Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Mar 1963, p. 8

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WW égfn 59 pa uyurnlrl rcnln lwml lnur llmu fumlvlm and ed Anothvr um km Human nnLl lluym nunu flmmk mm MWI flm an my In UK mud whllo lwo lummnlu rm In xnerfiuiy mm by Cam Inu Menu Ind hated IInlIUll hll the Hnwh hunt mm 11 lhu 11 IIAMNI nul 1m Comhhm Iluci lo nth Mh TM Comblnu wk llnl pulod Iuml nmlnl mm In utond and unmhrr In lhlrd lwl he Mmlllmu chlmplnnl In pennllyrldrlnn um vro on Am m1 r1 lumuligor Hurgdl MONCmN CWChm bcl Irrth mun Fllday nluhl nl nu lmcoll Krmptvllx Man heal Manda In Hv Illl lmlolvflve Eulem Canada Allan Cup mwmvllnll playnflflnl qu lltl asked the committee why It dldnl invcsl nlu football In ficnurnl since 22 boys had died as ngn ml tour In box ng In lhu States The answer was that hcyl were no required in do that call that discrim nnl on WOULDNT YOU Sure boxing is tough way to make living but isnt every contact sponl No need to go into sinus tics except to olnt out that boxing ranked much lower where in uric and fatalities were concerned as compared to ootbnll or uporu car racing Why were there not investigations when 32 deaths occurred in ioothnll in 1002 Or is it only required to probe when in person is killed in boxing Did the stnle legislation committee investigate the reasons these boys died in football the Mann der which they played nnd tho osslbllily Ihni proper precautions were not taken related Mr Fleis chcr iiecenlly he retired from the com 001 up the cry in ouliaw boxing for reasons unexpiain ed Suddenly 10 Sport was disgusting inhuman dnn gerous to the lives the contestants Bill or 25 yours as judge of lights this do coder never once complained of the hminlii of box ng He ockcied his pay chcqui every wee nnd siroiied of lo the ban Quite confusingeh whit Prescott Class Batters Muscle Mr Fleischer mentioned dpeople who feared loss of jobs it this bill was asse its dlilerent story when the shoe is on other foot Should bill slip through to ban boxing what will happen to the men who make their living with their lists What happens to their families Who will bring home the bacon Will the righteous dogooders supply jobs for the thousands of unemployed pugllistsl Or will these men be cast aside to be forgotten An interesting item is the case of man slrongly in favor oi killing boxing who for 25 year made living in the tight game This chap was an oiflclnl on the New York Slate Athletic Commission shall and judged fill pny mqlre itu thfm any other oliicinl If an investigation is to be carried out why can it not be done in way which will prove beneficial to everyone involved After two years of research probes hearings and soiorth the Keinuver Bill that called for National Commissioner of Boxing never was presented to Congress Why not Nat Fleischer respected boxing authority answers thls question in hls magal The Rt ALA In that case should not these committees be in vesligatcdl As long as we are d1 glng into matters lets get down to business and ma day of it If maxing is to be blamed lets have the real reason FIGHTERS SUFFER MOST em uuuvunmu yuuuuny Take the case of one DavidMooreprofesslon prize lighter Moore is 29 earoldNegro lather at five children Up until ursday night he was the featherweight champion of the world Then tragedy struck Moore was knocked out by one Sugar Ramos and relinquished his crown Later in the dressing room he collapsed and warrushed to line hospital It was reported that he issutiering from serious brain injury and his chances of recovering are extremclxpoor Immediately following the misfortune cry went up for the abolition of hoxing lhls of coursehls nothing new to theilghtgalne where intestlgatlons and hearings are commonplace The ri hteou do gooders who are behind the plan