INNISPII NOTES Councit Meeting Deals With Police lty ROS Delegations which came early in spite oi the standing request that these be heard alter the opening business and minutes have been dealt with tilled the Councils morning Mr Herald who has now est ablished himseli at the corner at the 0th line and 25 sldemad desired permission to have service station and pumps there The bylaw calls tor lrontage at 100 leet he has only so lect The matter was handed to the Building Inspector who In turn mlttht get an Man Irons the Committee at diustmcnta be iore decision can be reached James Leonard came to enquire regarding the policing oi Iub divisions Council called to OI llcer Crone who was In the building and he explained the way the police tcit about polic ing on rivate pro arty He claimed ey had no urisdlction where the lands were private Mr Leonard claimed that the owners at these lands paid large portion oi the taxes and were entitled to police protec tion IIe tell that the township should have jurisdiction over all roads and allowances and see that the patrol cars made Inspec tlons In all thcse prop erties Oilieet Crone told Coun cil that In cases at breakins many times the owners tolled to come up and Ippcar In court ertainst the culprits even when the police had captured them Usually the owners withdrew be tare the case was due to be heard resulting In the cases be ing withdrawn 0n private pro perty the police can take the culprits but lurther action is up to the owner Soma revision oi the bylaw would have to be en acted Stealing ol trees was one matter mentioned by Mr Leon arri ns needing prosecution Bob Green ol the 12th Line came with complaint that policeman hiding behind snow drllt at the corner at his road and the highwa had laid chIrgo against lor not stop ping lie claimed that the charge wss Intcnsltied by adding that this was an inhabited corner which put three points against him He claimed there are not aulllcient dwellings there to call the place Inhabltcd and that he was going to take the matter up with the Police Commission RnARD FENCE The high board lenee which is required by bylaw around the lands used Ior wrecking yard brought Mr Chasley and Mr Taylor to Council lor an extcn alun oi time alter the police had started action on the en tnrcement oi the bylaw They claimed thev had the materials and would like an extension un til the ilrst at May This was granted The bylaw calls tor an loot high Iencc which must be 200 feet back lrom the high way RI NINTH LINE liill Wright was spokesman tor delegation Irom the 0th line regarding the poasibliliy at bay Ing some Improvement on their road They claimed that not so IMPERIAL Starts TODAY lltlrltul iltItlit i0lilt IIIt Irwlrol thitme ttlttlt II IIIINIIIII Ilast Mlwr ntarrtuvom Hieltd PLUSI much as load at gravel had been placed there in their mem ory They gave the Council ulte scathing which resulted promise that that body would ivs the road In inspection dua ï¬tg their roads Inspection tour FIRE itYLAW Township solicitor Charles son and Fire Chiet Bill Owen came to Council regarding the lireetarting law This town ship law proh hits the starting at tire until permission has been received lrom the tire chici or his deputy Then it requires that at least two persons be on hand In case the tire gets out ot control The bylaw Is to re main as is although Dcpu ltcove Campbell commentr that it does not mean thing Prosecutions have resulted In convictions where the tire chiel had hated attention to court alter tires had got out oi hand and the equipment had to be called to put them out ACCOUNTS PASSED Committees passing their ac counts lor the month were lie lief and lndigcnts 00 Ronda and Bridges Wit Roads Pay ment to Harold Martin ior work on the development road west sldcI $09744 DUMP DISCUSSED The motion made last tail to purchase lands on Ten sidcroad tor dump was iatt in soeyanee until meeting had been held with the garbage collectors and to ascertain It better system could not be arranged to keep the garbage at the 10th line dump covered as out in Instead list at owing It to burn continuous ROADS PROGRAM Alter the road inspection which Is to be made this week plans tor the eomtn years roads so proprlatiens ll be tabled Some work on repairs to bad spots Is to be done belore the election so that none will be unable to get out to vote novannrnrzcatvan We were treated like royalty at Stroud Oklahoma by the In tematlonal Brick and Rolling Pin Committee who came to tell us that they were very alraid they would not be able to win the Brick Throwing lor the third time in succession as some at their belt players have gone to work elsewhere We were unable matter which he to see the top world thrower do his stull as he was away We did see the field where the contests are held and had or aurance that all was carelully measured and watched We were greeted and treated as though we were visiting dignitaries Crests lor the players was some discus sion and when that belore we have our team ready to go these will be