11 no um unflx II lmulal on nhlpa Iha Mm Arrurdlnz In lhe umkmnnn nnmll enml mm mm nlrla mm rule I101 Amlmlll lhml Hailed mm drum 11w AIMMIIM 1mm 121mm nrmmny In fun puma umItr wnj ho nah nml llm Harrlo mummy ahlpl unlll dlrvflly to Hwy umkumm or he mnwny uld lhll ll Hm Mn IN mm lo Aulrulln In llw In an nmnllu anwr nhlmmnu Imw lwm Idwduw lnr Hm Irvunmlxu yr ml Iml nn oulm have yd Imn ymwhwl Irmrrn WIIHM mmll mm mm vim wlll won Innu llm llama Cunndlnn Gcnrrnl lim vlc wnrrlmu or IMpmrnl la Alumlla GE Exports To Australia 70mm gum for Dec 41 1962 show that Canadas Boy Scout membershlp reached new high of was an lncmuo 01 8013 ovcr the 1961 vial of 806311 The new tolnh by secllam wim lust year urcs shown in brackets in elude W011 Cub 171457 165 799 Boy Scouts 101490 101 750 bone Smuls 401 403 Sea Scouts 2426 2331 Rover Scouts 4958 4345 Rover Sea Scouts 220 224 Toml boy members ls 1111956 274 853 and adult lenders num ber 12380 as compared In 4LH lav I90L cumunn buonllngA mm linnul Salllng Rczulta will be held on Augus1 1723 at Sea He was buried with full mill tnry honors and honorary pull hcnrcr Included General MncNaughIon on so aluli Mayan chr server In World War II and Commis slaner Nicholson RCMP toured Depuy Chm Scout or Canada NEW IIIG Boy Scout Canada sulf ercd mat on on the death In Ottawa of MajorGeneral Turner CB MC DCM CD veteran both Wodd Wars MalGen nzrncr served as chairman Cnnndlnn Scout Ings Honors and Award Com mine or we last 15 yenrs Canadian Scuut news Ihc maln Item his week Back lo the local new next week only he was 21 nu Bobby Smith Just six yrnrs old and cant vote in Ihu MA ernl electlnn However he SCOUTING AROUND Discuss Fund For Jamborees WAREHOUSE WORKER ROSS SPENCE STACKS CRATES BORN 15 YEARS TOO LATE mnr my lmlu mm Ibo lmiln In Irrm Imxlnlhd hm hm um mul Mm mm on lulu lurl vu grl lvnnce um Mu in Um lay llm 1k pmhmul mu Mlletl tn MM Klrwl l0 mud numdtmor Mr 14 mm wlm 11ml mm III lnrk Nn nllwr Inlunuallm IM MMIAML Ilmlc Hu UrpIlllmlll mu MUN lluynl Vhlmln Holm lnl ynimhy 01m vl llw llrf Illiimz mrm hm hm nyvlml and flu hrat mm llwI oven HM nlMlII hm llmh Tumdl flmo Mm Il 0mm will Im nlwl ll vvrlul nm rnvlmu tun ron mjumruu ininllrd lam rquipvlmll Fire Alarm On The Job After lengthy cusslon In cnmmiunu reported lhnt it thought he hm nppmzlch Mull be to msrs each group nominnl cc pll boy This would be nswssod nflcr rem lrnuum mm mclvcd no lce of moliun that IIIc cuuncll nsms oath group an cents per buy per year or Jamboree funds ill be Ulld on the April meeting scouts Km maulhrr nyo an he Avril Anal InCUM qwnum Inmmluls mu mu opinions me pmpur and adcquale uulduncc analyze and 5m polfllcal slnlcmcnu The lumborce anmlllco un dnr chairman 1linm Craw lurd mot and divcussnd he Mubnny of fund or ulure Jnmbarccs This was luarncd he Kcnmcnfcl Disirlcl Couycll marking on Mandny Smut Shlp Venlum on Lulu St Louis near Menucal Thu rognlln will be sponsored by he Quebec Provincial Scout Councll More on 11115 next week Coming closer Io home the healer Toronto Reglons lath Ucndalc Boy Scout Troop has at use target of hlklmz at least 1000 miles In was All hikes will bu reCDMQd under dale scout location purpuse mllu and man total prize will be presumed to the scout mm the highest Individual mileage rccnrd lend moral support Inlher chcr PC Simeon North by drawing his own election puslers Dubbys bccn you analyze and 5m smullng problems make lllls clccflun lemon or you In cilivcnshlp Notice how mnny Mnuni ill urn ml to uphold hon min In Win One may youll ole our sclm or Canada OConnur vu wnmcd on em occasion by Mnglerer Fuller lhat ho musk answer qucsllons asked of mm Cross cxnmlncd by John Cock burn dcloncc counsel OConnnr denied that he had any know ledge okhcr judo or knrntu He later ndmlllcd knowledge of