$3 Ifllllhd ma IYlllh MI Almlflufl lun mm mm uvrulvllullnn III man mm ml mu lull numb cmnq mm Illlfl TM Inlfllln my olymlglmn Anmuvlva MM mm mm mm Mpmum un m1 luv vnmm rnmn In mun IM m1 mummy mm mm mm mum IIIIAN uulmm my mmxmm mm mm lnm um All mumu AlumIn dun now Lln ul dull mm nnuy mbe MIMI mm any On up mm mm mu mum on nd llllll VI Inllnl Ill nnnlh nuMu mlmc nu Ill and mm um mnmul UMan um Ilnumu Ill That la In very ncrlmu clmruo sovcml llm Innsl Influential US lors vuru nxslrclnlcd wllll umklng allrgnllon Gall Dally Ileporlcr Internalan was lhc viewpoint express ml by lop nrwnpnpenncn mccllng of the American lublishm Assoclallnn lhcy charged Wnshlngton uovcrmncn nmclnls hm llcd In rrlsis through new handed out to cnrruspondcnls MAYBE NOT T00 WRONG Halifax Chrnnlccllerald The schoolboy vhosc spelllmi exam showed government nllsspcl ed as alvernmcnl xhould not have been loo severely pcnalllul After all he proh nhly was reflecting the altitude of his cltlcrs The Barrie Examiner March 19 1908 Eugene Smith died age 104 Morgan addressed Barrie Canadian Club on legitimate alm Creation and foster ing of highest Canadian sentiment dev eloping broad and intelligent citizenship At Collier Methodist Church there was debate on subject Resolved that given high school education literature is more educative than travel Messrs ltiof falt and Smythe of Orillia Collegiate or the affirmative got the judges decision over Miss Aikenhead and ll llul bert of Barrie Collegiate Town Coun cil got into dispute with Grand Trunk Railway over pro used fixed assessment of $35000 provi ed certain shops be built in Allandale within two years Police Chief King reported Dreamland Theatre had been equ pped with proper the exits Mayor John it Bennett re minded chairmen to have estimates ready for budget meeting The Penelang Picayune reported that Louis Bnmeiie of Lafontaine who lost valuable horse two weeks found the animal at the bot tom of root house where it had fal len In this time the horse ate 25 bags of apples and 15 bags potatoes Walter Numbered among them are crippled children many of whom present cheer iul face which puts healthy folk to shame And there are their parents who are tom ed to watch their boy or their girl face life with many limitations while they themselves very often face heavy bills for special necessities imposed by their misiortune in the minds of many no so 15A Asp IN DISTRICT Eastcr ls the season of new life new clothes and perhaps new outlook But there are those whose lives are dull and drab all year those who sulfer under what appears to be neverending burd RCMP Commissioner Harvison has ad mitted his officers are investigating Communist attempts to recruit Canadian students as spies and party officials No doubt the Mounties will be denounced as spies And no doubt those members of the force who are attending uhiversities as part of their training will he suspect despite the commissioners statement that they are not involved in the spy ngul The Western mind reacts strangely to police checkups comments The Owen Sound Sun Times We are all the bene factors oi good law enforcement stand to suffer much if such is not the situa tion Yet there are many who would make such safeguards as difficult as as possible to he put into effect Traffic officers whose sole purpose is to safe guard the life and general safety of the travelling public must carry on their work in cars which can be spotted for long distances Mounted police checking on what are actually subersive activities in our universities must wear the scarlet tunics stand out in the open campus and proclaim to all that they are policemen Will Help Crippled Children University Campus Fertile Field For Red Subverters The Barrie Examiner MANAGING or NEWS Walls Publisher Av 13am ï¬xaminpr OTHER EDITORS VIEWS DOWN MEMORY LANE Published by Canadian Newspapéra Umlted 16 Bayfleld StreetBanle Ontario ubusher Brian Slaight General Manage mum MARCH ma Pm hub no the IV Cuhml vmow nml cdlc lho run Im Tram llm court nl lnlrllelrl llllnolu wllh nlmke nl xcnlus When can vlclml tlrlvndanl couldnt not up hls $50 no llm jml nllowtll hlm 10 work II by plrk up cmply lvcnr nml alum lllghwnyn Al 50 ccnu per mm or 000 an in Ilcu cl llne lhll wnlk wont put anyone also out Job lhcru la enough ll lo lulu cm of lllouumlu ol conviction all over ho wnnlry and It unlvemlly puuued could allghlly reduce lhu number of rusllng all along rmul shoulders