18 MRI EXAMINER THURSDAY MARCH 1m WYNN DOESNIBEFP WKTEENE inninWï¬ 161115 in the hot Flor tda sun In an attempt to win bac spot on the Chtca Whtto Sox one might et the Impression that la tsyearold southern gent man doesnt know min 1l32 ALI In This might be so with an Archie Moore or other well advanced into middle but not with Gus Earl Wynn it isnt prldot at forces him to carry on or is it financial difficulties And he isnt try ing to rove to someone that he in enough left to win ow of bail Vggmemr Tho oHlyhTH Wiiiï¬udoslres out of baseball is to wln9nenlnqru 5qu ï¬nd he will be satisï¬ed Hum uh Should he attaln hls Imbltlon Wynn wlll joln select tilcup of 18 pitchers ln the modern annals of busean who have won 300 games Warren Spahn dld lt tn 1961 Prlur to that the tent was performed by lefty Qrovg in 10 Early ha chasln this elusive mark since 1061 when he appeared wet on his way to 20game winning season with the Sex Earlyin July he was beating the New York Yankees 60 and needed only eight games to hit 800 Whiriing around to nab Bobby Richardson grounder Wynn popped tendon in his right elbow and the season was over for him Actually it was more serious than simple pop ing of the tendon Wynn has been suffering or ong time from curious disease known as gout that usually strikes the big toe When gout hits person the body is unable to assimilate proteins steaks etc Some of the protein is transformed into tiny crystals and the crystals find home in joint us uuliy joint which is under strain in pitcher it set ties in the elbow Many 11m Wynn worked on the mound with hot sharp palns shooting through his arm and yet refused to quit nl ht he would go home unable to In his arm to comb ls halr weaker man would have called it career but not nn he wanted to win 800ngamcsnmore Irvin anyt lnglnlulro qurld wasnt as hard forwï¬im Hitiulghi be for others because he was used to pain and misfortune 1t followed him throughout his life STARTED PITCHINO nowursoqrm Wynn started pitching hall in Hurtiord Ainbnma where he grew up and was si ned by big league scout While hurling in tho nors tragedy struck in the form at car accident His pretty oung brido was driving bat sitter home when us collided with her cnr ynn was left younf wldower with an Infant son He didnt nany until ive yearn inter After an Impressive and rewardingcareer which started in 1989 the Cleveland Indians traded him to Chicago The expert had him washed up at age 38 The following year he won 22 ames as well as the Cy Yollng award naQltgh Last season he plc ed seven wins whllo losln 15 and Wynn is proban worst loser In basebal today He dos lses do eat gentle pence10mg man Inside he hard meanness about hlm when pilehlng No one else so ferocious In pursuit new WW He will iry or one more win and sooner or later he will get it This doesnt mean he will hang up his love but he does Iinrt losing steady once moreI will find it much easier to qu His lucrative business interests will provide for comiorilble life He own resiaurant bowiin Illey construction Iirm and boat He is license Eliot licensed captain on continental watm and has ad experience in ii writing field He wroie news