Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Mar 1963, p. 12

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Mum Av mnul no luuvlll nnunn 10W MIL nmnu Ina Mn unnlu Ilmml Tull II Mm Alumni Th Ila llnu Mmuum nl ll Inn kl Ullmrlnnl In clumul Ihuln mm mm mm ITV ma mm Mm Av no main 10W MIL Ina Mm rnlnn Mlmll too um rm Up In Ivnl or man 00 km no rumcar IIM Math m1 Johnny In llm cm Nn 1m Imou IIImud hm lMIlInI Telmnl ITV mu Bum um ml um Iqu llulnn Ilmu baaDu 333383338 hull MARCH 50 hull TIMI hllnd 00 Tanflury ill 5N 704 zoo Ilaldown no Pom Polflkl 00 Tummy Ambrml 30 Emplll NJ ml 00 CBC Null Nlhl In lpafll anll llnlldly Inn Inunluv Mucll ma Tnl um 1130 run mm Mann Loo In 100 can llulonr Tnd loo Wand Hody no Hnwllnl loo Klnlmhlr Can Hull Ixunur um 90 To nu Th Tmlh huh The Dam Bcnch 110ch in Inml hi lloallng bnr propelled by walcr blcycle or bnlher who dont wan to swlm all lha way In shore or mnnlnl Our quuublc nonhlcl It Impossible la enjoy ldllnz thoroughly unless nna has plenty work to doJcr ome Jerome Cancer us ually lhnugh an nHmcn the elderly but he lrulh that It kills more children than does npy nlher disuse ncren good new or 11 cunsclaus bald men Los Angelo firm now rcnl hnlr place for as mm $1 week But ynu have to supply your own dandruff FLOATING BAR Tlp In lhe thrmy It you are Junklng your old Rolls mnyce his ygar save lho headlights They make very dccnmllve lamp or home or lerrncc Wu were lonlhcd for our ex cluslveneSS for our capacity Io mnko lhu local people luel no ondmle ln llwlr awn lands says Gussmnn In the introduc Llon hnok whlcll ml marlly an assessment or race rclallon In Cenlrnl Alrlca probath the next area when ll you wear lenses you and Klng Sand 01 Snudl Arab have sumelhlng In cammnn lneldenlnlly Arablal one of the law coun tries where slavery ls sllll legal has an crxnnlznlion called The Soclely or Order MId Vlrlue and fur Enrblddlnl Vce In South America India En and Kenya the Victorian emp rabullders and hair ud mlnlxlrntivo auceusor be queathed lasting heritage In brick and Iron and hlghmlnded princlglea governmml But they nd an uncanny knack of allennunl he nallvu popu lallon II If mm lIII nl mIvM wn colony bee produce 45 pound or mare horny year NEW YORK AP vlhlngs columnist might never know lthe gign open his mail Reduced to simple terms think BoxI Gussman In now book Out In the Mlddny Sun inmost that wIIere nntlvu people were Involved In 2010 ml rule Ihls may not be at tom the truth man Is No CHARGE rou ruisEarMca LONDON CHDid lha Enl 15h lose large chunk or their mpha or want few good mannem THE LIGHT TOUCH Wllon Tuln Mm Awmm 1n lmmmm nl Ill III mumrm Clumll Illul mu Tm mummy wmunu Would lloll VIIIIn lllnm BadManners CQuSed British ToLose Grip DRIVEYOURIELF CAR AND TRUCKS Busy Bees Make 45 Pounds Yearly ln lnIr om TELEVISION PROGRAMS CFTO CHANNEL CARRIER MISS YOU VALLEY TAXI CKVR CHANI By HAL BOYLE PA 82433 mm rum PM um ma mu II II Iuo IUNIMY Mqu 1m Mm rn nu H30 mm um rm In Jaulnll Avulmd WNM In In luv on um mm In Iona mm In IEI ms mu 011 II In philosopher one who nbsurvc We mm mm history hat du notlearn rumhlslurx Wm regarded as mlncmL Even acids wont dissolve dlamond Joe Lewis the nlxht club cnlcrlnlner nnswm hl Inn mail In longhnnd San sage was commnn In Chlnn 4000 years ago People have been belting un horse mm Ilnce the Olympic Games of 664 BC Now an an museum ll lhrec realest treasure are the slaluus he Winged Vlclory and Venus do Mile and Da Vlncia portrait Mona Lian Wurlh rcmcmberlu We all have great deal ad vice for youth because we used Mule of It wMIo we were un Do you ch the worlds largest pnlnce the Louvre In Paris Bull over period Ihreo