though unly sllghllf lIvun Hercules roulnlnl keep up wlll lllo mulorlml bear drlnkcrl um um lnsllncl or belnz Alob unou Lune For yum ho publlc hnn been kept Inrgcly In llw dark about lllu rcul pox Ilnn of nnndlan Hmnclnl mutton In deed when some men at lnlo power It would seem the dove op cxtrlv In Mm about runnï¬xu lho allow air nllltmlo mm In ho ho public hnx no rlghl lo rrcclve full lnformallon About xovcrmucnl nllnlrn Some ilnie 310 hora wna much dis cusslou about he managing of new Washington nnd ilml stirred some crlliclsm by the publishers ilh the hectic nature of overnmonl aiiunlionl today many polilcinns find it hard lo resist the lemplatlon to twist mu Ind Ito hulk back information uboul mixinku Sonm straight lalk about lllla art of lhlng ln Canada would not be Imlu lhc Canmllnn dollar crlsls wu case ln palm In that lnslnnco lhn publlc wu null Informed unlll lho qrnsh umol Urry installed complete plant for putting hard and cushion rubber tires on buggies Gilbert Webb and Robert Blanchard of Vespra swapged horses Within week they died the orses and each charged the other in Barrie court but Magistrate Radenhurst dismissed both theml Roy al Tern lars of Temperance began music al and iterary competitions for members in charge of Cliiton and Glen niel Lem Bros Purchased Barrio Steam Laundry Fo lowing two serm ons at Christ Church by Rev Willard Brewin of Toronto Barrie cha ter of Brother end of Andrew and Phlip was formed with officers George Coles lio bert Gallagher Arlhur Stone Hector Col os and Oliver Patterson New pi or gan installed at Allandalo Met odist Church Dog poisonera reported ac tive again Largeatiend an no ug purchase and use of Easter Seals These are available now in the campalgn conducted by the On tario Society for Crippled Children March 14 to April 14 for an objective of $1000000 to carry on thls fine work The campaign is sponsored in Barrie and district by the Kiwanis Club It you re ceived pink envelope please mall it soon doubt arises the question of why they should be th lscrlmlnatedlagainst vacnu It is qu on we cannot answer of course But we can suggest means of bringing measure of rellef both to the childreq and 7N AL Yetlt is quite evident that Commun ists are constantly seeking to promote their ideology and their enmity to demo cracy in our universities There is also reason to fear that here can be found fertile ground among some There are those fortunately not numerous who are quite ready to benefit by democracya op portunities and affluence yet who fail to recognize its superiorit over the Com munist way panicular as presented by the propagandist it may be they have been permitted to enjoy too much at too little effort for them to be appreciative In not few cases it is fond dream of greater power the overcoming of privi lege situations which do occur in our free way of life Strangely Communism has high ap gcai to the idealist an appeal which linds him or her to the realities of the ideology as it is practised by men most of whom are activated by greedy ambl tion Stran too is the blindness of many educationa leaders to the real effects of whatin theory may be very attractive Sqmc llnie ago seekin outCommunist activities to re ceive sanction oilrpariy NH OLOMON um commlllu room lhfll Im been dIIInIlI Mm whmhr he oulloHawn mnm bm ham up mnlly mm lnmlnuï¬ la muhnle In my membm 01 1mm when um Hut IM lulln pmluhly hu norr mth ulrrm II hug MI yum 7AM nolhlnl wlll Mm mm nutnu lhnn 1M paulbll Lo lonn1 mi Mlllrlhmlon Ihaum pm dncl Donn rut rou 495m mflon Alwyn huvr lyrrn rrr lnln mllnrnrrn mil hue Imlvmn Tmnnln munhm nnd hon mm oli In lhe pm enclnv rldlnu In llnmlllnn nml hnd mm Inga 11m III lhll when ll doc mmu llmc Inr lull milunm llan lhm prnhnbly wnl In qullc goijllhl TDFOXIIIIU member oflrnded ll pnlndlunl mun Mud 1m mm In rmmto dly Iel huve bun lllllll Imllltr ll nxlhlqu um Hm mlny olhcr rIdlnn In Inulhern 0n ulo nho mm In vlnrn Thu mushroom mwlh In Hm oullyln nru hm hm mount lama membm uve been rcp reunlln hun number peopll ll tho the Incl lhal old anonlo today yroblbly ll ovurreprmnled By DON OIIEARN NRONTOflu Tomnlo Item will hlva to new ml In Ihe nut ulullan Almon rerlnlnly lhc ml at he rovlnca wlll re mIn unchlnz The no quullon but Hm most the suburbn Toronlo Iru merlll morn rcpruenll Ion have been hurt It not that want shoulder lo cry on but because you Me my friend and 1ch lhll can copfldo you Ier Slr down lulu In Having