both nnd mid he hm Inslnlclcd In Ilmsu subjects In the armed force stnlcmcnt hy OConnor that he had nu visible scars prlor lo lho lluht with Campbell was nlso Muted mo cnsu cunliducé nékl Wed nrsdny OConnor testiï¬ed lhnl ho was at Earth hotel on the alter noun Feb 13 when he receiv ed telephone call lolllng hlm that ho was wnnted nl another hotel by Campbell only remember one blow when woke up In hospllnl James OConnor 46 Ponc gung 52 mndolhi islnlemcnt In court yoslordziy during Iha lrlnl Raymond Campbell of RR unrrle Campbell charged with us snull causlnu bodily hnrm tn OConnor Inst February 0n nrrlvnl he cstlfiod he had somu word with Campbell In the alley and was struck in the Inca Complainant Says He Remembers Only One Blow Al Our Nrw Adtlrul JUST TIIHIZI mom MJUTH AT spending many or his leisure hours iniciy convincing hi imaginary public in Vole Huber Smilhi THANK YOU KEMPENFELDT CREDIT UNION Fm mumc lnhmnnllml an Illa lmw why and uh HM Unlml tan vIn lnr our lulu Imully cnnlnd ll lm plmun la Uqu lnm of am am lrlrmh AI Irll AI mun nrw mm our own lumln on Hm nrrmlml at our man ll CLAPPERTON ST F0 YUIH lMlTllflATlnN IN Ilrll and In nnnlu Thumb mm mm lnlan OPEN HOUSE PHONE PA 0519 dlngrlnn nhnwn lhr molar on loll Ilupplng hrlnro cnmlml muwnlk nm tnr on llm rlzhl has Ilnppul lmmml lnlrly bdnrl ruleran lho Inter mllnn nnd mum In mnlur Sec In clfccl lhh Itlll us lhnl mxr rcspomlblllly does not end hm wo hnvo mmly Mapped In the prnptr glare The drlvrr mull hm THE NIGHT OF WAY lrnlllc rllhcr In Hm lnlmnc llnn ur nppmnchlnl on tho hmunh mm ho dau nnl ylrhl lllc mm way In em taming lrnlllc on llm hrmmh Ilml Ion Um lrhrr CONSTI XPIIIZH AN IMMEDIATE HA7 Sec 61 This My In 0ch hot driver upon approaching Ilap len at on interlocuun must do cllhvr arm mm mm to conform In In An mo 15 clearly mnrkrd atop llnn musk Hop THERE ll lhcro Is no dellncd Ilo llnu hen the drlvcr mun flop mmo dlnlely below um ncnml crow wolk If lhcro In no crossWnlk lhrn ho must stop lmmedlnlcly bolero ruleran lhu lnrcnecllon Inc In on core he MUST IN In nn STOP Clll DESIGNED FOR YOUR SAFETY scratch lo clty Imperiy cast Ivnn Kc 31 RR Barrie $100 and 55 can In Mnglslrnlo Foltcra court ycslcgdny Kell was charged with impnin ed driving shortly niter midnight en March According to evi dencu pmdmd Assistant Crown Mtamey vllium Kenn edy Police Constable Robert Green nntieed car proceeding enst along Cullier Street Ho mndo left turn unto Mulcnrter turned too wide hit the guard ruii nnd bneked oil Mid Mr Kennedy Attorney or the demnce John Cnckbunl naked tho court could excrclsn dlscrellon In lhu matter as he auld Mr Kell mnkc hl llvlng by drlvlnz truck Mnglstrnlo Faster gave Kell untll April 11 to pay Muglslrnm mm tound him guilty When Canstablo Jam ï¬nally slapped the cur Mr Kennedy said Um driver Mr Inglis ex hlblttcd nwrmnl signs of Impair men And then nccomln to mum Crown Attornoy William Kennedy below the cm mung back onto the southbound lune lt left the Nadwny and then went back Into the south lane or further 300 out 16 All seemed all right mul he cnr burned Ma the 5th bound lane nndprocecded on for about 200 1m and then awpng byck Into It 13mm laps Accordinglo ovldence plo duccd City Police Constable Jones polled avcnruoln r01 3p Brndfngd $199 Marcy Costs $100 To Hit Rail leash Lloyd mm 45 al Orfllln wound up Sp Bill trnloa CoInc yesterday lacing an Impaireddrlvlng charge Ha Wu am 0100 and $3 cost or 10 daysIn Sal This mm by Pnllca Con Itnlvle llnlph Berry he Innlo Clly Police dtvnled to Inler lnslructlanl and In lrncllnn the Highway Inlllc m1 lllullrltlmu will nepkl whnl mld hip pm under condlllonl and flu vlolnflan CIIIIIIII the nccldlnl will he uplllned and the action under the TA Ivcm Chances are policeman wlll apt your meandering Journey wlll