Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Mar 1963, p. 6

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WAWA CP When Eva bathm became dlredm of womenn adlvlliu for tha New Demncrnllc Party In June 1961 the wax under the impression women generally were apn lhgt abyut pnlilips Ive discovered they are any fliing hm sh said in an 1an View at NDP headquarters hem Women are eager for lnluma Ion once their Interest is sparks Sha says she Lu particularly ancouragcd by Ih number of young women eager to know party policies Because cnnmm or the families women have special interest In such Issues as nu clear arms health schemes ed ucation and economic planning he says Noxvadnya wumen llka lo eel lhey are not following bu In part ollhe orgnnlzall lhclr experience need to be braughl to flu party program through participation In policy mnklng Miss Lnlham who nllonds ex ecutive meeting and ail In on party caucuses when the Com mon 13 In session puts out chalky monthly new sheet keep members at the 107 NDP womens groups ncmss his country inlarmod about what galng on 11mm ynu rcudcrl have been asklng Ihls wo carrch IL qucallon with In one dny lassinl ll out whrnmcr wu could to male bosses wilh whom we lnlkcd 11m nnnwm we wrru vnmd Swrdhh Imamm born 54 uamplo RHINO nihhlo yourer um lncrrnsc your nllmtlhrnnn or hm Mm II llknly In more you an lhln nevrrnl llmu SAYS NDP DIRECTOR Whll are he qualities mm 10h nhllfly that has find nllmcllvn In women employers II Inmnrrnw In yum IrlleIrIay IIIII anI Mr nur mu Ihnuhl mow hluhly Illnmlnllnl nn prnrllcally nll munh II Imulnru nml InmurInl InnL lru hum Innn wmcwlml on lhg Ilmv nltln IlmIlvu IIm llul lhm mnnlhu Ila ml be Ii Iumlrmd You Iml Jun en lrml ryrIn whm omllenl IIIIIMHU zumn lhne Innn In um wlll rnnllnua In no pun unlll mldJuln IIur excellrnl WM lInu WI lvflln In cr Ind vnlInnI well Tn my vmy or Ihlnklnz Im lllrnrlho unmnnvMarklng or olhrrwlxn Illa cler or lap branlumps on In Mr urncu lrnclnmnrss and fnmlnhm hurmml VIP In lmnk nn Irnmml uannnhlm no highly luvnml Imw wnlh rlnl anhnlll rm drnlnm wllll rider and Ilumlnrn The In lrlrrnnon ml min hmer IIII ho unmunlly good lnr pm mnunu unlqu MM and 4H vllylnz your llvrmul F0 TIIH HITle EVA LAllIAM pack lullcau Wm cnmpnlln pam phm before setting out m1 nae at many trips xhex milk 101 ll director of warnenl Icflvitles for the New Demo cratic PW teenagar rnn TOMORROW Male Bosses Give Approval To Feminine Attractiveness Tn 52yearold djrcclar who BARRIE EXMIINER MONDAY MARCH 25 lly ROBERTA llOESClI Womens Interests Lie In Policies WHAT THE TARS SAY aalde male Illcir look Ibo Job when it was cre ated five months alter the partys founding convenllan In 1961 gnlned ndmlnlslrallve and organilallonal experience dur lng 21 years wifll the YWCA 1n Olwwn Peterborough Ont Sarnla OnL Regina M0053 ilnvg 815k and Plymouth Eng an Born and educated in Toronto she joined the Younl Causew auva Assodnthn as team agcr because her family was Conservative By the midmm she had become lnlercstcd In tho CCF and joined the May but did not actively Import because at her nonpartisan YWCA work In her NDP post she travelled mm cons to coast organizing and visiting womens group during the 1962 election cam paign This time she In devounl most of her urns lo the Tornqu urea She encuunxcs and talks punlcs consider them very sound method cm pmgning hecausa they give tho cnndidale an opportunity to meet gqny people tall brunch with bluurey eyes the youlhlulIooklng Mlu Lulhnm has 511m nthch ure allhuugh she does nolhlnz sppglnl lo 5qu lnnhqpo am the EV black la la ofllce 5h sald rtmi This provides any woman her males apporlunily lo be nllrncllvcf EUflTLY SMART Im huslnusmlndtd enough lo he ntlrnckod by aman mmm nnnflwr mnn nd milled But Im repellnd by he type not xmnrl rnough ln ho while About 1on ahnrp aha Isl Tn mm numqu woman In nrvcr no man lIInl mu cull llko palr nl clue ml Hm lama wny about om nlnrrxslvu wmnrn llll rxrcullvc unld nuyll nnm my vole or nllrncllvmm rmllze Huh In Hm 20 ml lury nml lhnl lol women hnvn In hnvo MN and warn Ilvonm lo nlonu Hul lrncllvn wumrn knnw how to lawn limo mmlllh rum Ilmw In unnllrnrllvtl taresicd In Lie CCF In the 1930 Photab 1an lh laurr