recently fruit less hour in search nz or an epanmeni Ihave viewed many alleged and nondescrlpt eccom modulloux attractive only in the yleld the landlord expect imm our everpresenl Iervlca lenenls imm near by Camp Harden and Edgnri Im sure thle is ilrgo and lucrailve industry the has grown lat indlllcrent end complacent But limes are changing and we are beginning to reulizu the our 90 lo 90 dollar IVHIKG monthly rental will buy much mure than most landlords have in oiier in ecmmmudulions Surely end Soon wmelhlnz will to give N0 PARTY APPROACHED TEMPORARY CRIPPLE QUEENS PARK Al menuy arrived resident at this Mr any hive alien wondmd what could be consid ercd its main Industry Wherea the wages are reputedly lhe lowest In 0mm and then up gelrs In be large and well led middle class Ive wand cred the mum of Ibis pro parityz The type of crack ot thinking deï¬ci ed In this photograp has no place democracy llke Canada We may became jaded at tlmes by the torrent of oratory comlng from polltlcnl platforms We have the satisfaction however of knowing that the men and women who represent the four pnlillcal parties in the federal elec tlon are ready to light for ouxj way ot Yoli wlll rgénu Hunt came LETTERS TO THEEDIIï¬ Anticipate DogFight About Redistribution 00 10 GIVE Your truly Servica Tenant nmrnlonfnfl N0 PLIICE FOR DISCRIMINATION Andflmoal nuLoIlnwn mm Temple 1m Inn driemd Clly of Toronlo Bill which would have llvtn lhn cily Iulhquly In lncmnu he 1ch onlha Ruxnl York Holt One pound man Iho lccllni hu reached lho lulth hu lhul Toronln hn my nurzsllvu new mnyor In Donald Summnrvlllel Mr Summcrvillu hu hm undinl lha door hm lookinl or man many from the My hl 051k alllce much Kuvemmen money now lhurrirll mérrlusl mid na Ind not logyollttly ll lhnl Since the beginnlng at Fe rumy have been pacink with lncrcnslnz dcxlndly from on Lnd our house to the other For want mmclhlng more urlou to think about my mlnd has been Illlcd wilh Ihounhu cmmmlnz the 31qu nur coun try is In polillcally and the you know mussel con uidnrnblc length on the grmmd floor tree from sud obsluclcs as stair which an terrible menace lo even an experienced crukhwnlkcr winter Ilmu when one llve tn the country as do presan problem Outdoor walking termed by most health enthuslasts to be the most lnvlgornllng Th1 was denled me because at he haz ards Involvedr Consequently have hccnobllged ln do all my exercising Indoors Fortun aldy our home ll Rock and Roll Ranch wu dulzncd with he thought In mlnd that some day It might pmvlde the spncu needed indoor walker home mm Mlddlesex Hosplinl London England on December 1962 lo convnluoe horn lrnclured right femur 111a rad lozrnph in were made on January 29 I963 the Royal lelorla Hospital were appraised by radiologist Dr ll Anlmhb lie conï¬rmed our opinion which llold younhoul in my Inst letter gnlhered irom his re porilnnt there was nothing or me to car My main purpose in lilo now yes to go walking na Pngrmlvn Comm um Aummkn lmlo Spaniard by Thu MONDAY APRIL 11L behvecn 12 mum and 130 pm It Fellowahlp Hall Collier Slrect Unlled Church Harm You an cardlally Invited lo moo THE HONOURABLE WALLACE McCUlCHEON Mlnlnler lrmlo Ind Cmmncrcn on COFFEE AND SANDWICHES WILL BE SERVED Invitation 9i flee peep1E life They may differ as to the means and they dobut they are good Canad ians lirst There should be no place in our hearts for racial discrimination Groups like the Canadian Nazi Party are not welcome except Rerhaps in the hearts of some muddy inkers and mi fits who find no happiness in the society Al vnn nhnnn HI mm cum from an un likely wurce Alnn Eulo wn Prozreulva Conservalh candldnw In the riding lug xcsled my questlonu about Kelly be reserved until the le era cnndldnto and hockey player wnl on hand lo MIWLI thcm Kelly Liberal representative or lhu rldlnz In the lul Parlia ment was absent mm rally featuring other party undi dale when hecklcr darted nsklnx about the hockey plny crl lrcqucnk Ibsenccs mm the Houso ol Commons TORONTO CplRu Kelly go we asslsu nmdny nlzhl one on goal in helplng Tor unln Maple Leafs bent lllonlrcnl unadlcns ln Stanley 01p scmHlnal game and the other at polillcal rally ln York West Am temporary cnpple Lhai have Mn overlookch Iorlhcomlnz genera eledlon With lIme on my hands or shnuld say on my feet have been able to delve lno the mat ter In real data will he re sult that now might well he considered an authorllyl In spile all thlsserinus contenr