ccntuflcs It covers 489 acres Tim chic and his elder were kept waiting all day EVLnlu ully they sent polite messaxo But somellmcs thehos men ullly lapsed Inm lnexcusabla hoorlshnesl Gunman recounu story Cecil Rhodes um to tell th0 Southern Rhodesian chief who went Into Bulawayo to pay his respect to the chief muglrtrale It was inst alter Rhodes had made peace wllh tho Malabele tribe and race re lalinn were poised on dell can balance Bachelor somcllmts make lonely brag about Ihelr free dom hut Samuel Johnson nallcd down lhelr sllunllon long ago wllh Iho rcmnrk Mnrrlaue has mnny pains but celibacy has no plan sures llnw lnsl are your nnuui Scienco has laund hat the human nervous system can lrnnsmlt messnges speed of 265 mllcs an hour THREE TllEASUREs To be fair to ths old dolonial oiiicials iha klnd of master and servant relationship they assumed wlih natlvo people was ingrained In their times in lelhvcemun England than was deep class gull and all lar eignen were regarded as lesser breeds was common or ro spanslhle newspapers in in 1880s to ruler in headlines to the mum mgnpmpp mm the wind chants will blew while rule away hyuixinu llnlnlnl 11mm 11an lllollllh mm mm liulng Ily Mun mm mm my mum KHIH 1mm mum Jouvnll mv mm Ilnlnll TORONYO rv Nn Am ulnl lnln mun num Arlavmy runmunu Mlumon mm mm mum 5mm show llmrnrl um Haul mm WI NHL new JulllHI Smarllmlllnllmllld BARRIE wm on Three nolnxmp Thls Is nnlurnl Md showan wllllnunm In play at hm nolmmp mm the blind garlnlnly wnrrnnls It would In wrong ovmnll In dlnmnndx and bypns what llkcly lo bu he besl conlrncl The same can ho mm douhln mm mm Partner nol hnrml 1mm blddlnu aver hm nolrump hnnd culls nr lhnl ntllon lull he doc 10 on his own rupomlhllily Ccrluln case you would like partner In respond to lhe double with hls bcsl null The double lhrcebld nn umlly lhnwn In good hand since partner In responding com pcllul ln undertake Mail IncIllck comracl GLOVM lleJuM Imp 01 Mult lllndl yum Double There are all kinds mclhnds used In deal with precmpllvc blds by the op puntMs but Iln most common one and probably lhe best In lrcal lhe double as re qulsl fur pnrlncr In Mr Th1 does not mean that purlncr cunnnl pus II hls hand snit nblc or Mom mum only lhnl lhu doubler intends hls bld primnrily or nkmul DAILY CROSSWORD mmm Amx nuddmly 29 XI Formar pmNul ntllfllll Inn nunul mounlllll nnfl fillnltl lhhr II lllnul nkln upm 1n Your rlghlhund deal and hlds Three llenrls holh aldcs vulnerable What would yuu now hld wllh each of lhofolluwing live hands Inlan Anulhellu 25 Ink xv Nullum mllnulm 301mm Mr and Mm Jlm MacDonald and Jimmie Toronlo spent the weekend wllh Mrs Rus sell Rowe Mr and Mrs Tea Houghlon Toronto visllcd Mrs Houglr loon the weekend lag Ms Sandra Knecshnw Gll ford was weekend guest 01 Ms Gui illnlbcrl HUI CIIIV lury IlC prvphal Dumrl Mr and Mrs Lloyd Cubom spunk nmsday with Mr and Mr Eggar Kngsjnw Bond Head fir ml rs Dee Channel1 alluded the Cookslawn Old Boys reunion In Toronto Frlday uven x12 oxeofififig go vxqw 91552 mm Similarly can language have no expression for thank yau An Airicnn receiving am or In may instead stretch out his hands in gesture that 4mm Mac 4mm um vm qum 4K3 AKJBEJ vs QM To take simple examph in lrlbnl society not yet geared to modern hustle It is regarded rude In hurry past an acquaka unce In the road no matter haw pressing onel business Thu Al rlcan musenlcr who take an hour aver mmlnule errand cons surprised and pained when hl whlto boss star la lh9 was yo tlme UNIIAPPY TENDENCY This story illustrates In ex lremo form an unhappy ten dency that persists In Rhoda slnn life The two races sh dil ferenl In background and evolu tion