lmk fnr mun 10ml pm vann Inml ml rummm rumum In Aulml Ind Dr Inmlwr Dmnrrnw am hlvlhdny your llumtnpu udlcnlu Hull uhllr ynu um make and J0 hmdwny In mu would be IrmlMa In nmrrnlrnlo nn rm lnnnlvll goal rnllur Hum In mm or Ilm Impnulhlc An rxrollvnl perlml Mung hm llnu ll Indlrnled hwhmlnl wilh rrplrmhrr Iml Inulnl or ml le mnnllu hul yml will haw lnvkcep phllllnl hemem lmw Ind lheu In order In nrhuvn llw maznlllnn uhlrh 11m be ynurl Irmnnl IIHnnIhIM wlll ernprrlul fur um II nnl llu mnnlhl hnl would ha MII loluI mumm llvo Mm HAVch art can mmd Knmn xflhnl parlmlc llnnI mnnrlnry Ilnu In lmll IAlnl lurlurru MW and mhl Amll In mMJunr Ind mld anmhpr hul he nlm Dlrvmnly MM unlml ulruvu nmv mu Inrrulnllm durln ln lurmlml mhnk DIII wlll he rmlnlly Imnnrlnnl In Inu qull mhl July and dmlnu HM rlvlln mill IInhll child luv an MI day wlll ha mm AppendMt Ind blah ï¬lnclplcd tuned IN on he mlld Ilde Ill would be nod pulml In uhlch la main Flam fur ultcmoon ncllvlllu lure leurous Inllucnm ulllch wlll prcvnll nllcr noun wlll tn cournzu nctomnllnlumeut ln Im ponnnl lnlcmll nu cnrcml In nnlnxnnlm Hum Mlh whom you must dMl howovur FOR THE IIIHTHDAV OMORROW Ilmn wa came to Illa olhcr Ildel have been Ibla In lhlnk ol only one reason for avmnl lnmnmpcrnry tnslo lhrllls Thls certainly duesnl do much la bulnncn Iho nlhcr column Imp ml paper In ho kitchen and read and rcnnd ll whtn Ith lemplul ll Wuer On an ndcqunlo dlcl Ilml lhnl Icel lnn hunury In add hour mostly mcmul Im sllmmfl an have much bellcr disposi IIon on wnlghl Evnryona can mike up hut own personal llsl but beHeve no one will have lrauhlo 11an up In column headed dlsnd vnnlugra am down and Iislcncd in one column um dlxndvnntnnc of being nvcrwnlghl 0n lhnl aid ma ledger listed donn good reasons or not conllnulnl In Iha direction was obviously hendlnz believn person has lo lei nod and mud in order in ion WeizhL Being angry at yourself and angry with someone near you who ha mnde unkind rei mncu to your weight can Epur you into dcicrmincd on You asked Im llmmlcks lo nld dletcrn would Ilka to pass along my Ideas on what think It lake to star dlellng The mixer obstacle ln lhe nth ul rcduclng mm to bo tlmlnl lnerlln ls powerful relnrdlnl force The llrsl slop In rlnrllnz ls wflllngmss to lure facts honestly Look over my shoulder frank Idler mm rplrlted dlelcr THE STAREW Gimmick Needed To Aid Dieters Inertia Is Biggest Obstacle Vancouver hnlr alyllsl Sub hlllo Tnnlwn 22 touches up tho mlflure sheull Mood in Motion With It she won KEEP IN THE TRIM By IDA JEAN RAIN II ESTRELLIIA SACHIHOS WINNING MOOD make up hu but beHeva lrauhlo IIIan headed dlsnd One homnmnker who had been burdened wlh uvcrweighi iar iiileen yam go In mad at some remarks that she marched herself simith in her doctor He advised her in re dues or the lake oi her health She proceeded take of 100 EXCESS ounds Thall right ona hundre excess pounds This happened iivo your ago and in this my day she is beautiful normal weighl iicr health Period For emergencies me when mm he tempted Illp list or no 1m have also added some comment that made me no red Im sure everyone can recall some gems they can use to mire their waning enthusiasm Theres an honest soul What gall She has wlnnlng splrll We hopu lo hear from her again tho nallonal hair styling con lost at the Boulevard at Beau ty convention In Toronto Photo Awnlnn ulthmnu Ctdnr lnnll Cemrnl mG DIVIIION 0F MLI IMNINO Ml CO LTD lei Ball Modernizing Handle The Complete Job MATERIAL PLANNING DESIGNING FIN lABOR ll Index ALLIN0NE ONTRACT AllWORK cu rnlglna Ilvlndchhl cnlIra Jobjromllm llnlnh nu mmumrod work fernnnn lupcnlsinn lnnuc Room Inil Our nuildml Mnlnrlnl The attracllve molhcr of Hvu any hard work and love are Iha secrets belng good florist You have to be prepared wnrk hard and put In lonl hours YéuVHont sea much llke here fur herea xeldom um ocgush VINNIPEG CPiA former royal florist today practising her