Mr and Mrs Tum Massuy visited Mr and Mn Wllllam ï¬umerlapd lal wek Sympathy extended to Mrs Graham at Band Haven Rest Home In tho death at her husband In Allistnn IIOSPHIL Mr Graham was patient at Bond Haven for some Um he Ioro he broke his hip and was taken to 1011th Mr nd Mn Jami Guhhell ï¬eld Iurcmlul Inun Ink Sn HIEIF MI Jam Mclml Ollllln In lrndlnl cw dn lhl homc Mr Ind Mn em uclmL Womenl Immuie mrl ll Iho mm of Mn Edde Lang mm Wednudu unmmn with Mr numlsm common uu IILIM In the grmmgnllyh Thu mulny Mn DvnMc Loud mu mlnum mm On Sunday unemuon at her home the Unlled Church Sunday school presented Mrs James Andrews an lhe occaslon of her blrihdny wllh Blhle and flow as Thl in rmxnman over so years she spent teacher In the Sunday school Mrs And new canvalmlnu after hmhcn hlp Eucnnas ovgn Tha final enchrh sponsored by the Womens Institute was held on Monday night with table We United Church Women Hnbnrt Carley me the home or Mrs Ab Kelllnglun last Thursday and spent the moon quillhgg in MM nEnNAL JouNnmN Mn Gordon arm lml In lhc Roldlm Mrmorln llnnpllll Olmll with her Ipecdy Irmvml Krllh Mcled mu pnllenl we or but In hum much La cs prizes were won by Marguerite Ramsay Jeln Cul bert and Phyle Altkcn menr Herman HarvuypBIll Rose and Ben Dixon plnylng as mam lucky draws Vern Balcman Mrs Bradley Ken Vcsllnke and Tom Whlteslde Ilccrnl mum wIHI Mr and Mn Call wrre Mr and Mn Wllllnm McAnhur MIIIM Marilyn and Carolyn McAnhur Douglnl Frank and mu Mc Arlhur AI Hum end Ir and Mn VI Gnnl MW purrhmd nnn cl Mr thbell mm and walk hm aimed on Imqu Iddlllon Mr and Mrs Evorell John ston and Mr and Mrs Lyfla Johnslonc on the wackend wlUI Mr an Mrs Kellh John Mr and Mrs Wallnc Dnugln vlslled his parents Mr and Mn Vlclor Douglas Hoban the ï¬rst the and Mrs Bob Beard Jnr rail were ï¬rst at Ihc wank visllnrs with Mr and Mn Rlx Beard EUCIIRE RESULTS Seven tables or euchre were In progress lhe euchre parly held In Carley school Saturday evening undcr the auspices ol the Carley WI In nld ha cancer fund Best wishes for speedy re caver so to ML and Mrs John Nash who have been ill with brgychlnl pneumonia and lhpflu The hull euchre party will be held In Carley schnol he even In April of undcr he ausplcu olhe quley WI H771 Jnï¬ï¬slï¬n pending hw days vlslunl In Orlllln ny Mns altwuan Mr and Mn Paul Russell entertained the euchre club on Saturday aventnx The prtu wtn um vt Mr and Mrs ltuh Mn Kelt Ind Frank Several mm here attended the Soprtmenl Show in Toronto lhll week Some lhu member of the Jr Farmer were bawllnl In Bafrig nnSnprdny ovpylnga Janice Caulls granddnunhler Mr and Mrs Robert Kell VISHOY with them or law days Iocnl Farm Forum held ll closing meeting and party ll Sawycrn Ammo ol court whisk wn played Than wlnnlng prlzes were Mn Roll Sawyer Allan Todd Eben Saw ycr ugld Mrs jlpghcl The Younx Poop nraup met ll Drcndn Allunl hame March 11 wllh good Illendnncc Cyril Spruce look me topic or he mmlng The next mm lnu will take plnca al Jun Spcnrol The Unltrd Church Womm II med Null at the ham uni Smlltl at Mn Prlxc the cuchru durlng the put luo weeks Mn Tolu Kcnwnll Mrs Homu Doug umun Mn Hollnn Dnbwn Mu nmwn Mr Jnnu Mn Jam and AL Mc lnddcn Mm Orcn Brown Suunn lnnh Ind Rum flllll Chnrln ColvI mm day ll lhc xylumz Show iToronla blumvcryr will Ihnwn Mluulmmysununy will no held Mnrth ll lllm tnllllcd Tll gm Dlscnvcry wlll he SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS By MRS ARMSTRONG BOND HEAD Dy MRS COLE GILFORD GBENFEL CARLEY RUGBY report and the correspondence donnllon be lent to the Red Cross Tho mu call wu answered with an Irish Inks which brought many llu ha The program was pill on wll each mumher Luklnl purl with readings and contest The Ruby mup the Fed erauan Agriculture me at the home or Wilfred and Berna Johnston President may Rulhcriord presided over the meeting Sov Elm items of business were Mr And Mrs Ari Lanzmnn have returned homo aitor visit Inz their dauxhxor and sonininw Di nrnlly Mr and Mrs Lynn Illlnzwnnhi VOTE FOR THE PARTY THAT CAN FORM MAJORITY GOVERNMENT SNELGROVE Vate lIBERAl This olecllon will be the most cvuclal ln docadoa It mum be won by party willing lo provldo