bcxfhnn PhliLThY run Top mm mm Any Mme spent over nnd nbova lhll looks holler In Iho orchard lhan dun In lhe pm lflgandBm ltnlemenL mwe rapnrlca on tho mndnrd wedge and spur methods prunlnn under Accordinl lo Dr Crown at tho CDAI research stallun Kchlle NS spending than 15 minute or up to no mlnulcs prunlnz each lrce In an orchard make little dlflerenco In tho qunlliy of he lrult In net allcr studying three melhnds Dr mee conclude Ihal pruning should be mtrlc led to malntaininz men trams and the desired me or shape Orchardlsll who spend more than 15 mlnulc or ID pruning an apple tree am probably was lng Mme Thirtyour 51mm County Iludenu Ira attending ammo Agricultunl Colleza Onlmo Veltrlnlry College or Mne donald mutuu Guelph Among those ram he dim1c who will grldunle this yen mndinz 1m to 11th Dun Richnix Dun Can Waste Time Pruning Trees For mulmmn Vina veal ulm ulumhl In mun hlrd nl 11ml 115 150 lbl mu Mr palm alIHIw dgpemtlnx mu he nlmllnl nigh In mu MI vmh ovum nlmllnl would of Ilu Hmrlnln rnlrr mulrul lm than 100 Mm lull xtol lndny mm your local ï¬lmrlnln ImA lbwAn remmnlu Mull ll lvu law law ml cnnvrrlinn pound of In per mum ï¬hurhln VEALEII II nmmnl Elmylo 10 mlx only la ml lull lollow Hm lllr odlonl un lhe bu CanI welihlnl ll In Ibl ll Mnh xlvu but mulu ll lulrr cnlvu hymn Ionm mllnu perlod but Im pr Illbll ï¬lmrflnln Vrnkr mm whola milk SHATTERS PERFORMANCE RECORDS PRESENTS NEW PROFIT OPPORTUNITIES SHURGAIN VEAlER SHllHEAIN FEEDS aLe ZéFarm ma SHURGAIN PUTS fHE GAIN IN VEAL PRODUCTION SIMCOE COUNTY STUDENTS AT GUELPH much lcu la ml Ihnn Spur pruning mam detailed Innlnfly scaffold limbs are so cclcd than all latexall on lhcse limbs are shortened an that rult bud are no more than xlx The standard method takes llllle longer It Involve culling out dead and broken branches croaslnz limbs and generally he lnz ha lrea opened lo mo crolcly wollpruned appear ance This Erection has not Im proved ml or Insect control over the unkempt appenrlng wvdxepruncd trend Tm wedge method lake the lens llme Fam lo seven wed ges nr lnddcrwaya were cut Into lhc center of the Irees Ihu Hrs your and he only pruning since has been to keep these wedge open or 113 Inst our year In two nppla orchards oi OAC Waller Reynolds Berton mocim in horliculv lure Edward Walsh Imam module in nnimll husblnd ry Peter Haidle 0m Sillion who will grlduaio in chem isiry Keith Ritchie Cree more in engineering science Ind Pnul Lonnox Thornton in Igricuiiunl economicl The mom all he unsan fm me was once believed to have valuabla madlclnnl pmp ertles and commanded good prices In England These results show Ihn what nppem to be has or the trees may nnt be the most economic treatment cl Dr Crawe In tact lherc have been about 15 per common Insch injuries on ï¬le npglcs from spurpruned Irccs Sea has also been new lest In these trees allhough well controlled In wedge and Han dard pruned trees to eight inches from the acui ioid limb Each year the new growth on the test tree is clip pad until they have structurally strong and pmduciive ilmbAunitI with space or light and sprny penetration between them Work on the spurpruned rm lakes lwlce as long as tho slun dnrd method Quality of lrult hawevcr has not been Improved Front raw 1011 to rightGar don Belrrey Brndlord 