available to the players Mr Hughes general manager ol the Contest Ind the party who has kept it oing and fat so much wordlwl ublie ty tor It is still very en usiar tie and is sure that this year will be bigger and better than ever No End In Sight Ior French Riots CF from APiteutens PARISSocial discontent con tinues high in France with no and in sight to the strikes and riots plaguing Frost dent do Gaullea government Rail workers staged series at twohour strikes that dis rupted commuter and longdis tance train travel on the na tionalised lines There were no signs at break In the countrys mafor labor disputethe mtay atr ks ol 0000 coal miners The only bright spot was the return to work at employees at the natural gas Iieids at Lacq in southwestern France All the striking workers seek higher wages longer vacations and shorter hours TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA Mill it 4t o9ï¬fll it erranth balancel Deposits Is withdrawals It May 4CANADA TRUST DARRII EXAMINER THURSDAY MARCH Says Trade Missions Do More1 Without Press Parleys Cocktails NEW YORK tCPtOntarios newlook salesmission program has returned Ibeut 02000 to added business tor the province ior every spent by he gov ernment on mission travel costs the lntamptional Executives As sociation convention was told Tuesday The statement came in speech prepared by Economics and Development Minister ttob ert Macaulay ol Ontario ltwaa delivered for him by Neil Probya eastern industrial commissioner tor the econom ics department Macaulay was unable to attend the convention due to illness Macsuiays speech said the Ontario government in prepar ing tor Its trade crusade are gram which began year ago examined the methods and re suite trade misalens organ ized by many govcrnrnants in the past Ontario had decided he said more could be attained it do missions did more sailing and less talking and had set up Its program to concentrate on lilting order books and leave out the rats conferences cock fll part es and other such tune ans IIMOUS iiltliiS liilAiili Many govemmentsponsored trade missions and other group seil ellorts had become too big too complicated and too con cerned with creating good image Possibiy they have lorgotten their primary calling business trade sales all tor protlt JUST SELL And lust possibly one impor tant new technique or market lng abroad is the old and too otten lorgotten business at per Isonal mantoman hard sell as Itiacttuiay said Ontario sands groups oi to or 12 men all top executives at promising middle sited lirms pr med to sell their products overseas We pay only or their rounrb trip transportation he said We arrange ap olntments with prospects on other and They can stay as long as they wan toor more exactly as long asthey test they will come out ahead lS RIO EMPLOYER In Britain inland and oven scas transport and communica tions employ about i500700 per sons TODAY TIL SUNDAY Feature at 72 end 1M0 CHILDREN lse ANY TIME SPECIAL MATINEE TOMORROW STARTING at 400 Feature at 400 600 005 I010 CONTINUOUS SHOW SATURDAY AND SUNDAY THE DATE IS SET TIME IS SHORT TO SELL OUT CLOSE OIIR DOORS FOREVER FROM HERE IN ITS RACE AGAINST TIME PR MANY ITEMS TO DISPO ICES THE SHORT TIME LEFT on oaaoams ccmam At 795 00 III SKATING OUTFITS limits Deys Ladles leats ut they lei HAVE BEEN CUT STILL DEEPER SE OF THE BALANCE OF HARDWARE PAINTS HOUSEWARES ETC IH NEW SALE PRICES DAIL YI COME OFTEN THOUSANDS OF UNADVERTIS Compare at set Adlustabls All taonmo aoariiii Close Out Price 497 each PAD AND For above art on 117 FIXIN UP YOUR BIKE Ali LCM Bicycle Parts Tlrra tubes lenders seats accessories etc DRASTIC REDUCTIONSI tsart are At on court awn ruttaa mrmr ralaasa httrm wlss Compare at NYLON IIUlT MOII ernpsre It Plaalle LAUNDRY RAIIRT Ha aillccns my HALF PRICE Compare At Flint Place Stainless Steel KITCHEN TOOL SET WITH RACK Complete 337 Set Aluminum or Steel SNOW SIIOVBIJI AND SNOW PUSIIERS Closing Out At HALF PRICE Compare At ALARM CLOCKA Made by Weatcios 01m Out Irtral 97 ea Aticnitoa Gardeneral GARDEN TOOLS stakes hoes spades shsnla hand cal alerl Ms sprinlicnlteaelt cede ALL IlItAIIIICALLY REDUCED DEAGLE HARDWARE HOUSEWARE and HARDWARE IZGVI Psnsteng St At St Vincent Barrie PAINT Good quality maaulsctarcd by at matter cine with rlor later while IAtErtar semigloss while Stock up NOW 397 gal cosrrrsnr as Galvanised GARBAGE CANS Side IIIndira Close Out Irlcei tmpsrs at Its urn as cantta with Rattvsta IIXTURM FOR MLR Medan WMWay wall its larea ndlat TORI IIOURAI Mars Tran nan III the irstand last ime this year you cannow get Dow Bock Beer If you know what Beck bear to than we need say no more than hurry outland get same It you dont youre lot to look lorwa rd to Back is Spring beer that tastes like no other beer youve ever enjoyedtangy and unlorgetiably ilsvourlul in the true Bock tradition Dow brings you this new brew to celebrate the coming Spring In keeping with original customs Dow Bock Boar will be available lor one month only It It taste that long Asit tor Itioday lgWBREWERY ONTARIO LIMITED