Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Mar 1963, p. 2

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BARBIE CENTRAL STUDENT IS RUNNERUP PUBLIC SPEAKING finals sponsored by Ike Lions Club Raglan were held Frldny mm at Slayner Collegiate Institute me left an Mel year01d grade nlne student from Orlllta Phlllln Schrelb man won top honors hm Frl day mm at the Lions Chm Dtstrtct puhtl speaking can test tar high school students He canted ott two trophles on tor the best competth among the cnlrlcs and one or tlrst prlze among th boys in the contest Itunnerup vns Jim ttcwett lng at nmle grade student at Itnrrle Ccnlral Colt ville scored first nmong the girls Mlownd by Joan sum 17 Alllslon ADVANCE use our students vlll go on In subdlslrld AD finals In Barrio on Aprll ll nnnouncd WllIlam Mamie Mount Forest thalrmnn public speakan or Dislth Afl me hen one boy and one m1 will hA chosen In colmpeu fn 1m Llnnx Club final to Distrch AOntnrlo and Que bec my are slated for my in Buckingham PQ ha Lamenta Academy Imp national counsellor Howard TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE STAYNER SHIN my in stock mm TrmICnnmln my 11an Ltd No Inromr or the Ilscnl ycnr cfldld Dec nmfluMld 34mm or 77 cents per share mmpnrcd wllh umsm or 35 ml prr share in IMI Gm Inlca Increased In 3513315 lrom 7100403 whlle deprch nllnn uIchInrd swam ram 27425149 The MM mm mnn xhnm nl 1mm March 15 VIII he give he rluhl la Aub mlhu nr 9100 prlnrlpnl nmnunl ol canvrruhlc Iulmnlinnlnl 1n tnmt dchrnlum or Huh common Ihml hold sub mIlenn prlu $100 The right will rxplre nn Aprll and lha Ahnru wlll ll rx In openhn an Wrdnuday March Innk ll rulemd ma 51m Mcommnn Inflmmu Mlnlnl rd Dec 11 mm nmnunlcd In 1200 mmpnmlwllhunr Inn mm In lhr mm In year In nml nprmllnx nvrmm wm mmrm unlm 1mm Cnnmllnn Incnmo Mr Dec 11 Clnlnlnn Indullvlri Hnl Thl mn nny Iulnml qunrtcrly AM end 15 rrnll prr Ihm ynynlulu cm April 10 NM In phlrrhnldm n1 rrcml Mmh 19 Thu compnny rmvlmuly pnld 10 uni tummy wllh mum mmrlor llnnl pnymcnl of ten mm or Mn Innlml puymnt rrnlI per than llun llnri Inn MIMI 44 IMhnlnzhnm IrMMPnl min 1M lhe rnmlfrm mu mnumm pnyln lvh mm nflc lh prurnl cnmpvllllve cnn dlllnm In Iran mnykrll Mon nvyautltm Hmllnt PM lann lnr nul yenr Indld Joember 1W mounlfid mmqu yr Ihnm mmpnrn with mm or Mr nhm In um lulu mm 11mm hum mtmfiu In INI Tlnlfllun rum Runny lnmpuny er Inrnnm IM yrnr omlul DrrImbnr ll M1 mnlmnlnl tn hut01M um or Ill Mayor In MUM pt 11 01 ml mm runny mum rm Immu down om Imam In my my nt mlhml Jailed MN Nr or inrome 1mm nanulir Orillia Lad Captures Public Speaking Test Fumpllcd by llyllll 93 Dunlop El sunum Summuy llulkv ml lld N0 Inn yen HULLETIN BRIEFS nutm nuns or in ma zndxnl Mmh 15 m3 Game Conlngwood Dlfirict Deputy Governor who was pmmm chllrmnn Juan Bel lord Allistnn girla runner up Kathy Cantu RE Al ton llrls wlnn Phllllp lluilman Orilllo chairman or public making or Dlslrlcl Onlnrio and Quebec ouliined whim pmcednru to audi ence lie sold he would bu mnklnl the trip Quebec with lhe we studeni who win Danie next monlh Last nights conlul Will held In the collegiate nudmium illole were Slnyner Lioxu Club member undo the diredlon oi president Dr Willllm lvu District dtpfliy