And until did bum lg hml mr muted all the 10th mum wllh mu gum no um m1 Um If mum 10 In lhn mum In mi lhem min ml on In In Iona In my saved dnnjlv know how ll mum work nul but an at lhm nln ho mint nwd Uh hm work uhm lu lgllfll In much Inoum Ian or do an hard hul In In mfly llm am up Illhl Ind In or morn Ion In wllhl mdu humbling Inmlod Inounllln lofu len had In Idem M1 Mtlvln uwlnu anth mmr 1d bl buth hul dla alum lempled wlm rock ml hlnl Ion or man And novur loo und 1110 ndvnnuu nl lhh mrlllml lhounh Hr In Hm llcl um lhry Mo dlupmrd or llmu rnlhrr lhn harboran wudl hmh Ind woodthurkl unfldy Irina comm rock Th1 comlslrd or dluzlnx nil huldo Ind MI brlaw lhl hollom the rock lhnl whtn ll wn pullrd In In up In rod Mould ho nl luul lwrnly inrhu bean In uulacu or flu mound MLLOW llT In order Io expose morn of mckl mince lo lhu Hm alwayl dun trench around In rock Impan nwny Um ID 01d cralu brush or alum Ind udur ml mndu he ollu he Hock bclnz poor conduo tor heat we turned that the reason many llnd lhln mnlhod unsuccessful Ihnl lhay Apply inxufllclenl Illl la nut lhl rock lhmuxh Ind lhen npply ImuL llclent wnler lo cool Ind mn ncqucnUy cran lhe mck lhmum dmmnllnl canlrncllan Wller poured on red hot mm of rock uploch Inln mum Mk eyscr Wnlcr Ihould bl nlitd llll no more Iluun used or Inn rock ll crncke loo Ihnlluw my luv lock lundlnu mm or blxhtr Hun ll wu helm numrmng ww lhll com lelL nu Idu II to bulda Hut rock not undrr ll lhnn II will no nude In an you Italy on lrglfur lo pul Ill Iqlu le NI 7in nIEUmd mould ml 0ka wclpalpl For Imnlltr rack up to lav on hundnd pound dug nmund them with mallmk Ind nhavtl llll we cum to pro ecllng ledge mound whch olllnl chnln could he looped then Upped them aver and ed lhem lo lhe lance with lhl luclor For rock ol or lo we used lhu melhod onl expec lally In loom aoll wh trac llon wax poor wed dlz IIOPA lnl ramp up from on INC of hi rock lnrmuinx greatly the me rock which could bl pullv ed out Annlhcr mclhad an old meth od wn used nlhcr lucceninlly on cw very lnrza Ind up alluding mtkl wm the flmwnb er menu This proceu cvld enly very mm In brelk lnz largo mums Into eully handled chunks mu bl Kim barrel of water and Mr amounl lime Ind pul lenco Likc many arms In Simcou County our farm had lls shun of plowhusllna rocks projeb an Implement alumni an flu abova Illa leld5 or lurk ng when they could not be mn until my mugged the view with shuddering crack Far yuan we warkcd may in spare hour to dispose the mckl Small stones And football 5le chunks we carried by wagon or stone baa nr truck lo the fence sides or to huud Inna Ind for concrete work in that am category mne plcklnl wu no parllculnrly unpleasant REAL PROBLEM Bu Ii was ling larger rockl that were the real problem Welgmnx nl lh 1qu 180 rounds per cublc fool largo ooklng racks are even heavier ecling whcn you no In mnvl lhem and most In Uzhlly un bedded DIG TRENCH MEL BROWNING Church packed you as easily as on 11L hooks rack mm hlrd could pick up can of beans Machine Handles Problem Of Removing Heavy Rocks few rock up in lwa tau he clnmpcd bclween the Lhovel and boom Ind clrrled to lhlckcl of trees and deposited them deep lmldo Em lhl greatest Illlmcuun cam In watching Mr Brown nz luckle me blzIpnnerl boul flen big as mill car lhal and prevluus owner hadnt NHIMIM mampuul la move Firs he would dll out pl the alt kitchen then cut lwo lunch an sch tide of the rock lntn the pit to rzlensn from In amhy mp Then ro posltlanln M1 extmar and npplylnl Ihe buku he dmppcd 1h shovel bchlnd tho rock and pulled lowly hwviag 1h rock up and over fell Into th pll wllh In earlhlhak In hump Wllh the lhavel az Iln he repositioned each rock until ll mud In low poulbls Ind uch lmn Iha Ihovel cram ed Icrou It mrlu lit the pit 11h In cucken You In beller lo Ipond cw mlnum exlrn excavnllnx to bc um 01 hnvlnl the pl deep unauxh uphlnod Mr Brown lnx you cl thou very blz baulderl