paper column or three years without the use of ghost writer ONLY ONE MISGIVINO Wynn has only one mlsxlvlng tho tact that he cant eat steakul Ar poor southern boy he lon ed to cut steaks llls pltchln arm cnnblud hlm to uy out meat market Then gout struck and to treat the dlsense one has to lay olt manta So It was back to vegetables and Its my to undersland why Wynn has grudge ngnlnst late or playan dlrty trick on him Early Wynn back 2l8 pounds and Is determ lncd not to let gout old or anything also Hand In his vnï¬ at wlnnlng 300 Ill games And when he does game might lose one but pllchem Mldlnnd Flym wm mkrd hy Indian Mell Exprul lnsl nlghlal Bradford but Mrdln la 1min owner Jlmmy erm hl boy an anylhlnu bul dhlurhad III Iï¬lmmn They but In thl lm llmI MN he nu vldmy lul nllhl mu lilprrnmtn 10 Xud In the Ilnl mm of ho hum men Irrtu lhnl will dull hr neuralnn lxny Inlrrmnllnlo Hochy Luau chumplom Semnd nmo ll Midland mnArraw nlxhlh Julmwn Idded to hll Mn dmlanco hy mnlndlnl every one wllllln rnnhol lhnl Flyerl Mm Ihonhnndrd Mull nlm In mm for lha um didnl ny Md be ll lull Itrenllh Fvldny lml lul MM hll guy would win In lhn mm In Arnvlnl or ml on par lnd In llrufnnt Th1 wn Iln lul 10 mlnum when wllh IM Inch 1th mild luv k4 by maple lhlllu InnaII Mldllnd llpd II In mly In lhn mond period hm llded he hummm fwd homo lhm In raw flu lord hm mth In flu llnnln mult he dludymluq lmvltl dludunlnn In manpower Ilym ylnnd Mr ml munmm hm indium nIMcM IhNn bl Int hm It In m9 Ihul lmnllnl um nnly om rllm Ihould In mid an Inn min lllmlllh Irv Jury hrmflnrd VIM Dd lluldl who Iuflmd $139313 CHATTER Midland Flyers Not Disturbed By 63 Loss To Expressmen By JERRY GLADMAN leltd chiu when ho mllld ed with mud llqnillqm Former NHL Hob mun Ind Dan Splder lelon puc Id tho Expmlmen wllh lwo goal Iplece PM Nlchalnl Ilnd Lloyd Doyu Icode Ilw an Tommy otnnnon Georu Wullnll and ry Lawnon lull rd of Fly and lndlrnllon lhc ml orll plly wan duwn In llu Ihnllouoll dwmmenl In wlulrh he honll omnhnnc III vhflorl Mn Mldlmd ml and anly thou aver flu ll ml to mlnulu play pr me lnnlud er mhu whm lhuy hd Ihc nun IanM In Incl with No mun ed for the lull lwo mln um um could mnnm only lwo am an Churi Jemll flu um urllumnl when lth lnwlrd behlnd ha erI land all In llm nomad prrlnd It dnw Illhllltklnl mlmvn Ind lulullnl mule kmml HIM Mrlnl Ind 00 mm dullltd lo In In tho Ill lndmlml Moduli Mme Mnyolln al Bank Arm Tug3151 nlzhl And Win lllcll Mn net Couml Illlcmvy loot pm at It ol the In WWI In II lulonl In Hath lum mund Id In In middle hunt Soxlons Grillors Duol To 44 Tie who hu dilflcully porplnl 1h puck Into the nol Etc Num qun rmlvln Ill or puhllo nuunllon lhm dn HI mnln loneand Funk Mnhuvllch Tnmnlo Maple Mull will conï¬rm lhlIII that me Chlcm Black Hawk right wlnuer known In Nluonnl Hockey Lcalua clrclus an haihunoma mlow and prnlky med hla unen tlon an another amt loom Gordie How of Delmlt Rad Winn thany the talent bet or lonlzhll mend mm of the Chlcnxo Dulmll Stanley Cup umlHnlll II ha ha lull In lnllr Ihadow of leloot onusInch Nulmnko will Inflow How whenaver ho alepl onto he SRI dlum loo Hll To Juli lho Lulu In mnkq lure mu Mahavllch do nt bDIZDI 19m