governor Mei Gallic Coilingwood was chair mnn District Governm Vnikcr Midland mm in gum yrcscnied mphlu and priu money to the our top winners Phillip Schrcibmm received his top mpflilor 1m phy from Mr iiuiimnn The other 10 cameslnnu celvcd cheques from llr Moo dle consnlMlon prizes me were llve Judges Mrs Harva Colllnzwood and Carl Curmlhm llurry llaw kiln George Thvmpson and Mrs Goldl wnnler all Slaynerl Slayncr club prusld ent Dr Willlnm Ives was lum kccnn my Inch mmcslnm lirsl made five to sevenmime prupnred ccmpnrcd wk $ll7l1031 In 1961 llufilnn HI Mlnlnl And firm In co Ncl Incumo or he Illcnl ytur ended December 11 19M nmnunlzd la 511301305 nr 10 per Ihnrt compnrzd wllh 310mm or $306 pn almre In 190 Gm reveuuns were an Bl44ll nlnlnnl NAHUM In prcvlou ynnr Clllndl lrnn lflnndrin le Ne Incnmo Vnr Ihe llunl yrnr tndnd December 1061 mnunlcd MUM ur mm per mm compared with 11mg or $11 pa hm In Lang lrelldrnl Imtd that lull lncomu lax of 690 000 mu pnld In IMZ compnml with ammo In 1001 when nurth curry larwnrd reduc td lnmme tax llnhlmy filmpnunl Incoml Inf IIIHICII yur endtd Jnnunry ml Imnunlrd In $5113141 or 61 per mm It romp with film or we ptr Ahm in he prrcrdlnl year Sale in cent In HM Mum My lndunlml Levy In dunlrlu Lid In pnllmlnnry Ilnttmenl rvporll mnmfldnltd Ml Imam MM In In 71 per common nhm or Hm yur maul Drumhrr M1 TM 1901 Ilium mnmlldnn Illu nll Induflrlu 1M ml mm lnre an mmpanhll will Ml Ilium Thu IMI ml In mm In IMumlu 1005741 nl lo com mmmnn In mlIn llnl And ul cm 1M 17 onmny upon lhnl m1 m1 Mr mlll In ml MM lhnn mlllan III In bull nl Cnnlmamr QurMc An Irlul Illlld Ihnl enllmuln Iluvlln tum hm on Cam puny no um but HM ll hull M1 Iwn fluldfll whm em Irmtlcm will buln um Inn All Mn Mll mom lot IM Incl yur mind number mm nmunloxl lo INLW nr II man an lncnmn lu mm mayum vllh MI mu mm In lnmna nu of In ymimu ynv TM Annual mml mm lhal IM mm mm hmmhu lnr mm Inmnm In um Ind nlul In do Ye An Schreibmnn ornlil boya win Mr Indlop competitor in comm nnd Hvalewdllnz nanla boys runnerup The tour finallsls Kn on In lub district WA limb in BinIa spawn hen returned or mgr mpgormfiqrmlk Whlle to judges were on making helr choices group Stlynel slnnm entemlned ha audltnce These are mem ber 01 vocal muxlc group led by SCI music cachet Knlzhu They practised lhmughout the wlnm It nlzht Ichool hm Mayor Elmer Darlly mend ed making from lhe own Slwyner before ha spenkm muncth halt hreehour mm on CONTESTANTS The 41th Ian comments were Roberta held 16 odllla grade 12 under at Park St Collozlm Catherine mm 14 Conlngwood In nude 10 In Colllngwood Dlxtricl Collegiate Imflute Ellznbem Trainor 19 Barrie grade 11 Burris Cen ml Callezlale mun1e Doug In Webb 19 Colllnzwuod in grade 12 CD From Stnynzr were was June Fisher 11 In grids 11 at SCI and chk White 10 nude 10 student hem Oihm were Robert De Wnlk la Drndlord in nude 11 Brndiurd District High School Bill Clark 16 Elmvaie xmdo il Eimvnla Distrid mm Schml Elemnor Belfry 17 nrndlnni and DBMS and Carolyn Mmln 16 Elm vale in grade 12 at EDHS NUCLEAR ISSU bchrclbmlm threw Phlllip some verbal punches support in nuclenr dlsarmamenl in hls ptpr speech AM graphic destrlpllon of nuclear Innam per ha naked Why should Canada obunn