Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Mar 1963, p. 1

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am AilMM mnmmmvfmn Cl mm dlIlurhlng he marlnl In dllmLmd Alllnal Wlll Waldo Nomi vlll F11 dll In wlmu mum lo mm In mm wonh NAHa lylpd In hum 1de Had me rum1 Inn vmuMnl mm ml unm uld Hem relr cm he NDP llnmtlnl crlllc chch or public unlvcml tnmrllnnmy pcmlnn Mme nvllnhh In wmpnnr cm ploym and us Irllcmp nynl EUFJJII TIJ Onlavlu Velulnnry calm Dun In Lloyd Jnnu old vhlllnl number Commrrn mnmbm Ind hmva today lhul dillizully wu Mn pulan In ICCMP nulnllnl all who wlxh In hum vcmlmry nlwlmln 0mm llapmtmnnl nl IKrIrIINII Mm ullun Dumb nlwlunu mlunlly hm prrenn Illd mnmm rm Twa nunInde Mndiu nunr whorlmu uuml th 01500 mm ml nmnl In nuhuvbun El vltnlu hidy nlnhl nllvr llvlnl um um II In Ilm mm Funk leln lllouimh Irle mllm am In rink m1 1qu lmd NI Mr nl Mm vllh IM um receipt when lwo mulud mm Ipmuhed hc clr Mr Iha ml lmum min bcntlll under lhu Alandrd plm wuuld mun employ Mmlnl uoo or more month or your mlahl ru llrn wllh mnxlmum compul mry up at $99 munlh Ila Id In nauld mm tall he xomnmanll luluHun unrunlu lrlvlll pemmm Ind for uni much mum hall mnlnrlly lhu workm In In prmlnro Du ironclad Ichema hn ho lem parlyn Approval In enml prlnciple mid Mr Ed wnrds cqmmzm SCALE Mr Dryden was tchnlnl In urller xlalpmcnl by Ray wnrd Wenlwurm who uld all tmplnym lhould be covered Firm wllh leu lhnn ll wmkm mould be provrnkd lrom ulnlnu poulble mm pellllvo ndvnnlnxa over olhm with only Illxhlly men mploy ecg harlnld TORONTO CF New DemonAu Party member the lemhlura uld Friday lhe Ontario governmeml mposed new purubl penson plan would bone no more than so In so per can 0mm work en Knnnclh Dryden NWTon onto Woodhlncl old he Innis lnlure l6 compulsory mlnlmum plln called lor under he unv ernment blll Introduced urllcr lhll wank should apply to employer In lha Erovlnce lher lhnn those WM 15 or more employees qufinoglgh R9911 All Applicants Two Thigsz iGmb $2500 ant Bopfiegtflkad Langqqgo Actress Joan CIIWIONI shown wflh hthryurnld dnughter Cindy last night uld In Phlladelphla Ihen ls nolhlnl In keer um she plan to marry New York Gnvemor Ngknn Rock SCIYS1JOb SCheme otharge Enough 9m Year No 70 NEWS BRIEFS For Examiner an Ad Tele phone PA 32410 The telephone number to call for the Business or Editorial Dept PA 66537 DENIES MARRIAGE PLANS Our Telephones lmxrmlvn Innurvnllm Iml Llhmh will hnvu candl dnlu lnr will no in luau Ill linke 11m New Dcnwculla lnny In an numlnm Ar and floclnl 3mm hnl Thm Communlxll Ind 20 In An unnllltlnl rnmpilnlinn by Canadian Pm Ihuwcd 1011 tnnd1dnlc In 11 dd lwn duyl below Ihu clam 01 mm lnnllanl Monday Mnxch 25 The mom In In June wnl 1010 lhu pnllml preview duo Hun allowed lhm wlll be morn than nnouih nomlnnllnnl hy the pm lurnl Alnndnrd llmc clndnu Mnndny In pm hut yrnrn mnrk dmndmfi Cnnudna velar may have wldtr halt of rnndldalcs April Ihnn nvcr balm In cdnul tlccllon He called or 100 per cent wall la the emplnyea or right In both hl own and hls omployera contribullons lo plon And res Con nervallva backbone cr crlllclxcd lha zrnnllnl of we Hqunr