to kill oxln will take this opportunity to stir up more trouble nable to use the Benn Paret tragedy as means to and boxing they wll attempt to make spectacle out of Dave Moore Edmund Brown Governur of California was the first to take up the chant lets abollsh béxlng He stated earlier yesterday thathe would lntroduge bill to the leglslalure asklng them to outlaw boxlng in the state of Calltornla Brown will mm the pub licity he is looking or and nothlng will come of lhe blll What will Iollow will be series of investigations by legislative committee appointedto investigate boxing Instead of taking pains to learn if every pre caution is being taken to rotect the lives of those involved the committee wull spend time and money digging into the moral aspects of the game its sup osed control by hoodlums and other similar alleged 115 of the sport Simply they will try to prove that boxing aims to kill mnim and injure Thls ls notan attempt at defendlng boxlng Its not necessary The beakbustlng huslness wlll eon tlnue as long as youngster has two good hands strong body and people can reach lnto their pockets for the prlce of admission at the local arena It should serve to point out how rldlculo the lnvestlgatlons are and that they can be done wl hout Obiectlorfis those who feared loss of state obs the government took over the supervision of ox lng dicalgd the flpal qctloxjstated Mr VFIelscher 111E HARRIS EXAMINEHATUIDAY MARCH IN VERY POOR TASTE ms SAD SITUATIONllndeedwhgnvia man lying unconscious in hospital is used as patsy by person orkpersons Eeeldnggija nyldgpubllcgty mu Mu INVESTIGATIONS RIDICULOUS $P°RT$TL CHATTER By JERRY GLADMAN Jack Omlnlmlu klclod In with our null for onMI Mirth but ll wnnl maul lo lum back the nominal um um 1m lodl bum who banld out wlIL DWI Shlnm In Md om Md Jon lduky and mm ulnflu for Mom 11w nudlonl ml Dlllvld Minor may lumxa phyqu mt mummy at nm llmdrord Atom my night with llnl lwunme lnlAIonll mm In lhe opener Km Hellr turned lhc haul lvlzll In In llollmki Immllnl IIIl wllh llrrllord John Kunlu fllll IPIIO Ind mu Km Iwml at llwllmllm 75M lulu lha net Donn llnwnll lhl other null Playoifs Begin In Minor Loop 196 mm bmh llnmrrl mull lhll hound lhu hmn lhnl ll vvuld bu minor Horncrl mnrk flood nl lho Icnlnu rmrd lot run my lll Lou Fonllnnla Inn wml New York Imam Ihluerul II by tullctllnl mlnulu In he 105650 xenon BREWER IIAI CLAN While Yan Ind Fonllnnla hnvc bolh hn morl pmnlllel lhn mower In one mum mo Bern llxurn Ihu Lu hard we hill Inmzlhlnl more lhun lha nlhrr lwoclnu nm In lubmnunw by In ad lhnl lho pound llrewer numod Ia lho mom IllIll lrnm Inl muon nml um memlwr 04 lb llnl um ll Ibo midmy mark at Ihll mn pulp NM urn llormr mmhlmd by Ml olllclnll lo he mm of IM tluhl IllHm null mud Illhfl he In or nmnd all Mr squad In umr Bu olonzmemurlcd Lents uni lha bl redhead remnln the bud man He lo record over Mum nnxnn Th presmldn uhuiulc n1 every ono known ll 70 games Dnnlng Injury and unless he changes In do rlmcn over nlxhl mm cinch to hrcnk lha TIAyenrold mark 167 mlnutcs In penalties cslnb lhhed In 133536 by Red or ner who llll rank III tho Luh alllime bad man wllh 1200 In regular lemons Golnl 1M0 Awonlol final two anlonn Dengue game lhu 1062 regular non both nznlml Delmll Red Wing hm lonlnhl and In Detmll Sun daytho nyenrold nrcwcr hill Icrvzd mlnulu In pcnnllu Ihlu mm talnl lurpnucd only by Dctmlt dclnmcemnn Howls You Younu who mun pmu um brokn Inc nllllme NHL cord at minulu hnl upped hll lolal lo mlnules TORONTO 1C Defence man Carl Brcwar has min um hockey In which to pick up twu pcnally minutes nnd be come the most pennllzcd player on unson In Toronlo Maple will hlxlory Im openlng and closing the sale he mme way Ive always done It Plluu was saying In hullJen Friday In Montreal when someana reminded Ilm his club was lendlng