He mlghljusl as Ml ham hrrn mmtlng Max Slocle Sr man va Jam and 11m curllnx our on rlnk Ilnv nnxnn My until like In nnnm tlw Into Ihlllt MtMmhy 5mnlurylnvlllvr Ont furllnn tlnt llnu In nulhlnu In tho ronlm at that can mmnnxv uilh llw varnont unllmtnsm ll nkllltul Innnlpnlntlnn the umnhlnnltnn strength Mnl mlumn wtlll Jml mttlclonl If tlhlntt tn INIII charm to the uncertainty lhal ls Uporleltml In wall ought gnmu 0t rurltng Yunllnunl from age clgln nsctl slnrllx lmd wrlllcn amrlV cummcrclnlx hes I115 llchlng In pul out Max Ilvrs nlmul hm miles nuthldu nl lilmmln nu vnsl Alrmll nl wnlllaml which lmum rullnuvs fur lnurlsls cmprr null unmlImn llw ml lmv days llrrnvc lmll III lmmplnn mhuppvrl rlcarlnu nway mum nl Max Simlcs prlu lrvvs Max ltmk llu lnur hlv Inml and hml laugh llmn lwcplnn up wllh Ihlv vnllvnmn whn clnlms lwn 7n yvnrs of nun llu up as much at lmmo ilrnnplmz Ihmuuh Ilw wmlu Is he must ln tlm curlan lll llvloro louvlnu mer Max loullxh quosllun In rurlllu the hrs cnmpvlllhu sphrl Them In xmlhlnu to mmpnrn ilh lurlllm jllsl our on rlnk Ilnv nnxnn llly would like In qunln 1hr Into litnlv llllMmllv 5mvlurvlnmnur nl nm will cm nlu lhmunlx lhumluy Axml nl Grccnmood llIIn IIIl MIIHN MII lravrl In Mnlnmk llw new lnu tlghllu nlmmlcmulnl Im lvcllvlllt Onl Mnlumk will has lhc lmllcu lmm Frilluy April 2n lo Snlunlny May Allrr Illglully mum than mnnlhs lrwile llle Imum nml pnum Irlurn Io imvmnml llpllllll July ll and will onllnur Illmllflll llm nummrr nmnllla Imlll Sal urllny August 31 Thu Mar mu Irnmn will nllll Ill lln luauk wllh nulnu hung hlld lmm Scpltmhrr through olwr News 1mm Ihc Grrcnwmd Raceway Hunmrly Old mm Mm hm llu hnrnusx mom seasons no Mnrl In eve npnrls lhal lllc lmls ill have Its own radio nrlwurk hllpv plying ham with the 1mm lnIarmaunn Thu nightly Ihuw will run 15 mlnuhs he pinning was pm all no Dnlnrin tmiom Inpulnr Pcnpcr ml ham inlrr and mhcr mm lhc Idmw wï¬ne imk ufuuuu lnulflllxmgwr lnkn lhv linu cull Hm mm ha ha shnw will rmcr all niuhls sensun Thoroughbred and arms racing In Ontario shouldpnwe extremely ucilmg Lhis your and the following an low inm csling ilnms unlhcrcd up in 1133 week SPORTS CHATTER Clnse bchlnd in the scramme Inr nvaLgcuinz honors were lil Ile Camlllc Henry New York with 37 Frank Mnhmlich Tar nnln as Andy Bamgmo New ank 35 Parker MnrDonnId Detroit 33 Stan Mxklln and Hobby Chip 31 Ollidal NHL slaï¬slics rc lcascd today shuw lh Mal number goals scored this seasonlamwas awnr than eium of the two previous years Gard Howe oI Dclrnil the scoring leader nailed 51500 in bunus money for his 38 goals and 43 assists Seven players ncllcd goals or more In the 7Dgame sched ule that wound up Sunday com pared with flvc last season and live lhe your More Thcrc were two dozen ZMnnl men com pared wflh 11 last year and 20 in 196061 MONTREAL CP National Huckey League goalkeeper didnl In in any mnre punks than usual this season but com peliunn among lhe forwards for scoring