lhexe vtnpon when the who world lryln rld 019m Ill lmpmmplu spcerh was on the New York newspaper strike He sugzuhd that 1h Itrlke weapon In Ill use wu balm mlmwd by union do mnndlnu rldimlous and petty benemL Any udvnncu eventu nHy nlned In lhl strike cant compm to me loam It mmcu an lhe publlc And Jan lhlnk All he Ilma lhe people of NM York are doing wlmou heir pnpm he Iluulam nlll In helr Prnvdll he ndded Knlhlc mm N1 Allen zrnde I1 xluden 1n orange vllle woke In on the pup pom nl educntlnn and law Um value Mull Iln runnerup Almm Helium who In in find Ilnnflnx Memorlnl llllh SdlooL Alllflon lnlkcd on mtmnl rclnrdnllon and 1d fllzhl Iloyl runner up Jlm Flemlllnl hrld lnnh on IMImu Ind Pomblllllm ha 200 Cnlllfy Ind Ilnndlnn Hm in HM Second Wurld WIr llnlph Rnellrnvp lernl flu lllvlnlo or Slmcol Nnrlh Ipo nl Ornnuvlllq Inn nlxhl an nl Amy Rlflufl lelrll candidate or Dullcrlmfllmcm In NI mum Mr ammo ma IM annnn 1le rrnl Almelnllnn In mm In In Ihll Mr Mrnhlhrn clmuly mmlu ndlnl ml Imlvo nr1ulnln wllhnul Mlvfl rallnn lar vll mvnnln wn Snelgrove Backs Harvey Stewart Mr wllhmul mnlnv Ihldl know wunl work unlm 11 um lonhfll whlrh mm nu mmtl llnrllon It Dlum lovmlmunl Twin 11 Illa lo MM In II Mom In mo ml ml mnny lho mlmhfll of mo Molrnbnlw lnvernmml rm In mmpmd In unuqu nu lhnl It In Mm In cur mull In muy lmi mupolldlmmljmmrt mm almdy Illm on MM MI In Mr mu vould nm In lunch It MI uud car lot unlm to Ill Ml on lb Mb laden 0n mun cant run comm Ilka Clnad II In love In an Ind hum mum In other Thu Georgian Elly Chapter Credk Union held it nnmml meal and election of Milan Oriiiln Ihia week and Jim Wilson of Burris was elected to second term president newcomer to the board din ector or th urea in may Lunnox oi innisiil ann Credit Union April 11 Back row from lei are Ed Wnlktr Mldlnnd Dh mct Governor who presented lrophiel to tho four winner nnd Intcmnllnul counsellor Howard llulfmm Orlllll Bay Chapter Credit Unions Vote Iim Wilson President 1an Menu of Cnngem Cred Unhm Bnrrlm presumed league director Wllllnm Acre mm cheque or Sm dounr for each member of IL credit union This money wlll so to fund which Iucd to retlxn lha debt on lha Onllrlu Credit Unlon League bulldlnz ln Tm mm PRIME ROLE enu llnycrnlt of the lenxua was lhu wanker or lhe aven lng and spoke on he roln the Crndll Union Chapm In tho orxnnlznglpnl educmlon alllcen nl he chuplerl mum bcr credit union In that they could sperm lhulr credit unlon with cmninncy wm the prlma Claude Edwards president the 75000member Clvll Scr vlcn Federnuon Canada va llcd Camp Borden yesterday He was then lo dhcuu hnr National Leader At Borden To Discuss Bargaining Rights Mnior Slunn WI CD of Harm hm Imn nppolnlml Ann Supply nnd Trnmpnrt Iver and commflndlnz nulcrr Na Company 110an Cumul lnn Army Sorvlu Farm at Imlwvhrw Onhlrln Malor and Mn Way hlvo hem mldinz 71 Mrlnm Ava No II memhrr cl Harri urllna Club and Harm Gull fluh and bwl new In Ihn mmmunlly Maior SC Way Gets Appointment Mnhr Way WM born and du tnlnl In Wlnnlrwl and Jolnrd In Cuudlun Army In ma Ho nrved In Eumrw during the war ml Iln hon hu bum flllkmtd Churchill Mnnllm ha Wlnnlwl Ollwu nnd Camp Dordm whrn hn wu alllw cmmlmflnl Ilw Fwd Sorvlrn Trululnl Company IICASC