Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Mar 1963, p. 4

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In the past 25 years the hours of work requlred labor in most fields of en deavor have been greatl reduced How ever many are now won ering how much logger this trquch cqntlnge In recent Washington Report pub lished by the Chamber of Commerce of the United States it Is pointed out that proposals to shorten the work week bas ed on sharethework hflosophy do not come to grips with the undamental caus es of unemployment and will in the ab sence of lowered costs contribute to high er unemployment The argument is made that program to reduce hours is actually one to raise wages reports News Letter of the Can edian Chamber of Commerce Reduc tion of the standard work week ram 40 hours to 35 hours with an adjustment in wage rates to provide the same weekly pay for 85 hours as for 40 hours would require 14 increase in hourly wage rates clearly in excess of productivity ga ns Productivity gains and lower prices er unit of production constitute the has source from which higher levels of liv ing can be attained states the article it then goes on to suggest solution to the unemployment roblem Healthy and vi orous econom growth without either in iatlon or deflation stimulated through There used to be common saying that what the country needed was good five cent cigar This may have been true fifty years ago However during the next few weeks most Canadians will agree that what this country needs is simpli tied Income tax return atham Dally News see It Canadians are not too happy over the Tl lhcome tax forms they are currently re qulged towreslle with The onglnal 11 slm llfied was ad mlttcdly rellef verl ble godsend to eople compelled to battle wlth the earl cr complicaled Plums But this year fiersifiposedly slm lified form has really ceased to be slmp the writer continues In addition to the usual conundrum to be faced an the i1 form the taxpayer is treated to bonus by being required to Add tax adjustments sea guide subtract dividend tax credit see guide subtract federal tax abatement 18 per cent of basic taxes add old age security WAR DAYS 45 YEARS AGO Barrie hxaminer iilarch 14 1918 Fla Alvin Webb badly wounded in May 1917 heartily welcomed home by people of Stroud F1 Laurence Barwick and FL Amos Johnston having completed flying training in Texas spending ast leave at homes in town before proceeding over seas ior duty with ltoya Air Force lienderron at New inweli DCM commissioned lieutenant lie went over seas early in war with 48th Highlanders oi Toronto was wounded and invalided home reenlisted with 177th Battalion at Barrie Armoury Central Methodist Church heard three local war veterans it Kendall John Fraser and David Mc Master ieil oi their experiences in the tir ing line Bonus oi $5 each for ear voted to all 26 members public so ool teaching staii by Board oi Education Barrie Collegiate enrolment in February was 100 boys and 117 girir School caretakers Arthur and Thomas lienson and lilr Dickey given bonuses Lease completed in re King lilock now Wilson Building at $400 for kindergarten room and $300 or rimary room to tide over school space ortaue Young elected president llarrio Lawn Bowling Adlhuvlnd II and llnl Iull lul Um Dvplumvll HI Invl lo vlvmflll PullII In nun lundul ma uumm mun mum IINNKIH My nllmnv MUN ILAIHHI In ll IltlfllllDN II llllu MIL Illqu lulle MI Alli WIIJUN mun Quill Llm mmxrum duly by chum uc mm II III lllll in In In In IV mm an hr mum ml In I013 Ind BVIIII and up man mu nu mumll An Im1n cmem 1mm III flml hm IIIva al innd Dilly Nlllunl rub unfl PM at Not Less Work But More Worthy Of COnsideiation MORE ISSUES THAN ONE Ntngnra tnlln Revtuwj Wlth dun respect to hlx cnrncstncu we cannot ngrcu wllh thu NDPI Thomas Douglas when no contunds that tho II nun surrounding nuclear arms In tho mntn bone at contentton In this clectton Ila Mln run and mum In mum on Luv rm In pm ml Am nflrartigu or denatloh sllmulated through available work or prbducilon Government Softer SimphhedRetuvrnsOn