stop you and ll youve Md alcohol youll wlnd up lacing chmu 01 lm lmd grlvl ll youre xolhnia drive an highways slay on slde or mayhemburden Car Waféred Driver Fined nununnu munu lmnzly Mk for Immmn with heuan pmblan un Inlmllo My you May llvhl IWII Mm hark WI Iml you hm mm or Might hule kill Wham WI need huylnl Ild or not donl min IN lnfumlllvl lmlkt RI TWays To Hear Better In ohlm mu chlldrm um la llm wood In her wlld flower on um day or Ill enrllm cl Molhcrl Day 11ml whm lha younl people hnd mm and had lrfl how on lhll dny4 Hwy nlumed lo vlnll 1er IDHIUL And on MI dny llw lnmlly mu In lho mnlher church to AIM honor lo ho ApIrlHlfll munr Chrhll Handy Mulch Ho laundml an uhltlo buckmund ol lhla coma mm In Ephue ol the Day lhu lourlh chapter Gallam More It relm In Jcnunlcm WMLh ll nbme II mo which ll ho miner nlL Thll Sunday all molhm In conm anon rmlvn flaw ram clr chlldmnu Thll In very old lrndltlon the church on Mulhcrlnu Sunday the fourth Sunday 01 bent Murch 10 Almost hall at All accident occur In lnlemcuonl Need we ask you when your Iccldcnl will occur1 Is In the centerbu lulled to ylgd Tho ruin governing the inm IMHO it thinking mnnl arrangement ii dnnxerous habit no mm at nil Ind slgn oi character ll evidenced when on yield when nzmmy Youngsters Honor Mothers Commu be re cclvcd from Mrs mayne regarding dogs Martha Gibson regarding Barrie Planning Board and Agricultural Grounds Board at Park Man agement request ior grant Mb ert George regarding newer roles Simeao North Liberal Aa snclotina request or permlulon to hold parade Committee of Adlustmcnt oppllcatian ai Willey to use 57 Remy St for day nursery Committee oi Ad justment application oi Bur rm to enlarge the dwelling at l0 Duudonald St Barrie City Bond request or grant Barrio Horticultural Society regarding planting oi trees Barrie Rea reotloa Committee request for grant Thu following tender will be presented debenture of $75 coo rental construction equlp mm and placement and clenglng urnlgnresceqt lamps chaFls Vivi be rocclved 35 the following committees Fl lho regular moellnz al Clly Conncll wlll he held Mondny he nlnnlng at pm ln the Council Chambers at law Hall But the election campaign In working hardship on mm at up amnlllry whose tulevlslan pro rm are often replaced by poll cnl broadcasts Saiérnl Mme latély my 10 yearold daughter has uked me such question what ngmoogaumm Iiy hAnVEY nucmobx Enlnlnp sun Reporter Mos adults mm be enjoying this election cnmpnlzn lmgnemely There enlhusl um vim anIon dflve and every other Inncalm oLn hoyxcqplestpd election Table Many Communications For Mondays Council Session ITS TOUGH 0N DAD nnqausn mun nun NEW FREE BOOKLET ol IIII Sulvnlion 1er on earth mm hlrpy and rim and wonderful new cc TM Junlor choir of tho church la IIHK pcclnl nnlhcm In honor or mulhcrhaod and Ill importance The nddrcu la be given by graded the Venmbo RAN 0N HONEY Ancient Roman ied their Inc inl harm on mixture oi honey out and water believing Ii mind their Iluyinz power vanunu mm uumu At an saxaim Momma no cu mum on mm Mum 1w Amun Lamfut Mam human 01 Auloum wllwn mumm sum om lov lnl lllhu or Inn nu 5mm of mm Ion Wm 37 316 Pï¬uï¬n my 5322 nl nu mm Llud ol Tormin Dull Mn John Baum ol mama 0mm and chk Colflm In NI 1am yflr Rullnl It lh Mundfll Mum mm 19 Wut Norm Drilll lnr IOWch on Mondly March mm Bflomhlmnt EL Audnwl tummy onm mmflnm Ewing luvlnl m0 mu 5mm 9mm 1er mm caron numu In my Allard hon un th Mthllln Bull min Dull Mn limenon Grnhlm Ilullnl In lelck mnlfll NM 127 nunua sum 1mm sum In an em Mum Inletmint um ll Bylaws up for Mid nadinï¬ are to amend mule bylaw to nukhorlze ha maklnz of lease or licence or boat house Illa an the Waterfront Kern penlell Bay In re City Bar rle to nmcnd zoning bylaw reamdung Devilqu properly to amend