motlcle ARTICLES rorsAir OAI CLOTHES Dryer or rate or VIII trade tor BMW Clothes Dryer Telephone PA WI rlano roll lALl upnrrit train on nod condition Mendy heen um Allo Garden mom with Attachments and condiliwa Telephone Stroud trill gNOIR Spring leleAllIionl rise on Ill Elmer Sew ill neli singer Vacuum Clean Strider Pollen end Rue nlr only SIMS Singer Sow lnl Centre IS Dllnlop Street Welt PA STOW auroiimc Wuher Weeiinl house no Matehlnl Dryer 15 Electric Range apartment alro no an It Freerr cant type em Mollt necirio Renee 24 new tuliy automatic obln eon Hardware re ooui HOME rMPaovcMErF DONT MOVE IMPROVE Whether building or renovating leer BEAVERE CONTRACT DIVISION Home improvement Consultants Bill Ball or Lawr etlce Wiggins For Quality and Mdnbillty BEAVER LUMBER Brediord St at new D065 PETS AMBER KIIIRNI liar eele Chou olete Ind Ieelpaint ALIo roll tlred ltud service Telephone Euclid III GOLDEN narnlavan tor nie Irlontha old pedigree all mail house broken meie Telephone resit camp Borden Iva with needs them beeutilul wall Samoyed puppy tar pout will hour until eonole elephant IA PICK Kennel Ll with down etoclt Grown Chihuahuas relleiered or rate er pole only It reduced prices Ateo puppies II Slenrildele Iloed evening only BOATS MOTORS ran IernUnn Motor am it leperto unit in loot Tih rgiee In boat nail lutomiic nus Apply Alma sum or telephone PA aaxwi ARTICLES WANTED noYe nlcllcen wanted ulncb Wheel In and rnlldlilnn Tole Itnie PA eases liter pm Get no In loud cand Ierle eire hill to Box Deb eton Send Pl rt town are mne IBM condition one Phone can copy tor Want Ad Section accepted until pull De heiore publication PHONE PA Mlle FARMERSMARKET DEAD STOCK Highest prices paid tol dead or crippled rattle and horses Small animate For last service PHONE BARRIE PA Hm Colloctl or ask tor ZENITH 94130 NO CHARGE It hours dey1 deye week NICKSDEAD STOCK RR Formead Ontario License No mCtiz Nick Montague Prop FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Suppdes dz Service Case New Holland Dadd Brown Beatty Farm Equipment 176 BURTON AVE PA MST CASH TRADE TERMS FEEDSEED GRAIN IIAI Clover Timothy held or llll per ton do Verod Telk hone Itohleoke Bl HITS evenl ngr or patio Adverlleer ed lliven don Road EtlohitillkeA Ontario LIVESTOCK rlaa roll IAth eervieeehle ere IiOP Yorkahire Boere end Ollie Apply Arthur Morrow Coontown neaeronn cowai rive roriateled tierlord Dow or Iele with eelvel It loot Tlleghone Ivy llIlI tor rther intonation it ride euht weehe old lor eaie Apply lterdld McMutrr or lei hone ra earls Ior turther de nu cowe ri Iiereiord Cowl year old ri ilmlone Calm cm ere retired line he and blood tense and have all been releed on one lane Apply sten expinln its Bredlord BtreeL otter LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTEDX One Toulouse Ila Apply to Ed Starr on an Telephone ore POULTRY CHICKS DEKALB PULLETS More and more poultryineli are choollng DEKALB PULLETC Started ready to lay end day old chicks Order now Ior early order discount For service or help on your poultry prahicml cell Craig iiunter CRAIG HUNTER POUL FARM LTD MUICDVY DUCKS Ind Drekel or late Apply Cherie Iiorrieon hit Steynel or telephone 171W steymr == AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE IIJI OALAXIE Convertible Ale with Conlieeilnl red in in In In new condition cneinm radio white wall tireli window weeltlrl heckup lllhte lately padded dean till dawn bet at up per month Tell pll PA Will removed tree le AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR cans For SALE YOU GET GOOD DEAL AND GOOD DEAL MORE AT FRENCH MOTORS 75 Bradford St PA E5971 WHO ELSE WANTS NEW CAR Buy it now with lowered lite insured SCOiiA PLAN LOAN