lln mm In Toronto Ind tunesltd he province budlel money In mlva lha pmhlum nlcolmlixm He Ilsn Inld all benefits ol Iered by an cmpluynr are form 01 salary and Mnenu un der hnlh standard and auprp mcnlnry plum should new In ha empayue 100 per cent my muon LICENCE Nominations May Be Mark filler donl need thll publlciLy she sad and Im he doesnt Miss Crawford shown holding an nwazd she accepted 15 nlkhl from Ike Phlladdphla Wm mens Agvsrflxinz Maine an By JAMES NELSON CALGARY CllIrim Mln llm ancnhnkcr mum to may today Ivr mm mm Ihu chlrnd IlmoAphe will bclwun hlmn nd hll annu dclcnu mln Hour In llulnm who ll IMHHK rulecllon In Cullr Norlh mmlllurncy llrlnl Im mnlu Conmvnllvv undl dnlv Mr numbHr II In ml nl long lay nl whllllulnp an Frldny llllnulh qulhlrn Hulhl dawn and Alberta upon mnlmvmy over nurlur mm which led In Mr Huh nm Illarm firm the Mr ml tablnol hul dld ml mcnllon Mr Huknm hy mm or polfllon 11w vrlnu mlnlnlor lplflilnl In lenlhmom In 501ml Ilnned hII FINy nllhl mom In rnlhullnllc Ippul lnr anu for Cnnmvnlln mull flnln In lM am In lhc Aw uledlon Ind mmllnnzd lhlm III by Mm mud no nlmuu how om lo Mr llulnm nr Ml lldlnl Hr Ilulmu dld II QM lhu mm huh Ilfll Ipullnl vn men an em LInldml wns he In in the U3 he need In ha Swlu ombrcnk It lnvovcd warold mmlcd wumnn unnamed who lell lhu 115 Pub 11 lo vacullon It lhc Chumoln Ski Club In Zermnn Sho hccumo Ill Much and returned lo the US erch ll on plum wllh 130 olhcr Amu lch 100 lhem from New York Clly calm Iulhnrillu hm not an In much all II New Your pnmnxm Ind Id ml henllh nulharlllu wm lol luwlnn up on the olhcn Mrs Marla Slrnlghl 55 Campbell Cnlll clerk In Pennys yardage department adjacent to lhe holler mm Florence Caballero 45 San Jose and Vernon llln Inn 41 San Jose bolh cullom en An outbreak typhald In lhu vlllnn Zermnll Swilwrland resulted In nl lens 30 can hm and tight Briton curled lha nlcsllnal Inlccllan blck la lhglr homeland mm the morn Nlna the injured were re porled In nrlous or critical condlllon Fire We Ronald Lehman estimated damn It more than 1100000 NEW YORK AP Typhoid ever has invaded the United Sinlca mm Swiss Alpine ski resort One mm wan uncnvtred Fridny In New Yuri nnd nearly 200 American worn believed In imvn been exposed to in dis ease lmck Io mérsééiéll Arrived nnu mlnuls afler the blast BODIES LAND IN CELLAR The dead were hurled Into the Eila ol wreckage In Pennys nsemenl and Into our eat mm that ushtd mm hraken Inc and lprlnklers Police denlflled the victim as City manaxar Human said pollce questioned Rlcardn Hello 21 the boiler maln ulnnce man who was Md his job less than five hours be SAN JOSE Cnlll AP bombIlka holler explosion blew gaplng hols ln downtown torn Frldny Ieavlnl three per son dead In mm at rubble and It least 71 Injured The blast from the slxloot hlzh holler In the basement ol Pennya wrecked drug xlore on the hulldlnle maln floor and scattered less and wreckage In the maln lntereeo legal his lawn ogmlom Olllclals wnuld not elaburlle 011A he Intmaxatlon Another mystery was tele phone call reporting boiler trouble scant rnnutes baton it blew up The call sgnt flrg US Gels