bylaw regulating con llructlan 01 Industrial or com mcfclnl bqgldlngst or the am and second tending bylaw to close pm Payntz street loulh Dun lap street east ATKINMJN MIL Bflllh Plum mm on mm mm mu canmm Non lelnl vA mun my mum wm Amman um an mom of mm Mn human m1 Vlmm mm Chm mu horn emu mam Infl buflll In Chlrloltl on Em dly Mud fllANfllï¬ Anal Loulu At on may Mmh 1m Anna 0mm wu of mo wmxnm armor nuuu Pemkk nunnl Home 111 Sir BlitzIt some nance Fire and Trnmc City Dgglopmcnl and Rubin Works too much demozavuery and de cell Whatda they mean by travesty al the truth unworthy of any Canadian leader What do they mean by telllnu the Canadian peoYle the truth Have they been tellnu 11m ll they have they should be ashamed at themselves Perhapl ll paella lusllca that alter alteadlni polltlcal mectlnn and askan npeaken questlona they cannot or do not readlly anawar when no home my daughter place mo in the same posltlon am not too concerns about the pounclanl3nredlcament be Conmbunon in mm cw or Mum mum EASTER SEAL CAMPAIGN You Can Help CRIPPLED CHILDREN by Suppcrllng innEu Unlnn DEAW FAJR GROUNDXNG Ju so uy wan nnl became lao accurlly conscious might be well to 110 on In explain rising economy or Inerenscd un employment an it could go on to top priorities penslnn piuns social seguriiy sconomiq secprilyi Dy thls Ilmo the young one would hav lnlr zroundlng and would probably be ready or an explanntlon tho Glosscn llc port and the plpgllno xcnndnlsl Then bun Baird lump null Semltlsm nntlAmcrlcnnsm and Unflnnndlan Having given lilo young one an introduction to them topics the content could ho lightened with tho explanation and pur poxu oi truth squads coloring books and horse on the my roll Next the book could explnln Peace through United NnIIons and from posltlnn 01 security Amulcanlim Funny Money and Rule nr Ruln By now children would be ready to underainnd iha rcs ignnllon oi cabinet ministers po litical bribery Pearson or Pub alyais chfcnbnkur or Disaster and Tim iur Thampsnn en could go on to lnclndu fluase that are frequently bund ed about such us gel the economy rolllng responslblo leadership nuclear pollcy slnblo gavernmenl malarlly gnvern mgnt nd gull employment Perhaps lhu book could bu enlmed The Run Issue As lead It could explnln what tho Real Issue If anyone knows my mums Hence Ir think some publlsh er should put nu book ud vtslng parents haw to answer Ulcseqnexï¬ï¬‚nl so that small chfldre 1d ugdegstundlbcyn cause most them have Inlkud imam capnbieiai either answering in question evading ihor circumventing iL Mont parents suspect nro in an ndcpl nuhi poll ans ljcsivlhruy lot too buoyed up Choose from man new low cont donlmunll madam comfmlah human fur char or luburb or country You will bu aurprlm Um low monthly pnynmnln and your haum will be paid or complolnly In 12 ycnml Now you can own your own modern homo this convenient low cost way We wul build on Imperial SelfHelp on your lot comYlowly ï¬n ished for you on your lot complete ï¬nished for you or you can do the ï¬nishmg yourselfl WHY PAY RENT YOU CAN BUYAN lESS THAN RENT Ll lnmmi no exlm mu when you flnlsh your own home 100 FINANCING ON YOUR LAND nnd cnnfldcnt the book could explnln somayther phrase Jhnt have appeared In the pres and op rndlo recently such us The lenderls slck lho economy ll puex ï¬re preaching gloom Tho nnlydnnger lam the knuwlcdgomlght backï¬re and lhu children would start heck Hng us And alter on could you hlnmo them COjLDBACKFIRE Then alter they abswrbed compcmlve free enterprise Em marqr and nuclear warheads Ihcy wouldrcndfly unde land ackilrug nqd hecklln Colllar se Sum 391 FA um SELFHELP HUMEFOR MUNVING lot mlry good Insur Inu at your ham Ind plop 11le Ilmbullo Newman Parity hm you period nayrm rm pin lvwble NI May BENTLEY AND COMPANY