Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Mar 1963, p. 7

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OTTAWA CPITh DH IaM Mumlny ll mm Inked by tho levlml lillmllllll MM rmuunlvlji tummll NW llrlllxlh lullrr Allur ulna An irlnlhm nnllrlnn Illa IMMIHYI mlvfllhrmrull ulmul Ilm Immr xclllnn Inn nu rr Hum Mmy InnII Imulp In lm danll mNnuN lflrulru Imxlh Minldrr linnrlu lnwull hu lulud IHIIII pm mlmllml ill llwir lmn ml III Mum mrnln MI Inwklnl mm unmln Thr ymrly luulrr Haw llru Ivy Ilrllrvplrr lrnm Vnncnuvrr lmulluz lnr han rmnpnim llvVl nl Ilnnry and Mmhm nlunu llu wny lnnlnr carvan mm NW in down or can mil hum Vnnmuvrr ll In um Him and nnlml hrrl alumly nllnr Mr Hmmpmn Moat Missing Thu nnmllnn ed up In lha old nmvrnach lo lho munlryn nmhlrnu SMInI Cr lil Luxlrr Iluhrrl nwmpmn nld Monday Mr llmmpmn mhlmml Lulunun Ivan 200 In nup pml nl ll lnHrrnnn Social mm rnlulldalu mklnn rIrulnn Apr In anr VAL lcymllnn The lelrl mmpnny applied and was named lcnnse manufacture the planerIn Imly Bccuuse lhv appllw lien or the plullcr to defence develupmcnl ml were me on lirrly by the United Slalu gov ernmcnk thnylivc pIoHcrs now have htcn ordered by he US nnv ornmanl unit prlcc of about 3250000 or lulal prlco 250000 Due lo mllilmy requirements lhe Inauumcnu produccd In In hy he ltnllnu campany are on rnmvlex lnr cllelnn purpose However lhu campnny now In working on llmpllr verslon or rlvillnn use whlch wlll ha marialed In nhnnl one your at unlt prlce some 365000 Thh prlcc will mnkc the chlnu cnmpcllllvc wllh plallcrl lullnilcly Its vermglfln ComnwnlInK on an pro durlion of lhe planer Dr HuwlelI dlrcclor the NRC dlvhlnn ol nppllnd phyllcs mld Dislikes Ban The Canadlan lnvenllon wu brought lo the nllcnllun of tho NIslrl Company of Milan Italy by Dr Glnn Cnssinls former president of lhe Unlvemty or Mllan and sclcnlm Inter national reputation mu rmv Abnul 100 sclenllsu ram 16 cnunlrlcs and representallve major European phalanxammo lric Indnslrles will attend lhs second Internmnnal Phohr srammelrlc Conlercncl They wlll Include snveral Iclenllsls from the undrrdevelopad and unmappcd counlrles of Alla and Africa Mler the machine was devel oped and patented by He lnvn at he Natlonnl Research Councll Canadian Film and Developmull leled branch NRC failed to Ind any Ca nadlnn company willln lo ml nuaclurc It The subject of tha April cnnlerancc wlll he the llelnvn analytical planar machine that combine upllca mechan lcs and electronic computlng technlquls ln the mass pmduc than of map lrom nerlal photo graphs OTTAWA CWA threeday lnlcmallonal conference will In held In Ollawu next week to dlscuss revulullonary multi mllllnndnllnr Canadian Inven tion vhlch manufacturer In this country failed In exploit CAPSULE NEWS me annua Sale Drlvm meeting the Brcwen Wire huuslnl Compmy Limfled wu held the Owalssn Lodge Mherley on March Driv ICIIILLIWACK EC Unlnrlunnlely nu Camdian Analytical Machine Is Subject Of Talks Thompson Against The Old Approach SAFE DRIVERS RECEIVE AWARDS downlli lo lmrlfllll my mnl than mum mm hul Ivy ll Ilrpnvlmrnl nld In In low The luvlmmnwn Hum lun my lmnler WAN Nuaw ol lrlnrl Iridwuni Inllml WIVI Innmmrr Mn mlmmnl thll wrrk 111 My my lh Im mrulv nnmvnllu lull will II anII llruunnnunvw nor Ir HM manna Mler abnul an haura lumull lnlcraperacd wilh an occaslon ally audible rollllcal remark 1mm lmmlnralml llllnlalar lllchard Bell and leeral candldale Lluyd Franc over lha publlc address ayalem the crowd simmered down la real ralalnz war to hear Soclal Cradll canaldale Harry Splell and Nzw Democrat Lewla llau lay Conlradlclary meellng Carleknnl llma honored Irlnl byhecklln or polillcnl