Tomato goiter Jerry Magee shot souea yesterday tak Ing top pro money In the wars TOP MONEY 52500 proamateur tournament at Wilmington NC Tourney senu as warmup tor the 320000 Azalea Open starting today This picture oi Ms gea was taken at the Canad ian Open In Kitchener In rear CP Vircphotoi Committee Working Under President Again TOKYO iReutersiihe Jap anese Olympic Games organ ising committee beset by critic ism at home and International wrangling abroad is working under the leadership at resi dent again aiter months tun molt and disunlty Daigom Yssukawa 71year old chairman oi the Japanese Atomic Power Development Company accepted the st oi committee president ter it had been turned down by two other prominent Japanese The organising committee suiicred an upheaval last 00 tnher during the tntemational Ieud over the exclusion at to root and Formosa mm the Asian games in Jakarta Five months earlier Olympic Allalrs Minister Shollro Kawa shlma criticized it for rv tarded progress In prepara tions tor the stat Olympics In Tokyo its blamed this on oilicera oi the games organising com mitten the Japanese Athletic Association and the Japanese Olympic Committee in the debate that followed much at the trouble was traced to reported lack oi hats many to tire organising corn mttteea conflict that reached its climax during the Jakarta games Both Juichi Tsushlms and Masashl Tabata resigned their posts on the athletic auocias lion the Olympic committee and the Olympic organising committee over the dispute Many attempts were made to tilt the post oi organizing committee president vacated by Tsushima Dr Shinto Koisuml adviser to the Imperial Household Agency and Tadashi Adarhi chairman oi Japans Gramber oi Commerce and Industry both reiused to accept the post tloa Last November member oi the ioreign ministry Shigeru Yoaana agreed to become hon orary ecretary replacing ststa EXECUTIVE EXPERIENCE An tlman subcommittee was sat up to Had new president SCISSORED SPORT TIGER ELCOMED it LAGOS Nigeria AlliWorld middleweight champion Dick Tiger drove Into this capital city Wednesday and thousands oi wildly cheering Nigerians lined the route to welcome him as national hero But as Niger sronrcd greetings Tiger was log up as the key Ilgure In an nternao tlonal boxing row over the ire min at his next light government minister was on hand to warn the champion he had not yet done enough or his country Your next tight must be In Nigeria declared Labor Minister Johnson Tiger won the title In tight with Americas Gene iullmcr and retained It when he held Fuiimcr lo draw curltrr this ycnr tiolh bouts were In the United States Tigcr and tullrner are due to meet to return hout In June and Nigeria is nothing deirr mlnul hid to stage the cham rlonslrip In lhurinn 100 miles tom hcra IIMZTH IIIINJIILII NliW tliiK tAiiJet TtaI tiv Cnnruliunhrcrl wit owned by rscii Firestone Jr oi hirgu Jilittd the New York lhreoyrnrold ranks Wednesday when he led throughout to up sci iavorwi Iioniorrr and up turn the snow itsy hhnre Strike at Arrritrluvl ict liatttc won by three lengths Tup Gallant second try the ma margin mrr llonlotrr Jet 11 Its limit huy ruin ni Julrnl Joy inlri tinru trio and mu ARIN TENT TORONTO tClt Iinlttiatk his West who Inyrsl In this American Football League with Thutun lairlols in MI and New York Titan IasI mom has brcn Ilgrml try Turunlo Argrv it hunts the Eastern Fmihsli tunierenre llininlntrri trrlnrrilny Iiciorr turning on irselnnai the list witrnrl eII Kiaycd with the Ilnltrrsily oi liuntrll and in the twri itrsngs liuwl storm was nnnmt the out standing pie FUNERAL IIEI WIIITII ROCK ILL tCii Frmrrnl services were held here Itrrinruiay tnr FruitI rhinoor Johnsrt T7 member wei ers list at ram lie died Monday at this resort town 30 miles south at Vancouver John son delencemsn played on three Stanley Cup champion teams Ihs Montreal Wandcrv era oi root me and 1910 as live oi Montreal he Iolnrd Isnderera in 1900 and In rats moved to the New Westminster Royals ADJOURN CHESS MOSCOW IAPi The third game in the battle tor the world cheu crown was