Taxes 0n Municipalities Win It Amhm lem ll lull nu Ulla Tho Barrie Examiner Walls Publisher 116mm iExamiItPr éail OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 16 Bayfleld Street Barrie Ontario DOWN MEMORY LANE lbflsher Bflan Slnlght ngeral Manager anuan MARCH ana the incentives of profit or losund guid ed by competitive marketsgis essential Government can best contributeto econ omic wellbeing by desisting from direct intervention in collective bargaining in prices and by generally relaxing its con trols thereby unleashing the energies resources and resourcefulnessof free economy and more specifienli by pro viding stimulative action throng major revis in tar policies Add tiona equ able distribution of the economys rising productivity to lair our to consumers and to business is need ed Responsible wage and price olicles can provide steadily rising wages or lab our stable or lower prices or consumers and profits for business so that new in vestment will be undertaken and new jobs created Such responsible Volley moreover will enable the nation be or meet foreign competition and cooo with thebaianceof payments problem The article quotes Associate Justice Arthur Goldberg who cogently summed up the shorter work week when he made thls statement upon his resignation as Segggtnry of Iabnur We must work not less butmore Neither labour nor management will find the answer to the problems of unemploy ment and unused capacity in division 01 available work or production tax add provincial income tax 11 pm vlnce of residence In 1962 was other than Quebec subtract tax deductions per T4 slip or paid by instalments all or paid by instalments Is 15 supposed to be for the purpose of informing the taxpayer with the in formation of how much Ottawa extract and how much goes to his own provinclal Wouldnt it have been great deal simpler to have the amount reporied on receipts or income tax payments the Chatham writer asks Cant the poor in dividual be granted this much from the com uier age iih an election cam ai in pro gress some aspiring 01 ca leader L1 surely missing good et He could win lot of votes by promising to authorize an income tax form that would really be simplified And the promlse would have one edV vantage over all the other customary elec tlon promises Fulfillment would not cost any money Club succeeding Frnwlcy Great anxlet among farmers over all wheat most lclds belng covered with ice mt launcficd ol former owners of the land now com prising Camp Borden site to reopen ex proprlallon procccdlngs ll charged that the agent made an enormous prolll evere wlnlpr pllzzard gn nlurjay in past week about 75 load of hay delivered to town Ritchie bou ht Sloddnrt farm mile west of Bradford or $15000 Police Constable Sweeney rcsllined end will move to Toronto Vlll am Moore urchased residence own ed by estate late John liicCosh Ilny ileld St at Wellington impressive memorlnl service at St Andrews Church in honor of alien lieplay of tie saw Harrie curlers lose llerrieOriilie Cup by three shots ite llerb lurvis who lost lot In France welcomed home at re ccpllon in Crnlgvnlo He went overseer wllh 157m Battalion lrom Simcoo County in Oclober lllllr Uptodnte Xrey equipment will he lnslnlled in lloynl Vit lorin iiospllulr Aldermen Lewis 0rd rnnlell leave of absence by Town Council nsslst overnment in arriving at pull wood co ml the April vole an arm rolernn dum Them In much more at Itnko than just Ihu ucnllon arms Thu ml luuu In who or we are uolng to gel return In Ilnblo uovnrnmcm and end Iho mddcr Illunllon which oxlslcd In Otlnwn durlny the last pnrllnmonl hncnuln of tho mhmrhy mm Mr Diolunbakorl pnrty PROPHETIC Dallas Mornan ann cenlury sun Abraham Lincoln lucllnlly lulllnrlml lslunnca of 100 000000 In Unlted Stnlcs treasury nolcs to finance llm war between lhn sum lrl nldcnl Lincoln IBlll Congress on the lam dn mango warning of Mn dungm In Inllon We pruuma It would be ex nclln too much for the current mhenl lm Unnod Slam lo read Ind like In hem Uncolnl wnrnlng our men overn In spending Ihaut 000000 000 month Mr