no es em conslslcnl milk er the Lonelm breed are cugnlzcd or the wellproportion cd size and durability One heiftr weighs 1500 pounds balme cal vinx One cow topped 1000 lbs lhnl represent 1n mllk and hncf or he Holstein breed he polnll out that me came nre lempermcnlnlly mm quicl lhnn mosl brmh Thcy me In hcnv In all mllkul Me hnnly rnpld urowlnx lhrho on more muuhago umn mull Innd Thry hnvc ml nthnu vnluu whrn Askrd ll he lhauzhl scleclin rcghlrallan wax worthwhile he laid mzlslrnllon and Iclccli mlslrnllnn have been lnrxnly Nspanllble or mnklnx me llul Ileln breed whnl ll la null cred llnlslein will fetch $100 more lhnn arudr and nel mm mlslcrcd cow armlan good plus ur holler will lclcll nnolher $70 or more The llnl Ilclnlrlcslnn Alsaclnllon ul Cur Ida l1 good In llml lhcy pul all lhc lam on extended pedi green qug amm Mr Jackson ship young rt gislcred bulls and lame hciim as inundation stuck to buyers in Ontario Quebec the Western Provinces and lire US 0n hi jBradiord term he mainlain herd oi hundred head cow and heifers intiudinu 37 milking EDWI an example there Lane Im Texal Hepaliu who prnd uccd 17115 pound ul milk and 606 butler In her lrst lactation of 306 day as thrw yearold Thl year as four yrarald sho ls producing 90 pounds milk daily enough to give 90 people drink or mllk every day the Ecclon Black nnd Whlla show in 1961 she look flop honors nnd In the same year at lha Petcrharough chump lonshlp show she took numb Undcr selective rexlsirauon she 11 graded Very Good or VG LIFETIME RECORD Tho Dairy buslnus can not be cansidtrcd sldcllna my more remarks Mr Jnck Ionl Today loo much moncy lo invalved In lhu Eroducllon milk to have ris having the Interlmnce ol olhcr projccla To get Vthc mml mu dairy call you canmdulu on louk ling alter them and being rczu my Anulhcr cow Mnelm Slur brighl llussy us Jycawld under olflclnl ILOJ 306 day lest produccd 20m pound milk and 760 of butler In almost double breed clnss average When members oi the Maple Cnlilc Breeders Association now absorbed by lhe Cenlrni Ontario Cnttic Breeders Association which serves Central Ontario and Simcoe commenced the then new science of artificial insem ination they bascd their Hoi stein bull section largely an bull sired by the bull Lonelm Tcxal Payne raised and owned by the Jackson These includnd ths famous hulls Loncim Texal Pick wick and Hilhcroit Anolher cow 14yearold has uirnn lifetime record of 150000 pounds or mllk testing butler Int 3WIlhl=munIIeu Ihousnnd oI Halschn cnluel across Canada land Io some extent In lhe US and Lat Amerlcn carrylnz ha 141an Tcxal bloodlIne urc llama ll wellknown In the Hol plcln world Formcrly Iocnled at Dawn VIEW IhelaneIm herd was est abllshed by the lan Georu Jackson In 1921 Now It 15 almost Impossible In go into any cummunlly In lhls part of the country without ï¬nd lng lens some Hnlsuln cattle an buck lo these Lonelm uls TRACE BACK now owned by his 5011 George Jackson Bradford located on the Filth Line of Gwll llmbury adjacent lu the east Rig Highway 109 By DistriCtTarniérV We wnuld much ralhr hellcr xtart all mllhlnz rent 50 lo 60 pounds day and keep lt up throughout lhe lnctnllon than me that come In milking like crazy and thm drops way down long More the end at her lnclallon Some 01 the Ibnclm breed lend to be somewhat slaw mnturlng up lvn and stx you and than they really shuw what they cgn go In mllk productlon Air he 50 apemlc m5 acres 225 workable and gmwl HE explains that many Hol min cows are slow to mature and Ihn hundreds young cows are culled from hard before they have been given Inlr chance la devclnp and show their capabllllles in milk pmduc lion John Vandyk herdsman and Ontarlo Agriculture College grad ualc says lhat lo look after hard at dnlry caws propnrly you must spend as much lime In he burn or keeping rcmrds possible KEEP Ul VhM many Holstein breeders are dolng MW crossing the hollom hall the less