adloumed Wednesday alter the 01st move llay will be resumed today The score so Isr Champion Mikhail lotvlnnik Lt challen ger ltgran letrosysn 03 Bot vinrrlk won the opening match and the second was drawn WINS PRO MONEY WILMINGTON NC Ali Iorry illsgea oi Toronto shot seasea Wednesday and won top pro mane In the 500 Pro Amateur gol tournament serv Ing as warmup ior lbs 20 000 Asa Open starting today hinge slx undo eMIrysrd res Fear Country Club course arncd hlrn 150 Bucs Clinch First Place It Tllt CANADIAN THEM Portland Rurksroos wsllnped Calgary Stamprdsrs 01 teil nrwlay night to clinch llrst rises In the We rn Ilnrkey aagrras Sotrlhrrn lilvislnn Anti lord shower on lord Farhoway Night contributed goal to tire lluckerno rnnss has are 1390 tans who turned out to honor the leyesr veteran oi rm horksy who Intends to re its at tho and rat this season In other action in Angrlrs lilarirs dumped Iiinits urrrrll IMtlamtl IIIII Aaumtrrs and Arnls itcnmsuts Itilllli two goals each anti slnglrs were notched by Art Jones Mitts thinalrlson tierr Lauiman and Jerry toysr Calgarys goals were by North Johnson and tau Jenknwskl los Angel marksman arm Willy Oltes Filming Matte liarnid White and Frank Arnrtt ttay brunet scored tor Spokane and tlnally Yuuksws accepted the post Yasukawa said he thought he was asked to take over president because oi his exec utlva experience During the Second World War he moulded loosely strung group oi companies into the Electrical Alliance Control Association He later reorgan lsed Iapana atomic power da velopment company Yesukawe Is also chairman oi the board oi the Kyushu Electric Power Company which supplies the whol oi Japans westernmost le as sportsman and day anese citizen he says he was proioundly concerned over tilts preparations tor the Olym cs am said to be man at deeds he added but to organise the Olympics which is national protect requires the sharing oi responsibility by everyone in the nation who should do his part Badminton Bests Praise Seed lob VANCOUVER CPIThe Ca nadian badminton champion shlps spent Wednesday proving above all else that the seeding committee did good lob The top seeds won the tint day matches The rest duiliully did their best took their best lugs and retired to consolation events Four popular touring players irom Europe and Asia lrnt gilt lar to the mens singlaa and doubles events Ilcarded Erisnd Reps the world champion who works I0 months year tor Copen hngcn Importexport itrm swept easily through pair oi slngics matches lis vst eran Syd Lowthlsn oi lid ltd detest and bom barded Ken Noble oi Vancouver with stinging drives to win rai lH Seconds Chansrong Raitcn Sseng Suang oi Thal Isnrl who also rate second in world ranks deleats Geoii AI klnxon at Vancouver IaI rst nnri Krlih Spencer oi Edmonton 152 ifll Itlit NAME WIN Victnrlss In the same style went to lhe other big names tlohcrt htvtolg oi Scotland Sangnh italtsnusnrn That land Jim Pools and nut tirrry nt lllego Calli and Can adas bestWayne liiscdonnell oi Vancouver and Jim Carn wath oi Toronto The mens and womans aln its and rlntrhlrI mlsrd doubles nurt lireI senior mens am In all went to the ousrlaritlna slsga Wrrlnrsrtay big Held at lunlnrs were to start their events today where the matches immllcti nrvuslunsl upsrts Al eight championship Iinals will bl played hainrrtay Maroons Move Close To Title TORONTO iii Turnntn Nell hitNell hlarrmna mnild trr within genre vi winning the Metro Toronto Junior horksr title Wednesday night by edging Toronto Maitholol as In the higlrrstrlcvrlnr game oI the leagues Kiayot The tilt game at the series Is srhrrtulcd lur Huntley ailsrnonn at Maple Lest ttsrdsns In Tor onto Skinny Kid Graduates ow Toeses BCrSebcrlls By PAUL RIMSTEAD Canadian Press Stall Writer ii railroad conductors are still looking tor the tail skinny kid who used to throw rocks at their tratns as they passed through Chaihem Ont they might try Florida illsnsnre is Ferguson Is kins and hes still causing trou ble by throwing things However hes aduated irom the atonethrow as age Now ha tosses baseballs and the people