THE BANK or nova scorn rnr errta ma oLnallolllLl an ll re dlo entomeuo Iran Inn 50 In meonahly Telephone WIT Ior Iltrther Inlomltl aeocir can or llealey re to Pineclerte Wee Apply leci IIII IDIID Nil dour IIIle VI automatic emulation are who diace earring Teie one aimulna loos ms roan Nleeere la lair eels dltlorl liedlo Tire In need con dition Aekinl rice or belt ï¬lls Mull eel Tlllphone METEORv excellent condition may at Including redlo Telephon 090 alter 9H Street APPIY Tlllln Street lnodlded IIee run It Mate nlier ccplioneiiy ellln tnroulltnut Thia Le beauty Take on payments 90 per week Cell Aubrey OI are PA lrlltl use CIIIVROLIT tour door VD at lALCDN two door deluxe ailm my with tontrutine red and re interior dell treld white do ep one PA IIflet rm rmn Metropolitan very economlcei second car rod end black with rnelchirll ailnor one lane radio us down null per month Telephone pa emi II PLYMOUTH loll Altar Seon conditioned INT MITEDI tinder lllndlrd III aeuoaaaua two door ea mtflpertn $3250 ANY CAR Nun can INIOBANCII Big up tnla tor ureterred driven We insure any driver regardleal at ua circumstance lull cone ate nfe Bentley Con II Collier PA teen VII IIAIDNAIILII II Tlunol station Weeen me eo no no out Would nice ueond ear or Illlll llrnlly Cell arm pm It PA WW1 II HERON Rideeu Town Seoul ve runouo white uni lull dine and radio Two tone hiue No dome perm lyrenu ol we one PA We at er or Ill CADIL our door loud Donal new white urea uruel Cadillao natures Maroon Ind roam Anllh Private Ieie Victoria Harbour Ml use eonnae Launnuan eooen euterneuc trenalnlaelon euatnrn redin peacock tulouniu with match interior oup tread mite well tine Jilmlw OVOI men min runnua ra emi mt FORD PAM Ilqulln with mlclltnl intnor etlltoen din Window washers he lint deep In While all urea One owner eer on down Itll take ovar pl lot of to per month 11le one PA Will TRUCKS TRAILERS l0 ICONOLINI Penel Thick Al all tor ule Apply 11 Dothwell Cr mat Belrte Telephone PA HRH MOBILE HOMES GLEN ROYAL Mobile Moore to In excellent condition Colo pieiely tarnished lerKe llvinl mom nudism kitchen with eye veI oven rnaaler bedroom wth flrlle piece bath Telepmone PA 11 PERSONALS BETTER SMITH YOUR CON SERVATIVE ATE Would you like to meet him ask questions dismiss issues Cell PA 55 or come In to Com ildltee Romne 35 Coiiier 5L Barrie SIMCOE NORTH PC ASSOC LOOI You lglll pure or earth or etc included won annual 0114 Ilccluakie trey TAILORINUX Cotton made llllll allele eltereUDnl or measured MOSTYNS alter PeeE as MENS Alt WOOL DAN PARKER Iemoue make ALL WOOL aiim continentale and semicontinental or the youthful appearance at today in wide assortment oi ehndcs and patterns MENS PURE WOOL llllilllls iiiado Ill England PURE WOOL Jackcis in lino checks eoIIli ahedoa and salt stripes and herring bone ilan twirla Avniiehie in two and liirecIllitton MENS ram suns relccllon Melbourne Hannah and Wool lllonda in all eilrnctlve groli oi muted checks subdued eiripee and solid airmen SIZE RANGE 23 TO to COMPARABLE VALUE 1595 Moilyne Price SIZE RANGE 34 T0 46 RED AND TALL COMPARABLE VALUI 3550 Moelyne Price Sll RANOI T0 SHORT TALL COMPARADLI VALUI 4995 Mortyne Price BARRIE TRUCK AND TRACTOR LTD 33 Mary Street BODY SHOP SPRING SPECIAL Rocker Panels Installed and Painted PA 60371 PERSONALS PERSONAL OR nuainm Bookl let up and done monthly or yearly nearoneele rater Telephone PA Hoes tor lurther detelia seam IEOP ColdlelI leta etc By eertttied heirdremr in your own home or no ltai eel $51 Blrnlee PA nu PA LOST FOUND LOII IIINO 01 here loei tn Emile Will tinder pleeae cell PA === IO HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP AVON THIS OPPORTUNITY IS FOR YOU It you wear