Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Mar 1963, p. 15

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OTMWi CPIOfficers oi iwo civil service Iiaii usual inns hxesdny accused Priml iiinllier Diuicnhakcr oi using iha civil Invite eiuciion campaign pawns Claude Edwnrds prcsldcni oi the 72000mcmbcr Civil Servica Federation said lhe prime min isicr reissue of iclicr lhn Civil Servicn Commission re gardinx pay rccommcndniiuns drag the civil scrvim inla this field oi pariisln poiiiiu VA Caounlle dtpuly Suclal ClCdlI ieadcr my deputy prime mlnlater the only post he would accept In Social Credit clhlnct In slulemenl Issued in Rouyn where he in campaign In or the April federal eluc llan Mr Canueue nld m1 member of such cnblnct would be named brime we Oughtc have our Mqu lo ny He was commenting on an earllor Ilalemcnl by mum Thompson Social Credll lendtr who said In Winnlm he has skeleton cabinet In mind parly should emerge lrnm lhc election with lhe must souls In the House Commonl 1ha NM river jumped Its hanks yesterday and caused the want flooding in tha vill ON THE ELECTION TRAIL QUEBEC CPI Premier Jun Luau old nuarltrl Tuesday hls menl Imemcnl in favor the lcdbral Llhcral pmy wn made In Um lnlcrull Quebec province ll wn nnt In much Al Llherll but premler ton urnrd about Iha lulure ol Que bec Hill woke he sold 01 luwinl Ion ublnel mccllnx Campaign Pawns TORONTO CPIFlume Llhmfl hnd Pruxrtsslve Can mvnllve summer In drnl with lonllimnle xrlcvnncu Frknch Canndlnn hm chum harvest cl dlsunily and re IcUnn In anblc Dlvld Luwll deputy lender nl Ihn NI noun Nuw Dcmocrnllc Party Inld Tuesday nlzhl Mr Lewis candldnla or Deputy PM His Only Post PQ Interests Caused WI mg WK wanna Rom C1¢E Mall Conulbunon To KIWANIS CLUB OF BARRII EASTER SEAL CAMPAIGN You Cm Help by ppanlng II Su CRIPPLED CHILDREN Harvest VILLAGE OF NEW HAMBURG HOODED York South In Ihe April era elecllon told the Independ ent Friendly Workers Clrcll that dlsullsfmlan with both nld parUu led lo emergence Social Credit In Quebcc an of New Hamburz0nt alnce Humane Hllcl In 1951 several street In lho Nu look lnrwml grccung hIa many old Mom And cm lnmnrn and land wunl nl Apolnzy for lhn lncnnvnnlencn mull by Ihc unnvohlnhlu Noun lhll popuInr mnlng 1pm duo lo oxlenalvo hulllllug renown om OPEN AM TO AM DAYI WEIK 19 DUNLOP ST EMT BARRII WATCH FOR THE OPENING OF THE CITY CA TAVIRN COMING SOON Wednesday March 27 MR CHOW lEM ls pleased to announce this the CITY CAFE REOPENS TODAY CITY CAFE Guess Wbofs Back 0n Tobacco Firms TILLSONEURG Ont Chnlrmnn GemRa Dcmnym he Onlarln FlueCured Tobacco Gmwers Markdan Board In statement hmsdny deicndad legislalion lnlmdlmd In on lnrln leglxlulura has week call lng far stronger conlmls over Inhacco production Defends Control Sllll More the House are On lario Farm Product Marketing Act amendment whlch would permlt the destruction to village near Kimhnnu an under water with water pour Inz Into the nu floor many homes OIllclllA or In bacco grown without quom or In mm at that by the board number of growers qum Ioned Xasl week on tho pro posed amendments are conlrary tn lgdgvlqunl rights Thll II not uovernmanlmn ml producer or produc tion Mr Demeyre sald Our dcmocmlcnlly elcchd board or directors asked for these power because over 99 per cm 01 our grower want them Grand raver conservntlon commlulnn uld tha dumm ot mm flooding ls increuinl hourly CP Wimpholo TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE FAB1414 PA 00163 BEbleVEIJJ OnL CF Llheral under lienum Tuev day pmduced Auden ol quota Mons mm Prlme Mlnlller Diel gnbakers new public Itlle mgnls an datum and branded them all as mlsleadlnl Ind Inaccurate In Wword statement Mr Pearson undertook tn prove his qunt by matching tha chten Ikerquoullunl ngllnst tho acts from outer wurces 1n cludlng statements by the three cablnet