the Na Iona Hockey beam by eight polxtuless than onlh pgo doyi unylhlng aim the Ilump In mid lhen wllh trace hluzmess Du Rudy candldly admlls he 113 23 eplflln IL By ms CANADIAN PRESS How do you account lar that hde by Chluzn muck Hawkn ll anyone should know what happened In coach Rudy Pil NEW FEATHER II CHAMPION the world Sugar Ramosdkplnys the 1m hand that stopped ormer champ Davey Moore In Los Angeles Releree George Lalkn Brewer Sure Bet To Break Record Coach Pilousj Unable To Explain DOanall BARRIE DRIVEACAR NW AND TRAVEL IIRVICI Hm THAT NEW CAR 0R TRUCK Id In uvllln Io you how lullJun llmu aml myl RATE AND INFORMATION CONTAW LEASE actually for Mldn1 that wlll do the truck mu minor he has nrvcd have been or holdlnu Ho hm ulna had 11 or hoollnu nlno for mulhlnx or lnmlmnce llvo uch or hlublllcklnl Ind rlpplnx lhrw lnr Ilnxhhu lwo tar mu chtckInl And one mm or bounllng elbovfln 5nd lmuhm nd lhrco 10ml uln mlmndud and Wu llva mlnulo my one or 1th lnz and the alhcr lnr hlllul ck lnl The consequence Indlcata Just how far tho Hawk hnvc tullenplcklnz meagre four palms on pnlenllulla the Iaslnlne time out Iquomo IN FRONT pinpointed any reason But were just norxkntlng hnla Pilnus or PIJonPllou the ans In the Montrenl Forum prefer to call him was Inter viewed nfler pulling hls club through prncllce In prepara tlon or tonights encount wllhr he Cnnndiens Punch lmlachhndhu lor onto Maple Lent In the No spot Ire Ilmdy out of Chl sinpped ihe hectic Ramos Moare singiesi at flu and oi ihe loih round when Ramos had administered an nwiul heating to the dziending une holder Moore was taken un WHEEL ALIGNMENT WHEEL MMNCINO MIOCK ABSORBER HERVILE COMPLETE FRONT END MMENHION OVERHAUL l7 TORONYO ST MURDOCK Ln Ul Chm Yrm CAI PA 83202 CARL BREWER HARRY Him men nvm were Sieve Simone 2132 Lou Dmm 691 George DryM 075 and DUI Mark 28 Fur the indics ii um EIHII Iirydon 301 Min Eek on Mario Ban Im lid Ind Daily China In Dndlnrd ud Dhlrid Menl Mnlm stadium Red Ind While 21 Bond iicnd Auto Wrecker ls Inlernniicnni Fruit 10 find Walker Moim Simone Jew ellm ll Ponl Delivery Top mnrksmm were Don Gardner I51 1m Shorty Hwy 700 mil Enuth am And Mllu Khulln Joe 0n the other hand wllh wln lonlzht mlcuo would null down Ihe No no no matter wlm Montreal does Sunday night based on Chlcuo luperlorlly lnquu won standing Hot Shots 14 Pin Up 21 Come Illuwm 20 Strtkmm no Cheerios 19 Rocsz 17 cm 10 Op flmlsu 10 Baby Doll 14 MM Ca 11 11 cm real wln tonight wouldnt entirely make It lost cause Ior Chlcaxo Bu lhnl wouid he rglylng on the com blnnllon Chlcugo wln nnd Montreal Ielbnck Sunday night 1ndlemgllnxjtlg Duetmcremnrnv Wnlme Hlllman lhe Hawk will be 1min out tonight with In lnltcted cngol reach and tha need wln lonlght in that they salvazo even place Bolh Monlml and Chlcngo have 73 palms Anylhlnz leu than win or Pllou tonight would Ive Toe Blakes Cana dian chnncu In menk In ahead of he Hawk Sunday mm the wrnpup gamenchedule conscious by ambulance to the burial whm Ila remains In cg gal conqillan Al the lime abavi photo as wn unaware of Moores Injury AP Wkephoh 159 INNISIIL ITRIET To Mom and of III lndullry your COOP wlll provldo FREE TO ALL our nlldonlhl urncl oll tummm SPECIAL inrhnlclim All walk II uncondlllomlly qulunmd 20 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE FREE CLEANOUT your lurnlu Annually FREE SERVICI CALLS Maugham Iho ynr You my only lor REPLACEMENT PARTS All work In don by our awn quollllod Iorvlu landlord Hm 35 NFL 14am coon BOWLING Slmcop District Cooperativo Services IT Wlll PAY YOU TO HAVE THE Moore Clings io Governor Calls For PHONE PA 6653 TM Cvmmm Call ZENWH 84000 COOP lOOK AFTER ALL OF YOUR HEATING NEEDS Hawk ensure nde BHI Forhan led the minuth with Himsle output whllu Dob flaunrd Don Gibson Ind Lloyd Bayer punched om dou bm Singles work to Ken Kel