the moaawoa for boner Canada and one that able to carry lhom out Ralph Snelglovo candidate for the liberal pgriy in ihlc elatiion batause ho buileves it essential that maiorily govern mambo elected April Ir must be governmenr able to make decisions Incl develop comprehensive program for Cenednl development lho liberal parry offer this program If you agree It is limo for relum lo daclslvo government Ihu II limo for an action program for Canada Ralph Snolgrovo uks that you work with him and lho millions of olhor Clnldllm who bellevo this This Ilmo vola llbarll lets Work Togother For Better Canada Only Majority Government Can Pravide These Publhhnd by 10 Simon Nonh lllmnl Alloclnllon ELECT RALPH The Womens Inslllutc met the homeot Mrs Ed Jackson with and attendance Mrs neid was in the presidents chair Mrs Gilmore secret arytressuren read the minutes and reports shnwinl Road years work Mrs Quinns meeting all health consisted oi current events rend by Mrs Ailard talk an Institute work was given by Mrs Todd The meeting ended with draw The hostess served birthday lunch far two members On HI at 130 lho Wl wll exhlbltmll rugs Canada Needs leaéershin Canada Needs Siabilily Canada Needs Decsï¬ons By STELLA ALLARD IN SIMCOE NORTH APRIL LEFBQY For Action Government madu by mcmhm They will ha on public dlsplny at the Odd Fellnwx hall BunIn Aprlll mcellng will mm nomn Allan at omcm ma com munity hall The executive hope hr and turnout Eleven table euchm player allandcd lha game In strand Community Hull Monday even lnz winners were Mn Ponton Mrs Moore and Hlldn Manbh Jlm Penny Mr Dubai and John Kennedy The monthly sun In went to Mn Hutchinson and Phylls Hnyd and Mr Hutchinson Angus Dow and Mnrlln Them was and allcndnnco the March mecunl nf Strand Wo ens Inslltuteln the Com PEllu SfllOUD WI Mn Wffland convcncr STROUD resolution was In mm or the program whlcll opened with the roll call an Irsl Joke or name thlnx pcrtnlnlnn to St Patrick Day Mrs Hand gm thought on tha motla The llla ol good neu In the llzht nl hope Mrs Mr Cook Introduced Revr Bell Who lava description ol hll trlp lo Scotland and Ireland ln cludlng hl home lawn Bangor Hls talk was lllutlmed wlth alldns Mrs Rlx thanked Mr Bell Mrs Walson read paper on he llfn St Patrick Mrs Gnodlclldw emyhaslzed the pur on and need or resolution an told how form them letter was read ram Inn FWIO president Mrs Trivcrs urging the canvcnm in xiudy reports and aniline and be Iln early to prepare prox mm request was received from the Canadian Cancer Society Mu Ii Brady and Mn Spring will be in charge the cancer collection Fihï¬ef plans wcrumndo for lho vlal lo Slmcoe Manor April ll Thu ofllcera conference will be held at Guelph Juan is and 20 In which branches mny send their secretarlcs and It was decided Ia send he poolln 00 for thla purpose Thu result the rugmaking course were on dIspluy The rug will be displayed mum at lhu summan day In the Odchllows my Egrrlf Aynan hullnnd Mrs aw were appointed numlnnllnn com millce slnce elucllons will he held at the next mcellng Tha girls ol the HI Clubs are ex pected In model lhclr drossesat tho April mcctlng TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA mu Mul were STEELES CORNERS shower was held Friday evening the home Mr and Mrs HarvaI Scott Elablcoko for Mr and rs Wlllarn Hunter nee Jenn Dales who had lhelr home burned three wecks ago Thoso allendlng from here were Mrs Hmesl Dales Mrs Dales Mr and Mrs Earl Dales 0150 Mr and Mrs Len Glhbon and Joann Slmud Mrs Ed Moore Barrie and Mrs Ken Crnwlord MIgllnndi It and Mrs Jack Rumth and nmlly allendcd he skier revunlon held the youth centre SI Mgmijy gycnlngi Wilh Mrs Perth and boys were Mn and Mm Jack Porrm DIE Wu By MRS ERNEST DALES Veekcndrvlsllon with Mr and fllE BAleE EXAMINER FRIDAY MARC 23 196 Mrs Llnwood Sturgeon weigh anths Dnug Fryer and 9111 Toronto Mr and Mrs Ernest Bull John spent Saturday evening wllh Mr and Mrs Andrew Bell Toronto In was modem Cadmac sold or 950 but model Ford cost about 2500 thnklï¬nmhll um um um um um mm on ACKACIIE ad ran an allow Dudd mdnay Filll Illmuhh kidnuylhnorml duty You In InnerIceva mu now PRICESVCIIANGE