Typhoid From Swiss Resort PM Campaigning In Harkness Area Dead 71 Hurt In Blast HecklerCreates StOfm At PearSons Meeting mvu umnlcr and Mr Cunn elle want him In letp MI Mm ummlnn lull lb Sodnl 0mm firmly lam In £01 In unlor Ihe pmvlnchl pl4l Ihmlld uml lhal III ply lu hlm In it an Twn pnnau In Mr Ulrlcn hnlwl damn wm lnkcn In Ilduwipu lmllrcclly ll Mr llnrkncu Fur Um linl llmr Lllwul Ivrmlrr Iunn Millie ml Quin Inc dimlly III Borlul mlll erme Lomlwr llul nunrlle ml Humour Morin flmo Mn Inna who would nnh In who would drllrmlnn polhlrl wllhnlfl mum to ml Mr Illeltnlmhr xnhl nut llm pmnn ml whom lw rupannlmmy mlu llnnlly in try munlry II the WW lhnx munlry and mm rim sociallyprominent oalco pnlh Dr Stephan Vnrd good friend lhn mlsslnsz model suld an lclcvixlun Friday nlghl hn had pretty good Men where Chrlsuno was and had Upped all Stollnnd Yard The Yard snld It was Imcsllknllnl lhls Infor mnllon Nlahi club axslius nnld she Win In Spain unnwnre or all In lull Llllle DIrk WEI Ellinl his xrnmlmalhcr nhoul llLI innnrlnl IncL Un llinldmd fry snylnu plnn whlrh 11 wnrfll rrnlm Wm Mlnlslur John Prnlumn nld he mm at Cammmu Fri day in he knew Iho girl but had nut hlddcn her way lo pre vent possibly damnglng lull many Ilo threatened to sue for llbel unynnu who npcalcd nul slde mcnl nllcgnllon made by Lnbur party mnmbcr In the House under nmllnmcn ury privuqxe By RAY PALMER LONDON AP Scotland Yard had its drngnel nut today 1m playzlrl Chrisqu Keeler My against former lover charged wilh lrylnu Io kill her lounhed all apeculallon inf hankyqxanky mchlng lnlnhlgh government circles IS SHE IN SPAIN Losage Caouette Wam Each Other lmvlnrhl pnmlru thlny InNI hp my Hw Alvvll 941ml rlNllnlI rumpnlxn JOHN PROFUMO BriLalns war mlnisler ls shown yes lerday In car with hl wile farmer actress ancrle Hub mm as they drove in the House or Common in London Playgirl In Spain Scotland Yard Probes Burrlo Onhrlo Cnmda Saturday March 23 I963 HERES ONE lurk Mnl Mhzr mun um Ilm ml polnflnl In Mlllv ndlll to Quebec MKI Ind mlr wemm rm lmflgmlmnutll ll tuna cpl Ir new tom II um 10 Irr In no final Ilnlml nmmwm alumni In Ilnuvhln Ill Mllannl louder nl Iha Social lell parly puny wllhou numb In Iu Ilmmnl lk mm lo per mpl nln memo Minn American Magazine Says Canada Torn Disillusioned Divided Thu qun cnrrylua Hm nrllcla Inlet Aprll ml hll ncwr Ilnnd Ilrro lrhlny lhu dny nllrr lthnn Mlnlllrr DIntcnhn Im salt In II npcnch In llrxlnn ml Unllrd Elam lununxlno mm would qulen nnmllnnn how In prlmn mlnlr DMHMIN Mull CHM lml lhomwrm nlumml IIlday In Hm lnrmlnmh ol unlul Mun llnlm whrru In llul luunrd rlrrllnnrvvlnu In 1930 lo nlnu mm nn cnlll Thu Unknnwn Canadians any Cnn min turn hy mllunnlism dim Illusluncd wllh Ila lnndm and divldcd nn vIlnl mnlurx In mum ml Cnnmln Ila lclullnnship mm and cullng lawnnl Ihn United Shun nml sun ll nnllunnl nnd ro nlnnul Isms llm mnnuxlno any lhn Aprll lrdcml rmllon may nnl proxluru unrrm maul mun lhn nuuonl Mull nu Innmhl will lur vlm NI mm lnr Ils pmplo mm will lo mvhc Hm mn lnlnulnl The Inhlold Dally Sketch akn In from page cdllorlal say he speclndo of cnblnel mln lslcr having to explain