By JACK SULLIVAN maln lrul Sport Edllor TM has been pretty and mm for by Chiming TORONTO CF We Had lleld who Isnt even In tho Stanley Cup plnyom mllh turn nut lo he tho man who knockl Monlrul Canadians on them On March the New York Ranker Iorwnrd chucked Mont ml delcnceman Au Fonllnnlo wnl clean play but ha rumd Fanllnnlo Ilnmmcd lnln the boards Ind null In helpl ul wlth mm neck injury lhnt lhremnl end hll cum NéSiérenlcoi 77Rédeives Montreal goaltender Jacques Flnnln nlkcd Wednesday of the old am when Canadian had lakucharlu player like Bulch Bouchnrd Bert Olmllead and Doug Harm Ind uld um trou ble now ll We hnvent not leader Fonllnnlo wna ha closest min to on lhll year Plnnlu IB Attention NOWCldCtYS Ha no Innerliar but we need my In xiv you In om Ilonnl Whack on thu CnnadlLm dclcnl the hand Tar onla Ma le Lula In the opening am helr hm loven umHlml muday nlm tel may Illa need luy In zlvu In occulonal whack lo Incoming enemy orwnrdh JOHNSON my our Veteran Tam Juhion Inolher min In Montrul relrgunrd NEW YORK AWURI lhe canny that lot Iwallowed by tho cll Al Dark had that duty down mun lady Thu Sun Frlnclm mlnmr hn watched MI Nntlonll League ghmplunl In tome luknwnrm performnnm lhll wrlnu but he wu b1 embar ramd Wednudny when lha Gllnh anml larm cluh up and hopped lhl pnrenl club In An exhlblllun nme cmcmt Ranger Star May Have Closed Door On Hubs Thu lllllc Glunll lulled he bl Gllnu unlnn lnn IhI eluhlh Juul Moulha Ion mcmhcr lha lhm Mou hmlhtll nnl wllh lhe plrent club not hlnn rnlllnu or flu hrmhandl with Iwnrun homer ln lhl nluhlh Thtn lhn llrlnu ml muted Jlm my Hnrl cum lhm run homzr hnl llnully llrd II In nlnlh Ind lhu winner mm mm on lrlpll by Ron Phllnr lwa Intonllonnl plum And Ilnxlo by Mnrlnn Tullon Al Darks Canaries Swallowed By Tacoma Cats In Exhibition lllllfld Lnndlnl Ind Thornton Juryl Bod Supply hnlh look umlrllnll wlnl In In Dmllnrd Ind mum Hockny Lulu pinyofl Idlon lhc nrudlotd Arrnl nul llnndlnl mw xltlnlrd lludlanl 11 In wln lhn lwo nme alllrlflflll ml at Jon rum Larry llnrmon Ind lllll lllrkmnn mulled Huron Ilnllrl lllll MA round for Innn nmmlnn oak Ill mlrl dumplnu Hnllnnd Marh HI In nlpper 1mm lillll John and Tim Kchnly and Don Khuln Mn 19leer lhu nlrlllnry MIL Hob thnlk Drn ï¬lmi mul llfll Ell lllnrnlrlmlrr 5c rounlnl lur Marh lllllu Thornton Landing Both Top Series vim IIII Alumy Am Julm Wu nn uavlnl Hmonl Am Waynl IlaIcy Ind Vc Mimi or III rlllm Wuhan Added hla mnnd marker of the mm muan om ml or flu sum Mala boy while Johnmn Mud Arnold NM Milled Ilngm lot 00 la Icmuyï¬ lvr Ihn He um um mum In an wllh Urlll In In unend lulu but 91 um coach Rudf Pllmu Ind dont bu Inrprllud much Sid Abel Dullall relallulu with Ihndow or Bobby Hull Tho Hnwkl Flu uK b0 ovumme llmpy uh oul er In were two ion in Chlmol llmxumu vlclnry bmolnven Ncsdly nu nuns yang 11mm chore that Nestercnkn was callcd an do Wll pointed out by Flloul who IIId Wednudny nllhl III Ilka min bnlublll mm who Mu lllhlhlndtd 11 mm to come nu or ï¬lm and mm mm In 1m Ilde What ho mun wn um Nu arenkol conlllnmenl Howe on Nudly the mom Ipucmulo becnun he had to make the mm mm rlm to left win In mull Howe ho NHL mrInl champion thll year who