Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Mar 1963, p. 10

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4V Human uwnn mnnmr nl llw lunan lmmc wllirh un dmml munu mvhrn Sunday la the MINI mllnrnle nhnvu lumlm Munnmln mu lwlfl In Uul Mule Mulco II mEuQ um luulnmnh mnnmé um mm mu 0le In ma In ltnmmln Hp wn Imiunmn Ilnmiw IImmndcI kn numinm aeg jun Ulnmllnllm HM rnnlrnry Mr Lllrumu Invle nu uuly mly llml hnt ullrmi mw dull mm II llm Mlul mlll wmy gm willmul mm Hm thnl own mnlhlrr lmr nln Nu 1le mrluy uluu llw nllrr wnI mmla Ilr mu lrplym slnlrnwnu vy Hm Lnnmur In IAINml Qur Sunday MM IIIll Um LII rlnl party Mn liumuin llm Mu nn nllrmpl In rul Hm boclnl mlll win In mmuy Qmu Me rldmum Mr lllrlmnl Imponl It nunlllcu lhl EU ml lmm run In mlrr ulhl Iml nm Snlnl mm Mexican Lived T0133 Years Mr LHrumxx mld III 1m lu luvlew Dullmd Illchnnl Soclnl mhll dulrf Juvlm nrxxmlm Mul rumluhlr In Snlnl erl lhrnllln anmllo illhlrll II lrmlr uhlch llm UP nIIWI Iller Cnnllollc II 1hr of Hm xlnl qu pzmys rlcxmly national Imnlrr Ilml uurlle mu ll Hm mlrlys rum ulnlt ln Mnnlr Imlrlrr riding MONITHMI CPI Andrr lHchrrux xrtrllnryxmrrnl lhu New Ihmncmllc Purly lnr merc will Mummy nlnhl Um mm 0mm pnxlyl mm mnilcr WM willingV In suLrl lice Gilch Cunufllc In lmr finln vulll he nor Allhnuxh lhr modrm lrcnd has hem Inward wire pancllrd also our whidl mrmil wade In all lhmunh lo the lruc Ivar several source nl disuse was the wider inn syslems Large upcn con tainers nl walcr casin became contaminated Mr Muirs wal crng syslcrn is chiclly of the new unrrowimugh swinging lypc gravin iced known as lhn lax system in which the body of water so smzlll lhnl ii is al4 masl complclcly changed every live 0r l0 minulcx when UH hens are drinking thus prevent ing bnclcrim buildup lleccnb ly he has installed 11 cw cup launlainl in which llkcwiw only ll small qulmllly oi wnlor is mme at any unc limo helm placed as quickly as Um liens drink ll FALSP FLOOR Ns mm Mulm AmA These hanging fucdcrs are filled from he lop The hens on from circular Irough amund Ihe has each so lha the ration moves constantly downward nasuring Um no food becomes slalc The idea is similar lo he one uacd by slam keepers to hop stock from mow old stock orward Sacrifice Son For NDP Bargain FILLED FROM TOP The egg miion is highpra lein composiiion cnnlaining high proportion of cum conccn irate any beans and minerals along wih considerableamuuni oyster shell grit In addition sinnc grit and oyster grit is led free choice from number welldislribulcd cedars since in order in lny slrangshbllcd eggs hens must have access in an ample supply calciumrich grit at all limes Hls food storage is designed wilh an eye to saving labor and time It Is nrrungcd so that lay hug mash lmckcd in by the eighttun load is carried by solldbollum hay clevnlor into large capabily hoppers above the hen hams Chutes from files hoppers lead down to con lrally located ems where he hens are so that he can fill the 160 hangtype self feeders wilh nut leaving the barns or going up stairs Despite the act that um barn ul 2000 hens has been laylng gantlnuously or Just over year without letup Mn ltloirs 5000 hens are producing wellovcr 3000 eggs dally Mr Molr deputy game war den for South Simeoe has twn main barns One is 90 by 40 feel the other 28 by 75 leet In them he runs the hens at the recommended rate of little aver one square out to each bird The buildings are welivent llated by twospeed fans which remove excess body heat and control the temperature and ircsh air Intake seem ed to he more Imublc he says For une thing they were mnro difficult to handle They were always flying over the fences and even across the mad And then 100 animals and people 100 found Ihem worthwhile come if at night and carry an Iypicul egg producer ls William Muir RR Coakslown wlw until six years ago raised large numbers of turkeys for Ihe table market Now he km 5000 Dckelh laying hens wlr ch he eels represent more reliable operation providing regular in year muud mdhlulr In ml hlln Cookstowfi Egg Farm Brings 3000 Daily Irnn Mr mnvumii 66438 Gowan Sim Well there is quite cam mnlinn you can imagine laughs Mr Mair But we us unlly manage Io get lhcm nll cralcd up nflcr about lhrec drives down the length at lhe Every so unen when it is necessary lo muvc lhe hens lo another barn Mr Muir has half dozen or man men and boys lo help drive the hens up he calching area with nuts slmilar to sweeps used for river fishing in some areas in the old days Ii you dont know aboul miles you mighl wonder why your hens are getting weak and stop lay ing eggs explains Mr Mair Miles are llny while lnsccl almnsl microscnpic in sin You cant see lhcrn unless they move But believe me they can really play havoc with your egg Prod uclion Only once did our hens gel mites lltaok weeks oi spray ing to rid the hens and ham nl lhem In the pnullry buslness the saying an ounce nl prevent ion is worth pound oi cure really applle To prevent the risk of disease entering the flock the buiidinns an rcguiarly cleaned and SOiIKA ed will slmng disinicclani Weekold chicks are inoculated against chronic respiraiar dis easus by the mass spray meth od the medication being in haled directly inia their respir mry systems Miies am am ther