hls nc quainlantcshlp wllh xlrl who nhould have Klvcn cvldcnce in shooting ruse nunlnsl IL and man wllh convlcllon fnr living on he enmlngs pro lilullon lo any lhe least un cdimng The Munchcsler Gunrdlnn any Prnlnmaa slalcmonl shuuld silence lhu ugly Marlo that have bccn unlng mound NEW YORK APImk mn gnxlqu In an ngllclq mm1ing The Ime llcrnld rpmpuma an editorial demanding mm the girl be laund saying until Ihcn unhnllhy rumors and specu lnunnx are bound to continua An uneasy Keeling mny pcrslsl lhnt somnhody somewhere nnximu to cover up signlllcunl Inclsl demands that Parliament unlcr un Inknshe march Brlllsh newspnpcn Iodny mar for action Crowd 400 Enthusiastic For Thompson Prolnmo old member the house acquulnunco with Christine chlcr Ills Keelnr no has been mlssln fur more Khan week She twice him killed to appear or Inkl wllhout nnmlnu he magnxlno lhnl ll would nu ho urulnx Cnnmllnnl lu vale or he ngrcsslvu Conscrvallvo nnrly Thu nrllrlc nnnauncnd on he magnzlnu cover mm In Ihnlu mph at tho Ilcd Enslun flying above funst nnd wllh lhe hrndlnx Crhll nnd Connch In innndn erl wrlllcn by In Moflmnr Louk unlor ulllur Lulu he met Mb Kcelcr In villa Wnrd had on lhe grounds at Clivedcn he vns 051qu owned by Viscount Aslvr son 01 Lady Astor The war mlnlstur was nocdlcd In lhe House of Commons Inst Nnv about anolhcr model thor party members asked about rumors Pmluma hnd hlrcd lelnl girl Mallsc Men IN 10 pose for rccruilinz poster Nal true snld Pqumm He had mn plclurc of hcr an an llnllnn bench taken by him Albcrl Belnlum When he run lnn hrr at mm pnrly he Jnklnnly suggested she post or tho wnr office Profumo Iald he and Miss Kculcr were on ricndly term humch wax no lmpmprlety in their nlnflnmhlb HLI wile ac tress Valerie Hohson slch mm the gallery as he spoke MEETS VILLA urnImam an Inth um Nu 01W Au Mxy1wmuod behind 11 icy 4qu mm Iller wnmd Aln IM beam howul Won Im um Um 2m Innmm Ilunm In wund witncu In finding use Prutumo mid ha was prompt ed to make his statement be cause of nutgallon lhnt have been made about the girls disappearance AP VlreA pholo new sma WRAPmount can By ALAN DONNELLY ST JOHNS Nfld CP leather lunged hackle came close to breaking up Liberal lander Pcarmn speech here Friday night to holstemus au dlcnco about 2000 Newfound Innders The death lull mm In emp Hon sncrcd Mung volcano flood 1264 Thu gamma null mid he expected ll to rise lenxl 1500 51an many person no mlulnl nnd lured dead Muro Ihnn 3000 pmom wm rcporlcd Imlnlvd without food In Um town Knrnnnmm IWUI msl of the Imnlderlng volcano lhnl had been Ilslcd In tourm book Inactive llcllcopleu wm Nquukd mm mllllnry aulllorluu In call Javn lo ltrry out pcnplo nlrnndnd In pockcl lurmundcd by ho hum Ilmmm Int lhcra was 1m Indlcnllnn hm whelhnr or when lhu np Mlmud bu mcl steady barrage of shumln from the heckler turned lhu meeting Into he wildest mus hectic scene of Mr Pearsons ulefuon campalgn so Ar Prcmlar Jpay Smallwood quellcd the loudest outburst from the heckler ahusky lar mer football player by dl rec appeal In the audience Mr Pearson finally slruck an or muln that kept him qulelan In vllullon to the