rumm lly MunM Null humIn CanonIi Amchllon nurlnl lhn summtr month hum Ilw wlll ho Frldlyonly rnln Iuvlnz Toronto at 530 pm nrrlvlnl Norlh Bay 1100 pm Salurdnywly lrnln ml Mrlh my 910 um mlvml Tornnlo pm These are In nddlllnn lo mu pmcnl evcnlnl And mmlahl nrvlcu now bclnz oxierllld on lhls llnv Tcrmlnl the new no Inn bold dcrnnuu lmm In Illam railway prlllnl Mr Wynnn Inld ll am be but lucrlhtd an adaptan nl modem prican tunccpll Ilndlr uhlrh minced Allhlcr Johnston ltllnl chairman of the Ontario Norflh land nuilwny Innounced his rallwnyl pnrllclpluon In In new plan wllh mu xolnx lntn effect on ONR llncl bclwucn hem Ind nmmlnl Cochunu And Mooxonu CN wlll extend the red whlln nnd blue am In Knpmkuinz nnd llmsl CNI new ml lrlln eflecllvo Jun 11 ulll luv Toronln daily no un and Inch North my II no pm Mr Wynne nld Southbound min wlll lulu North my daily II pm llld Irrivn anonio 1010 Th9 balance by year 59 blue dun wll otter um xlllhlly Iowar than present mm my regular mu because they are peaku lrnvcl times week nnds Ind holiday and min lpnm II prcmlum he cnlendar Into red while and blue dayl The ban travel burial will be on the m1 day wlh nv Inc up to emu on lho dollar While dnyl wlll bu aconomy one wlth snvlnzs ol up In 22 cent on the dullar There will be them malnly ln mmmcr monthsl NORTH BAY drlsllc re duction in manner Am and new as train urvlca be tween Toronto Ind North Bay were mounted hem today by Eric Wynne vice prtsldent Canadian Natlannl nullwnyl Both etlccllvn June ZS hm wlll be cu by richly 50 per cent on ollpuk dayl Unde ew mgrkgllnflflp Success lucnndldalu were Mn Theresa Julla Boudreau Mrs mu Cleoplus Coleman Hugh Ruben John Elrlck George Gllber Grant James Wilbert llewlu Mrs Mary Evelyn uSaze John Laver dlcre Leslie Edward LleIcc Mra Mary Jane McAleer John McQuay Mrs Mary Pcanock Mm Stella Martha Sara Wl llam Ruxhven Snider Bruce Ter rence hymnHarold John Wall win Mra Mary Flarenca Whl Mr Mklnxun said ball lhe group was lukhu the rescue course and the other half wal fare All passed with very huh marks he said Cenlflcatu will be presented In ccremnny In the county building Ingram Dr Hicksvand Dr George Remon ï¬ve the ex aminations Lawrence was the St John Ambulanm in slryctor Slxleen student have luccew fully completed St John Am hulaan Hrs mm pm erzency Manure 0r Eanlzauon rescue and wellue course Ray Alkhunn EMO co ordinator nld today am sure that nuflicicnt number oi thinking Canadians reailze that In this mail only the Liberal pmy is qualiï¬ed with the kind oi manpower the calibre oi Luler Pearson Waiter Gordon and Mitchell Sharp to get our economy hack into high gut in plumnan lo the run made at Meet the Cnndi ale reception held at Trinity Pub NI Hail last evening Ralph Snelzrnve Liberal candidate or Slmcoa North said that In My winion the most vital issue at Iiaku in this election to ulablish malorlly overn man CN Announces New Train Rates Sixteen Complete St Iohn Course Snelgrove Says Majority Gvovt Is Major Issue SMITH HEBER REDS FIGln MnmAGE ROTH2110M IM Dulch Ilulppinu nourcu lodny Ireland wumn nlmul dclnyl In andan all lunkcu In Sum Ulark Sm pom rmnl Nur wulnn report at llru In Sovld nil rcflncrlu hrnugm Suvlcl dcnlnL bul Norwcxlnn mum ma was ulnblllhrd ml Hum mu MI by unbaler hme bun unzan In lrlinrrlrl It Nowmisk Nanhbound lmlns luau To ronto It 030 am and 1159 pm Irrlvlnx In Enrrle II 351 Mn and 153 am mpccnvtly unwound lrnlru pm lhmugh narrlo 510 am and mu pm with Taronlo nrrlvul lime 15 and 0l0 pm Tororiloziimhnu wmu 670 Illun curly 1m max Va upch In In plan Implemented In nlhur secllnm our Grcnt Lnkcrrczlun be cnun believe his cumbin Minn impmvtd unite and renllstlc pricing will rncoumzo business and lnmlly Havel an lnlns Mr Wynne nld Examples of the new lam TorontoNorth nay Red 10 whlln $615 blua $740 Present mulnr onewny hr ls $670 hmnlolimrxl While 57m Blue uni In mas The benuiu the MW rulescale increase wilh dis lance and the lunger In jour ney lhe Healer tha luving In omcr wnrds we an adopting mumling principle In lech out punks by offeran Incentive on day low lrnvel demand and placing premium rain on day when luin accommodation In Ihorl supply This the lrsl exlcnslon the red whit and bin an ulun pioneered by UN 1m year between Mammal And Innllc provlnccs was cnn llnued there following ruc cesslul trial perer lure are Ward to sum nd dillwal business on nflpuk dag Mm Snelxrov also express ed her appreciation to the wo men who In her words Hod worked tirelessly to make this evening posible She cum plimcnled