lJncolnl 00000000 would run Iho prmnl government about elght noun TORONTOOne wanden year when Hon Fred cuss was mnllter of munlclpnl ul falrs them were lem or in tough nllllude In the depart ment Cm didnt precisely come out wilh Iix shooter cocked lha municipalities But In variuus public xtnle menu he xhowed new IKE flvenes mud freedom mm the Iervllll toward municipal council ch had been lhl humank 01 he ovemmznt or decade In presenting hll estimate the mlnhler or municipal nf Mn on Spooner made regular and requent menllon the nucdly of munlclpll lav ernmenls We heard onto anln Ind reman mm than ever he oro the 01d plain um heso are npresenlallvu loo we cant order them what In do The mid groove obviously has been all lllcked up Ind we In hack lulllnx nver oumlvu In nxnln Nail ippurenlly the govern ment In on in knee once mare The question do Mn Spanner and ma avenlmmt really bcllevn cvcrylhlng lhcy unylnu or ll beam they rnnl In to do any hn1 eke MUST LEAD Tho polllon taken Inward ho munlclpnllllu In recent yam hu pmbnbly been lho weakest llnk In he nlmclun Inlcmmen hem The ovemmcnl don 1m luntllon In rrxnrd In lha munl clpnllllu Il outlined hun dred vngu al Ieglllnllan Imd lhu lhtory bchlnd II II veg clenr Th provlnu mun Ind and protect he unrral InQeml he ynnd lhe locnl Inlzml and where lha locnl Intern Inlrr cg ll but In ovcrrido ll 111m are mm mm mm In invnmmrnl Mr onrr on mm an they buy nubulnlr to know their ll hnl bun Imosl mm 11 Inr Ihtm Io fltl nod men lar Ihn daplrlmrnl In any numlm nd It nudl mnl many In do 11 ploper Job 10 CLOSE nh7d donl Mm lhu wrflrr mu ollcn won deud when ll 11 good Mel Dur nlr For flu pnxl mouth hnvn mm nwlpnpcrl wnlched TV Mumd lo Um mun an lhw pm nml cum hi luun In an lnrmrnmlnx elrcllnn mm In ml ll II llmt wmennu should cvml Inrfll wllh wmn mud nnwnlnl To me Ind In aaund mMrL ed peaplo mm In anly wn parllu worthy vale DII hllllnd flu Torin 11w An lnpolulbll lnr vur Cumin be mmlnr ml at tho realm coun lrlel lhl mid Nil WI ll nth All at cm Ind lynblllmu rdlcnll trylnl In now need Emil It nl llum ml mm our mnl Bldlnemfan mum on pm Oh Yu lth MVI but lde lmur In lmle IN huch In anybody in Imy month MI In hm Im pnulhl lhen lulry rnmlul um um ol II ClquIII QUEENS PARK And on can nnly concludo HIM really My my helm Md hut hyln mam ollllnll qu LETTERS TO THE EDITOR drlvnnv lhawny It mull By DON OIIEARN THE USEDCAR SALESMAN Then pmbahly In better mlnlstu nmmd her than Mr Spoonen Bu was head over heels Into municipal overn menl bnlore he Iandcd on his door112p And then luxpl rlon that purhnp he wax l0 close lo he cant take tmly oblzcflvq Ipok ll to put man wllh munlclpal hngkmund In ghlg pgrfloljo In that he to Inflnllcly balm unn some the member here who live In Mr mind on tha glory at their dnyl ol munici pal pnllllcs By JOSEPH MOLNER MD II It constricted major tur ury Doel Il bring about men upun well end he pa nhlllly ol pugnnncyY What ed nhyxlcnlly Ind mentally will It have on marMRS Deu Dr Malner My doctar advlsu me that due lo large llbmld tumor the uterus wlll soon have to undulo hyblmclamy hyllemclcmy ll Nmovnl Iho ulem Ind llbroldl Ire the man lrcqucnl cnum lumor my be no large but lhere ll pmsuru on the bladder bowel ur olncr omnna 0r dcpcndln an In Iocnllon Il may caus Inxuncnlva blccdlng Vc hyllcrcclnmy II mn Jar lumery So In removal cl In nppcndlx llnwtver II would cnuu alarm In In whelher brinn on mrnupuuu lhnl dcpemfl wmnnn II In her and hrnu nlnr menwma Inyway adju twnl murluru Iurh nI uhu and nvnrlu may well In re mnvevL Humnval ol the ultrul pre vnuu chlld benrlnu ml in mm requlrlnl Inch lurlcry lhl pruenco Km lumor nndy In In men um ull clml lo pnch prexnlncy Io tur nrcllcul purpole lhll ol nn Impoflnnm Iltmovnl nvnrlu doc Indccd hrlnI on sumlufl opuulo nllhoum II In all all Imle more um mullcr Ipctdlnx up yur at two In Qurbm No II Ihu mm mm of tho SouLII nul Dob Thomp Ann Wllllrd KIIIIII Rccfmdly flnh nuonwum Ind only Ml our lulu would ha an lnml In hll ruin lhu Bocllllm man will party Na Cnnldlnm hnvu plan In OllAwn hr hm Iplln lrr parllu wllh lhtlr lllr pram