purl of flu Inmo mnnlh yml mu rmIve nml hrunk In In or prupuly mumr IM01ml rrlullmulxim will IImIrr rnrrally 50ml uprrll Iml mu my lm mum Illl In nullmrnlul mull xhulnl rally hmn and umanvrnI lwr Thru II prntwd nl luwrl In Annual and or lhn Ilulh new ynmnuce In elllur lulu nll My Annual or lulu Drama InrMMlnlly lhm lump parlmh nu Rho utellenl tar mnrrlmx MLsa LaLham belonged In the Young hmmaflve Amin flon because her family was Conservative But she iolncd the ND Alter bgclmipg gn lnIn Im rnrly Will at IBM In Ind Srpltmhcr will ho an alt mum good mnnlh ncrunllng In Hm Ilurl wlxlch pmmlu nh mmnunn nml rrrnunllhm MU uclruml prmlue Inll hmlnru lelnnllnn rlvlle hum an Ihln lay wlll hp nlmmIy mumIn and Inqu mlh Inc uecullvl 1363 By mam wruoN ALLlSION Special When Mr and Mrs Ellard Ellis oi Lockwnnd Saskatchewan came in Alllslon mu winter for lwomonlll Vacatinn and in vlslt their large iamily which llvu in this area they also planned lo celebrnie their Will wedding anniverrary among their old friends childhood chums and relatives Their plans reachtd ulflll ment on Feb 22 when man than 200 maple Kathered at lha Alliston Memorial Arena to wish them well to reilve old time and In Ialk about the The program Included dune lag and the nrdlalrn was un der the diredlon of Edwnd Denney ol Taxunto and was composed of In five brothers And one ulster Ill being MIND Mrs Ellis Mister cen monlu was Bruce Edgar nephew Miss Camle Edzar greatniece Mrs Ellis con tributed to the mgram with two solos an two young grandsons Klm and Bran Mc Fadden ages nine and Ieven yeggx ol gaggle saqgjuekg Mrsl Bella Robson 01 Toronto spoke to Mn Elll on hehall of all her school chums ol bygone days and Charles Bush ol An mu directed hll remarks In Mr Elll on behall nl Ill many class frlends and hoyhnod Dill Ruddlck Ebromeblnvlnw ol Baxter recalled many hapv fly Mme when the Ellis couple vcd In that vlunlty and brought lmtlnls mm the many relatlvm pruent Charle Nealan very dear friend or hlr and Mn Ellln expremd th pleasure at uelng them agnln stating how gnod lt waI ol them to come back and re neg Mend puma more George Ellis Utopia express ed the deep apprecmtlon ol the large E111 connection and all their families at In warm re ¥p°95 °l efierxanaflho 99 ifi rhéip ceiehréla thliafieclui event and said would lonz bu membered Many luver gills were pre sented lo the couple me he lamily Mrs Ellls received ring necklace and earrlng in black Alaska dlnmonds Ind Mr Ellll we Elven gold fume rlnl cull link and Ila lhreeuered cake dzcaralzd In whlle and gold cmlrzd the large huflcl laon flanked by 15 larga gold rose on holh sides Mrs Harris prepared and mved the are and Mn Dawklns assisted From Iha mmmunlu of Bax ler and Bum he celebranu was given old whom an niversary clock 30ch duqu fighter Ind Eold blanket Then were also many usdul and nl lractlva Indivldunl gm named and each nun was ued or it unumenl Hundreds of card Ind lovely flnwm Arrived or the day and man he many lclagrnm WBI one from Prime Mlnlslcr chr enbaker well In one ram lha Pmmler Saskntchewnn ha Honorable Lloyd and ML Pascoe MP or Lockwood rldin For Mr Ind Mm El It was wish coma me Thulr eight daughlm were vrtscnl along with 17 nnndchfldren Their Inur malvmndchildmn were vislled durinu the flux For Um men who talked about he ace and lure beauty Hood rooman and hair mat we llnllcrlng lnslud lunlnsllc an almcxl equal num ber wnvcd Ihl Inn lor cullure Intellect and backmund Any way you looked they liked wellrounded dram Couple Travel East For Special Date In lho Mlklnz dcpnrlmonl all of be men were against loud who and lhu cackllnx Inundn Hm hum mnke lmlcnd lhcm ruled nlrndlvo he wnmtn who am mnko nmnll lnlk uhtn nmmry and Just plain llllcn when nccu Inry Some or lhu boxer Ipnku nlmul good mxluru Imd how much lhnl mhlu lo lurnrllvm neu 0mm punherl lmllo qunllly culmnu and Inrlhmhl npprnnch lo Mull Sllll clhm Imko nlmul pr vllullly lympnlhy nml untlrr Ilnndlnx lho quullllu lluy luund nllrncllvu In lhclr womnn tmplaym Whulmr nunIIIIrI wrru mm llnlml lhnuuh lllrro wan 0M nululnndluuly nllrncllva tummy About lho who dlncunlrm Not my llflR min Imlm mrnllnnM In mm mmllly yau mrn In in nul nml buy Evory nno MI do ll Younnlll