL Bur wLxl In no reason or your daughlcr In law lo ham hecomu unzlutd Her Aclion was lmmnlurm grand Ilnm hld On her kl Is Mrs Ber Snelxrova and Mrs Dan Emery with her back In the camera Mrs Ed Myers completes tour 50mm Eth by Eric Cam era Cram war second Abnve ahown tol lowlng presentation are mm the MI Fm row Mrs Gentle Nonhway Mrs Snfly Ahearn Dewar and Mrs Dewar Back row mm left Mrs Cnmllla Corrlgan Mrs Leighton Mrs mom Mrs Gates Examiner Pholo Commercial 01 Industrial Photos Passport Porlrnlls Fllm Dnveloplng CALL SMIIII STUDIO For Ier um RETURNS to cm nalunna Mmmelén Kaynuql war Icy SL ha relumd mm Sunk bury whereAha Illendetho quenl her eldestflaleï¬Mrh Frank Juwell The Inn Mm Jewell was alsu the Ali Mrs Wallace Laurence and chk Brumwell both or Bunla Amnnx tha luau who Il ended the Patenlalel 3111 Human Temple Toronto were Mr and Mrs Terry Harris Helms SL The ball wu held III Royal York Hotel Tar onto The couples name was Inadvcmnfly omitted mm the 1m Barrle Kueal which up pearcd In Tuesdays such col WERE BLUSIIING Amen lha Kuests altemflng the RoweDirk wedding he United Mennole Church Nln uraunthevlake wem Mr and Mn Frederick RDWE par ents the bridegroom Mr Ind Mm Arthur Murrow Mr and WEDDING GUESTS Square Dancers Organize Club Mr and Mm Howard Fair wudler were Ippolnled lo 11 the post muntreasurer Mr Ray lnvlledlhe dnnms to attend the squara dance to be held In Slayner mlleglnle Inslllule lemonaw evening In dance belnz sponsored by lhe Callinzmod cluh Bluo Mountain Pmmenadm and he call will be Don Arm llrong of Cafltamla Barrlos Hrs organized Squm Dance club held the lnanl dance last ovenlnz at the ECAF AsSocIaflon club room Hlxh Street Emmet of dam cers moved Ihroulh lnhlcalo lxum of Western type danc lnz to the cal ol Lorne Hay Colllllgwgodm Follnwlnx he dancing an cusslon was held to dedda on club name and the purchasa of name badza These will he decided on at later date Members voted dance allcm me weeks wilh lhu next dance cube held April Reinshmenu were convened by Mr and Mn Ralph Gmn Mr and Mrs Fred CouLson and Mn borne Hay 0r 5Dny Fm Exchlnuo on ANY USED CAR Purchuld hum WATSON MOTORS Clnv Oldt Cluv Truck Shynor or Jï¬ï¬‚gflï¬ï¬ OF BARRIE 44 DUNLOP 51 mi SPEAKING 0E PEOPLEAND PLACES SHAMPOO AND SET $118 PHONE PA Mm ASK FOR THE BUDGET SALON 0er EvaNmGs TRANSMAN For Easlcr ahead choose from dlvefllly of style Ind wonderful lnbrlc and wide rungs of charm In cqlm When Come To Lamlnmd Pun Wool Trlnch Com LIngIh Com All Wuyhlr Com Jnkm ole SPRING COATS STRANSMANS Rowahnd mi le1 Ind Mnnplmld sum Ban1W Mr anal mm Donlld Eamw Mr Ind yMll Allan Runny all New on Robinon RUMMAGE SALE Themlzumle Kinetic 011 II IMHO rummage be held the Wgal End Plan Suturday momlnn commenclnl oclock Mn Heell ll convaner oi lhq ulg coma may Mr Ind Mn HeMrSmIU Were enlemlned al at Inlarmall mepllon Ind cones party held inst evening lha home Mr andNn Mnnm Puwelin Pum Slmt Mrs Hausha Ian Mrs A1th Murray Ind Mn Lemme Jones nsslsud the hoggess nuptial updlllarnoon wuhdd may Créemnre ln honoruol Mr Ind Mm Haber Smith MrandMrs Smith were the hosts AFTERNOON TEA COFFEE PARTIES Electlmever runnlnz elm second in jhn race with spring ever across the city Caught In lhr mlddlc of 1M fervaulr are metal clndldala or Simeon Nnrth Ralph Snel gmve and Mn Snelxrove who are attending cnnllnuoua roundiot cones parties Mré llld Mrs WillIlm Mer rick enlenained an main reception at their home on Amellp SC Wednesday Enlenulninï¬ In their honor Valardwmornln were Mn Dill Wu Oak Street and Cumin and Mrs Douzkcm wright North Park Rard Mn Cartwright was misled by Mrs AllemGeruw and Min Mm Agnes Moore Thla mornlnl Mr and Mrs Ted Wis entcrlalned at thclr Rose Street residence In ham or the unï¬ldalu and bl wlie Caplaln and Mn 01am lord of Codrlnzon Street also opened their home this mom lng Mrs Gluslmd was assist ed by Mrg Dyment MIL Lou Cnvanauxh and Mrs Bmco Ede DINNER Mr and Mrl Well It lended Ulu Spring Lndlea lehk WI um you Prompt comom mva Ask your doctor about our phlmlcy nul limo In if pnlcflvllol or am Lumpqu pkhflup and dauva chum Cami To WANNA CUSDENS uuf PA Hill illnner dance at Klwml Club at Tmnwnlwr heMrul Mll Dfl€yl An 11117 list even Mr and Mrs Hodm Illendedfllhq Alum mvlce lo av nrch Toronto for the late Donald Douala Primle East York Collelllle Mr Douala died suddenly on me Mr and Mn lelu their family rulde or two yam on Sophia St Wat dnrlnz World Wor IL Mr Douglas wu uonad unlor 0mm ml the Royal Canodlln Armoured 1va School at 0an Borden with the rank latCol SL erya PIAen Teacher sodlion held Ila March meet lnu It Jasevhl Auditorlum The media was combined with the fourth union ol the Dead grihlp lrllnblz codm éondm by When new The man Robert Laldlaw Executive Director the 01th ollc husteea Assoclnlkzn nl Ontr10 wu Introduced by Ed DillonV Past President Arch dlocesan PTA Mr Mdlnw outlined the My 013ij iii um Dept cation School History Told At Meeting Fuhlon II look not price and wo prove oi In Our fashion camcloul 3ploce Iull of Bouclu wllh hr roq llxlurod look Slomlm blouu II topped MI hell lacke nd lhlllh Iklrt II fully lined for link In In onlmoal Io Ill Illfl 12 to 20 AALKERS 80 DUNLOP ST EAST THEJBAxmaxmmzn mun gluten tnryof the Separate Scth 3y lem In Ontnrlo polntlng out in postllon pm at the public school system act up under the Brltlsh North Amerlca Act of 1367 ll dlscuswd the llnanclal disavpnncy in taxation whlch In to be remedied throulh the TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Thornton will be um mm In Apr th wedding The engagemzm hu been In nounced of Mln Norma olene dmhler Mn Arlhur Mo 1698 PLAN APRIL WEDDING oppanunllé iorflovery chili OnIuln Musterwn pmldeul of the Archdiocesan Parent Teach or Association concluded the loadershlp unlan course by de flan U13 purpose at PTA Robmsplnq or equIIllÂ¥ Quny and the me Mr Me Quay of Thomlonylo Mlcharl Arthur Webb son MIL Chlrlel Webb Ind 019 mu Mr Webb The cercmony will uke place nk pm Photo by Favern PA 6022