ér UL Mrmbm Uw lenlnlnlur Imlllwl lnr mm than an hnur Illrr llm Mnrlkvunll ll 51mm Elma lulu ï¬lm an nupumlbln Inr pulllnl Illl pm wullun about mmllcnl II In Ilul Immmrn lrmh II Enalldl uflmlnnllnn Edurnllvm Mlnlnxrr mmhull the mmlluu MIMI In lmm munh uuu ml on nplnlnm Un IUIIIIM nunml Aboul UII Ianlwm ll thect whim Ilmru rim Im mm mm mu rlmlu lmuu BATTLE nvun RIVER Hr nu Munlrlunl mumIll will ï¬ll mam mwrr In xlrlrn lnlnr Ilnrn clnxlnu mmn mulw lvlll Inlrmluml by Munlrlpnl Mlnlrl Mlnltlr mel nnncl III In llrrltl Ila um um 01 isanoo Mn pruvldul wrung murl lmluvl um cnmlnl dellnqumln xllmlly In IImlrII or lmlqr mmu CREDITS IMHMTION And In nlhcr Irxlnlnlunu Winnhlrx Allnrnvyflrntrnl ï¬lming Lynn cmllled lhn mav lnml nmlmllnn wnurnm or 1m In lmlkrnd mlu 1n 1er In Ibo nmnzo number of rla Imuml In Mnnllobnn all nu yeardown 1m norm L1H dny mm mm In ml Wh Nuwhumflnndl lcxlula on were lUIflInR their malon me In lrlnco Edwnrd lnlnnd not down In hrlr Mm huninm union nnd mcmbern In Now 5th we on the we of prom unllun And pmmlud unhnr mndL flcnllon 01 lbs rhzld mum on trade union Imposed In 1069 II mu vlnlcnl loxxrrl mike Th Ipmh from he lhmno read by new mtch Gov amor Fabian ODu dwell length on Prnmlar Joseph Smnllwoodn prhmlscd prournm lo lmwovo ha provincnl Inh tdu and lb luvrmmcnll hop lnr chual parflclpnllnn In lhu scheme By THE CANADIAN PRESS Flshnrlus and labor rlxhu domlnllcd lhe scene Wednes dny nu he Newlaundlnnd Iculs mun opened 1th nl Cnnlcd Allan mm In St Johnm NDP Leader Donald Mm Donald said It was miqu violation of he novemmonll policy Io pass the Amendment lime when more peep The amondment lo mvlncm Insulation xlven neon reading or approval in principle Wed nesday was not in mmplctl harmony with the wishes un Dam1n Flmflghlers Associa tion Mr Edward uld Labor Rights And Fisheries Big Issues In many cases the deputy chic has um Mlle only as an and ride the rig and works as an ordinary ï¬reman Mr Ed ward aid nay Edwards lLchl worlh sald In the icglslnlum that deputy chick uuvughout the province hnd voted agnlnsl any mnvo to remove them from tha bargaining unit mnomo CPlOppaslllun members charged Wednesday that the Ontario governmonl has given in in municipal taun clls by passing iegisiallon ex cluding deputy ï¬re chief imm ilru department collective bu zalnlng unilsl Mrs Shlrley Gale and her Jamonlhald son Jahn and her aunt Mn Maud Fisher 50 spent Monday night in Ihi cnbln alter bung stranded In snow storm that swept he Mnrillmes They slayed in Objects To MoVe Against Firemen MESSAGE FOR HELP IN THE SNOW oirmplrd on pmvldu or reduction In lho maximum work week or lumen from Um mount 56 hour In 45 11mm dlccuvn Jan 1m um Flro departman wnuld hava lvm bargaining unlitam or flrcnnhlcrl Ind one for chi and denych tum mm lhar nmcndmenltwdld not mum Iho dcpuly wnuld bu Ebprlveld llzlmznlnlmz Hxhls Mn Cass mid hll dnclslun that deputy chief shauld xrdod as management was lupponcd by hrlel tho denl Aagnclnlion The deputyallch manage men because the dapuly In czinfmnnd In lb absence ol the amendment regarding deputy llro chlef an move to separate manage ment bargaining unit chnn Singer LToronlm Yurk Cenlrc said he obleded strenuously to the principle at the amendmenl Similar leg islnllnn had been inlrodncnd some your ago or some ranks in police oxcu he said and in many areas now limo an more chm than Indian in police lanes Allomeyflencral Cm asked Mr Singer to produce figures nlher than words about lb number of police oiilcerl In lulion pyllguntn Deputy chieis like ordinary firemen had the right to res association on an economic front the NDP leader said 0JE1S XIGOROUSLY should be given collective har galnlng rlghls rather than less lle snld lhe novelamen hnd given in to lhe wlshos 01 gm Ontario Municipal Assocla an lheIr tar Sunday night Their please or help were made In the mm with ashes They were loud at the cabin nlcs duy by an area resident who ind seen Mr lam nrinl In flu lCPWircphola You Still Cant Beat Natural GAS men during threaweck pe riod for Individual mnlemnces will um undo commkslonera who may show