Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Mar 1963, p. 1

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4A Yw Ilny omnllhl lo mak yuur on Thu all llth llml lum ummm TM Timex cnmmrnltnn Ihl Juulromplwlul Inynl lnur of Aunlrnlln In ml uhllv Ibo Quunl dun wall nmlor Ilnnd In llrlllln Illrr rrnlurlu rnnllllullnnnl Icvrlupmml Mr llmrllun in lvrr hlnltlnm mourn Im mm KIML In hull Hm ummnn wulllL qllrrnl hunm 1a In London uyl lha Tlmu II larlul In ern Cnnldl nr Aunlulln lhnulll ll ml In In OIIAWI nr unhmn rum way In um run wnultl 0an Mr Ian mum at lnlxlumnnl Iml Immn Hm Ilvlnl In LONDON ISuflulnnl lhnl lha Quun Ihnuhl IIWXIII mm llmr In Inch Cnnmmn urnllh munnlu Tlmmln null Aunlrnlinuu mlvlrnl nnl Al VIIHnrIrm nnewrrl hm Wrdnmlly ubcnl Madcr John Wlnlcr mnyer and New Domocrnuc Ilrly leader Donald Mm Donald sald lhn rcportl flndinl on nrunnlzcd crime In Ibo pmv lnco Juslllicd he campnlxn they wngnd In la Rel lull Icnla lnvtsllznllom Govcmmcnl membm argued ml the ln mum hIKhlewl 1mm Ion In tho IDGI charm hnd been pram mundlm by lho Inch Nmmiulnn The govcmmcnt wnlvui the up rlunlly lo Ipenk Ilrnl In the dc nlc clvlng My In hourInna IIICMHM hy he leader nu lun nppmillnn pullm Mr Nov bum Imko brlrlly Alter lhrm Outslde tho nIlcr lphour debate was adjourned Mr Rnbam said lho govern ment Intends inlmduco lam Unn In lha currcnl session as rcsuj 01 run Ipporl Speakers brought an cw 113w charge and new facts dur lnl somollmu lempcsluou debate In whlch the Speaker had Io call ma Home lo order repeatedly when shoulnd cum mcnu drnwned nul tpccchcs emnliannllsm and Progressive Conservalivc unv zrnmcnl ls consldcrlng action mun 01 ha report by Mr Justice Roach whose royal commlssion rcport on cereIxva amid 10 days no TORONTO CP paslllnn members In Ontarn luiy lnlure Accused the govtrm Wednesday nlghl nl minlmlzln the extent at urganlzed crlme In the province by claiming last years crlmo lnvusllgallon pm vidcd exonerallon Prcmler Robum dismissed he hung as egamplcl Suggest Queen Reside Overseas Rosa bees HImlllnn wu NDP leader Douglas at hnnored with autograph from ler last evtnlnxl rally Robarts Says Action Considered On Report 99 Your No 74 HERES ONE For Eumlner Want Ads Tele phone PA mm The elephant number tocall fr lhe Bushes or Editorial Den PA W1 Our Telephqnes HAMILTON GIRL GETS NDP HUTOGRAPH Hhm Iho nuran In lvrv lnr rwrrh prnmu limp In hmplnlnln lhnl llw nllnlr anmrunlml and Hm VI on so man All lanbollmi lllHllh van Inn mlldornllnnl no millh whm lhe Inv run In nu mmu Hun run ilar Whm In ID lvlml Mlnlflrr Dlrhnhnhr nlrrml Ell hemn tourday Cnnlfllnn mu AI lhn llmr Mr lulrlruro Quota Anndn IIIQ Mer mmrrl lrllrIIqu hul themlkul In lmldunm ml 17 Tlmn Sum mrmmmlenln ml Hm MIIIUNAH Inur mad nlmllnr munmu In lhrlr dllmlchtl In Ixmdnn Iml tum4 Ivy 11w Tlmrn Mr ll lnr mm INW IDEA NOT NHW nu wutmnllly lhu mrm urrh would lmmml lamlllnr AM mrvlnl lmlrnd llccl Inn with lha uniunder nlnmllnn ml an llkrly In Mlu II and Ilnuv nr plmlnrl runMm ll hnu nut Iln lnir Ihun lm Illnrrury Overnight low Irmflflflhllt dlpplng lnr 25 drum and sentmllyhdnw lruzlnu wrre cxpcclcd lo Item he flood hrlrfly Howucr lrmpernluru lodny IN pound to Lhoot nnnlry Allrrwanll 11m unnld mnhl lhn Ihnln Inn pn puml unmlnn rnnflnnlly In mm nuldcnla the soulhmslcm Onlnrlo