31 Toranthnrln m6 fluvdrr with puhlllhar Kirk Baler MHIWMI TumJohn Faulkner IIL al wrller And Alnter Ind Mother ho Illa Vlllllm Faulknér Ill JIIIII rum Ito501 den any 61 rlllml dlplm mil In nrmcr dlrcdur untrnl oi the ml min mvlu hurl Illck Gmnwlch Cann Alto Timplulon nnxcd hllnd plan Ind rampmer enter OFFIGE Anbum mum Auum sml Mummxum Mherll All Am Allu sun nk Maul 11mm on NJ mm nnxllhu llA on Power can mm Com can unwn cm cmm Chunkl cu ry Pour gon am 5m Cow mm mm ll LAmy Cnlb Cdn Lu nu cam nwnnm can Hunky Dumml cnuhrk nkonhndn am 10on lmtl lndulMIll down 00M lawn gunm IUIINEII MACHINE OI lulu IL PA M0 in For Cnmmdll Mlllnm ul mm Mlln Mlehlm ID CAI Low tnnlzhl ngh Saturday Windsor 50 Tomnln Pewrborough St Thomas 50 58 London 50 55 Kllchcncr 50 55 lngham 45 50 Hnmlllan 541 EL Catharine 50 15 Synapsh smrm muviuz northeast from near Vlnnlpcg bringing warm Ilr from fmulhem 5mm toward lho Great Lakes Mr Klnzle used blackboard Illustration shnw How the link Ad enables the chartered banking xyslrm la male maney jun of thin Ilr and hen make 2m yearly prom $66 on 3100 Canadlnn currency db mulled wlth them or safe keep whlch lhey never owned 1n Iha ï¬rst place coffee plrly 13 nlxhl or Slmcoe North candidate Wlllard Kim and hls wife at the home Mr and Mm Ros Thompson Lclllla SL Mr Klnzle said The chartered bank In Canada are and will platform very valuable Icr vce Enteftnlnmenk was provided during the meal by Mrs Jack Webster playlnl on the Ham Mr Smith led into hi1 address by telling many humorous atnh Ins iila talk was emrel cov orngo oi the many and varied types of comparative which no nnw aervinn the public HI luggested that thu incni mem hora continua tn mppori he Conperatlvus everywhere to which they have headed the dn vnltiana VHéï¬waa Introduced by my Luuxhced president of this or llnAIminnn led Church Fellow Hull TM meeting was dressed by Julian Smlh manager ho retail dlvislon department Ike Uvflted Camacmlycs 70mm Hold Coffee Party or Willaxd Kinzie About 300 of the 2509 mumer Ihe Slmcoe Dlxlricl Grape Illvc Scrvlccl attended the din ner and 22nd annual meeting lust nlght In Collier Street Unl leiChurchIcllnwshlp Hull Lu nu hqvflnhn my No Mom Simcoe Shows We lpullllu In SIMCOE nvl If Acnvl noon Mumlnlum Bun Ttlwhvno lnll Nltkl Blbll Lends DOWJDN You AVIIAD luaumul dawn lull dawn lmuu Compiled by Flynn Dunlap SI TODAYS STOCK pmcns DEATHS WEATHER mmwmflwwufl Ines 63 Hr lo 16 5515 nunnu onlan Kuhy Km hhrldar th Dulmlt lull Luln Ame uncourl Lorldo MnnIm ucxmun Mulll Mhurlll Nulol my Dom raun Dom Slolll Dam leu hm GIL raw Fllml um mm on mm Mill In on In Mme lnlmd Na mm mm nllr uuugu nnrprnv mm Cluh INDUITILIAI nmmu IXCIIANHI MI ll mun Ill 11 DANGWIEII er DUI moneymaklnl pm jecll were curled out by band member and Iupporteu In nlso tho 31000 estimated mean MOTORS lTD Sorvlcc Conm Cam II um Sllyncr plrllclp nllnl In lhe band nines lha Ichool opened In mu By now has grown In the palm where this may be the In year or um two rchoals Id perform in uln gle concert band Mr Murch Id Thalr one reason why lhll trip could be unique PROJECTS This lb mas umbiliqu un derlakinl the hand has ever Iried Sluyner princi nl Arthur Murdr aaidr Prev ousiy the longest trip tha band had taken was Jun In Bancrnil about our year no Other lrip wcra regulnr events including prim winning vlsiu lo the Kiwnnll Muslc Putin in Toronto at our upon muhanl up lo our uh We wlll pul ml lun In your dvlvlnl Ill lhll kpllnl Cam In lulu on 27 student ram Sny her and from Colllnzwood are expected to make the Mp In chartered huses almu wlth their chnpgrqneg