Vthml In uppolnlmnfl he mu Mld III nu urvlfl mu mean any In 1an ll DUNMI IA MAJOR WAY STOlLAR CONSTRUCTION ALL NEW DESIGN FULL PRICE ONLY $300000 Down Plymonl H700 Ono NHA Mortgag Clou deoh Po STOllAR BEDROOMS SPLIT lEVEL For Fuvlhor Inlnmuflm Cum chairman for puth mum at District AOnlldu and Quubec Mr Human pro man he on cam um nwml Pygmp smegma rule 01 lhn chuptur Workhl on lhu chapter enule amt deal extra work or credit unfion membm he said but we belleva we are our bro lhcrr keepers lhan wn Ahould be willlnu to do m1 extn work to helpyqn Pruidenl Viimn ouLiined Ihl work he chnpicr durinz the past year and cnlied on the cammmce chairmen to mull their reports He noted that last year Credit Union my which WM held in Oriilll VIII Iucceulul uvent and um this year it would be nrcunry lo plan or inrzer wair ii nLio wricamed the newul mm her credit union to the chapter Bradlord and iinlilnd Landlnl CammgnityCrcdii Quinn aifilhir 91min rndil union membul unend ed from In north as Parry Sound and gum includzd lu gue nru supervmr Norm Alexander league director W11 llnm Mn and Mrs Mm Mn Jnckm Mnmd and um Ward Colllnawood represent lha nluc Water Chapter xnlnlnx mm or cvll 3mm wnh Camp Holden Nulnnll Dr fence Employcu Auodnum HIM and was welcomed lo nnrdAchby NDEA president qum Mr ward ccnlmed with Earl Carroll and Sum Now worthy Boniml CPDJ and outlined Lha Clvll Service Fed nrnUnn work an mlltcdvu ban xnlnlnx find explained NDEAI role NDEA L1 lhe largut ll llllnllan mo 75mcmber lod eruuan Mr Edwnrd aid rollecnva bmnlnlnz alwnyl betn on NDEAI obkcuvu Lnlar 1n lhe armnoon he made In brie qur of Bonita Ind met Ilrllzndlnr Moozk Commander Camp Danica Ind had come with Group Capuln 11 Hilton Commandan flur nCAF SlMlon Dania MAKE TOUR Lulu In lhl eveninx whun ha append on lcluvhlun Mr Edward Inld nll political pun Ilu have nuured hlm um Ith bulieva lhnt rolleclhe burnin Inx mm or clvil urvnnu llawcvcr Mr Edward uld that he wroll nznln on Much la lhu prlmo mlnlller luk lnu hlm In clnrlly hll and on bargaining mmg Mr Edward ad Jun rdum nd from law Weuzm Can ndn la vuil NDEA brunch in Hucuvflle Lonan And Cnmu Hardm but he llDPQIIId 11m lhl wnru lnr MI menu lrnvelllnx Ila Mk II onlertncl wlUI NDEA nfllml dLlflullfll In Mml not nnly called Inlnlnl but Inc nptullon lb nnllnnwlda Civil Servlca feder ntlau Tho nllendlnl mu mflllnl Includtd Mel human mhlovflh Mnllry Iluflmln EDC lllnlr Tom Mth and Colllnl 01 Ink Ac ramwnylnl Mn Edward NDEA nuloml murmur um Km of Dunn Mr Edward muminl to cm Int mm con um wm um In CM nrvcc Fednrlllm would ulxnnlod In In burnin lnl um In avmmenl plnym rrpllnl hll IMI In anlrll cholu to hand an Inn LIMITED IA Ill or COleILTION OMET Edward iinmiilon Sioani Oilurchfli second postmmen and olden minim wiii cele brm his 9an birthday April mrm 01 James Sloan who milled plonosr in mm in munchili Mr Sioan liiii enjoying nod health dis ploy lino hudlneu oi the orig inal mum Mr Sim who hunuived two Quunv Victor moduli on lot as yam postal nerv ica and one or so you1 poo ini nervioe took over the Gillrdlill poet oiiicn imm ii lather hum it wn his in rim inrnal who umbiishod tho iirflpulll service in the village They any Hint him my num onm lo Churchill mnii was