snowball an anxiously watching river level nflcr wlrnlnz from the lands nnd mm duparlmcnl lhnl flood Inn unused by xuddcn warm wcnlher cxpoclcd In conllnuc for the rum low dnylh Secllom rlvmlda commw anu 111 mm Ircu Ilmdy hvn been lloodcd wllh mum her Imlllu cvncunled from Ihrlr homu 0n drum has been nurlbulnd lolhu high water Rexnrdina one oi his 1061 speech Mr Winluru mayor said he accesz quill clearly that he mmmisslim ha iound lhnl there was nu link between oiiicinl in lhn Allan neyzenurni oiiice and um blgra in mi pmyin Mr Winlcrmcyer said the Ranch report 15 vindication Ind Jusllllcnllon ha speech made Nov 29 l96ll speech Hm gave dnlalls of alleged car nlplion designed In new crlme pflabe was nccgssary Bu ha mm each com mimlonl finding that organilcd gamblinl has reached danger ou pmporllon In Onmrlo and called on tho governmenl to do THE CANADIAN PRESS Flooding Danger Is Not Over Lands Dept Issues Warning Mr Dldenhnku mu Imm om hr pmllrnl htckllnl on pnnl lhm nu hurruhl when ha kl tho bull had pndltlnl JonsonII polch wnulsl prmlucr Innullnn TMI tumult ulmud llkl II Mann nl Cwmlponn In Nmm Envy ml mu lulu4 mm In MUM nudllnnum uhm Ill nmllnw cmth hum llm pulm mlnlnur an loud wuker rm Spun Ivtlura murman umly mm unwnrdl II 000 people he uld Um lmpmvnl ulnaInn mulled mm In pru llnx lhq Anmllnn Inllur Al v1 PM In ml Us mull rlmo mlnlular IT nllhl ln Enhnvllnn qum lhc mm nl nearIla whrn Mr mnenhmr In Ipuhn htu In lhu slmlnn cnnmum Taxldrlvcr Ehcr Vrlnhl wn muumnd la hare dmvmcd Tundny ncnr Ixmdnn arm cnnoo ovrrlumnd In llm letl In Thames lhmwlnl hlm and hll nan Trrrnnce lnln Ihu wnler Trrrnnru was cltlltd an brim mp alum mllu downllrcnm with In umlud crnIL Mlnlnlrr Ulclmhnhr lay nrt ndnl hnlnnrn cl lrnde pollllnn In lhu llm lwu mnnlhx nl 1w mpmml ammo ovtr lhl umn prrlm In 1M1 THREAT EAKENS Land Thmu was rcporlcd lo he luv longer crl nus lhml Mlcr Inadan Ilmlx and mumnu In lame law Iym fictions Tho mnln rima mentioned In lhe Ind and mm depart men winulna lncludrd he Slu xocn Grand Thnmca Mall lnnd Sydtnhnm Denver and Nollawnxngu 511i Ema ma mm by floodlnl much ram Owen Sound and Battle In lha nnrh In London and Chnlhnm 1n he Ionlh buck up to he 50 tonllnulnx lha npid mm huvy mow COVll Mr MacDonald uld INI eral Impression ruled by ha prm Um um Roach report ex onerated Um zovurnmcnt ll un truc aomclhinl abnul He also quolcd passage from the Ranch report rhowlnu um certain so clnl clubs run by grmhlcrs had been allnwnd by the pmvlndnl sncmlaryl alike In retain their charters despite mpeahd com plalnu by Ihn pence URGES LAW CHANGE Ho med lhm lhe law bu changed to prcvcnt person lnz gnrnln house chum use unvemmenl aoclll club chafltr as dalence PM Tells Rowdy BC Crowd Trade Balance Improved So Far 412 Exam CF erepholo Dinlrllihl tin in hlm Imm1 Itd luau bum Mr Diem lulu uld TM vlmc mlnlnur uh lhnl Nu mm mm KM Lu ernln ham lurflfllfll muM mu have In wadmlnl mmkrd min lmunl Ihn Im tmwrvnllm In lln nlzn lid Ibnl vllhfn Im 1m in In boul hnd com yil Intw Ilalmolurlon My hnuc lhll ll wlll no In my Innl thm ll lhu lur hmu run he mund nm mull lhu Atllnn on ma dullnr and III Ienvnnrnry Impnrl lunhmu anmlnl lDll nl llvlnx bu rmu up In In Hm lul yrar Hum Hill my nunr wrnlum mum lry Tody In any pm of lhl wmld Cmmllu ndnn cor ml prohivmu In