who doojt like it are the batters tryin to impress Philldelphil Phllles at their training camp Can baseball players are usually well known at home But Jenkins who could turn out to be the best oi the lot is better known In Florida than he is In his native country The slxioobilve new pounder pacts Ons Philadelphia writer says Jenkins ie has the best chance at cracking the Phlliles pitch lag roster this season it this should happen the Jenkins story would rvsl that Early Grid Star Paces From Scene HAMILTON CPIOne at Canadas early iootbsll greats Septlmue Stuart tScppll Du moulln as died Wednesday at his home Dumoulin businessman and civic politician lsyed on six Ca diarr champonshiptesms and was best known tor his plunging as member at llam Iton Tigers oi the Ontario Rugby Football Union centrehslt when teams had it men Segpl started his ea reer with is Tigers In rm alter graduating irom Trinity College School in Port Hope in 1007 ha was honorary coach ot the Winnipeg Rowing Club team when it won the ltisnitobs title then returned to lien in ms to coach the Two Races Alive 0n iiiIL Schedule By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Two racestor iirst and third In the Eastern Division ar tlil altv the American Rec ey League into III It all weekend at the regular sea son Hershey Bears improved their hold on the top spot to three oInts over the idle Providence eds with to victory over the lowly Pittsburgh Hornets Baltimore clippers kept their hopes plsyoii ion by beating Cleveland ram In the only league ac Ion Wednesday night Jean Ratelis Sandy lites Oregor Dob Cunningham and George Ford scored tar Ralll more John Ferguson and Hank Cirsis cored tor th Ed Chadwicks 154 shut out over Pittsburgh extended th liornets record winless to es and helped Hershey increase its leading margla Les Dull scared tar tiershey in the ilrst erlod and Yves to cal Willie Narshsll and Roger DeJordy In the third Canadian Teams Take Spotlight BUFFALO NY iCllNo Csnndlsn teams look the spot light In the only action sched uled Wednesday night In the annual American Rowling Conw gress Tournament Ridge Lanes oi Ridgewsy Ont took over ilrst rises the booster division wth to tal oi 11 pushing Wyndham Lanes oi Guelph Ont into secondpi lie The Guslph how tied with MeCawlsy Tona wsnda each with 1170 They lied tor the Quality Products rennin AA Certlilsd Atlas TAT DELTA Nylon Web on 795 lirsrhle lastly tarlslisd Marl In the Ihopplng Materiel CARSONS E550 Dunlap and Anne Ila IA Hill HOOVERS £550 ltsrrlstd and line All FA Itll IRENNANS E550 Tlradierl and tab Its IA lllll at any at the meteoric rises in the past Last year Fergte pitched tor Chsthsm in sandlot tel us and was picked up by the il liesmldway through the sum mer One at his teachers at Chat ham Vocational School tormer minor league layer named Gene Dziadura ipped Philadelphia all about the tall Negro with the iasiball Tire Phils shipped him to Miami Marlins in the Class Florida Stats League and Jen kins who had at pitching record at home was there with the Incredible nodrun average oi 090 started eight games tints ilve struck out as batters and walked only is The Philadelphia bosses ob vtously impressed moved Fer gle to Buiiaio Bisons in the is one oi the Philtlcs best pros Tr lpls international League at the end at last season in 13 innings with the alsons Fergie tanned six men walked live and had 11 was last record The Phils took him to his lirst spring training camp this Tigers to the Grey Cup game which they lost to the Univer sity at Toronto Back in Winnipeg In rots he coached Victoria Football and Hockey Club at Winnipeg to the Manitoba championship in ms mmaulln was made tile member oi the Hamilton Tiger Football Club the only man ever to receive this dis tlnction His greatest thrill was In mt when the Grey mp Dinner Committee awarded him plaque ier his contribution to Canadian ieotball Dumoulin Ls the only man ever is hold the presidency oi all tour major tootbstl leagues in Can He was president oi the terprovincial Football Union the Ontario Rugby Foot ball Union the