honors wns lime kcener Interesting Items On Horse Racing Dulgngd to Ilrénzlhen the 01rdqu am his whee Idorna thexwall at the Phila Muhnvuch andmxll nTadu um Goalies Remain Same Forwards Scor More DUBEN TBIES NEW GADGET um mum In tho mlld lIHu Ilmlrh lvemun mnmpum MIkhII Hohinnlk and chill Irnnor rnn Irlrmlnn hnlh nl HUI Mu drawn Mnnllny nltrr lhc wh mmc Hannnlk Mun Hm llnl unmn nl lhu mnlrh rm Ihmlny Thu Mum lillla hlrd nlsa hiltl arm on any Mu rd Mhu UllIHLd he hmlim mm In warwinning $210004 Inr SIM Inrd Pam nlmny ls lnkinn urrr llrrlrck ml and ml min for Jlm amt Irln Drum llilmillnn Srtllls Inssrm passed an llw wnrd nlvnm xixyAnmld mllmn Kim Kill and tho hum Inlrkcd Mm up by mning nunlunmlml idmy In 01 Imlmnnnk mum nl Aqualurl nn Sal lml kaku mu punimwl Ly Hmlun llIMml nl Wm lnml NIL nl 11101 Ru WOW fur Hm Wilh nluuv ml Mm Ml 1W CVAI Dm mu no III Hm mlld Wu Ilmlrh Mann man lilllc blrd passed on he 1d new lhc pmsin of mrlcs mic Turner ur rirr and former nlhlcln Mm mndc his nnmc lhc lhumunh Ier unu wllh Run Juur Tun Mr Iurnmr light manager nml pro hall Iyfl dropped lhml In his mice Mn Snlunlny Hi gleam mum cumc MINI nun lmlr the 5000 Trun lcn Handicap 19H The lmphy goes to Ihe nck mindcr ho plays the man gum or lhc mm with he lcwcsl goals against it and the Hawks ended the scam ih 17a anninsl Tornnln hud 1E0 agnimt andA Monlrml mu Chicago gonllc Glenn Hall bugqu his hm china Trophy rinning $2000 in bonus money by lwugual margin over Jnhnny nawtr ul Taranln and by live over Mumrcnr Jncquc Plnnle Perhaps he most surprising surge In performance was that or Sydney NS journeyman Macnunuld who has bounced buck and 0th from he major league to he minor for dozen years and who counlcd only live goals In game with ma Wings last season Runncriup in the scoring race was Hulhante whu earned 31 250 or his iiipaint finish five behind Iinwe Mikiia placed third wilh TH and Mahovilcil led or mirth with Montreals Henri Richard at 71 391ml circle in both previous seasons dolphin Phlllins trainlnx camp Ryne Duran purchased ram lhe L05 Angclcs Angels last week gives the wheel ill Ilsrfllfll mm rate than HawkStar Winger fllVIIKE MIMI MESA All MHLM Mr rln Anzrlq nl Iln Anlflkn Iunun mm lulirldcr LN 11qu In in null Cardinll of linnal Imnxuo Mnmlay lnr an unvlruluml sum Mr HII 000 Vllhlr mm um nppllvmlml and lcrrd unpluymrnl hm ml lmll Iwuh Ivy ANNA rulllir nml pmrmnmnl mum Mun dun mllvely In ppnllllun II mrvrldul mrmhpr Ind ludtr In hit plainInn Ilullu Hue null lay an bun In Hm umhlnl pmhulnn lnr nrpluxlmnltly Mn Ind ml lnrm npmnmlml and SCISSORED SPORT nm um mil Lsmooo un mul dlmnln nml Ammo pu Him dmnnm nr nn mllclu uhhh hnrnml lllnl lunurr lirululn nmll Illllll ml Mn lumlll rmulx lmll Illylml mn ulilrll In In llw irvrulnMn lunllmll mmgfl 1m MII lhn nun In an Illempl mu ti min Incnp hy Hm roux mo dnmnu dixlrlrl lawyer lnr lunlml mu lmL Ihe mum rrd In rum nomile pure lnr purse nl 121W wnl Nornl Gulo lmul by ymr old Guy