candl dulel Tru to lradlllon he unly nonpurllun luluru were Relumlnz Oflker Thoma Davi mn Ind he mccllnn chlirmnn City Controller Ernla Jonu lhcn lled lor MI lllz From hen um learn how boos cnlcalla whlsllu and IMLT unitpower mulled each tanker who um lrmtd only wllh hll nalu he publlc mlcm lurnnd up lull vnlumo mud plrnly By KEN KELLY OITAWA CMCrowd lunr power easily outclmed the po lltlcnl candidate mini hydro power an Iboul 500 howling peclamra turned particlpnnlx at Carleton camllluencyl ra dlllonal contradlclory mecllng 951 Retiring Severn year ago NRC devel opcd an ear dclender to prolect persans worklng under high nolse condltlons The device In aclhe pro ductInn and commerclal luc cm Dr Hnwlctl uld Inl lIully Wu manulnclured in Canada but unlorlunllfly now mnnulnclured ntlrdy In the mug States NRC Iclenllsu any that ha planer In Instrument which moves nu at or photo mmuhclurer Kruped lhe Jm pnmnce the new canny Ind arrunlemenll md to ho fixade abrond or uplolla on Dr Hewlett nld ploller la nal he only NRC lnvenllnn that Cl nadlnn Industry lulled 10 ex plgll recelvlnx awnrds Includ ed from Id In right In pic turn Shwart Calling waod layur award WESL Barrie year lWlld Barrie Fallen Chlel Tachlr TrialByHeckle For Politicians Mr Bell didnt go pm in WALTER MIAW far In em h1th drpnrl mrnl Mm Ml nunmrlly la Mp mrnl mm Vlnnlpeu vnrn houux The rmplny MI pnrlrd mlnin WARNINGTON Ml Th uvmm Cnun ruled Mun Im Communhl lnmllnl lulllnlnn umml d1 rton Inln In IUIIH group nnl llnlm tlenrly wllh lulmnlu or nlher IHIKII or Improper no lMlln dlmnllng mllu IIM drtltlnn wlll hrlp ummunllls lrsnlmm orunlw Hum TORONTO ltTIDOnllrlo VIII luv moo mummllo min rial uuilh luluul In It mmlvm nmm Ihn 1anth rm Gmrllm llay Lam ll Fumln Allnllm lloberll Illd Mgvdny Th uvlnlurr lnlmlucrd IIHI In lhu IPIIIIIIHH nurvlnl Ihl mu nr lund un Dhldy um Ip tlaxmlpnl IMO leml pull In he Indy by Canada cmlumhl In IMI lle old lhe llmua the In Iumwn Killmay Hum Minn 11mm unuch be lhc mini and mini mum 11w mull anlll In to lmx on lb lulullon He uld lhal uhll Mr Fran ch for many yum lenlor chll mvanl and lormrr prul drnl cMI mvlca In Inclallon dld or the dvll not null would lake micronccpe lo In le Irbllrnlo roared op pontnll In he crow rumIn to clvll servlcc nail unclnllon dtmlndl um arbitration d1 pulu be binding on lhe lederal loiermpnnl 9nd clvll Iervanls Some laudmoulh relarled Mr Bell whole volce II In re vme quality lo MI lnlelll name ground and record quallflu hlm lo ulvo balanced reprenntallon Car letona consmuents evenly divided between civll serum and lumen Had been the 1le nervlnll ndvo we winnan lhem colleen hnrgglnlnp 9nd olhcr beneliu Liberais mued dld nothing or clvll urvnnll In 21 yearg lnolllca Llr me nbova ha pull Inn aim opening lemmas Iho In speaker helun the Inked chem and boos broke over the plaliormwhen he uncut hm Carleton going to do main by clecllnl Conservm live has Iinu Comeder llan CITES IMGKGRDUND No Digging Planning Park This Ihe planer seem cer tain to rcvolullonlze map max In and render obsolela much the cxlsllng Inslmmcnlalion or abslrncllng enmnlrlcal lormallan from photoznphl he said lull paulhlmie of the flaw principles Involved are not yet fully explored but less ll clear that they cnnsmuta In essenllnl slap Inwnrdl luv tomlzed mapplnl summary ram tha blcydl Age to the Jet no Pholnzum melry In the science obtain lni curate measurement by minus phgtognply Dr Hewlett described the In vention of the planer ha man outstandflni develop ment to date by the NRC d1 vlsll applled plgyilcs ml punk Inklinmlai hart making presanlaunn Gmppell Barrie myur Award suwm Dame year nwmi Kuung Burl Hear much Wink