lry Bob Fallll Phll Nidwlu Ami Brim MlUlon The bewildth Tcniefl mm nzcd plck up our goal Chmzh the cum ol llawlo Lee John Gallon Nick Kenna dy 13nd Bud Wllllmuon Bob Slumphire Orlllln goal kceper Hnnlly ell under lha mum of plnylnz our excell ent 3mm Although he kick ed out 01 Iholl many the puck he let lhroufll he would have hnd Down 0m olhtr and an Orr handled Tenlur drlvts Bradlord wlll now Iwnlt Ihc outcome the MldlmdCollinr wood befivhulnp berks and will ah on lhe wimm L08 ANGELES AP For me featherweight chlmplon Duvey Moorabnmed long odd today In his 1th In lluVIVI braln damagehCIIllomlul Gov ernor Edmund Brown mean while called or abolllhment of prghsslonalpoxlnz this lee Bradfom Mell Express over Wered the OrfllIa Tmlrrl In Bradford Ihundny nlm can lnz all victory me Georgian Bay Intermediate mum Main series our to pne team consulllna physic laul Indium lillle hope Mr Moore who lost his Impound Ulla Thursday night and lapsed Into coma an hour alter los lng by knockout in Sugar III Mexicofllgy munmum uu or nor Brown declared The Davey Moore 1m L1 one man um Ring Magazine Lists Fatalities By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Championship fights the past have resulted 1n the damn 01 three boxen They are Benny Puret lhu mos recent victim Walter Croat Ind Jimmy Doyle According to Ring magmne 14 boxers died last year from injuries Itlrlhuled lo the Iport number Includes amateurs and pmlesslnnall and the death did not necessarily result ram Iclgal ugh p165 Sugar my Robinson HI pmxnosls or the doctor re rled day night after ex mg the unconscious boxer He lull all to respond to pnlntul Ithnull and In deep cam Moore nuiicrcd severe bruise iii the brain stem area the the lower hue oi hll ukull Although the phyxlcinn did no estimate odds on recovery Ipakesman at White Memorial Hospital laid candlan oi lair would hava given Davey any 5050 chum So far lhls year there has been Just one utility atlrlbuled In bnxlnz Omar 01m 10 dled Feb whlla practlslnz or an mutantlight Slnca Ring began complllng death In 1545 ha listed lot of glfi boxers Pam known The Kld dled April lul year alter wn beaten muscles In the Madlmn Square Garden rlng by Emlle Grlllllh on March 24 Grlllllh wan back Ihe wellerwelghl lllle In the bout Park Wu Ihe only remlnhed thgmphlllq 91 after bout Cmol died Dec 18V ol braln Injury alter London ugh wlUI Jimmy Enrry which cleared up the dlspuled pouch was mg tanninmwelght llllo Vboyle died after well welther fight wllhlhe chum Orillia Terriers Bradford Thump 1n augment NEWS BULLETIN BARBIE Cgvognor Shomlop Luis nrlclu who went Io Balllmon the Irnda Involving Nicholson II homo ha dcclsxve nm ul ha Orlolcl whipped New York YanA km Larry Dunlghl Attend baseman acquired 1mm Lo An nie Dodge colleclrd lwo homer and pnlr of Ilnxlu In New York New dtclllun ova nghlnnlgn Smnlm Irnllon that boxlng brutal sport evenunder Ideal condl Hon Ittunpa called Nicholson 23 and twoyear veteran at ridan the benth lee morn relaxed mm the White Sex figures he was over couched Baltimore where he III 173 for the Oriolu In TI me 1an year Every 1m nepde Inlo the batting can Iomehody was mm In ell me mm do And It vm may Iamlthlng amount Ann whlh Just bewlldm you Ind you ID you lust dont know whit yourn dalnz KEEP HAND OFF The White Sex mun Theyve Adopted handml policy luv In the 00000 bonus baby lo own Friday lmmcr wnl his fourth of the Ip Dthucr lmde ncquhItlons nlm lumad In Iolld pulonnnncel Fridnx He said he would ask lha leg hlnlura tn submit ra consum Mannl amendment to the voter If lmlo oullnw boxing In Ca famln The stale mnsllmlion apeclfles vele at the peopla required to nbollsh profes Ilnnul boxing nnd walling whlle appnlnl an emergency commit Iee Vlo lurveyhoxlnn lnlely measures lhnrncw exist and Al thc round gnded Davey was helplen over