them mpw Iv nuns In upnnd their uporl trade or new man la plated litmowlng um thousands Canadian businessmen In Ivory Eng gverypmvlnc9 will cunicrencu oi trade commissioners here April ML Canadian trade commiy sinner lmm all over the world will In behind ciascd doors to assess current circumsinncu and trends oi trade at hem and ahmad and examine irada pmmoiion need by subject and geogï¬nphic alga Next com national Ca nadian samples show In which 600 buyers from he Unilcd sums the West Indies Brilaln and Europe will be flown to Tornnlo lo Inspch more than 10 display or consumrr good at lhu Canndlan National Exv hlyyan grpund in gmupa oi six in 10 men 178 machinery nnd equipmeni buyers from Britain Eumpe Asia Africa the Middle East and Laiin America begin Sun day weeklong coast to coast tours oi Canadian machinery and equipment mnnuiaeiuring plants This is Phase and each group aiier seeing ï¬rsthand 10 to 15 Canadian iaeioriaa will get together in Toronto for dinner in be ailended by Cana dian manuiaciurers and ad4 dressed by Trade Minister Ma Culcheon 51 IN swans TODAY MM ucynll ments use export pro matlon drive whlch Involves all1min buyers In this country and glvlng them behindvlhe scenes look Canadians pro ducing capacity and workman ship lawns Sunday and ex tegd Ll My By KEN KELLY OTTAWA CPICanada he comes gigantic shop window this weekend as the ï¬rst of 800 key buyers from nearlycvery country In Ihe wnrld arriva lo parachute In Operallon World Midgets The source said Mr Justicu Joseph Thornrlnn Thoma wuuld have resigned from the bench and snught the Liberal nominaflnn In the Manitoba consulucncy of Selkirk 11 he Trade Drivé Starts Sunday By JOHN nnm 0HAWA CHBullel llred 1mm Ihe guns two Erazillnn kg lhu prasjdent 33 gnualum of Canada Exchequer Caun from mining to enter Ihe April ltderal elccllnn llght an authoritative source said ngnesday No Campaigning Due To Bullets trade qepan SC York WelHDnvld MUM SC Wlmflyu Soulh CumHim 859ml sC unnle Pélxmn PE Leedsunlde Whitney SC York EulaGeoxn Hannah Arm ulcnlu Ullggllml ICIauda Bunchud Dopréhuter amber Parmn flea de MldelehbIPIU Mectrau PC Kimonmh IPaulAlmu Mi dland PC Ingram IGemd Vermette Manlml uochelu IJ Mar Iu Happen PC QuebecMonmoan IPaul Elandeau PC RichelieuVanni IPaul Emflo Guerï¬n PCD Rlvlen in down Tmh conla Gilles Vlnlefle PC RImomkl lFemnnd Dlomm PC Jun Ibenllln Nlplenlua Yvan Sabaan PC EL 255i L6 is 50 mini 315 Comm ll neucoaSerge Beaudoln PC Bagayentun ILucIen Grenk INomlnlled pnvlonllv NOMINATIONS ON WEDNESDAY By THE CANADIAN ms in the Liberal gnvernment oi the late prima minister Mne kenlie King He represented Selkirk as Liberal imm 1535 until his appointment to tha Ex chsqper Court in 1M2 The outspoken Winnipegborn Jurist also would have returned in politics despiie his Injuries the ienllnn had been caiied by Prime Minister Dieienblker for Isle June Mr Justice Thursml was mln Isler nflarml war service had not been wounded In Rio daJanelru Dec 16 HEATHER SHOWN AT 700 Ill Ml Beaudoln FCL aLucIen GrenIer Emu after Ive week convnlw ccnce Tha veinan southpaw was shot In ha left leg by woman during an argument II bar hem 13 Feb 11 uuuxu new anh ee relic pitcher re He and the chaï¬ng could be mad without mung Into row with the United Stale or our other friends mum nu saw The lme has come In estab llsh mile zone by nauonll action Mr Pearson spoke durinl Liberalsponsored lsmlnuu bmadcnst an local eleleion slallon ORGYTV nmms nuns FORT munmmm gaunalndgg New Canada had been unable In ublain International agreement on an extension of Ihe presenl hissmile 111nm be said CHAMBHEIDWN CN band leader Lester Pear son said nmday nigh Canada should proceed at nncu de clm lZmlle territorial wa 1813 ml forisherm not In on Endym mmn c453 mm Pearson Proposes Fishing Limits Postal Run WATERTOWN NY AWThe eva of spring brought rain to Walmown mnuvnuu HOUSEWN GIFIS ETC AT SAVINGS OF UP TO 50 PER CENT FOR SPRING HOUSE CLEANING AND CLEAN UP CC SAVE AS NEVER BEFORE SALE NOW IN PROGRESS llL ALL SOLD THOUSANDS OF UN Anvrnrlcm nu wedding scheduled for Saturday In the First Baptist