Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Mar 1963, p. 3

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Important To Work Seventy per cent of all people It may 1167 to keep jn good qccgdgng are guscqby ghege Plnpnlql Seventy per cent of all people that have been fired were fired because they were social Iy Incompetent naked psy cholagls In his field said here last night Addreslng Industrial mum em and supervisor at the Industrial Accident Prevention Association meeting In the Rob nay restaurant Stun Mllley the MFA head 0mm Toronto quoted frequently from author and psychnlndst Dr William Mcnnlngert MI of these people are emo tionally dislurbcd Mr Milley Mild MOTIVATIONS He said modvallons have al ways affected manklnd but just in be last few years we have found out about it Man has always been mauv atcd by hls physical needs He said It isnt just mat ter 01 human materialism but it Is an increase In cuslnmer snlisfadon If we have people with job saushcliun fPuhlic relnllons much And safely much Nothing causes more uphea vnl than seeing blood an tho floor and people going out on slmtchers He pointed out that psychol ogical needs or peep are far more Important today than they ever were bnlnre We are interdependent on one another We are group people reliant on ulher pen IDHS Some of he psychologlcnl needs are recognilion emalion Al security and social security and appreciation and respect and the ieclings ol being need cd and belonging UNDERSTANDING The supervisor loday needs In be man who understands the people who work or hlm must be mt way it you are going to get the most out In the I920s It was cm of Iallow the Index In 1m lMDs it chnng Mr Mllley sald There are people who will get ahead In splle ol everythlng we call them eager beavers What mo uvnlcs them Some people have lhu desire to get ahead but they dont have the drive or Ihe ambition The desire to mlst physL cal needs only does not lnsplro much ambition Youve got to have drivo and unless you do have it you are not going to anywth In Industry Drm can he channelled lo the lab Hm hump and hobbies This Is psychoth need ELMVALE Slum In what must bu new record fur short meetings Elmvnle coumll lack lcd lls ngcndn last night at pm and ndhurncd unequal of an hour Inlcr Only Ionic dhcusud In dclnil wns Ilnnnm from Hnunco chnlrmnn Dr Pnkhclll upon Murch 22 was lhu data so or council cammlllcn meeting In work on Ibo Mm her cnmmluco mccllnu slated or next Wednesday IhLa John budget mnclinu be lumen Elmvnlu and Flag Tawn shlp munclll to Iron nul hudzcl qucsllum cuncemlnl Hm lwo munlclynlluu Dr lnlchcll ohjcclcd lo some at lbs 196 rmulsluum In no Iilmvnlo District High School nonrd ullmnles ci ninléntlmn reqqu llnn up $300 hln you Councillor Nur nn Cram 1qu Harold anh lnld nun ril he hml lulu lhu EDHS imnrd Iwo week mm or copy llmmclnl nlnlcmrnl nhuw In tho glnlrlhullon In In plums lu Knl the nod lmn Count to make mm In only Mn 10 man day In whip the hudch nlo shape by tho and he mnnlh Dr lnlmcll III II lho Imnrd film In llnnnclnl HMEIDIM we would lmvn mm lnnnihln inrlu In vmrk NIL Mirrwllc gnuwalk will mm In ulc lum nvunm HILLS 11w 0m Ml nut Cull th hall Iln um Imtlllll III Imm mrul nl mum Cmnmunlly VIIIv Mnnh Lllrrnllm mu dlnllllmlld and um nwmlm wrlrumwl nw slmlnn 11 umch In Mr 11va PININ Inez PIFIIA am May Cmmiwll vlco pxltlvlvnl Ilny Cnmpbtll ne Ielnry llny anymn mm re yuvler llnlwfl Lurvk Indus Allan llmwn and mm mm Krill llny uirlfiIKIrhl In unlnllw Imhllrlod Imm Iqqulrementl iliudbhimfci Says 0m 4H Club Holds Election Balks At Requisition From Elmvale School 111 drllnqurul Iuydm mm mean 5n mean so it may be to keep in good with the wile or to keep up with he Joncses What will happen ii thin drive is blocked irom reaching those normal outlets The measure will break lhmugh Its what you call driving man up thc wall Sometimes man wants to gel somethhlg done Maybe to install salcty device But someone who is over hlm 13 black hope ume of you maxim am black Mr Mifley an Many indusmes have lhelr men analyzed periodically he cause they know this Is pm filablc VI you have man In your arganlznllon who is bit problem try to analyze him re are mm who do send their men In psychologist or they call their men into Lhe office If they hlnk the man has problem Somellmcs his emollanal problem contributes lnllure and Injuries In industry wnlcr hllls lnng overdue urn helm put In or collccllnn Mr Nash was laid lo lake he nuc mnry ncllon TAKES 10 TASK Dalh hydm and wnlcr scrvlccs run he cut all ncccmry Dr Inlchcll noted Aflcr flu nmlln adjourned Elmvnln rcsldcnl Jnhn Wnlson look cauncll lo task or no In Inx hlm speak Mr Wnlsan tamu In part way through ho mrcllng Ilmvo Alex McAuIey Interrupted Um correspondence when Mn Wnlsau cumo In to ask him 11 ha hnd nnylhlng In Ibccro McAIIley old Mr an xan allrr Hm mccllnu lhnl he Ilmuld have spoken 1m whrn mkul 111m mrvllnm my run accordan lo pmcul urc Erwh drlngnllnn tumour Inn boltm council Dun 10mm um Hod lo npcnk he lxr lnn nu ol the Incellnx