Into lowhullow plt you In cant nlxe lhem oul lo down It Inylhlnl Ibavn two or lhm ham loo bony or huh III appencd you would hlvo to ma Bnckfllllnl wu mm pmhlem Ilnu backhoe are not mullly duluud or lhll lob Ha mum um lho Inner him could uve llmn nnd money lllllnl lhn plu with lmnt Racks below hall lnn he lull on the surface for to pull lo the lence For larger blocks he merely deepened the hole from whlch they had been extracted and nudged them back lnlo the lame deeEened hnlc when they will rem hr below lhu deep est lundworklnx Implement SATISFACTION Hm lhcn machine do nslly 1n mlnulel what vm couldnt nchlcvu ln houn Within lhm or our hour every Ind rock we had marked and mm more wo had hunted up hld been dhpond ol aw quarteron xhovels or can lrom mund hem dropped his shovel behind projecting ledzes and dined them onto the Inca they were pebblu Some llfled out wlth n0 aide ex uvntlon III Within In hour Lhu men Hold wal dotted th boulder that would hnva taken us days hard chalnvbreaklnz work to have raised IOOP ESSENTIAL PACKAGE PLAN coor comrnmmsw PlAN Slmcoo Cooperaflve Modlcal Services 259 INNISFIL 51 PA 6125 Slmcoe Joperative Medical Services $124oormny $62005lnglo For Funlm Infovmlllnn erlo Phono $7900 Flmlly MEDICAL INSURANCE FARM FAMILY other methods of rock dlspol ll Include dynamlllnz bulldoz Inz ml in pasture and other urworked land covering with one or more cubic yards soll Pmleclhm rocks no only dum Ige mlchlnery Ihey harbor weeds and lraclur loader which musk Arman own Huwever 1111 can he mnmd the bqu ol the reï¬lling an Ihe spot We completed the reillllnz wllh ahovel and nnewny dlsc Our cost was less than dol lar rock Than name rock thmuzh the year have cost us dollars nth by dumflxlng equip men and reducing ellicIency nkes culllulors and harm SHLLYS SHLLIES In Eton Exminer Photo REAL ISTATI 161 BRADFORD STREET KNOWS FARMS KNOWS PARMERS on In FARMING For The FARMERS FOR YEAR AND STILL SELLING BOAKE FARMS FOR $350051nglo ORIGINATED IN 1907 By STEWART PAGE AIrIwIluIIl III ml North Blmcoe Tho azrlcnllurII npresenlnl Iva nervIce nnw knnwn II the agricultural extension IervIce wan orIzInnled In 1007 VIN SIm cor Cnumy one ol the um le enunIIeI In open tome an rImIIlnnl oIIIce In he nexI do cnda or Io In Iervlce expand Io much nvery county or II Irlnl In OnIIrIn The 81mm Cnnnw OIllne wu IncIIed In CnlIInzwood unIII mo when II wan muvod Io Bum In MI lacond oIIIce wu npened In AIIIonn to serve Scum Slmcoa Simeon IIIII he nnly county quh qu agrlqmnnl gIIIcesz To pmmola lmpmvcd crop pmductlnn and win 11nd use to abllln blah ylzldl top qunllly feed or cull crops ll lower cost per unlt pmducllon Much nl thin pronum curled nn through the local toll Ind amp 11 AWL0 50H lasting with the Iertfllzer and many the my and land use recommendMonabelru mad by 1h mkullml repre unllUve basic and growing purl MI ppmm Inspection commatill on lined Ind mustered seed crops come under me Canada Dtpm men Axflcullure Tho maln lenlnco luallly commercial Icedn mu 1m And may olhar The Agricultural Extenslon Service ol the Ontario Depan men of Agricullun npenud ln nah Gaunt under the direct lan he atricullural repruenlr alive In dexlznzd primarily to mix rural peoplu wlm lhelr problem of llvlng and mlklnz living The ollowlnu 11 Ill uslralel name Illa major Ier vlces he county nlllca alms lo pmvlde By mlormln the puhilc to Department policies program and the lam mum at agricult urnl mench By Monmin dcpnrlmenm Iu chmidea to local conditions mhlem Ind recommendation or the banalmam of Ixflcultura Ind run 111 JUNIOR EXTENSION To promote and supervise Junior extension program 4H agricultural and Hi homemak inl clubs the latter being under the direction at the home econ omist During 1961 over 500 teen age boy Ind girl were enrolled in Hi Club project in North Simone The enrolment tor the County In whole would be well over the lotionlurk Ind in in