rope and hlllmannzer willie Kelchum called hall Mm the 1th Moore talked with reporters or 40 mlnplu and lhen lflet they Mt complaInod savan headache nlnted Ind Illnped Into the com The change 101 tho Itrapplng rlghlhnnded lwlnnr xtnfled when exhausted his polen llnl in Balllmarc and was Ihlpped Io Chicago In an 01L lesson lrnde Slnce hes been In the White Sox Unzup hul done nothing but exhlun or pull pitchers AElxIoatlwo 215 pounder Nicholson Imnlhed tape mensIne homer on Minnesota Nins Camila Pumln Fllduy the blnxl carrying Ilmos 500 lee And llmlng ha Whlla Sax 0nng Exhllzillonjflugnph The Wyearold Momvol Co lumbia0hlo lather Ive chu drcn ranging ln up mm two to II was rknodmd dawn iwlcc In the 10th round by the 21year nld Ramos In lhelr Icheduled lifeqnger ug Dodger Stadium Surgery wax not contemplated in Moores can because of the Inn of Injurynnd because there was Ina hemonhngjnx By MIKE RATES SARASOTA Fin AHWM bewildered bonus hnby Dave Nicholson was slruzulln through his baseball Ipprentlce Ihip ryon was pinning cantmiss labels on his chest and measuring blclpl Now he has Chicago While Sox meal uring his human Rdeiee George Lalkn or mer lightweight boxer uld Moore had not appeared be nlmnhowlnz on quota Mm thm lla mm In blumnll Quit or my Lu curd Imund urn hlm Inolhor hm luv betml nbu pun nlmly on hi chit Too lump lot rm ll om Mn mo nay lho nthl It aka cool nun filth km luclrnenl lo blul Ma my to the pot In nun find Thu ulll lot mlmlu caklmllon Mmuu mam wukmllrm Hm him vmrfly Aw 1li we lMIIgIdWMII and Horn snarl 1m flu In IMMIII nllnlmu In loin1km on alcohol and Ill Illocln mm In Idunllnn DIpIIImlM Akohofllm Dvu Addlcllon nutMI ammoI lm 1m Tuvalu male Mute uu mu us light hochlpum downThmpInmhn Apnlrothm lrol Mumhowl nlnbo Former Bonus Baby Nicholson Has Chicago Measuring Homers nus mm womnA smoke mm bul¢ DIM Ellewhiro Lo MIqu An Quit or my mm hlm Inolhor III uku chit ll om 0th filth 1mm ml went the pot In In mm cakhnllon In San Frnntllca Ma Mnnlhn led Scull wlm thrco non whHI Orllnd Kurlcnbnch Ed Pnnnu Ibko Ed Thurlby and Duko Ed mundon Hm ha nlheu Dnve Duke Icoer bolh Vnn couver bulband almost had mln when ha Ind Into the mnug Chuck Hnlmu nllly Mchil Jack Mclnlyrc and Ski Flnncy ugreq for Edmonton him 211 during ll Lnlkn By THE CANADIAN PRESS Edmonlon Flym mad lhelr last home game of the Western Hockuy League mason count Friday nllh when they dropped oyplnco Vancouver Cunuch +1 Sun Francisco embarrassed Spokane Camels 14 In Fridayl nlher pg 00de hlm c1y mm the Mrs knackdnwn In the mm MnareL eyes looked rk Ilis arms were mavlng nnJ hl reflexes sllll scemud to he all rlght But Id been worried about Mums leg mm the start Frankly Ive never Seen hlm launder so much with not work From the first round an leg werent worklng rluhtl lle dldnt move like ho usually does Mrst Gcrnldlnc Moore rthe Ilghters We who never wulchea hlm box kept vlgll at the hospital through the early hoursand then needed lo be admitted horse suffering rum latlgue and shock Ramos an was mnl ler of desllny Fighters go into the ring mm but wure all comrade were nut out to hurt each other Moore was lendemnn llked him The distraught nnmos cun cnlled his plan to leave Ln An gale lndny to visit MuxIca City and the presldcnt or Mexlca Adqllo Mggzlfnlcas pray expatrin mid sadly Im happy to have won the chnmpinnshlp but didnt want to hurt anybody do lng IL wouldnt wnnl this to happen In any apponenL or any bogy in lhejpo ge won lhelr eighth In row by beating San Francisco GI nnln SK Lou Cardinal edged Detroit Tigers How on Red Six whipped Cleveland Indians 14 Milwaukee Braves but Kumu any Athletic 100 llnuston Colu edged Chicago Cubs and Phlladelphln Phll llel nipped Cincinnati Reds 43 Edmonton Makes Last Game Count DAVE NICHOLSON

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