insidious plst that must he carciuily waichnd for and guardnd against by thorough disinicciioh PLAY HAVDC As It Is every tlme tho barn ls cleaned the flour must ha removed weakenlng the floor sections little more each time He manllons Ih 82 If he were building another hell barn he would hulld the wlre or slatt ed floor sulllclcnlly hlgh that he could operate rantend loader and tractor underneath when cleaulng out feet 19an in the liltcrless type puultry barn Mr Moir observes that actually hens run on he wooden sluttype floor like In his new barn louk in better condition than lhosevhouscd on wire I963 RAMBLER AMERICAN FOR ONLY Eu im Alundlla nub mp In Conmuan mlmm mm rim In 250 By Annnlnlmm July Phnn PERMANENTS EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE sori vArim Lowm prlcud Canadianbull car Brand now can no demonstrator Driva in for ml drivo today Dvivo out wilh now Rambler American AMONTH 63511 550 MOTORS llMlTED DI nunlop St Bin1 Man Tnnrl will UN DEPOSITS Culwlnlld on mlnimum 009th bulmul ln poultry work remark Mr Mair there ls lot you have In knnw And the longer youre at It he mare yau learn when construcling poultry build lngs one should consider labor saving designs It may cost mm llrsl but it will more than forllscll oyer thenycm ln iilr Mair keep his hens under controlled lighting Lights are up erated by preset time switches which switch the lights on and all according to the time oi the year Alter June when days start to shorten he advance the time switches to give 15 minute extra oi light each succeeding week to compensate or Ute tail urc of natural light This simu Iaics the growing days oi spring niieciing the hens metabolism in such manner as to encourage egg laying saQed um and labor Malrs nesting boxes are in units 01 Ive and ten suspended fremthe celung Ap proprieter called the rollaway nests theso boxes are so de algned that the newly lald egg rolls down plasllercovered wlre screen into special enclosed temporary storage rack where the eggs keep comparatively cool untll collected Eighty per cent at the eggs says Mr Mair are laid before noon These nest boxes are so well deslgned that not one egg In thousand re quire scrubbing the remelnder belng easily cleaned In an out omatic detergent washer Each night just before roosting time he block all the nestingebox en Iranccs with Ihe swingup entry perches This keeps them clean UNDER CONTROL buildlng Using nets nn hens are hurl IN UNITS Inath Sum mm bulmul mum mammal nl any firm PA 8177 TORONR CPI While file federal unvernment use lax money Io eslapllxh floor prices or lgrm producls£t is incon sisleilt In forbid retailers rom deciding jointly bna fair price Iorlhelr merchanlflse Gar Says Rétailérs In Hodgepnge Theres DeepDip rustprooling for example This process makes the RamblerAmerican the worlds most completely rustproofed car Then there are the three guarantees The Ceramic Armoured muffler and tailpipe are guaranteed for as long as you own the car And the battery and coolant are unconditionally guaranteed for two years or 24000 miles The Rambler American Six is the lowest priced Canadianbuilt carwith features you wont find even on higher priced cars Thats where its real value lies Because these features keep your operating costs down to an absolute minimum drive miles and years at thé IOWeSt obst Anothermajor feature is simplythewaythe car 11 am mm unitxi ihé IoWeSt armed VIAU MOTORS llMlIED AWUUW AHUMM 0105 MM mum don Them Smith Fang OnL president of the Ontario Retail Lumber Dealers Association aid Monday Mr Thom said in an inter view the independent dealer is iorced to operate in retailing hodgepodge with manufactuh as giving certain dealers pr ierred treatment nnd sunla wiwicsaiers hypassing the re Iniier by selling directly to con tractors American Six PAW start With MVUUW AHUMCM M01053 MM mum NEW YORK AWDomestic nnd wnfld sugar future both advanced struneg Monday re flecting the tightening of world 29 Phe sharpur gain or US do mcsllc futures was attributed to US Sugars Sharply Gain So when we stress our low price were giving you full value for your dollars Roll on the miles and years with RamblerAmerican Six When you start to run out of numbers on the odometer youll still have happy memories of the low price you paid See your Dealer today and run up few test miles on RamblerAmerican Six is builtWith Rambler pioneered SingleUnit con struction the car is stronger lasts ongerTheres our policy too of designing every component in way that will give maximum usefulness to the user Thats the main reason why the 1963 RamblerWas chosen winnerofthe coveted Motor Trend MagazineCar of the Year award leeronllul nearly one cent between Ihe US global price and the world market level which spigpen pointsrougth onemm one llllrd of cent pound1mm 21 point in acllve Lradlng Thu advance in world sugar lulures wa5 slighfly less1 10 THE BARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY MARCH lhe currentin Mayoon SIAYNER flown emu tract rose to MIMIcontract mm of 5145 for 100 pounds In New Yurk tapping the prevlmu high of $722 reached Friday Finland now has air raid she mo tan or 300000 4500 people and aim In ammmm dale 1000000 BUILT SHELTERS

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