Saskatchewan Football Union and the Western Rugby Football Union at vari ous stages at his career He also praticlsnt in cricket ruggsr He was iormer member oi the Hamil ton city council and iormer alderman Hs leaves two daughters and seven grandchildren year and Jenkins working in an tntrasqusd game allowed ï¬ve scratch singles In six irr ngs Last week he allowed only one hit in three innings against Detroit Tigers Jenkins looks real good Philadelphia or or Gene Mauch says dont think theres any question that he will some day be big league pitcher Re arts say Jenkins despite his ack oi experience com pares tavorably In tom and delivery with his big league rivals However making the Phils this year Isnt likely The clubs have to cut rostersand the Phils with so pitchers in camp It with major league experi ence have to cut to 10 Thi odds havent worried He bleach hasnt told any body yet he said But irom what some at the other oiilctals tell me It looks pretty good We want him said Meuch But Its not always tavor to boy to keep trim on major league roster Sometimes It does him more harm than good Our decision will be what ever we test Is best tor him it wa do send him out It will he to team where he can win You have to go out and get coniidencs to become big esgue pitcher Peopls around Chatham teel Fergts is good pitcherbut better hitter At Chatham last season he had 12 hits to at times at bat including two home runs ior sas average He also plays outileld and ilrst base it those conductors are still mad at him it might be some consolation to know they played part In developln pro ball playerone who ght become Canadas best The tracks run past the Jen kins homa andIcrgis credits lnging those boxcars ior help ng strengthen his arm Johnstone Leads Lakeshore Crew TORONTO tCPi Robbie Johnstoae scored two goals and assisted on tour others Wednes day night to lead lerashera Goodyears to 11 victory over Kingston Frontensca in the third game at their Ontario Hockey Association Junior quartertins Goodye lead thebeatoi ilvs series Fourth gems Is tonight in Kingston WHATS GONE IS GONE Torontoborn Letty Gaina job as lamdon scrap coll ector doesnt leave him much time to reminisce about his heyday as one at Canadas greatest boxers Now as and nearly broke Larrupin Lec ry went to England in ms and won the British Empire Elmvale Closes Out Best Season The Elmvale Ourling Club closed out its best live months oi curling yesterday with the Mens Open Bonaptel Barney Stone skipped his Elmvale rink comprised oi Harvey Graham Jack Fowler Heavyweight crown think about the old days whats gone is gone says Gains who knocked out Max Schmellng In two rounds broke Jack Dempseys law In sparring bout and deleab ed ltslys Prime Camera Photo and MaeGinnls to an easy cleanup In the am draw Harvey VanCamp at Camp Borden tell in ior second to take the runnerup money Greharn Christies rink pulled quickie by nosing out More Steele Jr also at Elmvale tn the it am draw TRY EXAMINER WANT ADI PIIONE PA Milt Bay City Falcons BOOSTER CLUB DRAW Marsh Winners moo WINNER Richard Card Henry Greta es Kuinsas WM WINNER Jim Alder RR Strand REMAINDER 0F DRAW TO BE MADE ltd WEEK OF EACH MONTH FRANCHISED REMINGTON RIFL ROBINSONS HARDWARE AND 3i DU NIOP ST see THE NEW Lightweight ttsht mil psrtect balance Fashatloadtng shotgun ever made lntmh Irreclltod en receiver madMewsdudfldï¬ 15825 REGULAR rslcs Now ONLY $22770 With Vent ths bIe bsmis Guns moss and Ana scroll AUTOLOADING SHOTOUN Newwoodaadmetal flrslahse EsclnsiveDtalAMatle load control Exclusive PowerMatte action RRIE See The New line 0t REMINGTON ES and SHOTGUNS BARRIE SPORTS LIMITED COLLIER ST EXCLUSIVE REMINGTON DEALERS IN BARRIE Check These Other Remington Buys FOR GUN FUN ncMrNorou MODEL ti oauos AUTOMATIC suorouu Regular Price SIM NOW $9950 REMINGTON MODEL 700 AD 252 Cal $15865 BYRND 573 12 CAL DOLT ACTION Regular Price 600 Now $5495 Complete Line at Remington Nylon 66 76 12s From $5485 to $1930 REMINGTON PLASTIC SHOTOUN SHELLS They Never Lose Their Power New At Canadian Prim $29 Per Ben SHUR SHOT SHELLS AT 325 per box