minister who resumed NORAD tho v8 stato depart mrnt and others Party olllclnla nld Met Id Dietenhakcr quolallons wa taken 1mm ape recording his campaign spmhu but de cllned to say who mad the cordlnnTha autumn was 15 sued to repurlen en route by plane and bus in Bellevllla Mr Dlelenbnker Wu quoted as saying in mum speech March lhnl we have no commllmenls we hm no discharged Mr Pemonn Italemmt than quoted laxmu delenca mlnlstu Harknm nylu the govern men his accepted commll men and II lo he met lhn atccpted armament must ho obtained or Ihu CNN For mer lrado mlnlstar Heu wu HERES GOOD NEWS FOR YOUR FAMILY CallsPMDefen¢eTa1k Misleading11naccurate NOW YOU CAN BUY YOUR FOOD AND OWN CHEST OR UPRIGHT HOME FREEZER EOR H®WE© CALL NOW PA 61562 We no taking this opportunity to acquaint you with this iiiiiiARKAiiLE NEW WAY TO BUY FOOD There are no tricks no gimmicks tho Incrct at tho wing is in BULK BUYING Your inmin cln now out better or less 14 90 no of our land conunllnnln be glad to call your home And glvo you me 00 ym Remunbor you under no obllullon lo buy quoted as nyln our present nee rpnlky fige polghher vlde fur countryfl DEALs wml wmnmns key point In Mr Pearsonl statement dealt with nuclear wdlrheada or weaponstln Can Mr Dcfenbaker was quoled as saying 1n Wlmlm March Insam Is our bomber are Nncornyd we havp negotiated and thaw been lummul so that war comes lhere will be avallablo and accessible atomic warhudi for tho Voodoo 1n Cammlat Than tollowedlhe v5 Itata department Vstatemcnt of Jan 30 anyan that tha question of nuclear wuheads for the 80 antlllrcrn1t missile and or other nuclearcapable weapons ayxtcm acquired by Canada ha been the lubtnct at lnconcluslvu discussions be tween the two novemmentl 5an Secretary Rusk was quoicd as saylnl Much 11 that CanadaUS negotiation an nu clclr weapons nre conllmlInl lulermltlenlly and um ha ex pected the Idlcusxlmu waqu Mr bicionbnker was quoled an flying in Manolo NB commitment or pm3 we accurin at our ron You HOME PER WEEK and elsewher that In cmerv may arise wa le have blc thn necessary war head smzm mwossmu Mr Pea on nuumem com mcnled ml is impossible wuhaut palch nixcement with the Unlled Slate and here Is no such Illcement No wnrhuq were nvnlllbledur in the Cuban emergency Agnln Mr Dlelcnbakur was quoted saying In Mormon and elsewhere that me Cana dlun government will not pllce Canadian Korea In my lamr posilkm mm the alllcs wllh which they serve Mr Pearsons on The Canadian iuvcrnmenl hll done exactly this by maklng In effective ccnaln oqulpmcn 1m acquired our toms He said lha Bumms were wilhaul ammunlllon 1n um Cu ban crlsll ln NATO um NM aircraft cannot be used fluc lively or accupmd roll he cause lhe government has re fused to gm It the unwary ammuan Mr Dialenhakerl alatemmt that ha Bumm could have nu clear or hlgh explosive war headswhich Mr Pcnrsnn said was mnde In Hllflax Much 15 wu answered by quollnl the Van Inke mun rholu Irm um vuun chnlu of load you mder only wnl 11m mice in ham on nverm ma Imllyl NORAD Itulemml thll beemo Available In Ottawl Much 20 N0 wmuup MADE NORAD raid at um um thlt nu conventional hlzhuplollvl wamend has been dcvclopod or thoBoch Illd an whlla um us Air Force ex Mrlmenled with conventionl waxhelm kn no intent or Imam null In develophl or Acqulflnl onu As or the munned bomber Mr Pearson quoted 0m prim mlnlster as saying In WInnlpel Hard mm not won rled about bombs mw Ind that the lnlercontlncnul built 11 inlullqway 19ml ply quolcd ML Hukneu Iqlnl Cnlgnry Feb 21 that Iho main weith an duck on lhl continent would be from the manned homben Former almlute delence mllllllll Sub Inny was quoted nylnl Fob 20 um Rum Ill ha and will hm far many yam huge Ind threatenlnl nm bomben mun umnma or all nu um mum BARRIE SPORT LTD Cnllllr IL PA I4 mm lOCATI gm m9

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