creasing each year To win with Junior Farmer Club ll may be required BFLNXOR EXTENSION GENERAL 1b muInuln twowa inlarm ation lervlce ldoklxii after enquiries by mgll Injephgno gr in ï¬rwn Extension Service Aids Rural People BARIII PA Ml iarm requirimenlg or products il also the responsibility the Menidmmnenil mum mnovzmr Much the llvulock Improve ment pmlrun carried an thmuzh the various breed organ Iullona or mu and wine the Dairy Herd Improvement Ame Inuonl the Beef Swim and Sheep 1m mvemenl Association IIOIIK wl mm other groups Thus ornninuanl hold meet lnzs shown and ruler compelli Ivnx em and our olflces In woparauan with lhu county Fa derallon Agriculture ulva such ï¬nance wa can to has Vlrloul 1mm Mm Provincial and Federal Palldea assigned to improve hr quality Ind pmmnbfllty 01 live the production In avail Able Following are aw 1h more lmpurunl than Poilclu Record Perlarmnncu or SOCIAL CREDIT IS THE PARTY WHICH PROTECTS THE RIGHTS OF THEINDIVIDUALI THE SOCIAL CREDIT TEAM TO OUR RURAL FRIENDS KINZIE WILLARD LLOYD CUMMING FARMEII Duflmnélmm Our problem is one of distribution from PRODUCER to CONSUMER SOCIAL CREDIT has the answers to this problem without further debtandor taxation When our money supply is based on production this problem will disappear as if by magic When SOCIAL CREDIT monetar reforms are imple mented the FARMERS wiIIbe able to sell all their pro duction This will be done by twouprice parity system PARITY meaning cost plus fair profit With twoprice system it will mean that FARM sur plus over CANADIAN CONSUMPTION will not lower the entire market price rather this would happen FAIR PARITY PRICE WOULD BE ESTABLISHED FOR PRINCI PAL PRODUCTS FOR DOMESTIC SALE IN CANADA THE REMAINDER WILL BE EXCHANGED WITH OTHER COUN TRIES AND OR SOLD TO OTHER COUNTRIES IN EXCHANGE FOR THEIR CURRENCIES With SOCIAL CREDIT and BALANCED ECONOMY the FARMER will be ASSURED MARKET In all he produces Witt suIIIclenr mom to buy the materials available and needed on the term BRINGING AB UT CONDITION OF PROSPERITY IN PEACE FOR EVERYONE Who is more of an individual or more important to our economy than the FARMER He produces the most im portant of all wealth food Reflect upon the following Destroy the cities and leave the farms and the cities will grow up as if by magic Destro the farms and leave the cities and grass will grow up in the streets of every city throughout the country The city folk need the food produced on the farm The rural folk need the manufactured goods from the cities ON APRIL 8th VOTE DAIRYMAN MMIOK lefll Puhlllhnn by Nuvlh Slmzu Suki CMQ no lridllii bum he re mlumx boar premluml and ull bonuses uniquest fur swine dairy Eagle Indrbcet unis Sum111 Prlcen or usva mnjor pmducls Western lead train night unance Health unimnis politic Inch lilo TB and Brucailosi Con troi Rabies Connn1 far all uni ma Artiï¬cial Insemination ol cai lie and SPF Swinu Herds Cunadinn Nations Livestock Reamdd or recording all pure bred livestock Mott Agriculturni olilm miniin one or man tattoo outï¬ts for the muting oi registered live flack FARM MANAGEMENT Thl mvlna prnnched on both Illa lndlvldua and arm management Issoclallon basls The Onlarlo arm account book In available all mice Meet DAIRY MAN Processlnz Ind Iclllnz FARM PRODUCE Born Ind Raised on In Ontr10 FARM WILLARD KINZIE 51mm North IA THE HARM EXAMINER TWDM MARCH II Inn Ind Individual aulllunce requested on vnflnul plum at farm business plunan and Faunm account books Ire nummarixed and In 11131111 or TO FARMFIRE PROBLEMS LIVESTOCK FLOATERS FARM EQUIPMENT FLOATERS FARM LIABILITY GENERAL 12 DONALD ST WE PAY CHECK US FOR PRICE YOU PHONE CUMMING LLOYD Mama SPECIAL ATTENTION ILL SEE YOU AT YOUR HOME CHARllirA ANDERSON nunnmamcol INSURANCE AGENCY FA 66035 the farm bullncu Inpplled an manmment nvallnhlu request In cowernuan with depmmuggl Isflcnlmru mu omiu VOAC BOB THOMPSON FARM BOY Nnuow linker