II hr In unprovnd lo uln bcnrmn ar Cunndn Irnm lhll day In new lnrn bold lpprauch lo inlcrnnllonnl rudenu ngnmarh whlch will Ilnnulhrn lm cconomlu of he world Al one palm ha added am not of lhan Mm he Have hnl mm ha ha nnnwrr In our caunlryn mnnmic moh Icml In Incl Ihould llkn In careful lovluw Muh hrr whrn Ihv prime minllltr wnl dcnlnl II rllhl lo Iprnk he Id Ho Incuud the melcnbnkcr Idminlalmllon whlnlnn nnd tomplnlnlnx about man nm dlmrufllrl and lhlnklng In mm nIdrluhloncd roltc lianllm nnd oldluxhlun Wt mum II had mum Cnn Idlll Mend nbrnnd zrnlull ously ha mld Hyfltornlhli he mid new Ibern nypmgnmlrwauld work Unhnmpcrtd hecklan Im lhe lint limo our mnjar matches Mr Pcnncn lnld an nllcnllva crowd 3500 In the chlnn Armorial that lhn Con Icrvnuva zovcrnmcnl hm been unnhln In appreciate world lude dcvclnpmenu REGINA CmThu propoul larm mu wllh View In for In inlanlll lifeunldienrea brlnlinu lhem down was rev vtd hm adcr Pennnn chnnsdny night as he mow FRIENDLY pledged new Llhcml unvorn mm Why men In assoclau Canada dl th 1° mmdy muy Wm MW mum Ipnnslvc crowd Party worker lnlemnllonal Iradlnx pnllcrm PP Vh Another spokesman sald ha in mud lhmuuh detect In the electric lymm one ol he aint twu In can cul dn power In balm 19 ml first They gained tho upper hand allor nearly lhreo hours during whlch acrld black smuku llllcd hallmile section of lhe new University Avenua line and annod over downtown Tomnw lnl thick pal 1w firemen were mnrcume hy smoke but passenxcrl were safely dlsembarkcd at Union Station the llnal southern cr rnlnal alter he rain had passed through lght muons wlUI lha name spreading un der hp Iloorlng Service on tho University Avenue line worn hailed but lulu continued in run on Iha Yonge Street line from King simian he iirxi north Union liC spokesman said Ynnlo Sim services will no normal nguin today but possibio dam age to the Universin Avenue lluel eieclricai lysiem may hinder service TORONTO CF Gru muked firemen struggling In smokeHIM tunnel early to wiay uxlIngulshed Ire that turned six Toronto lransll Commission subway cars into charred shells causing dnmnzo Umnled more than $3M ELECTRICAL DEFECT Blaze Destroys Subway Trains Pearson Wants Tariff Review Burk Onllro cumin Thurldly Mmh 231963 CUBA THREATENS TO GET BOMBERS The Ifllrlvfll avmodo lhflr own Iudmhlp Ind Iumrd down Ieluzmml lnrmuln lhll Md been Immde by Mayor Mm PX Wmm nod mm by MM MWlpfl unlonl hr valved lntlannK lh vlnleri Ihm Dec llflkl to Illule The AFLCIO Moonlmm Inch voted tn WM nrulny mm In Jul my Wm contud lhnl would Iml mdul llulr nunum Inl In ullnnl lhc pm mm of un on plmlmnnnm lm dlnl nul or Ilmlnulu In Ihlr lnli nubhp IIIM Nu York dilly nempnwn all In ulmll lndny ml hmlmd Io prnlnnu Illdny amp pr uhuj nm he Ufi governmenl II Illcklnx llrmly In It vrnlun mnlnlnrd In March In prom min In Moscow Ihnl lwo soviet rccnnnnlunnro plnnu Haw ovcr Hm mulhwtxlrm earn Alakn lnr nmly Inll hour 1M Krrmlln ndcd wllh an uxunlly unphnlc flenlll 1n lulu ole WASHINGTON MUThu St vlrl Unlnn hnn dnnlzd ML chmu lhnl Iluulnn plnnu flew mllu Inlo Mum Mnnh 15 The nuulnm Iny lhelr Alma wm morn lhm 200 mllu away Wnshlnllnn uulhnrlllu auld Hm Sovltl dvnlll rrcclvrd lulu Wrdnudny mlmbly wllX end Hm Inrmn dplomnlln Exchange on he Inrldrnl wkey Ipcnch to lrlcndly but re