STAYNER ISIAH By this limo next week students In the concert band Colllngwood Ind Sluyner Collezlnm will be all on their ourday tnur of western Onlprlq Ind lha Unltgd Slum Mr Cm explained the dc lclt being due to loss or some hll accounts and lb act that Hurdles the volumu 01 business each dly the pint had Ihe urns apexall costs Ho felt that If the trend or this year gnawed the Incrcm In business It Indlcnted or The report by general mnn axer Gun Cam lava Ilia mem bers lh results on their bllll nos for the year and showed deiicl nimoo For mer manner Emmnn Swain loll ilui ind iho total been given in he re an consider ably hllher de icll would hnva been shown Mr Swain pointed out llm ihe amnll perceninu the member reprueniad It the mealan would gel lha Imc picture and lime in whom in report was mailed would not he Iwm oi in run dclicli DistyricltjCoéop Deficit In 1962 FOR PLEASIN SPRING SEASON Got The mondmrnn delightful Iklc mg 5mm hy Mrs Ijuuh Arrangements Set For Bands Tour Hi we Nu llolco lenonh Alum in Shut um mum on Will fly Wu Shlll ahnwtnmn Elll nl Cm annom In Tum Cm Tnnl Tun Flu mm Union Wm uw hum WL Monlrul Low Nonnu Nor om No Menu corp mm Pom Enlnewhu IL Bmla on down 14 Tucsdny ha Farmers Unlon will have he Ive candldalu or Slmroa Nurlh lo npcak at Cam mnnily all In Phclpslon Vcdnuduy 11 I30 pm In llxe Unlon llall In Dnrrlc lhu llve clndldllc will oak ul mul lnz hn Unite Rubber Work crl Amcrlu Candldnm rlll nmwcr question alluwlnz their addresses Next week volll be busy one In the campnlxn nrcnn Mondny at 1215 the ï¬ve candidate or Simeon North will speak In Com munin House In the Klwnnl Club All candldnlu have been In vkcd In ask 1n Colllngwood at pm hgnday under he an plm of he Cllnmbu Com mmm band maklni Ihe lrlp on the lnvltnllon ol the lchool hand at Vincennes The Men la have ha Vlncennc band make return appearance here next wlnlor when ha lkllng at but Mr Murch Inld Mm Icavlng Slaynar Collegi Ile next Thursday Illemoon the hind will play In London on then to on In Wlndmr Ind across ha US No concerts ona 1n Vanennu and am in anw Indiana will keep lho bald lgusygwer gigs mound Flnll arrangement or the lnemy were In be ready Ioday MMulï¬ch laid Busy Time For Candidates Wr On Ihe featured arllsla In the concert wu Oollinxwood music lucher Miss Muriel Sta phenson who played several plum selection The Stnyncr vocal mualc group also sang several numbers The band und er conductor Knights ro ylded yarlely clnsglcal These Included music lmm he Swim lanky bulge and El Torn la cs theatre night on 15 and 26 netting $300 lo 00 Ind danallnns from service clubs anUndlvlduals all contri Ingled Inward the lolal receiv Amierlcln and popular nugb Iry or the Irlp By lhl week the band had collected Ilmost his much and proceed mm concert In nlxhl inlha CDCI nudllorlum were expected to put tall ovcr QM pp iller lacund term The lecllan nlllcers mul hd In hm remInn directors belnx roelccled In tho persons Charles Sande Dr Wilson and Donald Bell The ra vIsed bylnwl require that dlr gr Ian yur Thu hrcnkevcn point the business require at lens lwo mllllun In nles and um had no been realized in In past year he anld £1301on Baird prclidcn William New in his report or the directors laid the member that lhu light enlnt oi the credit arrangements wu entirely he responsibility of the dlreclors and had to be done to keep lha usinesl sul veni He hoped in person needing lonl icrm on credit amuid make the urranlemanla In quarter the rewrt or 1953 wguld ho latlgllclnry Survlvlnz rolnllvu are Sllr Hng Holly Dorothy Carson Phclmmn ncnlrire