Dy 11118 lne application that came be fore the Municipal Board has been answered in the following report 1mm um Member Mr Jamlcson who conducted the enquiry Mr Jnmieson uliended at the Township oi innislil and conduc led public hearing oi lhe ap plicnllon on January 78 1961 He says the evidence showed ihal the resident oi the lawn ship both adults and children are very active in winler sport which are now carried on upon an openair rink Adverse wea ther condillons sud us severe cold and heavy snuwiulls limit the hours oi use oi this rink it has been decided that building shuuld be erected over the rink la overcome lhese problem and ii is estimated the the erection oi such building would dqulgle The application was iniiluted by petition to the Township Council who then made this up plientlon The estimuied cost oi the project was given $25 000 levy would he made on oil the rumble property within ihe Siroud Community Arena Area with the exception oi the summer residents lhereoi sut iieieni in my the whole oi the cost at the project The plan tried ns Exhibit in these pnr ceedings show the men micr red to in the preceding puru grnph The boundaries oi this area were delincnlui so to enclose the homes oi rill oi the children who use the existing luclliilcs Ihe hnurs use 1thin 8H huildlng would not be llmltcd in winler sports 0r whines The evidence la the cstl muted coal or the pmjcd and the mnslmcUun program show ul that the inn at Peirsau building lellcd Pctorbar ough 0n had been consult ed und Mr Don Pctrsbu member at lhls firm Rave cvi drum at Um hemlug It 11 neurcd that lhls company would not carry out all ol the can structlon and that tertan part of the work would have to he don by others Some lhc work which the Pntrwn Company woud not do 15 any excuvn ltug mu supplylng 01 and erec Ilon oundnlton arms the mpnlytnu at and paurtnu con crete or lhn toundutlon the sur plying nt nnd lnstultntlnn re inlorclnt mm or the luunda llnu ull elcrtrtcul wtrlnu The Company quoted prlco at $75 000 or the wmk lhut thnlr tom would do INNISFIL NOTES Winners of lhe Club 60 cuchre were let to right from raw Beatrice Walsh luvidcnco or he annshlp wnl lhnl valunlccr labour would be nvnllnblc for work nwl perfum rd by lho Iclnsm Company and that urrnngcmrnll hnd bcm mndu lu secure crment and 00 cr mnltrlflll nl cnnl ll Wm 11 upmcd llml grnnl mm PZXMII Illo IR WANT ADS IA um Board Has Refused Debenture Request Dance To The Big Sound OFTHE COUNT FIVES SATURDAY MARCH 30 EMBASSY HAll BLAKE STREET BARRIE TEEN TOWN WINNERS OF iCLUï¬ 60 EUCHRE $4200 to $5000 would be made pursuant to the provisions of the Community Centre Act If it was found necesmry to cam vuss for subscription 1mm lha public an would he dune The lund upon which the building would be erected is owned by he Township The application was strongly supported by one gmup of re ldenls and slmnxly opposed by olheu The opposition can be summarized as Inflows lho Increase in lgxmlon appleth should be reduced belare thls project proceeded wlth any levy should be axnlnst all 01 the land In the Townshlp Vale of all property owner should be taken dissellslnctlon with the boundaries at the area was expmsred ll wns mnlnlnln ed that many were Included who would not make any use of thl lnclllty deslrn tq make re presentntlom to the Towruhlp Council was expressedl Exhlblt shows that mm 60 per cent of those ellgihle to vol at munl clpal elMllonS In the area des cribed In the bylaw support lhls nppllcallon Mary Corbett and Clifford Harris Back row Doug An derson Don Ferguson and Wilburt Gough Thu proceeds SARJEANT CO LTD PA 82461 THE Mr Jamlcson report um he ClnmbummlSvnucoN lmlawl vmucu you mummm lungr In mmuy Muda mm In mmlmIM mmI ham mu cm or Svnom Iodly SUNDGU noun run THE 1mm nun HEATING OIL nm Salunlar nlghl dance to the modern sound at The Younl vcn These can really wing 50 com on out and have 11 ball Toronlol Mon Popvllr Group REGULAR ADMISSION AT satisï¬ed from the evidence that this building is needed However he not saflslled um the