cosmetics have pieasine personality can spend 46 hours daily away Irorn homo Excellent earnings possible Write hire Walker no homo Street Barrie or cell PA 66551 llLTAlLI Women to do IM household dull Live in Four echool age children Telephone Alllltole HE 671 or WI WAIflIIISII Wanted II The Hell net Ill Dunlap Street all In Me Slmplnne Mfr Ollice Apply III plnori literMerle MATURE Women vented to an Iwer tell hone Ind louh Alter ooi be Iluat be de Hour iae Tele pm MATURE personehie end embl tlette Yollnl women to act ea retlry In proreutollel Mile Illl Ind hoolke III nt ll Pleaee ruhlnit eppl alien in own writing Iteilnl ouellrltetlonl Ind live rateroneee to Box errie Examiner IIIATUII WOMAN to be trained or omce meneler in local oitice Experience prllerrofl Ill MIMI ory capacity Knowledre ot ao eeuntlnl eeeentlel Sal maneurata with proven llty rl ee etrlctly mldenuel erIe givinl hill particular to Box ll Irfll Examiner EMPLOYMENT WANTED OmCl CLIANIIII Illth In and hplrleneed In LII ble Tee one PA were or my further nlorraeuoo MATURE COUPLE desire Tllllllme Million In tarotlure at bulldlnu Yeln or fleleuncee Apply Eu rrt emlnea TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA lZtit lo HEtPWANIED EMPLOYMENT WANTED DAY oe wearer Care evelle in two prelehool cationz New home eoed in lane yard auoue aiiml Write lion re Ber mariar MATUIIB eapahie women leek atllce empi hperleoced In Intel hon In end In lrel oIIioe rout drive Thiepholle IV RI canrmm wm or all aim Renovations Alteretierle Kitchen Cupboerde ruin lnline rm reetlon hoolnl He too TITll IIV loo null and Cell ny PA HAIL MALE HELP Expedenced Pipe Welders Wanted RATE $270 per In Contact Mr Thow Business Manager LOCAL 599 flone Minesing 200 FOR 10 MONEY 1033 GET IN ELECTRONICS you or over with Belo imurii Or education you can become pactmt tn rv nader Communicat one Anton tlon Com utorl are Resident Schooll tn aroma and Montnel or stud At home DI tame Free Dunk let Cereere In nectrnnice RADIO COLLIN DP CANADA King St Toronto 15 Ont TRUCK nnlvrtn mailed by local em or delivery wt rear truck Apply in wrttlnl mun ex erlerice and salary milked to is aarrie Examiner HELPER roe ehut Metal Shop lllalda work Year round employ in with TEACHERS WANTED VESPRA TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA N0 requires in Sep tember Protestant teacher tor the position oi Principal and Grades and ii teacher at Min csiag Central School Apply by April no In own handwriting etailllg quailiieations experi enoe ago religion marital lla tlie ralery expected and name or preient inspector or princi poi to BERT MAW MIIIOSIDE OliI WIN FREE WEEK and travel by Airline Coach to the IilIIIOlil WALDOREASTO RIA whore oull be 510 aITWO BROADWAY SHOWS and ONE OF NEW YORKS NEST NIO THE BARR MINER THURSDAY MARCH all to HELP WANTED MALE FEMALE CDMPITINI Bookkeeper or Ae eountant to handle cnidpieta eet Mil All repllu coalidontial erk Box l0 Ilrfll Dunne ll LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS ANDOTHERS IN THE name or anar RICE MUNDY RETIRED DE CEASED All persons having elellns aeaiust the estate oi the abo mentioned late oi the Town oi Penetengulshene In the County at Simeoo who died at the said Town of Penetanguiaheae on the 19th day oi April 1962 are required to tile prool oi aarne with the undersigned on or be ION the 6th day at May loo Alter that date the Public Trustee will proceed to distrib ute the este having regard only to the claims of widdl he then aheti have had notice DATED at Toronto this 26th day oi March ms PUBLIC TRUSTEE it Queen SA West Toronto ADMINISTRATOR == 12 TENDERS NEW CONNAUOHT PUBLIC SCHOOL COLLINGWOOD ONTARIO TENDERS are invited tor the comtiuction