Rude Henrawnrd WASHINGTON CF slslant State Secretary Robert Mannan nld Monday the Jan 30 slate department statement publicly criticizinl tho Cans dim zuvernmenl nuclear poll ciu may have been mu of bug drgllamgnlsh uMnnnlnz denied Republican snneslhn that lho purpose the statement was In deliver while spanking lo Prime Min Jtar Dlefenbakora administra on The purpose oi this was no lo Ipank Anyone Manning said In usiiiying before congres sionai nuhcnlnmmeo invesilgalg lnz invernmenl management oi in news The purpose Wu cinriiy some USi positiuns Blames Criticism Canada As CaSe Oi Bad Draitsmanship Prim KINZIE WILLARD VOTE WILLARD HAS WILLARD l5 WILLARD ls man of vision you know that Willard is dedicated leader you know that Willard has proven record in municipal affairs Here are few moré things you should know about Willard Klnzie when you elect him as your Social Credit representative 1n Ottawa THE MAN YOU CAN TALK TO THE MAN WHO GETS THINGS DONE WHAT DO WE KNOW ABOUT Advllory Dlroclor to Canadian lndopundont Bmlnmmlnl Fndlullun Served lhc pocplo ol Bmll Mnyor In In yun Sucnulully mungd Nu Ionl Unlhd Appul Mlnngnd and plumd lhI upmllon of LIleIOW Dnlry lor lho pm l6 yuu armyIo MIF ICMl Buslnm Mung mun School Ihl USA Chnlrmm Ion Overall Buy Dovdopmon AnselHon Mnnning and Amman icnco Seminary Arthur Sylvcs tar were called in unswer ile publican claim thai ihe Ken nedy administration aleiy iwisied ar strangled new dufilgg lhe Cphan crisis Sylvester the centre nllack by US newsnnper publishers and ho agreed truthful inform allon must ha the bash at gavernmenls lnlarmuklon pro lrppu by he added In times of crisir Warm Inn which ordinarily would he made nvallrbl to our claim must temporarily he withheld In order In deny it nur ena mics Congressman Ogden Reid New York Republicn qw WILLARD is course iamin man residing It 135 Shanty Bay Road with his wife Ruth and their three children thlard has two Ions Bob 17 and George 14 and daughter Susan who is eight yuan old Another shining tight in the Kinziel iamin tits in lhcir adopted Korean daughter Park MI Yea lionedhinnnlng about the Jan 30 stalemenz which Dieterbaker illld was In unwarranted intru sion inin Cunndinn niiairsfleid said the state department dealt with iriendiy government in an unfriendly way instead oi seeking in spank the Canadian government in phhlic the depnrimeni rhould have taken up the issue through traditional dipinmniic channels Tho depanm II He wen tar beyond just £151an govern men policies In that stalemenl mld contended and DI male menl was breach dlplo mnglc practice Manning conceded um the wording of me statement may have been case bid dram manshlp but ha urged hat lur lher discussion on he Issue he held Private harku neaiini with criticism oi gov emmenl newshandllng during in Cuban crisis lint lull Man IPUILIRHID IV Ntlllm llel IOCIAI mum SOCIan WILLARD KINZIE IS YOUR MAN WILLARD Wlll AI Your Eluhd Ropmlnmlvo In 0mm Prolm rlqhh Oh lndlvldull Cunllnunlly work lownrdl lowor ulon lmprovo condlvlum In Slmcao North II In Improvd Condlllunl In Built whllo Muyor IRE nlng maintained the secrecy that preceded the crisis was ans the Mason for mum in that canlronlaLlom TRY EXAMINER WANT AD PHONE PA lMll and Bedroom New Ranch Bungalows from 890000 to 950000 on Aacra tread lots near schools from $50000 down No salary require menu Served by Natural Gas BARRIF AMINjEILJUESDAY mum ma PA in All 11113an and PA Hm YOUR CHANCE or LIFETIME CARSON REAL ESTATE AID BACK mwnv Swedish doclorl are ualnz minim acidproof hall baa InnInserted between the ver tehrae cur serloul slip Fed disc easel

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