Caunpbcll nnd owned by lho NI nunm mm of SI Cnlhulnu Nnrnl Inlo mill $11 90 $5 Ind 7n Illvr lmllnn Ronny irnllnn nml Imuy Hrcwtr Hu culurc rlnlnh rum nnrbmlln 1mm lnr lnurytarolds and up nomwulncrx $20000 xnw Silver Laird lhn icnlimen 11 filvurilc 01 last ycur nnd 4lu5 choice lhlx evening all all the but yaw Ilnsglnwn Hay and Tully Dnrcs in mi mam rcxmcllruln mm and mund by Iar mu ankhml Culllnuwuod ML Rnwluwn Hny Mlnncr Hr runl In 13 slum In It um Ifllfl the mile In 231 I5 iug unno mo and sun TORONTO CP Harness rnclng gm in i1 cnrllcsl sum over in Ontario Mondny nlphl nl Grccnwuod Runaway nml he hnrse Inns were just as ramr us lhohorsns 10014 IIIInd inlo Hm wabcnd mac HY Ihc nllondnncc inure whs jusl 17 short of last yuarn high 10113 and they wagcrcdn lulu $345750 $19137 short of Ihc alllime bvflinn mark nl rctnunad Innncrly Old Wood him Howe Detroit Bnlhgalc NY Mlklln Chicago Muhovllch Tor Rlchard Mil Belhnau Mll nucyk Baslou Dclvecthlo Dtt Hull Chlcaua Oliver Boston MnchHnld Del McDunald Chi Henry NA Kruy annnln McKcnney NY Top In Ihe penally depart ment were the Red Wings wllh Intel 9M mlnules Mnre than oncAluurlh of the Detroit kelnl came from detcnmman llnwie Young who set an Indl vldual NHL pcnnlly record of 27Lm1pules In ghe prqccsg The league bad man In hrcnklmz his own record ever slnce he surpassed Lou Fonll nulns former mark 102 min utes last February Greenwood Crowd Nears Old Mark last seasons when Plant look the Vezina with 14goal edge over Bower HUT HUIIH ATLANTA AmA whirl Dunn the ï¬reball pl char was Yankee star re llevcr belore slarllng hls Ira vels AP ercphola The lcndcn AWA 1mm nun Wu th In tour Mnnday by anllu Hull slurdny Evenlnl Ill PI 38 86 100 Thu Muwn lawyrr ulrl MIN lvrlrl mrrllmi ul llw lrnmm uuullu lllnl Illll will uhedulrd 11n ltnml Ilnlnulnu In mum and Mn Alllmu wlll mm In Intol llr multlnnl IIMIIH Awll nnm wlll play In llulplmn squall In butch uvrln Inl My Um uld OTTAWA ll Jnlm Ulla rmlvlant Um Bulrm Im ulinnul Nudity lulua Nu drnlul mum lhnl Endluuy WOIVM wuuld lnld luvrinl mn mum In lrnnunl mul llnll Inyn John SmurlhwIu lumrd lha hll Irlck In help In smmd dMIIInlI nver Loran In Snulh srmm llnckny Leuua lulan he AlliIan Arm an Ihg wuhnd lehurlll ilcktd in wllh Mr Ind Vernon Aym Inlll In pm Slmud Sumu lnr lha Innu wrrn Prlrr Unm ervm Wlllllm MtAllhlrr Jun Hmhlnck Ill nenurhnnlp Mlll Krn llrlllrn Loop President Denies Folding Onlarlo hlnlnr Lakcxhnre Klnmnn illuLollnu ch lI Allnn Cup flaakaloon annmbn Wind game 01 hthnIlivc womanCanada scmlllnnll SalkIdlan Junior Wryhum Melvllln Hmabacvcn semiHm Ind lJ mm mm Thauflrsl lwo gm he hastnHivz mics Will he played Ilmwlndwy Margy 27 And 29 Maul mumM Inn writs 5mm Nnrnnda Mnrc 11 of mini garlic Fouilfunnd mm game up ccmry will played In No randa April and ran ed the all0n larlo iinal by eliminating Kap usknsinx Knps Wu mainhl in lho NONi finals Windsor in icnicd Chnihnm Maroon uplure OiiA human GUELPH cmThe 0mm Hockey Associallon