or In small qule shop here Mr Queenie Leclnlr started her career florist In Lon don helm mnrrylnn Ind com In to Canada fullnwlnl the Second World War During the WM shelerved In he Wrens Member of the Royal Fam lly would pop Inlo room we were dccnrnllng pcrlodlcnlly look he arrangements over aha recalll Usually the arrangements were lnbornle and luck hour as Mrs Adah lurked her work Russelll In London moving first lo Lions Ind Ihun to Good years in lashlnnable Old Bond Slgeel uum MU helpcd to out flora amnge menl at Buckingham Palace Ascot racemurso and on the royal train Royal Florist Works In West Comhlnlllnn Ier Morm lndoll nmn Iormm IllIon 0mm Ii UM jgqu dying gltlme she NNING DESIGNING FINANCING rlNONE ONTRACT All WORK GUARANTEED llnlnh lrco rlllmnlu Ikllltd workmen tummy mnlrrinll all Inrluded In one nlr prim om company one rcxpomihllly Gun Ier Innhmrd Fm Xllfhffll llmlly flwml The meeting was opened by Ihu ringinn of mission hymns and prayer by the preai ant Mn Lanzmnn Letter of lhaniq were read from iriends ior invonrr re ceived An Interesting letter mm Mr and Mrs Don White side who lett till area to be come missionaries in Colombia was mad telling of their tour noy to that country the condiv Ions they find which present amt diiiicuities and asking our WMS to remember them in prayer Mr Campbell hu been member oi Emanuel Church Inr several years and was acllvu In Young Peoples work here prior to his going to anunlo Blhia Collars where he oblnlm ed MI Th deme Mrs Gum hell the former Gwen Murphy of Peterbomugh she too grad uated Imm wlth the Badmior oi Theology druren in 1962 they were accepwd by the China Inland Mission Mr Camp bell was ordained recently In nlemn mice In Immanuel Church Rev aim Mm Campbell nailed from Vancouver March 15 do Unallnn Slngapom There may will emu Innxulzo study In prep nation for missionary nerva In thSongh Pacflk area Mn Fred Campbell mission ary elect with Kim China inland Mission Dumas Missionary Fellowshig was Hugs spgalger 51 um Mémh VmEcqu ha womens Missionary Socler of EEmmieLinlui Wurst 4B ANNE ST MODERNIZING SERVICES PA 60902 flour Addltlunn naullnl Floor WI rlllnl Nldlnl RM wHoqu brieslifleahs whav MmV evil Did their father EIL lull God rewarded Hannah for her amulnes and zavo her live other chlldmn God glvu back lo us more than we ulva to him Mr Campbell told of recent cmversallon which she had with an and veteran ndulonary or lha 01M who had uttered pri Mn Lanuman lnlmduccd hlra Campbell who chase the story ol Hannah in Samuel as burl or her talk Thu woman Hannah gave up her mus pro cloua pomsslon her son to me hord Sh had prayed or son but her prayer was unselï¬sh for she promlrtd God that sh would nlve her son back In Hlm Her request was granted and she km hrr pronnu Do we keep our promises lo the Lordl the speaker asked When Hannah went up to the temple every year In sea her non ha must have longed to take him home wlm her but the was taillou lo her prnmlm and had Joy In led her boy aervlnl the Lord samua HM put In contra to hm hlgh It was announced that Mr and Mn Jack Ban mlulonarles who are mvmz 1n Patagonia the southern pm Argenllm had baby daughter born Feb Thu urmlle Journey 0th tnl was made during the night 17 Seep Mr and Mrs Bart are mum bar Emmanuel Church Prayer or mhlomles and the sick was led by Mrs Wllllanu And Mu Murryw BARRIE vatlon and separation 1mm her children dinIn IheIr growing year when the family was Iq mm In look no pvch Ind In Out luhlon conlcloul cum it look or lpvlnn mplu Io 5mm Ill Thu mm II In prlnlod collon ulun wur irom now an lllullrllad In on at our van pnlllrnua wur bound loan 1010 10 Clluln Ilnc can navy allweal Inmlnnlo doflly lrlmmud In chp whlln Llrg round buuom an nudcd union mm Alto In bola or rid lo VII leu £11010 5mm IVnILrIy Wimp Fowl Tum levluu It Nn Lqrrmm so DUNLOP mm WALKERS PA 601 The hymn will Gum Thee was sung and Inclnl time wan enJoyed 2498 898