nun LANDERS ii Common Sense Advice For Growing Pains Dear Ann Lenders It seems like every time pick up newspaper or magasine ese days there is an article on the plot to abolish childhood Par cuts are being verbally torred and feathered for pushing their children Into world of grown ups before they are ready Why doesnt somebody write an article on the plot to abolish adulthood This would help as teenagers lot There are plenty of teenagers who are sultering at the hands of par ents who Ire trying to keep as babies forever Everyone needs childhood Miss Lenders but It shouldnt last until were so years old My mother told me last night cant wear makeup until Im iiuniess plan to go on the stage This means have to wait six years She seems to think makeup ls only for act rcsses Dating is out oi the question Please say something in your column about this unfair treat mentA CIIILD FOREVER near Child dont know how old you are but Ive seen teen ages with makeup so heavy they look as If theyre ready for the TV cameras is yearold should be able to use powder and lipstick and she should be able to date once or twice week if her grades are respectable and she can read wrist watch The best way for teenager to get adult privileges is by behaving in responsible ma ture manner which suggests be can handle them SEEK ADVICE Dear Ann Leaders For many years knew married couple who did not get along well They had three children The woman divon her husd band and the court awarded the children to her The bus band Is fine man and wanted to keep the children In this state however unless the hus INNISIII NOTES band can prove his wife is an outandout trump the children are awarded to the mother have indisputable evidence prcciseiy what the husband needsproving the woman is an unfit mother Now Im un able to decide whether or not to turn this evidence over to the husband am searching my heart for the answer and cant find it This woman once did me very dirty trick and Im afraid deep down may be wanting to get even with her Revenge Is sweet but will hate myself after Ive had rnyrevenger AN EYE FOR AN EYE Deer Eye Your decision should be based on what would be best for the children Under whosa roof will they have better chance to grow up straight and strong Who can give them time attention love and discipline doubt that you are equipped to answer these questions ob jectivciy Let your clergyman decide CONFIDENTIALS Dear Ann Landere like the conildentlals at the end oi your column They are intriguing and its challenge to figure out the problem from your answer Recently In confidential you made biblical reference which had to do with casting pearls to the swine Will you please tell me where In the Scriptures this can be foundf thought knew the Bible pretty well but this line was new to me Thanks Ann Ior all the joy you bring and for all the good you dalIAlN STREET near Main The swine line is from the Book of Matthew Chapter Verse Give not that which is holy unto the dogs neither cast ye your pearls before swine lest they trample them under their feet and turn again and read Stroud0kiahoma It 303 when we decided to extend our relum trip westward to include Stroud Oklahoma It did not sound much until we bad the route figured out on road maps by the IIAA with which the Ontario Motor League is affiliated and we found our membership card of great assih fence They suggested we head across the hills and rivers in the most direct route But we were hesi tant to leave the coast of the Gulf of Mexico so long as that took us in westerly direction and we stuck to this through Florida ffowevcr Monday our first day on the road wIs hot one and when breeze began rpm the south this had to come from the cooler waters of the Gulf and the result was fog By the time we reached Panama City we had been enveloped in couple of log banks which hid the sun and vehicles were driving with lights on Then the fog would clear away and there would be the seas alongside the highway lapping the white sands which only those who have driven this route can know the beauty of OYSTERS 0N IIALF BIIELL Many oi the oysters sold in tho USA are fished from Apala chicola III which is along that same no slim and we had decided that we would really have feed of this delicacy right from the oyster beds We nearly missed the least as wa found that in the fog we had pssscd the oyster bars However at IannmI City th on the msln street was In aystcrbsr snd the sign rend ystere on the hall shell in we went blonds girl with ths Iovsilcst smile and the charming Iccent of the deep south greeted us and invited us to all It the bar She oi oysters into Ivy sieve on her with sharp kniis In the right oncd the shells and III them on before us small dsh held sï¬cclal IlucI or hot sun In ich we dip Rd the oysters before eating price of lift cents dosen ws smsII but oysters were no We really Inloyrd them and our waltrcss also seemed in en oy serving the first Canadians sits had sver With sum crackers and Is some relies It was III that was needed to sstisl hungrr travellers At cnsacoa the fog but set tled down to seal peasouper and only by following track for the last iiityrniias did we