plnllurm lot haudshnkcs all around lllll novunnr Inmk Axunl Sulcdja lnld Thu Amclnlcd Prcn Ihoulundl nl Dnllncnu who Inst lhclr hnmel In lhc The young mans lnlrrrup on broke much of Mr Pearsons Mn nule xpeech and brought angry shout from the crowd that packed me Church Lads Brigade Armorial hall owned by an Anglican Church baga orndlxr On top all that runnlnz fin of encouraging IntelJulian from halldozen Ilpsy enthusi ast added zany note lo the pmcecdlnzm EMITS CHEERS One of them ended up on he plallorm behind Mr Pearson when he emllud lpolBdlC cheer during the tea or he mggllng Through it Ill Mr Paman remained slim and managed to get across much hll me aage pmmlaa to xlva fisher mm equamwmml will west ern lumen pmmlse to tx lund Canadian sharia jum urgan Vréques or rice ind hell tuplm went out ram Ml cnpl ul lnday ln nl dcsngmll algort In anvoslarvinxvlllnxm In mud by fiveday deluxl VII Rice Copters Needed In Bali mmmsm pn11m ExBall Players Tirade Angers Many In Audience Not Mort Than Par Copyl4 Pugs Clearing Sunny and warmer on Sunday Dow tonight 23 High tomorrow 45 For I111 summary turn pugs two LocaLWeathér dldlon 11 miles nilshom from the present three mlle llmll nnd an appeal or when election swear oi all seven New oundlnnd cunsmuenclcs The en er who Idcnulled himself to reporters us Edwnrd Butlercan mc anhy But Ie 51ka early In Mr Pour sa speech Standing ntnr the Iron the hall at one sldu ho launched Into rude that brought Mr Poflrsnn In dcud smp The xnvunnr mid IhIs llllckly populnlrd Island 2500000 people has no mum to Accum module ull refugees on new land Thu only mlullvm hu said would be In mun lhcm In nlhcr Ishnds Not lunch grrrn rr mnIncd In he mmhczul Him Dckmih live milm rum lhl Inn the mamon mlcnnn which he lhllnrse hrllmn II he home Hm gmls Trm worn nlrIppvd Icnvr bmnrhu cukrd Mhllu with umlc dust Tmnml rlLu pad dlu lny Ixndrr mmnm my lurlnru hrlnuumr was tho Liberal lenders flnul appearance In qurduy campaign swing lhrough the Al hilllc provigccs Go on Mr Pearson shout him down called out am in dlgnanl woman JOEY INTERVENES But It dldnt slop Gabby Bul ler Finally Premier Smullwnod look dlml nellon Sclllng the mlcmphnnelug 535de the prowl He snld 75m perms muslly larmm mvc lust all they pns xeucd Anamer 63900 lo he nvacualed as man p0th may also became homeless Sulcdlu plans leave or Jnknm Hm lndnncshm €an Inl Sunday In confnr wilh Pru ldcnl Sukarno Mm has de tlnrcd Bull mnjur disaster MID 50m hnvc mum lo he emc uaml The Liberal leader repeatedly Inteljaded wih rcnsnncd re quest hut he bu allowed to complete hlsspcgch Du you think somebody sent him hem la break up lhn mech lnzY Yu Ihe crnwd replied lWlll we let hlm stay or put him out Pu hlm out many shouted No no Lcl him slay the prcmler mid and ho hum stayed In lha wk um mud Lay pm ul Mgth up Later he moved lo the other mm the hall and resumed hll Interrupflnns wilh uncompli mcnury remarks Finally Mr Panrmn the premier sum lullonulnvlltdhim he plat Iarm or handshakes nll nraund and he finally subsided nxpllnn may have to can Vlsland fumvcr aw

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