total cast of un pmiecl ls known to the council or the ransom Elven earlier In the port He says that the area upon which lhc levy would be made should be deï¬ned in the bylaw In such way that it could be laid nut on the ground by surveyor Once the area de ï¬ned nolhtng such property sununer residents can be exempted from it The pre sent bylaw does not du hls Because of these defects In the materlul presented Mr Jamie 01 um euchn wen lo the Baker Faundallun or ï¬ll Prevenllnn of Blindness Ex aminer Photo TODAY and SATURDAY IMPERIAL hunï¬ï¬iv umu nllltl Tulfllhl THAT IHEAIIII Ind II Mle T0 MIDNIGHT ADULI CanHqulls Show Snluniu mm 200 pm 1mm um HUN HMAUWH PlUSI IIIAI BARRIE son recammtndl ihni ip nllcauonJn not appmvzd it Ipeciu meeting Council received rppresentaflvuyi the Community lknlré indihhu been qrrmgedmponlmmthur Evan MPP Ind Jillk0 ran nu for duellion meetiho Board members in order in immï¬hemume zuidmce in the best pm cedm it is desired qu the 1me be to under my ii possible provith HIM method oi handling is Adopted HOME AGAIN Mmiluoi moi wring aim we left Immoï¬asi year we arrived within my feet of our mm to ilnd um wu could not et in in snow Sum began lo thaw up behind snow ilnoea liter pawn tho lmdon ummd by the lime EVERY FRIDAY 600 put to pmt SATURDAY pm HONKY TONK ENTERTAINMENT CLUB 20 HE WELLINGTON HOTEL in 1130 pm King Size Cigarette smokers aSked for People who prefer King Size cigarette have been asking Why cant we buy King Size du MAURIER Today they have their answer duMAUItlER is now available in King Size as well as regular You get the same highgrade aged Virginia tobacco that makes regular size du MAUlllElt Canadas most popular ï¬lter cigarette You get the same exclusive Millecel super ï¬lter which is known by millions of Canadians to be the most etlective ï¬lter yet developed for tmly milder smoking pleasure Now at last smokers who prefer King Size cigarette can make the change to the Cigarette of Good Taste Pick up du MAURIER King Size in the familiar red and silver pack and enjoy full King Size at just penny more pack More than evar the trend today is to du MAURIER we Into the pranggvllly huu on ngiwgy 24 IEwiu back vi the pavement but the ham that had gone on was very ap Wu found all well on mar Ir rivai and everyone in Miner Faint happy wlththe my in which their winter prabiam had been handled AI were not mnking amuse our road it wu jun idiilorthe spring sun 10 hire cara oL are ilnd be back and gel law the math that Are pegdlnghen in Innlsï¬l am also nnuowb DUNLOP ST du MAURIER KIKHINKGJ SIZE WELLINGTON HOTEL MONTREAL CF St Lawrence River island Montreal that served an In lernmenl camp or German ml mnen In the Second World Wm has been deslmled In prin ciple the slle or Canadal 1861 worlds Mr Tha announcement naming St Helens Islands the hub of Ionblslnnd complex wu made Thursday and while um federal pmvlnclnl and Mont Island Of City To Be Fail Site PA 84445 nonvct nm IAconu mIAcco llNlIlD Mm orm Cqmma BARBIE EXAMINER FRIDAY mncu 29136 real governrï¬enu all seemed in accord here were lamest rqm thr qqanein smoe um WE the Islandhas been converted Into plenlc mound and ddeEnuon ol hnmwlves called on Mnynr Jean Drapenn div hall gel assurance the greenery would 1191139 Mslmygd and mu worn hm Vienna amend Ali unporunt 15cm snld EXTRA SATURDAY pm ON OUR STAGE HY NI JHMUHH KING IIIN1III MUN Today du MAUIIIEI ll Cumhl ml popular Elm llmum WI hem llwu hm ltlwnl IMI he fllml huh luv uulVlulnlllnlno llu uclmiv Mlllml lupfl lllu to In you lluly milder Imullnu plum The penny men puk lur du mvnmn XI II your umnlu IluII nolulnl Alwul IJI lb nllm cluulw Im lmn rimmed Thur In Samlhlng Splclal nlml MAU Undur Tho DlncIlon of Mn Vlrn CIVInagh THE BARRIE BOYS CHOIR CONTINUOUS SHOW SATURDAY FROM 1130 Future II 11 135 MD M0 740 MS CHILDREN 33c ANY ME Mnypr Drapeau In there can be no question of speculaflon corruptlon or tht Interests friends The lurid already thn pmpeny ol Iha dflxenl and City Manual TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA Will