Allard Mn Emcnon GrnhInfl Mln ulna Florunre MrLullnn Tn ronlo nnnJumln nitric 6mm deccnsbd Funcrll urvlcn was tonducl She was member the In lerdcnamlnuunnal Church and tho Womenl ChrlsUun Ttmporv nnce Union lha Lndm AM the Church Choir Ind Sunday School leather She mm In nrcxldcnl hum sing and Mnchtr Womenl In slllum in mm yams MR5 KNAPI Funlral service or Mrs Sarah Catherine Knapp who died In Harris on March 12 was held March 25 In Pothch Funcnfl Home Mn Knayn was born Sarah therinn Tracy on Oct 1875 In Mlnexlng he humor or ncnjnmln Tracy and Mary Ann Dexter She chd In Mne Tier New shard Toronto Mlneslnu Annn Mill and Bar rle He Is nurvlved by MI wife Ihe lormcr Dorothy Mason and Inmlly Mm Hume Jam Santa Monica Cantor nin VlHlnm Donald Mrs 11 Ingrlm Henihcr of Wm D22 Sharon Linda Donna and David Mr Douatut 66 native of Oranzeviiie was resident of Barrie on Sophia Street West or several years during World War No When he was lieuten Intmionei and senior training oliicer at Camp Borden It the armoured corps school He was graduate at Victoria College University at Toronto and in his younxer days on 01 the outstanding ilcmssa players oi Ontario with Oranzeviiia and Toronto teams lie was math maticl teacher at Humberslda Collegiate or some years after coiirzq zraduatlan Funern mvlca was held at thlen Unlled Churdl To mnka Brenlclme noth 01 Egllnlon this Illuan ll oclock far WIlllnm Donald Alexander Douglas principal of East York Callezlale who died suddeny an Nesdny Mnrd 26 Interment was In Muum Pleas ant Cenncleyy TEACHERS AND parenu discuss report card at Klnz Edward School mum rude DONALD DOUGLAS OBITUBRY pEEENTs TEEcEEEs GET TOGETHERw Flnwm were received mm Simcnu District Cuopemre Barrie York mwnshlp Hydra and from lrlcnds nnd nlnllvu In Toronln Markham West mu Sunrbamugh Uxbrldge Villowdale Mlncslng Aplo Mldhurst and Uninnville nurlnl wnsrln Mincsmz Cem elcry ed by Rev IL Orllla Pallbearers were slx grand sons Carson Carson Knapp Allard Mo Lellnn and Mchllnn Jr The mcclln sponsored by he BLlenessmenn Progressive Conservative Assoclallon Bnrrlc Conn and snndwlchnx will be served Iollowlng the mccllng Hon Wallace McCulchnon Mlnlsler of Trade and Com mmn will speak In Bnnle It 12 noon at Hus Fellowshlp Hall Collier Slmet United Church Mgdny Thurs are over 000 blind In Canada 300 of them In the area strvlccd by the Barrie branch of the Canadian Nauonal In stitute fur the Blind on man for SimcocMmkoka area or the insmulc prescnmd Ihesa fact In Earrlu Rotary Club in luncheon mccllng at Community Hopxe gcslerdny Mr Fergusona graduate of he Ontario School for he McCutcheon To Speak Here Juan garrlck Shh Stqflsts mu 1113 xiv VII ENOIM FELEMANFNIS $599 tunchm Ran Kelcuy stunt Ingl nnd Nnrman ELlcnbcrz explain mark Io Mrs W11 Nofes Experience With White Cane SanNCMCt Niido N91Vs manna ammv emu 0E Gumrls of There is wnlllng list people needing anneal lrans pIanlx he said and uplaincd to member Um mu donation nl corneas anr death unused no disï¬guremenh imitame hulky Braille books are comparidvely Iwk ward In use the Holy Bible wnuld consist 70 volumes he Illd Fcrzuasn felt Um Inlking In the Insch In this need Speaking of Appliances avail able in make the lot lb blind easier he 31 dth Ihe Braille system while nvalunblc was difï¬cult In itach in older people Twu separalo systems oi reading and writing were used since ihe imprint mnda by the stylus used had in be rug Ila rawlarge tide Blind Brannord laid an inter ested audience of his expor lences with whlla cane He said that the cane made him selbcomlous n1 llrsl bul he