successfully make the five hun dred miles plotted for each day of the nearly 3000 miles which will be involved In our home ward Ioumey nsesday we crossed through four States finishing the last post of Florida and into Alabama early In the morning The latter state iuts down so that the port of Mobile gives them an outlet to the sea and only by circling the long bay Into the city and back out can one get westward In Alabama new potatoes are six inches high and both here and in Miss saippi cattle are graslng knee deep In green pas ture From Alabama we went in to Mississippi and hit the west ward way It Jackson where we circled the city to see the many flowering trees Ibounding there Tth are really beautiful Mobile rcrha has more small flower ng rubs but many at them seemed to have been frost dam aged After Jackson we crossed the Ismous river at Vicksburg one of the cities that has on historic art and is filled with memorla sitcs Many thousands at graves of men on both sides oi the Civil War are there There is still fifty cents charge to cross the ncIriy 100yearold stcel bridge across the Mississ Ippi River In Louisiana wo addcd another hundred miles to rest in the university city at Munroe lcr hops this city will be another where Integration will lairo place with show at farm as the state has large proportion oi coloured Inhabitants On chA nesday we will hit lcsas tum in north at Dsllns and If our good luck continues should arrive at Stloud about three hundred miles north on Wednesday night There we hope to Ipcnd couple of days with the lntemational Committee of Irish and ltoll In iin throwing Ironing out th years plans for our bigger and better Firht flay with more and more publicity coming our way from Nailonsl mutt Englands team have bccn dim ed the sponsorship of one of the big on rrewsrles in the country In If thry take this on it will rnssn that every pub In England will rolllily he advertising film ngisnd Ind boosting them win first place this year STARTS WEDNESDAY MARCH 27 Boys will be Boys mtn IIJLAEN Sit MEIR WHOM Nm searo SWine Tests In Ontario Inadequate TORONTO CPI lng tacillties in Ontario are in ade nail the annual meeting of Ontario Hog Producers Association was told Friday Werner Romahn director of the Ontario Board of Swine Testing said facilities at the Waterloo testing station should be enlarged to keep up with do vaiopments In the United States Mr Romahn member of the federal advisory board on swine testing said he had asked the federal government time and time again to enlarge fa cilities but they have not done Ills comman came during discussion on resolution ask ing that the OPIIA Nqucst the Ontario government to make available tested improvement stock from governmentoper stealssting station Mr Romahn said be doubted the provincial government would be intercstcd In setting up an extra testing station lie suggested the resolution be di rected to the federal govern ment After further discussion the producers passed an amended resolution asking the OPIIA to request the federal government to provide additional space for swine testing in Ontario The producers also appmved resolution asking that all im ported meat be identified or stamped as to its country of or igin They felt the imported meals were causing unfair com petition for the Canadian prov ducer But lien Steers association president said he didnt think the quality of pork coming from the United states could touch ours Resolutions asking the Onta rio Iiog Producers Marketing Board to adzpt provincewide daily pool ce was defeated Iour Candidates Debate In BC PORT COQUITLAM ILC CPIA noisy crowd Iammed the Port Coquitlam high school gymnasium Friday night for debate involving all candidates in tho BurnabyCoquitiom riding in the April federal election The four speakersNew Dem ocratic Party Leador Douglas Liberal candidate Tom Kent Progressive Conservative candidate Lyn Momw and Jo aeph Unwin of the Social Credit partywere alternately leased and applauded by the generally good natured owd Mr Douglas represented Bun nabyCoquitlam in the last Pan lisrneat Mr Unwin was appear ing on behall oI Ilene Gama che Social Credit candidate who could not be present for ths meeting The crowd appeared to be overwhelmingly sympathetic to ward Mr Douglas applauding him most loudly of all the speakers and booing less often Mr Kent on the other band was given articularly rough time being aternrpted many times with shouts Yankee and questions such as Did you bring the bomb with yout This apparently was refer ence to the Liberal pledge to equip Canadian forces with de tens ve nuclear arms in order to discharge the countrys com mitments in collective defence The heckilng of Mr Kent be came so intense at one stage that Itev II Harris Angli can mlnlstcr presiding over the meeting called temporary halt until the crowd quieted down lloth Mr Kent and Mr Un win suggestcd at different lnta that the highly vocal au icncc was not according the speakers ATTENDANT IILERTED Service station attendant llarry Cross left of Deep River provided police with description and direction of car containing four convicted rapists who broke out at Montreal