brought up hen rum Brndiord by horseback rid er emu Mr Sloan 3y lho Um Niamhntatiednm Senior Citizen Recalls Churchills Early Days in Km ofllce me mimimmn nawnr the Nagpur Id had been bum and the mall came to Lekoy Every day my father and Mn my sell had to make the trip why mm day to fetch the mall in tha momma Ind sand on oulanlnx mull mm regardless the weath en Idler on mull had been Ion ed In lha little post omen thn¢ now serve as buck kitchen to Mr Sloans home ho had dellm It Lhu widespudd mrll mum service that he started 60 year 1129 nun4 vv mue wen no large null boxu 1n thou any day nml delivery he WI All 01 than wgre 019 mm ml all so that it then wan parcel you had to hug out side And nnothn lhlnl may when my lather wu pustmnsur there we not vzry many letters to handle And nnoiher lhhm that would mm 5mm my Am 103 per can 01 er mall handled or oveneu wan ad dmnd mm or to either Irr land Scotland or Enghnd There wax acutely uwbody In lhe are thnl Wu any other nullonnfllyfl Aim ha had added an en closed up to his bu to pro act him irom win and rain wmmer deuveria to rural mu wcra not on unpleasant In winter ha made deliveries ridinl in an wen cutter hullin robe wrappad around hi leg and net But when ha temperature dropped far below um and than was danger hia rm neth altar hour madam ha carried lam storm container called pig illle with hot water and mad ll lika hot wuer boula lo ml hla ice on Later he used mu charcoal slova which gave oil more con sists wnrmih When the drill wen deep in when the road became box during lha swing breakup ha made do llveriu on loot HOMELESS CARRIAGE It wu In 19 It In Ilme when harm would wild at In mm 21 sud an unexplaln nhln contraption In boneless candaze that Mr Sloan pur chased hLI um car modal Ford 01 50 mm Lh um dealer In Emit In lhm day Wu mu showlnl you once and you won on your own laughs Mr Slonn 1m only guidance Ln hinduot lha cm lhnl had was who the woman told me when drovu hlm bank to Lelmy xlnllon Somehow nand lo lho cnr homo Wu uon lha thing IhM didnt touch lot over wuko Ann WM not med lo tho Men and um It or lhl mxl nan yum lo de llvur nnd mm man was good lllllo ur OI course 1th time ho mod wen ln cllmd to bo vary duly and alien loo munh In lnwel over 21 mm III hour Awumnuy Ivan In than dnyI young motor mum rm notorloul or lhelr mk knnen 0m day drlvim nu tho Fourdl Um Innlml Mr Slam hit an Impact mm lhc mr Ind mum round lo molar cycllnt llHlnl un hun Into lho Incl mu unu ho hd nmrnml Ibo rur at Mr Slo ur nlfllVlNO PLACE MI blonn remunbcr whcn menu wowmd In lhllv mud In North haunt cauuuun Amehllol ON APRIL BTH VOTE Inn hotel Ilarlnuo tho my munhu ol Mm unveils inflame blacksmith shop caninn work nchopplnl mill unmnn lumen mn ker two slum cmmery Ind diam plant flavor Morinmm the DImoI urh Ichool public llbrIry churdz Ind one OnlIrloI Int mlan rlnlu plus the community hIlL One Hamlin mu open Hon went owl or buxlnesI am the time Mr SIoIn wn one or two yam okL Nun lho mulb enu unnu ol mm Got mIn om the rare nonBrit lsheu ln um communlw made vnrlety ol cookery Including glued stone crock wlddl un ul Into lhe woo were valund or pmuvlm pldrlcs and um In down pork uh Ind OUIK mm ll not known wha mer this unitsrun dug