grew used in ii mined caulifl ence and an Imnlnz amount olmnbllily GUARANTEE all the hot water you need at the lowest cost with superfast Zelement ELECTRIC WATER HEATER Elameless and sale You cant beat electricity immaqu 15nd Mu Examiner Photo TANK RENTAL ONLY IS BAYFIELD STREEY BARRIE PUBLIC UTIlITlES COMMISSON ON APRIL VOTE To SMITH REELECT Puialhhld By slmcu Null Immuln humIn UV Bunr Elunknlly He recc College Mullah Royal In Jun Quebec III 159 and ob lalncd his BA at Ruyal Ml LI Granalxlnln with he Royll Canadian Army Service Corp School and has been Camp Harden Efume May 196L Re his win Ialne and their lourmanLhald daughler havo been living In Banla Ilnco Ill mating 080qu This lime Zlyear nId Lieutenant Jack Grnnalslein 51 Blake 51 who rccelvcd $150010 obtain his PhD In lllslary II Duke Unlvmlly In Dgrhan Nnrlh Carolina Anolher Barrie msldenl has been awarded Canada Council Grant Canada Council Awards Grant To Lieutenant 0mm llnal wlll bl held In thn King Edward Hate In To rental on 5529 Nanny In her subject of Laughter sh said obtained my mater al Ibaut 20 mlnutu before ipoka That wu when they let know what wa wen to weak nbou VMlxvs Humble who llves 1n Shanty Bay sald he used jokes lrgm papuhr munlhly maln District orglnizer and local chairman for the zone ilnal was Mn Cecil Reynolds oi Beeian She was assiszed by Mrs McLaughlnn eachar Al the RCAF School in Camp Baden and Mrs Bessie Cam eron teacher It Codrlnzlon Smel Public Sdmol Prizes were presenied by Er nie Alexander on behalf oi ha Ontario Municipal Electric As ntion He was Iubsilluilnz in Dr Edwin Wilson In the zanu contest for lhe our counties of Grey Bruce Simon and Duftefln Miss Hux lablo apok at Banla Nonh Onl lealnle on the subject Laugh ter In the Impromptu dllelon Her prize was an Encyclopudla World Min and shield for her lchonl DianeHuxtahlu 1ycamld student at Noth Collegiate has entered the finals in public making content spammed hy tin Ontario Schnoi Trustees and Ratepayers Association with prim donned by the Ontario Municipal Electrical Associl iion Ind Ontariu Hydro North Collegiate MiSS Enters Ont Public Speaking Fingls The same expert says That thousands of Amer cans wish they could buy Canada Savings Bonds DONT SELL CANADA SHORT STAY WITH THE PARTY THAT PUTS CANADA FIRST The average Amerlgag fnyegtor believes he Hum um Canadian Edvernmcnl manual BIOSMOII as solid as Washington THE QARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY HAWK 291 BE PROUD OF CANKDA SMITH HEBER Wall Slru oxparl quohd In Cnnndlnn Bmlnm Fab 63 Earl Rowe who will take over licutcnanlvzovurnor after election has been asked tn open lhc Barrie Agrlculluml Fulr Ihll year directorr meeting of His Earrle Agricultural Society wu luld last 11 the fair be new Septem ber 26 27 23 and will fealun Junior Fair opnpqnlnx day Thine new bleacheg nch cc long with five Hem haw also bccn purchased LL Granauleln has also np plied or lnur other schalarshlps in conjunction wllh the Canada Council application whlch he ï¬led ln December 1961 In May of 1962 he 13 celved his MA from he UII1 veg of Toroglta She Intends to go on unl varsity and major In World Hlskory Vilh Laughter as her favorite suhkcl she hopes Io be able to laugh when Iho receive hcr major papers Mix Humble said prepared to go on sun de clded to boldly walk up She tripped looked up for hesi an moment and said be 03 all wished wouldnt make Amclauou zine things Ive picked up from nlher people Ind thing Ive seen other people do and rgng other article read Ask Earl 30we To Open Fair PA 64825 DIANE HUXIABLE For Monlh