Ipnnslvc crowd Party worker had expnclcd heckllng but vir lunlly nona arose Tho lnluruw llom wm few Ind mlebernl wilh occasional nhuuls of hen nun Argue lendar necklnz rulecuan leml Ml lnr Auslnlboln mlhrd lhu crowd the M1 at leeml political meellnz Realm Ilnw 135 Last week Prlma Minlsler chrenbnknr drew an ullmnled 4500 pcnnm In lho nmo hull NY Newspapers Still Not Back John Lord 48 win overcome he aliempted or read lhe train helma the smoke billowed down tha tunnel be passed ventilallon outlet lhe fan were umcd on and he make was sucked lawrd hlm Tho sald lhe ire dL atmyed 1m hall each car valued at 00000 npim It caused another 31500 dam age In Union Slauun but dld nolJm Firemen oxygen masks look more than hell an hour In mach tha burning train They worked In relays grapng bllndly alnng ha track In the jet black smaka cu vislhmly to nllI each team dugginx thn hose law yard further Oxy Eon bottle ware shuttled back and forth In dozens In 13 year fireman have never seen smoke so thick and repulsive ha Iald me he was hauled lo safely by 11 fin whn heard his crlea for Mel Enlmer 28 sullend nmoku inhalnllon ha tough the llra laler He wu treated by passing doctor and lain nln hospital Russia Has Denied Flyover Charge noticed by track crew at Summerhlll Stallon and again Bloor Simian Thu train continued We mlles south to Union whom It was parked on central line 100 yum inside the lunnel Maw yonx mmA mull DflWiNI muck lhe hack 01M hand on be ten nncr hnlnl chukrd In 11mm hamtn no Tllephonn Cumnuny lznm mm Ollnwn and Klnxth He underwml lwn oprmllom but 1min Ytfllnd mnxclnusnrn wM the fixer lwo ycnrold hay and MK wlln in ex prcllnl wound thud mamfiwm lacX um 00de Now York nmu bulldm In Now mlg mlndnx olhu Mr Caslnnluay Inld he based his forecast of mard lunmul on public lnlmsl rcllccled In Inquiries lo hls own nflica and In returnan nmcm In the munlryl conslilunnclu OTTAWA 4CIJntk Daw Inn 26 Ounwn died In Clvlc llnspllnl Wndncsdny nlghl of hm Injuriu he received Snlur guy In an nmnleur hockey nnmc CH Sally Halloman was bumped lrom Ihe comed assignment of acflng aa stewardess on In royal plane carrying the Queen and Prlnm Phlllp homa lmm Australlu Reason zlvcn by BOAC was Ihat shed gone skl lng typhoidInhaled Zcrmall Switzerland Nn olher slew Irdussea whn had been worklng wllh her were almllarly dropped from the royal now Injured On Ice Died Last Night 80 Per Cent Vote Forecast Best MA cm mm at SALLY llOLLOMAN SKIER OUT HONN memenl Former Frcnch Prcmlrr Gwlgm niduull Ihu No nnlernullixt Iudcr lodny banned Imm murning tn ch Gnrmnnfi uhlch ha loll loudly lur nrluxnl lnsl Hominy WM German Interior minmry Ipokmmm nnld The wokrsmnn will all border pollro had been lnslruclod not lo nlIaw nidnull Into Ihc cnunlrn LONDON AP Thausands of angry school teachers alumni to Purlinmcnl Wednudny to prMcst new pay scalts ml by Edu cullnn Mlnlslcr Edward Doyle An um tom of Don WM an duly below the Purlinmcm nulldlnx about 8000 Imhm xcmbltd hut nowrd thl Nnuanll Uninn ol Tcnchm maln lnlncd Llrlu ordrr Bidault Banned From West Germany find wall tor lho pm be flat Thu willed In In in mlhlnl hhalmmvm mm pmd mlncl ulllpmml ml IIle Im mm In em WASHINGNN AP The FBI lhc US Coast Guard and other agenda are doing all paulble to discourage Mund run raid by Cuban rdugrc