productive or lower grade cows wilh Hem lord ur Aberdeen Angus for young slock especially far mis lng or beer This works out well Ihcir productive life In ended Holstein steer are In grant de mand or beef pupnscs gaining ï¬ve pounds or more in weight under load Ill 9513 HERDSMAN JOHN Vlndyk with Lonelm Tcxxl Hepuln which louryeIrold producing 90 pounds of milk nun Just call nnyndd Frust ed Food and one of um drndly consullnnu will cxplnin to you how our trunomlcnl load plum ark BAYFIELD FROSTED roons Fresh Fruit Vegetables convcnlnnl thonpingrlgm In your own home All he producl on hand all lhe lime WOULD YOU LIKE IS EASY TO HAVE DOUG HARE Him 66 Dunlop CALDWELL DRUGS MS CALDWELL DRUGS Aluidug many llolkteinbreed era draw he black and whlla pallcms each new call as re Another lmplomnnl hay con dllloncr he ï¬nds shortens lhe lirslcul haymulling process by Wu or three days lhu allawlng greener dryu hay Io be loaded dircclly all ol lhe balnr onto lrnlling wuganl The hay also re calves unly about hall the de lr 95 per cent his Iced rcquire ments His chlel crops are hay grain and corn He feels lhnl 50 per cent of lhe feed value can Me In the cab and for his reason grows lhlnyIaur acres or early mnt uring 95day grain corn which realme gives chance to ma ure well before msL Th he pus lma vu 14400 wldc by 40 foal all liln which stand slda by skin and are lapped by gable roof and In bunker silo the last being or loosehoused boilers daily The cow won ï¬rst prize ItBcclon Bllck Ind White show um um fourth It lhe Peterbomugh chmpionship Llwurd nurunnccr hr the Clly Battle TIIQ II TIMIII VVII In tnnllnullylludyln up on Ihfl llllrullllnlllt null hurt ulnlnfll lhlmn mum Hi hnmr an undvn n1 nu quin nu mm In yu llnly Hi Illlhrll qulllly mvlthlldlle Ilhufl II II II III Iuml yonMI prim lNlSZOCKIQHEEMMTSP SEEING OUT YOUR Get The Best Prices GENERAL FARM And FURNITURE AULIION SALES GOOD IIMANUNN Fm IIUYINH AT TALIIWFJ VETERINARY SUPPLIES Hondquarlon In BARRIE FOR Buni GEO cmowm mu PA 85449 Slmcoe County Guy County and Like mos Holstein men Mr Jackson has his young so db horned 11 is done when they are from to la monlh of age custom operator coming In once year In do Ibo keystone way US buyers are loathe Io purchase horned came for dolry purposes Cows without horns cannot dnrnnge one another can that well worthhlle In let all mllklng cows out each day Ihrough lh=wlmcr nonlhl for minutes exercise quired for raglslralian Mr Jack son does It in easy indisputable way and photngraphs them for accurate identiï¬cation lie ex plain that llaisieins are like snnwiinkes no two look exactly alike For onIhespot identiï¬ca tion at claims he places iarze print number lag in the ears ot all calves Thesn Kelchum lags iace auiward and can be read ii distance oi several icet imm tho animal in questlun xhow Gndcd good plus she mduud 11125 lbs of milk her ï¬rst Incldon 7125 pounds lbovahreed elm Iv enge MAN wuo Know 1111 VALUE AND Knows 1m norm THE AUCTIONEER JERRY OUGHLIN PA $2903 WITH mu one be coming Increasingly mnrc re cognized by educalars Industr lnllsLs bankers clergy and many pthers This essential because the purpose has shmbd lo placing the emphasis hat to muqh an the work the 4H mem her perform as on the develop ment of the person himsell The 4H movement has Ihus become team elmL guiding the rural youth of Canada hula channel of ruspeclahllily whilst prepar lng them or lhelr rule adult nillzzna the him The Ienm Imlque one Indeed club members parenls loaders arm orgnnlzallons department of mu er men in every community and in all iieids ol endeavnr reier frequently to their 4H neLiviiie nnd emphasize how these ex patience have mnlributed to their accomplishments To be successful one must he guided inia guidance must start early in nna iii and must come from several areal oi lnilucnca From ii simple be ginning 50 years ago when tho emphasis was largely on the product