Mrs Calvert president of In Barrie Womzn Liberal Assoclullon on her lead ership at the Barri group and raid that Mrs Calverts capac lLv or work was tremendous Mr Snelgrova Ihankcd the members the Barrie Vomenx leenl Assocllllon who were In charge of arrangements for lhq reccpdnlm Mr Snelzrove continued Since there are so many civil servant who are realdenta at this area tecl the civil aer vice in at special interest in this ridinL Laai weekend Prime Minister Dieienhakcr re leased rather clouded prom iae to civil Iervice perwnnei He stated that the civil aervente will net the right to collective bargaining but without erbi tretian Surely he doesnt expect phase Intelligent citizen to tall or ihtl late eiectlnn baiL Cni iective bargaining without er bltretlnn is like car without motor which cant work unless in going downhill and would any ter paraphrase ta typical oi Dietenbaircr zovem mm Mr Snelxmve concluded his press release with the allow lnz atutcment it is my ballet that membere oi the armed tom and civil service emA pioyeee are entitled In eateries comparable to those paid to worker in business and lndua try who are doing similar loin Civil service employees must enioy the right oi tuil cltleen He emphaslud that While the Liberal party has the mediate anxwer to the present pmbIems lhlnk L1 meet my to remind Valera hit 14 will take Libelll government to Implement them ELECHDN BAIT um Pm ind 110 Mm PruA no though 11 glvcn la Gum Kills llul conlraclor flulritllve bylaw muid wtl retard dcrnlopmcnl ol the com muniy he xnld It can be now by jolnl dhuuslan Imkcls by the Public Works Discussing subdivision bond nn Mr licniioy contended lhul although the city mnxlden it expmirni inr lhe uhlic benciii in wniml subdlvl on lime or WA nob Bcncy Emmy Co Barrie mnde lhlq auto mom to the monthly metlint or me Barrie Hamcbuildcn lu soclallon Insl nigh The fuel lhnl he head of he Dcpnrlmcnl Publlc Work Ins lhe sale riuhl to Judy the ubilny mnlraclnr or sub divldcrs performance plum him jn he calcgury nod The Liberal would postpone social beneï¬ts until the acorn my had recovered How long will this tnke1 They were In kercsled In health program back In 1519 Mr Rintwl slated Public Wogks Head Is Too Pdwerful Speaker Stresses the same ume the New Democratic Party would lnLro dune social beneï¬ts such as medium and porthie pension In part ll program tn Ipur me jeanqqu Th projects would em ploy many workers and sum ulale other induslrlu which would have hire more people The more people work the less money rcqulred support the unemployed and he more money received by Iha federal zoye noon in Inpome lucs mu my aw unacmllc Party would undcflake Immedlnlzly unon oblalnlng power the due tian unemployment by mu slve spending program on much needed minds as slum clear ance housing hnspilnh mm and roads To Give Work Is NDP Plan It shame when large scale unemployment should he annsidered normal candltlun In thls country Perrle Rlntonl New Democratlc candidate or lmcae East tnld an audience ln the Northwest Buln School near PeneungWedntsqg nlghl Massive Spending Human10m Io Mnlll IIIIANCHLHn lo Cull ln um Nu VI STOCKSBONDSMUIUAL FUNDS PA 82412 ADVICE Ilthuul obllnllnn AND CdllANV LIMITED 59 DUNLOI 4TH Wlnhl $512 BASHED STANDARD GETS ATTENTION NESBIII THOMSON NTIMNCE MEMORIAL SQUARE Dcpnrlmcnl the bondan cnmo panic and he mnlrnclnr cun rncd Mr Bcnuny said Mr Hamilton Is nalire Ban1e Ind was parliamentary assislnnl lo lhu mlnlslcr citl zeruhlp and lmmlgrallon In 1953 Hc will speak ln supper Ileber Smith Pragrcssivs Conscrvadva candidate or Sim me North John Hamilton former Pm grossch Conservativé member Inr York West will be guest speaker PC rally In he Orange Hull Collinxwocd 030 pm Monday The Hound cur driven by Thnmns Bmcc Wilson 45 of Orchard Drive and the Jan auln sullercd damages eslimn ted $200 each Damage lo lho xlaudnrd was estimated $131 car driven south on Sunnl dale Road by Jurrinu Jagt 27 at Shlrlcy Street couldnt all an In Icy road and skid Into the standard on tha northeast corner the inter section police report The car then spun of the standard and car parked on Wellington which was waiting or the sig nal to change ame roadwas blamed for the accident II the corner Wellington Shed and Sunnl dale Road yesterday ll re mind In two automobilas and lrafï¬c Ilgnal standard bclnz damaged PCs Hold Rally At Collingwood Blame Ice For Accident Nu charges were laid McKINNON runs 150 Mississaga Street Em ORILLIA 3262736 lnnlnm Vail human In SUITE Ml BARRIE i4