slmply do no undersland each other ways and his lnds to dnlly shower of phl prlcks on lhe Alrlcan which are no aywpys ingcnljnnal to the maxistrale remlndlng him was tribal custom to Elva while men hospitality whun he visited gram They had had lhl an all qay Back came Um curt reply There worn plenly 01 may dogs roaming the llreeu They mull kill one lhose for lhelr men By MRS ROBERT LEESON muons NEWTON ROBINSON CONTRACT BRIDGE whom mm mm mm Mula null 10 mnur uumr Very lhlll orrld lmun la lllwnh Inn flower mm max lnl lurk Chlr mmrm mm 41mm mm turvod 27 llubaldu nu vmmd an an By JAY BECKER Incl Conflth or all honymmh 25 Clfllln 11 Illtllrll horUtul hm ll um NI Emmy III The bcsl lhlng ln do pass and hope mu oppflncnls Kn lur lher ur mum lhnl lhnt um mr wlll ad on hls own your Innhand opponnnl pnsm 21 Im 51nss One might cnnrrlv LIth cc um urge ln duublo lhrce hurls lnr huslneu hut rcmtmhur lhnt uni nu pre nmplhc bid you cant have It bom ways dnuhle would be for lnkcnul In previously lndl mod and you lhcrnlnre cnnl Hard to double nr lcnr pmh nnr mlth respond wilh hm or our npadu The cuchid is reserved iur huge hands oi lhin surL Pari ner doesnt need much excuse lo hid slum in response Thus he would he iusiiiicd in bidding six diamonds wllh no more lhnn Four beans The has way of shnwlng he pawcr ol lhls hand is In cucbld the adverse uil Naturally such laid hlghly lnvllnllunnl to slam slncu partner forced la com mm for eleven lrlckspossihlv unnlnsl his willll Ml longest sull ls dlamands or clubs Four spades You cnnl very well bld less with hnnd lhls maxniludc There no gunrnnleu n1 mnklng our spades of course but it would he somewhal limld lo do lcss There such thing as playing ham too close to the vest Tummm Curd rndlng Mr an Mrs and Susan Faye lei Monday morning to return to their home in Newloundinnd alter visiting Mr Dunn parenls Mr and Mrs William Deni or the past lwc weeksr Godpnrcn or baby were her aunt Miss Mona Clay of Toronto Ms Rose Richards 01 Tonunto and Flylng Officer Hugh Jnmluon RCAF Greenwood Nova Scam recepllan or about 75 lrlcnds was held in parish hall lollow lag the christening The babys mnlcrnnl grandma Mrs llamld Clay Churllollcluwn FBI and an uncle Keith Clay and Mrs Clay Barrlo wen present So wcre her paternal grnnpnrenu ML and Mn Wllllam Eleni of Creemore alonma Eapllsmnl scrvlcm were con ducted by Rev Douglas Glll March 17 5L Lukes Angllcan Church Creemare or Susan Faye lnlanl daughter 01 Flylng Olllcor and Mr Leonard Den nlhst Johnfs Newlnundland peewu hockey eam Um Squirts drove to Tumnla Sun day to attend Ihc Junior hoc key gnmn helwen Nell mm and Marlboros at Maple Leaf Gardens Mrs Bub corkan and children TerriJacquelyn and Kathy Bar rle spent the weekend with 1m and Mrs Donald Dalton and um John chuu was nxshed lo Colllngwond Hospital by ambnh ante Sunday evening suflerlng jEVElB alhma attack Mr and Mrs William Dent and Mr and Mrs MODEM Den lpcnt three day In London last week with relative and friends Mr and Mn Willle Dent lella ed Mr and Mtg Len guppy Aulhin Gusiman uozes an Mrlcan lawyer Her Chl tepn on the tad Iailura ol the fedtrntlon experiment in multl rucinllsm Mad the mm In Iodnyl blue nlluatlon in Ihe Rhodesia could have been drawn law whites had perceived that Al rlcan are naturally courteous and that personal dignity pro clous lo lhem look lo he white donor mp 0191151 yanking In mule By unis mnm CREEMOBE 0110352 no mm 11 ImlldrInlu rmni Ulrll or am Id Wvlrlwrnl mm am An mum RES won 92 3811 3m mt sawsrm fog ITHE lARME EXAMINER FRIDAY MARCH 22 156 VENmnbqn OE PM 5Eme Tr MATES APEEEQATE rWBHEanyj mg Pm

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