and not the person Li hiss llqu become Early In year dcdlculed In mark so yum growth and pmgresa is gratifying to nnle how 4H has conlflhulcd to rlcullure and It many assocla led industries Mr Rnclna state There amp evidence to support statement concemlnz the constructive influence that 4H has on AErIculmre he adds Successful men and wo 0n ol Canadas Mal needs In Agricullun today lha train In of 5y lhn they Mn rvru may may more pmperly pre and In 3e mos basic ndus ln Bern udi Eoiï¬ï¬vï¬asfcund try as well as the nation as whole IN the gqnlenllqm vuluunul Racine president lo Cnnndlnn Councll on 4H Clubs nunly Nut 1le Innl ilvu any llomr Adult nuln Fmqu Plyrm New run on IMIly mmpruur I1 huill or rmnnmknl lunqule lwnvyduly smite lcrmrllrnlly Inlrvl In Ilrrl he ram Irruwr Info 1mm Mr dull and mulmm 1mm nmll nlllmL Inlrnm 1y uprlnu mounted lur qlllrl vlbrnunn mllnu mel 1m luhrlrnllnn umnprmnr Iu nn an Ilrhlgruml Iarr mlmlru anl TutMu nullurllnn huh hr VIII air In unlnl III Ilnyl NIL Vnruum lulrd mm and rabbit pth unlnul Mr leak lhnl mm ml lrmwmmu Ilmr llnou llihlly ullml now lmpmvul nrrmdinnlypl vldyl vlnnllc mum Io lonu prrlrrl ml llllh mull IntIll llullll lull lrnlprrullllu lmltlrnlly Â¥lnNll hegmocurd nlrrior on Ihlmull mlulvlv rmmrnlum vuy mm Qunllly llryrndlhllllg mm huHHn slylln Imdl whclly mmmr KART Stresses Nééd 015 Training Young People Tin5e MW nrdï¬lmunlflylcd RCA WIIHIIJOOI lrcrlcrl hm you IO mlch 00d alumna cnnmlly per floor artn Mul new umvrnlenro lcnluru youvu nlwnyn wnnlrd AlLOvrr prlmo Iraling lurlncrl tnplum load flavour ll ll peak Ind mnlntnin lhn nnhlrnl Mum KIN nm by cnnnlanl Juxltlgm lrmprr umm 1963 REA WHIRLPOOL PRICE Our Low Modal JD 600 CAPACITY Sug list Price 29995 SUCH EIAVOUR SAVING PERFORMANCE SUCH lABOUR SAVING CONVENIENCE SUCH ENDURING QUALITY AS PORTRAYED IN THE SAVE $8000 FEVER Biron 21995 usa OUR convamzm nunoar PLAN AS LOW A5 100 PER WEEK THE KING OF VALUES march Refuge aiiona comm Agricullure and buslncss Illms wllhthc Canadian Councll on Club acllve at theAanlonal level to blend and mordlnnla acllvlllcs for lhe beneï¬t of all MONARCH REFRIGERATION C0 MALCOMSONS INSURANCE AGENCY DUNLOP ST Our Low PRICE INSURE AGAINST LOSSfire wind lightning any one could cause tremendous damage to yoilr farm buildings Liability can cause severe strain or financial ruin Be wi insure against financial loss SAVE $10000 Sun LIIO Prlcl 32995 M4an No JD7H 595 L8 CAPACITY 22995 AllOver Prlme lrmlu Burhm Allow hut conlncl lrcczlnl to be dvnu on any at lhe nlrllernlcd lmlda lurlncu food temper nluru will not vnry morn than lmzen Iood main man natural luour uxluro and nulrllhnll value Aulamllc Tuupmlun Conlnl hula on the bark ol the Mir Incl out chlldrtnl roach yd easily Iccmibla uhonld adjuxlmcnl be ncccunry Euler nunmm Door Minimum prmura pcrmiln easy openlnl 1mm oululdn or Insldo lately lcnluro nrtnll wlll uppmlm Anlomlln lnlnlor um 1mm in ma oar Goa an nulom nIly when door In opmnd ofl whcn door ll cloud Illumlnnlu mllru Inlcrlor Krylod locum bchlnd Imnrll duluncd door hnndlu Inlrzunrdl nod nhtrnver mm ocnlml Cunnlerhlnnred nptnl lllll clam ellorllmly nmr than or Wm up unupoclcdly Now Improved ncrordionlypc nuke luuru 1th ml IA THE BARRIE EXAMINER THURSDAY MARCH 28 FIRST 0N CONTINENT canllncnl was blgInllEucllnn Thu ï¬rst successful electric Toronlns Canudlan lnllonnl railway 9n the Nurth Amcrlcnn Exhibition in the two PA M735 PROTECT YOUR FARM BE SURE YOU HAVE ENOUGH INSURANCE xx mm Our Low PRICE Hnr Wumnly 0n hermtllc IllyIcnled tonmrmnr Unnyur warmly on Um nllru remr pm ecu Ixalnnl dclrcu ln mnlulnl or warlmnnnhip lYur Food Menu WunnIy lmlocll mlnu lhu km lcovmxa up In $10000 no AHA dluoml chnrnn Appmnl Approval hy Canadian standmu Aunclnllnn SAVE $14000 Modol No JDIOH 700 LB CAPACITY 539 LII Prlto 15995 24995 YEARS OF YEARS OF any one of these All GONE UP IN SMOKE Idlngs Legal Be wlse and PLANNING lABOUR PHONE Ml EL