Jgflhflfsfifiliti PERMANENTSV $599 BUDGET HALON PHONE IA lml ll Illplu Avmu All Fnr Th Ellis daughters are Mrs Ken Connell Irene Mrs Hub 11 11mm Norma Mrs Rus sell when 95154 1a fiuthviéri Helen Mrs Wfi bed Holmes Hilda all of A1 llslon Mrs Ken Elllsun Eva and Inga Caesar Murphy Edith ball Binder and Mn Vance McFadden Mar Ufln of Rexdnla Mr Ind Mrs Elna were back In Lockwood Suk yesterday mum recepuon held by frlends So many of our friends and potential customers have come to us with very sensible questions about our food plan It is our pleasure to take this opportunity to answer these questions fact ually and truthfully If you have few questions which are not answered belowfeel free to give us call because we do not wish to have our food service confused with that of firms of lesser principles and reputations Home Economch Food Cr Fnuu lemd BRANCH Ron Sm WWMMQEE MM IS THIS ONLY FROZEN FOOD PLAN IS YOUR FREEZER MORE EXPENSIVE THAN ONE COULD BUY ELSEWHERE DO HAVE TO ORDER THE FOOD THAT YOU SUGGEST DO WE HAVE TO BUY THE SAME AMOUNT OF FOOD EVERY ORDER ARE YOU PRIMARILY IN THE FREEZER BUSINESS OR THE FOOD BUSINESS NO You order only the food In the variety and quantity of your choice Ours is not to be confused with any other plan that obligates you to one specific order NO Home Economics supplies you with 85 of your present grucerymeeds besides the frozen food Such as tea coffee soaps tooth paste flour dairy products etc YES For these reasons Ours is superior freezer built exclusively for food lau use Our room car ries Liietime Warranty for protection against food spoilage and carries following seals oi alga proval Good Housekeeping Underwriters Laboratories and Canadian Standards Assam We unconditionally guarantee our food so we mu st be confident of the storage unit in respect to tem perature fluctuation operation and long life We can save you 25 to 30 so we guarantee FOOD and liREEZER for less than you are presently spending on food alone Are our freezers really ex pens ve No We will supply you with menu and you may choose the amount and variety food you wish HOW CAN YOU SAVE ME MONEY AND STILL MAKE PROFIT We are In the FOOD BUSINESS You wlll probably and In the neighborhood of $1300000 1n the next 10 years on food This is the business we would to have Nihe mllecdon wn ponsmd by the Canadian Couon Coun The gnu Canadian do nlznen represented used varia llnna an the high and law belt and male themes and the em urn lnok MONTREAL CP The ring collection or the Aso allnp oCannggn Couturier film of Hamliton 111w Ilun calmed high waist In dramatic yellow flamingo red and chalk white Eve Ln Montreal cun lribuked waterproof mm In IIraenzIne red ma Bani Cottonl Heads Fashion List 0F DELICIOUS TENDER ACT NOW FOR THIS INTRODUCTORY OFFER FREE 15 LBS STEAK IIIE ANSWERS TO YOUR QUESTIONS ABOUT OUR FOOD SERVICE CREEMORE 5mm Con gratulation and but wishes Ire extended to Mr and Mrs Ber Mlddlebmok on George who celebrated lhelr sou yeddlnu Innlvmlry Much l7 unlol Rodolphe also uslnl rlch red created colorlul rival Uni costume An ayunlchlnl oonlflhuuun of Ottawas Frances Sluwm was khaki cape llncd with orange my and home print with matchlnz vrlnt dress Creemore Couple 50 Years Married HOMEC THE ESKIMO SAYS The occulon was marked with NAME Mull 1h Coupon ll ynu Ihh er Fm Food Anllyllm CIIV MHHIITM CALI NOW PA 61562 In rise party arranged by mama or their unruly Friends and relativcr uma lrom Toronto Newmarkel Bar riu Ind New Lowell well neighbors and iriand in Creb more Also present were their daughter Mn Whltnuy halter and family non Mr and Mrs Randolph Middlebroak Ind tamlly and another Mn Bruce all at Creemoro mad men grandchildren anti iwr mat grandchildren Mr end Mr Middiebrook received litts inw err and cards OutolTcwn Ind Cnmp Bordm Call CollH FOR YOUR HOME Or Mnll Thll Coupon our Food Conlnllnl Id an you MI Bob Murray Minna Owner Clnldll lumen and most popular shun rink Ive mlla stretch Onurinl Credit Rivernear Toronto kept clear by munlclpll authorities IN FAMILY Window Shldel 51h Conn Drum 1min Venallln Blind Bumbun Dunn ls CANADAS mumsr Robe Duncan PA 61777 mu mmmu can mm Down DRAPERIES

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