platlon however no one the pollum parties Involved has nppmachcd me to represent them at he polls Imnglned that everyone was aware of my political potentlnll My prlde gum Could It be that because Th1 Is what am hurt about but now that have old you Incl holler Red Kelly Gets Two Assists McKlNNON FURS 150 Mlnlmga 5mm Em 0RllllA 3262736 Sincerely Edwin Wilson ll In not only prayer llul xlvu Gad llnry hul wIIllnzneu Ia allow Hlm cvcn in nu lac of personal dgnxcr Therefore lhnl dlnlple whom Jew luved um nula Peter the Lord Now whcn Simon Peler hnrd um ll wu the Lord mun cm unlo Illm Ind did all Mm ull Into the lamJana lll7 But nner you me hard the opinion of the two dncturs In sum cases even more per haps you will at least have Anitth doctor may say dont think we are running any flank Iby waning thch months 4nd medicine na an exact sclcnee Ilka mmhcmauu or lnurxnnlc chemslry Jr Generally spenklnl the ï¬nd ing the we doctors will be In accord There may however be diflercncns opinion some llmns to when ta operate One doctor may ch that long given madman exists the sooner surgery resolve mo manor me less risk Ind worry and perhaps even iuflcrlnz or the pallenlx Frankly do not approve patient trying to get another oplntan secretly Tell your doc lor you want to do It Tell tha other doctor what you are doingthat doesnt mean thlt you have to let him what the ï¬rst doctor decided You want fully BIBLE THOUch Say to your doctor nut and respectyou but Id else feel better had another Intnn onthls home we in cart There no reason momly or logically why any duct should abject or eel hurt Most dont Some may he DVBIMSI Ive yes there an worsens live people tn the ranks of mod lcinc loot and get hufly They shouldnt Tth should be no hesitancy on the par eflhcr the patient or the doctor In discussxuus quss or malterpllacllyt This ha happened oiien enough in make me think that many neoplo are askinz urem selve this question bui are bitshy about coming right out and making it emphatic Peri hap 11 mt oi him ionic In many mlnds It shouldnt ber Every paiicni has the right ii ihenra doubt in his mind in ask or another dncinra opinc ion or to have consultant called in which is in principle much the same ihinz It is mailer of ceiling another doc L01 thinking on ihu case at an By Joleph Molnar MD Dell Dr Molnm How dot npnflcnllgcllully Iell her doc lnr that the would like another opinion helme undergo an operauonTKA The foregoing actually is only tho Iaslpnnzraph 01 um ma ler quesflon which mm lime to time tucked Into my mail byrqaders but always as aLeppfxant altenhouuhg mum Ail Tmll El PA SIMCOE Mdrons FQPYï¬H Specializing in BODY WORK fll MECHANICAL SERVICE ToYoun cogrmmm Should Not Hesitate To Obtainopinions NAME mg W800 WZma vuLnaufl uuxn Democrats reported mm the v5 capital Washington the award defines the cast lha glider poxdon the rograrn through It completion alo lhi decade Boeing has been warlo Inz on mm than your BOEING GETS JOB SEATTLE AWThe Boeing Company has been given $358076m contract by the United States Air Force or Hm dcslgn mnnufaclure and cs lnz of he DynaSoar manned rpm glider Washlnllan Ellies senators Inld Tuesday Senator Warren Magnuson and ry nL gagkspn both Dear Dr Molnar My wllo has boon treated for nonAlunc Hon he adrenal glands Her pulse does no sccmla so hlzher than 75 and her turn peralure ls usually 97 degrees Would this have any boarlnx mm mm the adrenal glands My my be under acllve but 1th didnt mm lion shed have much more serious symptoms oap and water nfler mending tho patient This however In because at the cancer but because tha open areas may become ln acted with common germs and you naturally want ld avoid tuch lnfactlons pulse 75 and tempora lura of 97 are both qulm nor mal Nut averagebill normal Id chulnge Ithnt phraso anout Dear Dr Malnen it we to handlu thing belonglng In person who has open cancer on ma aulside at his hand and lageru ï¬ncer Inc lransnflsslbie In that way Simple hyglene hauld be washm 72 prelly sound basis of knowing whether they Igreo fundamen tally And that he dllfcrencu ll mlltly In how long it Info In When pltlcn wnnLu Anothu opinion physician mayp in certain cases which he tech are urgent tell you in ahead but please do it quickly This is important But that far cry from Meeting Mall Conlvibullon To KIWANIS CLUB OF BARRIE EASTER SEAL CAMPAIGN You Can Help by tho rilng SUPP° CRIPPLED CHILDREN ed mm the ashlngtan the cast lbs WW va