has an nounccd the playing dnlcs or the nIlOnmrlo ï¬nal mics he wean Wlndsor Bulldog and Nolanda Alaucflcs Stroud Nip Loretto Crew It would be an upset if we beat them uld Blako ha brought his lhIrdplace loam to town Monday night lresh mm shcjlpgklpc Ihe hand nf he rumpled New Yuri Ranger Sunday night In the last game of the regular Ica 11 hi Ten about that Blake conllnucd Ijm Ill overly con1den Imlach emerging 1mm mlnuto Toronto workout wasnt counllng any chlckens on behnlt of hls Inkplace club Pasl ï¬erlgnzrnnnc me window Al pm By BILL MacDOUGALL TORONTO cmn you can belleva Toe Blake and Punch Imlach It will be mildly Aur prising If either Toronto Maple Leafs or Montreal Canadians survlva their orlhcomlng Sun ley Cup semiIna Going Inlo tonights opening game at he bendseven ser 105 neither National Hockey League coach could be de mlbed my lumhlne Torontos Imlach was noncom mlllal whlle Montrull Blake was downright gloomy Hull made Iho Innounccmcntv himself while mun heal trem manu Monday night or 1h mm Ihaulder unl do the club Iny nod pinyin will one arm he said Dates Announced For 0H Finals Hun who snflcred sllnht shoulder separation against the Red Wing week ago when he checked Dang Barclay said he might also mlas Thursday nllhtn mond mm at tho but oIIeven lulu In light neplrntlon unt nm the mm or cross it CHlCAGO AFlEnhhy Hulll Clllcago Black Hawks am In winger says he wlll mls Tues day nlghls openan game of the Stanley Cup semllinals ugnlnst Delrull Red Wing THE CANADIAN PRESS HOCKEY RECORD um hm mlhfnijoul IMIM Neither Coaches Show Too Much Confidence ra meeting the best team To Sit Out Opener mu ï¬lm lmu llnnl licd In 14 mcclings lhn firsIplacc Lcnln chcalcd Montreal six leci losing three and lying live Delmll drsplla Ila lourlh plate linlsh cnjoycd 654 edge over mu acrandlplnw Hawks Three Tnmnla centres caused Canadian he mo Krlcl Dmo Knnn Morin clam nun agnlnst lncm whllo Kelly and nob Pullnrd chipped In wflh le npincc rank havllch whose As Mnnlrcal Canadians vial laronln lnnlgh or the openin at their bestoIsuvcn umHinal and tho Wings pay aimllm call nu Chlcagu Black Hawks rocords ol the Nullnnnl Hockey Lcngun season Jusl tomplclcd ch lho edge In Toronto and DcimiL Canadian wnn lhnir ï¬rst two name over the 1m Ind beat them only once more In Ihc next 12 outinna They were outscored 4840 and managed only mm win on Toronto lce thlngs Conlinuo lha wny llmyve been golnz all season Toronto anln heals and Dc lrull Red Wings will met In he Stanley Cup ï¬nals Blnkc nylnl would be miracle lhe undermlmned Canadians won four straight cancluded that the longer it lam lhe helm chance we haveï¬ Imlch commented The shoncr the series he bonerprovided wa wk More Impressed than Imlnch by past pcrtarmnncu tho Tor onln beltan lratcmlly Instilled the cats 11105 lavarltentn eliminate Manlrul and quoted them tn to to win their 520 and consecuuve Stanley Cup Thnir rensnnlng on the Tar anln Montreal series