hu counted an look In Imam Immt only Ill In 11 or Nemrenko wu hlld to three Ihou on Chimol ml ktgper elem Hnll who has been out 1an Feb wllh lrncturcd chukbane hun may lo play but conch Toe Blake Iald Wednesday he wont hm him back or lu nl Iccpnd gum worries wllh Plume hlmlclf The goal lcndcr nullercd an attack of asthma below Tuesday nlxhll gum and although It didnt ur evear In mm hll play he nd cdncsdny It mu bother hlm Bloke called up nztmlndtr Chmll liodza ram Quebec Ace 91 lbs AmenIcon Hockey League Insurance In can Plnnlo declch lhu anthm log bndufor hlrp lo play Cnnadlc whv were thlrd In lha Nntloml llockay Lenue unl mnon or helr lowul Inllh Ilnce 1951 looked far cry luuduy night 1mm lho mm that won ch nniuht Stanley pup up to 1960 They fur Lm yam Inde Don Harvey their perennlal Illll delencemnn lo New York In been cited major mm but morn down to th mmm were given by Montreal or wnrd Bllly HIcke knocked or ha In ago Black Huh In Iho mltlnaLI two mm by CM BLAME MISTAKE un mlklnl thm or our mlmkcl nth um llld Ill lhnl cronzd up bll Glnnln may allow SOME IIURLNO Whlll Du wm phy lnx lhcmulvu Inlo shape lhm velennl wllh lpEclll lncenllvu Ind rookie ha lnl la make the undo lume in Iundnut pllchlnl parlormnncu Lew Burdcue rylnl Io xnln narllng berth wllh Mll wnukto Iltcr upendln much 1m In the bullpen Il owed only lnur hlh And on run In ulx Innlnxl II lha nrlvu hellcd Dom 61 It wn lhc um umad run all Burdalll In lnnlnzl Early Wynn hoplnl la Ihow nnnulh lo Illck wllh the Chl4 ago Whlll Sox Ind chnnu It vlclory No 500 yleldtd only an Ilnlll In Ihrnjlnnlnl workout balm Ed Fllner completed R0 phuluul unlml Wuhlnlton Time Innkad ounnu while Jlm OToolu hald ha nlcl Dodlm our hlu or le lnnlnu John FIIvln Un hhed up or Cnclnnll Red wllh nollll Illnl In triumph Imd mkll Marcelina Low myurwld lInLhIndcr pitched lwohll ball lar III nlnn Ind conlrlbuled tworun homer lo Will Allck lhnl nu Ihll hll 91 Irlumyh our Km City Jnl Ppllonc dravl 1n llvn run wllh Iwn humm II Nuw nrk Yunan drlenltd Mlnno lull 10 In mum Annll land Milan 41 Chlrnlo Cub oulluled Cluullml Am flu New York mm dtluud Bl Mull no Fm Summer Tunwp Fru MdWnlor lmpullon FnoflHr Imugoncy Sorvlu I77 WILLINOION IT BA HOME HEATING SERVICE INCLUDES For Further lnormqllon Cull FRANK BEMROSE Nestorenko wu Illllnl an the Hawk bench and neared ml but Num nulllflud Ihll with ono of awn costing gunk he mid Idml our defencn not In load an once wen but on hlx trau ble II were not Iknllnl when Blake nId forward Phil Goy elle mny ecu mun ucllon lo nllhl Goyuue drcslcd Tuesday nllhl or the ï¬rst llme Ilnce brcnklnz hlx ankle Chrlslmm nluhL Toronto mnnugcr coach Punch Imlnch aid that In the 11m game we not 10 break because at our good delenslve lay But he ndded expect hay lhe Cunudlem will be much boner the next game and hnveloplny buyer Wlmr Machllnq lho only Len wllh an Injury rim enough In keep him out ucllon may be back onlzhl 11 hi been out slnco the last week the regular Ionsnn with an elllqwnjury Oldtlmcrl at Iho Montreal pracllce Wednesday no great chance to talk day gone by one or the Cnnu dlens zrenlul Itun Mnurlca Rockcll Richard look whlrl an Ikllcn with lhn club Blake