lei Thursday night As result of his tip police Nehru says Chinese Troops Have Been Moved Into Tibet NEW DELHI Reuters Prime Minister Nehru told Par liament today Communist China has moved fresh troops into II bet and said other evidence in dicntca the Chinese might be contemplating further aggres lve action against India Nehns said the government had received reliable informa tion at additional induction of troops into Tibet of projects of further road constnsctlon along our borders and of the requisi tion of Tibetan villagers pack animals and so forth by the Chi arsearmed forces in Tibetan areas to the north of our bor cr The prime minister said al though the Chinese withdrew ms miles from what they called the line of actual control in the frontier area after the winter fighting their concen tion beyond this narrow strip continues unchanged In the last two weeks Nehns said India received several notes from China using sharp pmvocatlvo language one or two being actually In scurril ous tones DENY CHARGES The government had replied contradicting allegations made In the notes he said The Orinoco have nursed the Indians of bordcr provocm tlons and of illtreatment of Chinese nationals and interests in India USED LITTLE PAPER it was criminal offence to print newspapcr exceeding 22 Inches by 32 inches as late as me in England to preserve paper STAYNER NURSING HOME STAYNER ONT For elderly and convales ent eUcnts Excellent facillt es tor private or semiprivate Ifot and cold water In rooms Register ed Nurse in attendance MARSHALL Rep PHONE 124 the full right of frce spccch LAST TIMES TODAY FOLLOW THE With Connie rmcn IIIIIS IIIIIIII BOYS in Color 750 00 Starts SUNDAY commuous arrow SUNDAY FittiM Lso PM Mon of gold and stcclli woman of flesh and bloodi II Gli msur iiibiiitiiiil II III iiilSCINII tl OHIATIII IUIIMMIINI 010 Nail GIENII Iliilil ERNEST BURGNINE Nehru said the Chinese so far have declined to accept the pro posals of the AfroAsian confer ence In Colombo have warned that they had not given up their right of sclfdefence and have forecast revocative actions by the in an troops All these things may as well mean that the Chinese author lties are contemplating further aggressive action at time of their own mousing Nehru said Indian newspapers today quoted authoritative sources as saying tlsa government plans to Increase the Indian Army by Complete Appliance Service Depot TONYS APPLIANCE and TV SERVICE PA 61142 is OLICE rounded up the escapees In roadblock on Highway 17 At right is George Smith owner of the service station CF Wirephoto 250000 men The Hindustan Times said the air force also was being enlarged and defence production increased Plenum Dunlap 5L To Be Raised Soon TORONTO CPIMilk prices In most parts of Ontario will probably rise in the near fu ture the Ontario Milk Distrib utors lioard announced Friday Following statement from three major Windsor Ont dai ries that their prices would rise to 26 cents from 25 cents quart for regular milk effective Monday the boards president It It Clark said conditions forcing the rise in Windsor cx ist throughout most of Ontario Mr Clark noted that there has not been an Increase in the retail price of milk in On tarlo for aid years it Is highly unlikely that this price stability will persist Into the near future he sold The cost of raw milk paid to milk producers by the dis tributors has risen to $5 hundredweight from out since the 1957 increase of oneethird at cent for quart of regular milk he said The boards statement said that in 15 United States cities the price at regular milk is usually slightly greater thsn 25 cents quart but that the American quart size Is one fifth smaller than the Canadian quart Starts SUNDAY Expect Milk Price IIIE EAItltlE EXAMINER SATUNUAY MARCH 28 136 STOVE KILLS FIVE TUCKERION NJ APlA man widow and her three young children were found dead today in frame home State police said the deaths appar ently were caused by carbon monoxide from defectlva stove RCAF ASSOC BINGO Starting MONDAY MARCH 25 It eoo prn SPECIALS JACKPOT SHARE THE WEALTH I4 HIGH ST Above Naknice cIeInerI IIIIIPEIIIIII MW EXPLORATION OF THE beldad the rsid Sialiiiifi the Itinrer Reports rt show the human elements behind Iivs sI Iitl mart tomnan sex problems whith sires dill reentry its aianning ysotly trap of theirs lives and meninges PLUS ONE at 100 and 1000 CANT IIELI IT at pass journals warm TODAY ONLY SINGING IDOL Plus FOLLOW TIIAT HORSE IIIIISEY groans courts for mu CINEMASCUDE My Mutual Lilo insurance costs less in the long run Im all for Mal youre like most people you buy lite lnourancc ior iamily protection But your policies urceound Invooimonto as well when theyre the cosh valuo kind Mutqu Lilo policyholders enioy oioady Increases In the guaranteed voluce of their policies pIUs unourpusood dividendo Chuck the advantages oi the Mutual way to guaranteed savings and protection Call the man from Mutual Life today The Mutual Llfe ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA The company with the outstanding dividend record Anmunuolmaron an assoc in Shirley Avenue stoiv cuANnnu Wellington SLE PA arm as Steels strut ls ROBERT WILLS PA Mm