was strongly Influenced by the Leafs 63 edge with ï¬va ties In game between the two clubs this season Canadlix hr In far warse shape physlcnlly with delence man Lou Fonllnala out or the ABS IIURHNG Neither a1 manager Tammy Ivan not much Rudy Pilaus would comment on Hull lnjury Shnklnz all their wont Ilump of tha uuon one hit cost hem what would hm been Chlcaloa Hm Nalloml Hockey Luann chimplamhlp ma Hawk rallied In two mld gamcallat weekend In flnlsh mend one pain behind Tur nnln MapluLeah Thu Hawks had élznblu 1m of other minor injuries but de fenccmon Plane Puma and Wayna Hlllman and wingers Ah McDonald and Run Murphy all wars expacled to be randy or lha Denoil hwnllnn over In from of me or win It wllhout pain By RON ANDREW Canadian Pres Stall Vrller Seasonal Records Back Léafs Wings SPORTS PAGE TIM EXAMINER HES COMING TO BARRIE TOMORROW Keep You Eye On Thu Delroll outscored Chicago 31 gellan 15 oaknearly hall erm In llna Gordie Howe Alex Dehtchlo and Mncnnnnld Howe scared me one fewer than Mnchnnld nd up morn Bobby Hull was um mall sub mle Hawk uorlng xcvcn llmu nanlmt the Wing while Ken Whnrrnm had six on and Stan Mikiu Ive Delmlll powtr ply cul nunnud CMEIKOI by 197 mm gin Ind lha Wlnns Ilm 1mm twlro whih lharlhandcd Leah held he cdgu when thu loam were uneven In mun powcr smrinfl 10 times to CA nndicns seven wlth In oppo non all the Ice Ind nulscurlnz Mammal when they were shorthandcd thrmselvu so gonh topped the club In ony llva lhcm azalmt Mum rcnl Montreal ccnlm lcnrl Rich Ird topped Canadiem marksmcn against lhe Leafs wlth sevcn goals Glllcs lrcmblay Bernle Coalition and Dickle Moore chipped with Ive npltCt Injury RICHARD LEI mms Dcnlx Delordy lémnl 011 In lhe Americnn Lmue was called up ram Bumlo by Chi season and lorwud Phil Goy eua Ind dolennmnn Tum John son deflnlla nunstarters lonlghh Rookie dtfuncemen Tom Har mer Ind Jeun Lapmlere Ind forward Blll McCreary all up lrnm Hullottawa the Enl em Pmlesxlonnl League will re muin In the lineup but Blnke promised rhlngel the Hahn dont Improve from their Sun day night ahowlnz He said Johnson Ind Goyeue may be Ivnllnhla or iha sec ond game Thursday together with 1pm forward Red Baren san lmlach usual reluscd In announce whether John Bower or Dan Slmmon will be ln goal Ionlght He also promised per wnncl shullle ll lungs gel really drusllc HI only absen lca will be lellwlnxer John llpcllllllun nut wlth an elbow feel well he say or De troit mentally it not phyll cllly nld anll Weve bro ken our slump Ind we look sec end by asuvo ucllon rather thin Inc In in New cm turn nllour on lo Itopplnn the Winn and milth Gor dlgflawa had Red my emu1n Mc Donald nnd Er Nunlerenko and sun Mlklla teamed up with Mu by Ind Ken Whnrram The Mr llna include Chico Mnkl Len Lunde and Murr Bullour Deni DAJordv Ind nl mun ï¬xed up MI lines over the weekend Ind Iald Ihey would remIIn juuled for hill the llmlamo Inulnn be In You Still Cant Beat Natural GAS Dun Slkes J12 