Jokln ly told reporter that Im try him out Well Inc II he can bent out couple of our luylWOII that duper Ila Hel nm on uur 1m you know ERIC NESTERENKO BHTSTIINES TIRI IERVICI 101 BAYFIELD ST PA 642549 SEE US TODAY BEST TIRES ALVIN DARK BUY THE BUY PA 107 Couch Sld Abel ol the Wings imdzlnuly admllled lhn Nest erenkn did Inc job shackl in MI leamu hmdIndhuucr mun th dont large that Ne erenkn had nnlhlnz else to do but uknte could uric ha Puck and coucenlme an Gordie Punt naturally guru lho Hawks whw placed second he hlnd Toronlo followan an end nfIeuaun clump wm advance lhn Elna anulnxt lhu wlnncr of the MontrealMonte net Hnwa could km the mic zolnu lull llml ll he an uhaka Nealercnkn loose uyl Pllous he doesnt we could tha job done early Ahel luntpredlcunu anything except to fly will he close hard term and could be all crank when we let Chime on our Icejfl Thu Wm wlll have that op portunity Sunday And nmduy nluhla when Dctmlt Olympia ll the mm or the third and fourth games Horshoy valdenca Quebec Enlllmore Sprlnzfleld Hullulo Cleveland Rochesler Pittsburgh Wellern Dlvllhn Hullulo 21 211 ms 31 Cleveland 30 252 245 61 Rochesler 37 259 51 Pillsbuth Ill 190 299 manual nuan Clcveland Bnlllmora Hershey lllsburxh Frldnyl lime Hullulo at Bultlmore Rocheslur It valdenca Klnxslun llull0flnwa Sudbury SI Louh lantern meznhnnl PI Klnxslun 411010 292 91 llull0flnwa 40 272 Sudbury El 190 65 Louh 24 31 26530151 Wtdnudlyl Ruulll llullmlawn St hula KInxslon5udbuxg Fridyl mm Louis At Sudhury Windsor Nurandn Vndnudnya Run Noundn Wlndsor ll Frldul Gum Nonnda at Windsor Wutem Lulu Epoknnu Annie Cal Pogllnd HOCKEY RECORD bruitSilk Seller Saskatoon Lacombe Baudan ï¬nal Med Your taste Evory drop of Calvert Old Eyo qunllty control chock mun pull no rigid Your taste In the 07m chock Try light Imooth Calvert Old Rye Calvert Old Rye before leaving our dllllllary is the 97 check AllOnluh Senlar Btu0H1 Hull sor ll 1d American Lulu Enlarn Dlvlllou LT AP 3626 6021030 8628 522219477 3374111208210 3130 law 3131326523170 AN 110 Tum repmuntullve Ind Mher Interested parues are re minded lha Barrie Dislrlct Senior Soilball League meeting hs eveniu will kurt aevtn oclock 1119 Examlnzr on Hayï¬eld street AI well 1an new mm at nfllccn or lhn 1961 season expemd lo hear application rum clubs dcslrlng to Mn lhu mp The executive has promised lo net huslnm commend quickly possible sporty men an gel homo to watch or llalen lo lho NHL phyofl game Softball Meeting Set For Tonight Dr wmlam Andrcw Orban head of the University of Sn PRACTISING WHAT HE PBEACHES Duh It WA AND TRAVEL SERVICE THAT NEW CAR 0R TRUCK Let us uplaln lo you how leash can luv you limo and money F011 RATES AND INFORMATION CONTACT BARRIE DRIVEACAR LEASE Mlll Milan Slandlnu Red and Whlle 10 Inlernnlional Fm 12 Slmnm Jeweller Bondhead Auto Wrecker 15 Brad Walker Mo ms 11 0011 Delivery bill 190 ngh roller on tho nigh werl Brian Jackson 334 we Don Gardner 756 Jim Simona 725 Campbell 306 Ind Bill Nu kntchcwnna physical educu lion depnrlmm pracllcu what he prenchu by akin wwnila run ammd he cum pus Mr times week Ha ha author Mix the RCAFI plan or physlcll limes Photo nndlord and Dlllrld BOWLING