local any for lhe manmotun of wares Dun lnnmnu at this mockery ml to lluht mum scnom be runambon ll the rim Llne school Wu lllua lo hulldlnl whcn he mended ll lnrllle lnle £370 and euly Only the three were mm but than three subject with Irme including rig onomeiry wen conceniraled Irpon lo sud an extent that by he time has 2an pupil had ruched wim wn known as Third Class the emdvlleni of Grade Fivn iodly they were tackling problem um stud nu oi today comooh ed with until they ema high xchool With so much hand labor to he done on the arms in those days was max nixed thing or buyl to My at born to work Wk the sum mer grid 51th rcizooi lhc winterniéhm nm teacher um um wen nil men any Mr Sloan can til you on thhu there wse no pranks played an mn Forecasts Issued by the IM nnln wuLhIx amt pt Synoplm warm alt ls npmd Ina nradunlly Award and In tempemnm an expected lhmuzhm Ontario on the waekcnd Mk 5L Clair Lulu Erie Lake Huron Nllnrl wulem Lake OntHo mlm Windsor Hlmlllon Tannin Sunny and wlrmu Sunday wind mumwul 15 Eumm Luke Ontulo Hill hurlon rezlonl Clearlna Sun dny sunny and warmer Wind southwest 15 Georgian buy Tlmlguml re gion North Bay CloHm wnnmr Sunday sunny nnd lull warmer wmd wglhwut J5 er och nno regions Sudbury Saul Sta Mum Sunny and wumu today and Sunday Wind Ioulh mm Windsor SL Thoma pullca ner thq momlnfl fluted young Klll had hen hl by car and tam nognl Victor Hmpllnl yulu ny alltrnoon Report Child Hit By Car hho wm Ilruck rant Collyl Cleaner on Dunlap East Palm ConnMo Ktn MU McKnnzhlnvmlzpled No other lnInfrhaIlon wu Ivnilnbla anm szne mg FM Almull Ill yuu IlliIIER shlllll hu cmmlrntloufly urved flu Inmth at All It mph ol Hmm Norlh mum mrm ha been Idlv 0n mmmluml havln nmlll Imumu In lhh county mm IMITII mum hard In mp0 ol Expm mllu uu Indmm lxvelopmm um tin nun man Corm mon Ind anll Bullml lam all nl which In brought Mn and pmpulty to our pumlu HAY VIITlI Tlll MAN WITII THE RECON ur UNBELIISII IllLlC IIHVICI McKINNON FURS 150 Mlniuagl Smol Em WEBER FORECAST IREELECT THE MAN WITH THE PROVEN ABILITY TO SERVE ALL THE PEOPLE HEBER SMITH IN OTTAWA ORILllA 3262736 SMIIH HEBER tucker He was very strld and with the strap And pump that was not bud ldu alum ORANGE onmm Inlemunzly enough It was in lhu home Mn Sloans mat xrenlgmldlalher James Sloan hat ha very fllst 0r ange Onset mecunz was held whcn the order was cmbflshed In Diamond Armnzh Inland In 1795 Th Jame Sloln was naturally 11 charter maniac he ardu aljn the put mem bemnfiatiuinytobauoh angeman any Mr Slonn the other up now Mpr retiremem In 1953 Churchill pm office had been operated continuan ly by him and his other for years record if ever Ihul was 0an The post own was taken over by the int Willlam Paterson mi all operated by Mrs Paterson It now located on Highway but mudl of the odziml Ma menthstillinuselnun newlylocated poi om London lfltchmer Hamilton SK Cnlharlnu Tvrontv Peterbomuzh nenlon Killnloo Muakokn nrlnn Kupuskns While Rlvcr Moosonce 55 Marie Timmim Mount Forul EDWARD ELDAN PERSONALIZED INSURANCE SERVICE Emma mumm All Clum luurnncu From All Eluulenccd And Imrmlu Ovanlqun SARJEANT INSURANCE AGENCY mum Dunlap mm Conlnll in 1w AAMXS

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