who recclvcd $9000 for his victory In tho $50 000 Dom movcd on tn the H5 In 1th spot wilh total winnings of 3791 cnun Monday as standby gnnlln hr the 11m two pluyofl games HEADS TOP LINE Hnwe rem us the Hawkl chlei concern Although 35 won the loam scoran lllle and lhe maln cog he leagual lapacoran line Hnwc scored 35 goals whflo his males Parker MacDonld and Alex Delvw chlo had and 70 respch vely or total of 91 hauls But Palmer cnme 3m closer to Player when he ï¬nished aural in he Mlnml Iournamcnl and picked up 3mm Hls total now is $23221 The Wlngafylone abscnlcu is Bruce anGxtgor whnwIlI be In Edmonton unending ihe tun ernl ni his father Howie Young who fled In eiieciively or Mao Gruor right win In DenIr in two weekend victories over Maniai likely to move up Izaln lrom his cuaiqmary do fence spot The Wings wlll keep Eddie Joynl whnm they brought up ram Pillsburlh Hornet me American League on an emer gency hm or he wlekend games Th9 uyearwld mold scored one goal and set up Ihe other two In Detroitl 31 victory over the Leafs Sunday nlzhL DUNEDIN Fla AP Ar nold Palmer has drawn closer to hlghflylng Gary Player in the Pralcssionul Gnllera Aasucl Itlons muney winning sweep flakes Player who won $1050 for his aevenlhvplnce ï¬nish In the DI ral Open last wank In Mlnml null leads he llst up 10 win ners Hls olfldnl winning in la $13502 Palmer Closes In On Player 01 WI AND TRAVEL SERVICE XA um ARNOLD PALMER THAT NEW CAR 0R TRUCK Al us cxplnln In ynn how Iuslnz can Invl ynu um and moncyl FOR RATES AND NilORMATION CONTACT BARRIE DRIVEACAR LEASE 10 la or Snlurdlyl Grand Nannnl Steeplechase at be llng callover Monday Actor Gregory Peckl Owenl Sedu was Iislcd lucond morn to Denis Danrdy of Ihe Elsunl the Western Division winners conLlnucd as the leading ml cndcr wllh slx shutouts and an average at 271 on goals 51 Iowpd 1p flames Ed Van impe also of Ru falo didnt get penalty 1m week but sllll leads lhat delim men with 188 minutes REMAINS FAVORITE LONDON AP Sprmzbnk militiad ghc liming Igvnrjle II NEW YORK AP Ell Sweeney Sprlnzlleld Indium appear Ia have an unpreor dcnlcd lhlrd straight Amurltln Huckey League scoring Iltle In his grasp even thnugh the In diam have been ellmnnt¢d raln surï¬ng the llnal week ulnrsenmn play he veteran centre is on top with 91 polnu on as goals and 59 8551311 ac cording to ofllclal leIKuu ala llsllc rclonscd wday Sweeney forged Into the load by scam 10 points ask wpck to lake sxxpoinl lead over Hank Clcsla oljllqvclpnq Barons Ciesln hnd been tied or lhl loud at as wlth an Slnlton Bullan Elsons but he tlllled only three polnu 135 week Slrallnn managed lust one and dropped lo lhlrd with 39 Swee ney and Clcsla an llcd fur lhc must goals at 38 whlle Sixanon top the playmnkerx Wllll 70 ll slsls SWeeney Headed For Thiid Title SERVICE COMPLETE FRONT END SUSPENSION OVERHAUL 27 TORONTO ST New WHEEL ALIGNMENT WHEEL BALANCING SHOCK ABSORBER MURDOCK Let UI Cluck You Cu PA 82202 Bonn nun HARRY ll