on em naldmjny They said hi In line with he policy of Pmldcnt Ken ncdy While ha hm rcpcmmfly expruscd desire In In Cuba med communism Ktnncdy uld last week he did not be Hm he hlrun mm are el active inward lhlx end They may even strengthen Prim AGAINST HAVANA AWPrime Mlnls lcr Fidel Castro threatened ln day to arm Cuba with lung ranga bombers and convoy Cu ban shlpplnl unless he Unilcd Slates clamps down an hitnud run raids against Cuba by ex ile mups If Ihese allacks conunue Cuba will see horse In unllon considerlng Icqulsl lion longrange humbm well naval equipment neces mry to escort our mnrcllam sh prolccl our supply llnes In regal BKKMSSDII the cam munlque said Castros talk of long range bomber was an obvious re erence lo ha Sovlet 750 ml range in bomber the Sovlels ml to Cub last all along with mndlum range missile Imcr the Unlled Slates put naval blockade on Cuba Soviet Premler Khrushchev agrecd In wllhdraw the mlssllca and tho bombers The US government said counted 42 each on lhips leavlnz Cuba The Snviel gnvprnmenl Informed Washing ton In December Ihls was all he aocallod ollcnslvo weap on it bad ml Cuba In cammunlque Castro held ha United Slam rcsponslbla or an attack on Russlnn relghler by Cuban exllcn Tues day The United stale ls solely res nmlble for any Incident wh ch mny arise it added Teachers Protest Pay Scales Warns US To Clamp Down On HitRun Raids To Cuba NEWS BRIEFS NoiMon Thui Par Copy28 Pagu Sunny with cloudy Mam1 Wumer Friday Low lanlghtm High bnwnowss For lull summary turn to pane twa Local Weather humm Mb The print who mum um um pub Hhm mller man In plo unlll Ill unkms Inralred ruched ulnomnln AP fka ed Stale wan rckdinz the Russian protest word came of new ran by an anuCnstrn orannhnlinn on the port lsnbcln do Sagua spokesman for lho Rmup Commppdo snld in Miami spokesman for lho Rm Commando snld in Miami tho raldm Idippcd km the part Tuuday nlgm attacked Buy slan frelxhlcr and left It hadly In need repair to keep It mm Vslnkmz Some concern expressed in high Administration circles that the lance raids con tinued might pmve the spark but would so all new ex plosive crisis In USSavict lulionx The question oi who meas um the United Slaies is akin in slap the forays came up in the wake oi Soviet Union pm lest Wednesday and the report oi anolhcr raid iuisday night Russia charged the United Stale was responsible or pi rallcai ailncks Specifically it mentioned an attack on the So viei ireighinr Lgov shot up by exiles March 17 at the sugar port oi isahcla do Sagun on Cebal nonh coast The state department denim US responsibility far the snuit which refugee leader have said was mnunlnd imm normwhere in HM Caribbean Linwln White department pm oiiicar said the Us government is doing everything it possibly can to prevent such Incidents irom happening irom Lg torriloy Today anana radio Bald lhal Fldcl Cnslro holds the United Sule responsible or the mack If mchhilandmn attack If such hiiAandnm attack continue lha rudin quoted Pre micr Caslm mying Cuba may have to acquire long rung bomber and the neat nary navnl equipment with which to mart hot mercimm vessels and protect her mules of supplies mm the outside and lofimpei aggrqsyyr Miylslcr F1ch Castro he sald 3r

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