oi three more addition to New Conneulht Public School Coilingwood 0n tario Plans and speciï¬cations may he obtained by General Con iractora at the Oiiioe oi the Architects Carsweil and Ode hach 305 Hume Street Collin wood Ontario deposit oI $5000 will be required tor the Plans and Speciiicutlons Closing date for Tenders will be pm the ma DI April 1063 at the Office oi the Archi tecte The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted CARSWELL AND GRIEBACH Architectl sea Hume Street Coilingwood Ontario TENDER WANTED or laying MO Iglhgtnrh hlocka lelwhm PA For Wanr Ad Service Dial PA 2414 13 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Wednesday April 10 Extensive clearance auction sale at truck tradore term machinery implements repair shop and stock room equipment hardware am and garden tools term equipment deelere inventory stocks repair parts new and used mliceiieneous scrap Iron ete THE PROP ERTY 0F MESSRS WEST AND WOOD Iormer Massey Ferguson dealers Main St Schomherg Village Terms cash No reserve Sale at 1230 pm Robert Leonard Clerk KEN AND CLARKE PRENTICE Auctioneers Markham Ont Phone M3161 or Home AUCTION SALE TUESDAY APRIL 13 Auction sale at Shorthom eowe Shorthom and Hereiord Item and let cattle40 piesstore and let ones tractors farm machinery hay drain large quantity oi household Iuridture and eiieots At Lot Conces lion Markham Township on Highway No as miles north oi Markham Sale at 1200 noon Terms cash No reserve Farm sold See posters PROPERTY OF WILLIAM RISEBROUGH KEN AND CLARKE PBENTICE Auctioneere Next Parliament Could Be The Best WINNIPEG CPIStanley Knowles NDP candidate reek Ing reeiaction In Winnipeg North Centre said Wednesday he heiiovee the next Parliament could he tire hest Pariiement we ever had Speaking in irentlme teir cost over CBWT he said he thinks the last Parliament wee one at the worst in our hip tory But the Inuit wasnt the minority situation at all Ila raid that whet wee wrong was the attitudes taken by the two Iargeet parties All the leet government wanted he said was to alley in power And all the Liberal opporltlon was to bring Parliament to an end All it wanted was chance to try in become the government The only eaie ediciinn tor the condo ei on war that no party will have clear ma iorlty Explaining hla coniidence that the next Parliament will he good one he END IN NEW YORK SEE NEW YORK AS OUR GUESTI Well provide travel accommodation and entertain merit tor two Youll leave the lioan York liolcl Limousine Coach in Melton Airport board iCA flight to lllllel$AllflltlTl all It ou then be all giloat U85 imagine your aoli with two days and three nights in wontioriiii New York City Return tare is at courao rovidcii Heres the trusting en the cake it you cant make it Easter Vcckcnd pick the wockclu oi your choice in 1063 Why are we doing tliiai Ilccauae want you to shop our woridorini now greatly ex panded premises plain in enlr blank and drop it In the container ell HERES HOW YOU CAN WIN IIclt trio entry blank with each oi your eaioe IitLle trom liosiyiie Irom new lII Easter Com eiore Enter all oiion as you like The draw determining la winners will behold II the close of huelnm Seiurday April iii The holder of the that ticket drawn will receive orie jacket with matchln elncke The holders oi the second and tlilrd ilcknta drawn will each race ve new suit The iourt nlid Iinnl ilcket drawn will determine grand prize weekend in New York toriwo Pack your bag you could he that the winner oi the luck winlleri TO UALIIY FOR PRIZES HOLDERS OP WINN INO TICKETS MUST ANSWER SIMPLE QUESTION MOSIYMS WHERE YOUR SALES SLIPS ARI WORTH Sl ON YOUR NEXT PURCHASE 4042 DUNLOP ST WEST MENS WEIIII PA M70l