Im lhll can mm In ulrlllul CCFm or Nn Durable lallcy L1H unnnl ponlhly Innp our nnndn yanklnl with lhl np nnllnnl ol in world Nzllher ol Ilml upllm pm lu an arm mrmmenl llIh lholr Incl ol valvllnred mm Ialu Alnln My lhrlr alm II In low dlumlnn riuinklin you or your WIM ur mum TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH Should Not Fear This Operation mm lvhlmtmll ll Nulun 54 name Im mmnn In younger women no uvurles my be Id In sum in that they Ire healthy thaw n0 all being cylllc etc In that can mennpnuu will not come wilhthu openllon but will occur at Um regular nu usually about when the ovnrles Ilop learning horc mvnn In accuxlomed qunnllly however the ovaries an Icon be Iaully Ihll II in hm Ilmu In removeAthern PhyalcuVl fnd munul mac lhgopernlhn on yqy Phyllcnlly nncu lhe optullvn In past lha Irl ellccl uxunfly II ml Iho pallenl hulm lo cal butler Prusuru havc been rclluved Somellmu Imll mu developed beam ur ml blzcdlnz And now lhll condlllnn can correct llull lhl gallcnl fullnz Ilmnler Ind applet than Ware Al to mental ellecln none nnlu your pnycholnllcnl nul look In Inch lo uuu It Hum II no non In uxpecl any mcnlnl lm ncl Femlnlnlly not lost or mpllred In My mum Truo hlldhuflnt mm but laid ll pmb ably wan nver Anyway to why wqrry laban Innl funnel Shlnnlu rmly nunh lwlc whclhrr your Iran mrvou ur Mum phyllul Illmcnl cant luau mud Iumln llnn Hm duuM mnxly um lln nhlnllu rm muumlocu ilolm mm lulyc unllerh dull UL II during lhc Second anld Wu Mn bun ulurned hum Gummy By THE CANADIAN PRESS Knowln hm lhlnu you wlll Hud mu lure lhnt lhl only mcnlnl Ianl Illnrwud will be nllcl It Imvlnu ll aver wlm bur Dr Molnul had um um 47 nhlnl 1m yenr Ind lum Du lnmc lymplnml now up donl hnvl run lnuld III In uulcd by nu voul candflloMMlls ll nur Dr Malum II It my Iilvle lo havu bInl ulclulmlllm lqmlngd by blood lun lulhrr lmuly peanu yu him IN lJLL or pmluln lvund Iodlnc lul whth glm my ucunln mulll and II Indml blond It llnl unclly bun metabolnm lul but MI unnull vur no I0 much lhl mm lhl lwbl ml drlulh new Ivy lo tll ywu II dlllmncl 1m lJLL II llmu nqulud lnr lurlhcr nllcr lhn mull bull mrtnbolllm lu hu lmn nlnvlfled British rim Minister Neville Chamberlnin an nounced 24 years ago to dayin lessha any Ger mln Iliempu at European dominilion would he curbed my mL Hitler Ignored this and later warning and on September 1019 hunched hil army inio P04 land and reclpiialed In Second Ward War Ming 113 1152 The Halifax Gu ette lha first newspaper In Canada was established nu Paklslan became republic wllhln she Com monwsnlth RETURN THIMUHII TODAY IN HISTORY LONDON Although by Inf hlnd ol reckonlnl Ilflelll ecllon lam yen sway the political propagandlm art may hard It work on tho ldnd at mm and counurbluu which mullly comel with thc llunchlnl In election cam palm Prime Mlnixier Macmillln in addressing conleranea oi Younl Cansurvlilvu did no It vui when an election wu likaiy in he bald but he did mm mm remark which milhi be clue in government thinking Reierrini in what he termed iha In lhori and raihnr un hnppy period oi Labor lovem mgn hefluid Burn the next yur nr Io whlch may dlvlde mm an election we may hm lam mini ouy nbon REPORT FROM UK Inclaxlng hf lpeech ha mldl gher crypljp remark While my colleagues and are charred during Iha malnlnz years lhl parliament we will lay the loundnllon on var11¢ you calll bullgt my made It rather obvious that Mr Macmlllnn contem plates anniher leulun nf hr resent parllnmtnl Iterllnl In an October or arly November and carrying on um early summer 01 1964 before golnz belora the damn 0N NATIONAIJZAHON Perhlpa II we the edvenl new leader or the Labor Party whlch lpllked all the map gandn flood especially when on his llrst dly ln the Common alter helng elected leader Hm old Wilson declared hl allele lance lo the Labor parlye pol ley ol allou nallonnllmlon The Conservative ctnlrai oli ice moved in quickly liter Mr Wilson had ihns committed him self to Ciaun Four ai ha party institution and within hm days hnd produced iaiiinu pamphiei undu iho illie En tilled lo Know giving IL ver