1n gen cnl c1ence Jlm R1x RR 0111113 moclm 1n Inlmnl husbnndry Charla Drury Bin1e 111 general Iclenco Ind Ken Parnell Elmvnle 1n nnlmll husher Misdng are Smith Barrie and E1 Gibbons Struud USED AS MEDICINE Since Slladn Food establish ed pin in Alllslon the pro ducuan over 2000 acre has been procened Inmully and markmd in packget New rcgulnuon hive rcqulred all potatoes to be marketed In new bag whlch hu helped make hell no on more Interesting In the spring of he yelr at filming limo ilrzer equipment ulod pro in tho soil Ind moat newer niantm in our row time Fer iiixer of new Inllylil oilen bandied In bulk to speed the openlion Ind need incl of ten hlndied in built Durin the MM senon new insect cido Ind ungicides are applied by air blu Ind urge boom spray era to control the diseases and inleetlwhich would do dlmnize iio the crop Fifteen years no Lhue rnlterilia would have been npplied dust with much smaller equipment in the hlrvesiing nelson molt oi the pontoon are dug and ioxded in buik think by ilrge potato combiner which go not require innd labor to sep anta the vine mm Ihe tubers New Itonxes inve been built to do holler Job oi Iloring the pollloen and today larger quantities of better quality ub ers an be offered to the con Iumm by growers from Line county Fifteen yet 110 large openmt would hm 25 Acm Tody me Inger upener hlva 10 um um Icmze wm lhll chum there we been numemu chnnzel the mnnlgameul practice connec2 ed wth amp Ind todly 11 mm 01m enterprise on these ml Keith McRuer mm Mr Meme ll Agricul lunl representï¬ve or South Slmeoe The Icmn palm hm died by one IIImu In Ike mum ty bu Increased conuldenhly during the El 15 yam Ind pmlcululy the put flve Potato Acrédgéi Is Up Sharply STOCKSBONDSMIIIUAI FUNDS PA 82412 not minor an ArLAL Mullinsroman Mnnlnll cu lunch Ixchuxu RANGESCont Io CDIII In Cum Ntw Yuri Londnn flung AND COMPANY LIMITED 39 DUNLOP 51 RESEARCH ADVICE 82412 BARRIVE gain WEST 551 Eu AFCAL NISBITI THOMSON ENTRANCE MEMORIAL SQUARE Cummings Feed Mill ANNE 51 PA um FROJ HEMWWW SHURGAIN WAY BARRIE wllhoul obllullnn the sum lime an Increase was registered 1n Iheamounl of cheese Elven top rating Dub put of Canada Fhsl Grade tailed 051 mlllion pounds In edge the 1961 amount by per cent Amount of grndcd tell from 1062 milllnn pounds lo 105 million Volume of cheese production and the mount graded Insl year decllncd allglllly from 1961 levels accardlng to pre Ilmlnary report hy the Canada Department Agriculture Production amoixnlcd in 55 million pound down nboul 25 million ram 196 Tod the zmwerl reliizing the immune marketing pmznm are working towmil establishing more orderly mn keting by coopmting with one another and it is expected that aomethin oi concrete ultuxe will deve op in 1963 Cheese Production Is den Slightly KEITH MeRUEfl SUITE 103 THE ONLY WHY is the Bradford Feed Mill 88 DUNLOP STREET EAST 44 DUNLOP STREET WEST new 54m BRADFORD WRIGHT CLEANERS lTD BAlANflD FEEDING HEAbQUARHRS QUAWandECONOMY Combined PLAN YOUR FEEDING PROGRAM NOW WITH ONE OF THE HIE BARRIE EXMIINER THURSDAY MARCH 18 SHURGAIN DEALERS Insured protection or your fur right an the premises Your Inn are sale from maths lire and melt Dames only Refrigerated Storage IN YOUR AREA OOKSIOWN lra Wilson 4534272 FU STORAGE PA 8553