Church For Worfll SENSATIONAL BARGAINSIlNHAIRDWARE ï¬lm It Anun Paula 19 who with Ihe 20yemold Berry attend Hawud Paine College In Bmwnwuod Tex heard Iho gong Hey Pnnln so often aha made wgu him recording IIIm heard the song rewrde ll and the rock and ml piece nickelodth ha top of the hit list SMILE HWHILE Drink Berry had his besl Irlend Ray nude brand write song coax hm Paulnhto cqlfna 3mm Miss Rawlatls sister Mg Edwin Enckman who llvea In Lancaster said Wednesday this what re salted LANCASTER Pa AP Pauln Rowletl ol Fort Worth Tex and her boy friend Russell Berry had glllmj out 147 Cu in 297 EACH pr Friend Uses SOnIg To Win His Fair Maidén BEFORE SALE NBWiN P36651555 ITNDn THOUSANDS or UN ADVERTISED BARGAINS bom was Now do th automatic washer The other children are warold winsn hay and girla dauahler and an other son BAKERSFIELD Calif AP Mrs Anna Esm halo ll gnva hlnh dny night to lflpletstwo bay and girland he came the mother sevm children She said lhe ï¬rst thing she nskod her My hand mycnfold In Cannibals Fast Illlldfl Imhdu lind ml figures puhllshcd show we have two parts per mlIllan DDT in our bodies whereas the figure for Americans Is ahaut eluven paru per million We are rather more edi ble than lhe Americans Loni Shackleton Labor party poet said amid lighter Mahmth In Wlh Herriad Mammary during discussion on the ioxic dangers chemicals in load wNDoN Reuters Pulyneslnn haLs no longer allow their tribes to at American because their at contaminated wllh In Hades Lard Shackleton told the House of Loni gdnusday Ever fleqrgf DIURETIC Housewm and Hanan 126V Ponmn 51 Bank MT sf ncnm nnmeher meet address and the Snowtown appel lulian earned by Water own his winter because more than 150 Inches 01 snow has tnllen but letter was delivered correctly Io SdowJown NY Mlu LllJlan Coslnn lion Wnlertown received leller bearing only her nnrglqther meet address DEAGLE HARDWARE lnifln All we ml Th ll Ihm In dintlit uth mm mm nu myh kw Ndl Id II dilnli llfluhnl In My mhn maul new ulhn duality Ianlmkcaudilion nah hthzh Ind llml lulnl when In bahtd hrhdh mind Ming 11 Itliouyunndwdu M7 xm nu my hlvl dun daring Hulkn 70 min look In jut cen res 21 In the US and one in Canada house the SAGE sumautomatic ground environment eledmnlc syslem which control Ihe op erallons manned and un manned Interceptors SAGE II the main Instrument through which commanders would con duct an air baltle over North America Of all the SAGE centre Nonll America he one Meanwhile he underground combat cenlrc nnnr North Bay nearly finished and will be occupied this summer by the northern NORAD region head quartersin effect RCAF Mr Balance Command now lo cated am headquarters at Cal oradn Sprints 3010 Is above ground and consequently highly vulnerahie tn air attack by mix sile or bomher The entire North American air defence system would be badly crippled ii line commandandmntrol net work were damaged 866000000 underground heudqnnrluu for NORAD be ing built in Cheyenne Mnuntain near Colorado Springs but the Job wont be completed until 1966 at the earliest nanny VSDON NORAD wnnls to use the North My site as an nllemnla combat operations centre at least unIIl 1966 because II II Ihe only one of the 221 combat postan the CanadaUS com mand which has been bull un delgrround It understood the US de fence department has approved lhe pmpflsal and that the Cana glan guvemmen canaldeflng By DAVE McINlOSfl OTTAWA CWNorth Amar Icnn Alr Delenca Command wants establish an alternate combat headquarters at North Bay Informant said Wednes In HOUSEWARE an NORAD Considers Using North Bay B5Combat Site Ian CENT HUNbizibs OFï¬EMS UP com nun com Dflflhlff Ll AADU BARRIE EVAMN THURSDAY MARCH 21 my in mm ANnédriniusEvbï¬f run FIXYURH hr Hum WNW ull RtLIl llllll MWWMNllMTNI 110115 101w SINGING IDOL It 15 mm WMEW mum IMPERIAL Nurlh may the only one hull underzmund NORAD has proposed that he Nurth Bay post he made dupllcale headqunrlers This would mean ths addlllonvn hun dmin personnel Americnn and Canadian to the stall wish Hes1kg wowl Hes the end Heist1e most NOW SHOWING LTOYS PLUS