lion oi lilo length in which nationalization will go hmid Labor win next aieclinni nlh pamphlet Include ilxi oi 104 nl Briininl malor in duslriai concern which are ihreaiened with naiionniluilon in the event oi Labor victory PUBLIC OPPOSED Thls wu potent propaganda or ll there in one um which the majority of the people Brluln do not want It more nationallullon Inylmng The railway and IN coal Industry have provided errlble txnmple how wally and unpmductlvs nationnllmlon can be Ihlx publlc IIIItuda rtIlzct ed very well In Gallup pull Ilndlnz on the lublect nuIIan IllzalIon In thls vote 51 per cent were In Invnr ol Ienvlnn thlnm n1 lhey Ill 18 per ctnl wunl morn demllonnllmlonl II II Inlmsllnl Io nolo that In the cm oI those who dccllrcd Ihcmsulmtn be Labor support to yet cent Invored lcnvlng thlnzl hey are l5 per cent favored mam donntlanallnllnn Ind 33 per rent ware In am DI more nltlanlllmllon Then run prov lhn morn nnllonnllmlinn In tho evcnl ol Labor government coman lnlo power an ha real bony wllh which lo lrluhlen lha eluclon ley lmm that party Yet lhm mluhl be Ionic IIIHHICHMI In the lac lhll lull Won the 1059 ucnml elecllon on poll on lha nmo quelllonl only 11 per cent Iuy fled more nnllon Illxnllon Thu Inna ho In lhl Inlesl poll one up 21 prr cent TAX 0N WEALTH Jamel Cal n4 Lnborl Ihndow Chnncellnr ol lha Ex chequer on me other IIdI un leued hamlful whn By MeINTYRE HOOD Preparing Blasts For Next Election IIRVICI l5 INCLUDID WITH YOUR nm Surlum Cu lund In on ynu lhll lnclullvl mvlto puhu wllh your unocn Hull Ull Conlml CHECK THESE FEATURESx FREE EMERGENCY SERVICE FREE FURNACE CLEAN OUT FREE HEATING EQUIPMENT msrzcrion AND ADJUSTMENT Anloane lullmy pm of CI mdm hulll yum uuhn mnlovl II liveI The 10 mm lhpl In gum mod prim I1 requlnd SUNllCll HEATING OIL CONTRACT PA 2461 could hc election prop and or potent nnlun when came out Intlooted or tux on waallh Ha Hm mentioned It brleny In the Home or Oom mom but lltzr durlnl Ipench ho Young Fabian media in and III menu out In db lor ol the Exchequer II to put tax on all personal torlnnee over 300000 and mm on In Me pmpernndn more peleuble or urn audience or which 10 wee Intended he nld hie would nuke possible Income tax cute or people in the lower in come hrackeu Ind more menu for old are penelonere Mr Ce lnghen enld Our ax Wren people ardent or ex ample the payuyounm pnyer and the penalnner llvlnl on Ml Imnll nvlnl but In Sfiuculnlor noel his my un ecked Wgovertax and uncle ray the heat nclenuflc hnlnl country and then wonder why they mutate Thin we heady Ituiiior the wageearner who ilnde hi week ly pay packet hard hit by in come tax and Insurance deduc tion but the timing oi It was all wrenx it we the kind oi Ipeech which Ihouid hlve been reserved for the openinl bion oi In eiection umpeim PEACE RESTORED with Georze Brown meeinz to continue as deputy lender although denied the post he wanted that oi shadow Foreiin Secretar made he or the time being been restored within the Labor party Mr Wilson very wisely mm the ltlndpalnt oi party unity he leaned rather heeviiy toward the right win In choosinl hie ehedow cabinet This was not expected in view at hi own leaning towlrd the left wing Hie Ieieclian indi cete the he recognize the im portance for the time being of continuing the Geitekell line oi party unity Mr Brown mm to have mukly nccepled hi rehuii by Mr Wlisnn but how long lhe pnrlncship will remain happy one only lime will all Mr Brown indicated much when on televiaion he admitted that while he wu retaining the dep uly leadership he remarked But here in dliicrtnce Yes Indeed Just what he meant by lhn enlgmlllc mumk Inm viewer was unlhle to pry 1mm from him just Mr Cullnzhan am on televmon Ind rndlo de clined Io discuss my dam of how he proposed to npenla hh plln or the lax on wealth God has endowed wllh the qualiuu which mike It ulhle or la duvclop chum er but wa must do lhu uddlng om¥ selves Add to your lllth VIflueII Pele lxl Mn Mr Cglluhln ILIImlnl BIBLE THOUGHT ll ll Vlnttnl PA HOWEY ELECIRIC

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