no lho end Na nal MW Mnybo Inter Mr Wnlwn nnswcml Public Wnrkn rhnlrmnn Km Knux In hll mml MIII Imlhluu could ho hum un mmlwmk unlll STAN MILLEY Ml guest weaker It lha Indus trial Accident vacnunn As The Epenker said 20 per cent 01 all accldcnu are caused by mechanlcnl allun The other an per cent are caused by hu man problems We dont believe there ls such lhlng as carelessnm in Industrial accidents Careless nes means that you dont care You cant say man dues nt care whether he loses leg or arm Human nalure isnt made that way Maybe it rwu ymlr null something you 53ch to make the men feel Insecure So take stock or yoursell and see hat you are not the cause accident to your omployeu Plan to make the eflecfiva of drives There are three Adora to consider They ara physical and material mum and personal Somalth man should stop and think Am In the right posimn thing can tmnable or Isnt Tnk me case of flux man who slrlved years to get promo llanl Th3 bosss son cnmes work and got the lab this controllable Sometimes Ihero 15 no im modlata and ready answer or lhe rust goes out our In sumncc mvcrs dawn to tho hydrnnl hll by cur cw days nun ho sald IL won cost lhc village nnylhlng In nmgrcu report on sewer cnnslrucllnn submillcd by an ninccr Ken Chllds Proclm nnd llcdfcnl cvuncll was told that the week of Feb 15 wns lust mmplclcly as at us work wnn concerned pccnusu at mics n1 brcnkdowns nth of he malor plccu ol muipmcnl on lho silo needed major mpaiu Mr Child mud 11qu lncnkdawm can mainly be nlmbulcd to he cxlmno wcnlhcr cxpcrknccd III with ler Hcccnlly 37 lineal lot at pipe wns lnslnllcd In lhn lnnnwny uarlh Queen 11ml 11m sew rr In compltlcd lrom pulnl nlmul but rnxl nl Amvlln In polnl npprnxlmnlnly 200 Im mm Murln Onu mun Ilnlo mu lnsLulItd Severn mnnlhn wlll In nml Ill by llu canlrndnr llnldl ll Job Mr Child Mld IllI lcunr nulul In men nnnounce mm mm lllu Dvpnrlmenl of Munlclpnl anlu ulmdtn lhu wlnlrr wnrkn tkndllno lrom Aprll 30 In May 31 sociallun mean lust nlght chats wllh hm Hope pm dcnt of the local madnlion Exnmlncr Pholux factor You have to latexma man before you can Inspire him Benn9 you can involve him you have to Inspire him In respect to physical alm culues It doesnt matter manhasawarpedhandoronly one leg he hu the drive My WW APPEARANCE L9 considered by most In mum psychologists that phy sical ability L1 not an mponant factor wellVEmomed and neat 31111368an ls lmpmm lie an Apitude mpqrgm mey said It VIII In lndnsky that the person have an aptitude in the Job Wa have seen people who have been good worker and enjoyed their work You need wer vlsar so you lake good mt chanlc and make him Into poor supervisor eune dent perEon could mi piano tuner color blind perm cannut be an lntexlor decoralorfl He was good on he floor but in public relations hes no good because hes never been trained for his kone as far as he cam to go and ynu put him ma job over 11 head Finally you have call hlm into the olllco and say Woll we have lo put you back and we lhlnk you wlll be My pier there All lhls could be nvalded Mr Mllley said could be summed up in sentence When upllludes are based on knowledge of he most effect lve method the end result skill NEED SAFETY man has an acddLnt alier working 20 years It was be calm he wasnt trained in the most effective mekhod 20 years prgyiously your unployees who seem to be Imdiocm may um seem much but glvo hem chance and they might nun prise you he gald You Entfihave productlon unless you hava safely During the qunsuon perm he was asked some people were nt happier when Ihey had someone to Iead them Mr Miiley said Sometimes this psychaioglcal need and drive build up You see some people who are no good at ail until they are given authority Then this drive is rcieascd and they become very vainabie be cause Ihis drive and built UP emotion is rcieased and they are doing what they are hay plcst nt IIo snId Use or IndmlrInI psychologists growInl throughout Ih provinces pcclnlIy In lirsHIno smvls on was sumrlscd that sum very small firms use lhls me had know one firm In To rmlo that send employees In psychologIsI when Ihey Ihlnk he emponcu Is alowInz up An $8 lnlo callmonlnl dlnncr In Apr or Dr Albert Derry rcllrlnl chnlrmun ha Onlnrlo Wucr mums Cam mlulnn found no lnkm on Elmvnlo cauncll Elam dnllarn oo muchl wu lhn vtrdltt Once nguln Elmvnlo go Illm picking mm Ml callcclul by lhn mnglslrnlc 0an nan cnmu tn Elmvnln according 1h mnulmnlnl Imus manlth re porl In January Elmvnlo wn at tho bottom of the Ilsl Among munlrlvnlluen in cash recclpu lmm cnnvlcllans nxhlngpd 11m Simon Counly lollco Ioclnllon mecll hm April 10 lIlmvnln tauncfl wns mum to nucnd mm at Hm meeting mm pm nnwnrda $8 Plate Is Too Much wlmumnwmvunm man Mn prlvld by Ionl hu Ihu luwall Iho alumand by than at Commuu My mmhuh III nbmlln In llmla lbwylll Imm Ir nml In all um Shopping Service My Ihl lull nllll mm llul mun lml II Indoor pllnll um hand 7034 Thu FOUND FlvHrnu mill in Clolln Ind Inlhlu lmm no ms WANTED The Banla Young Liberals Associutlnn held its elecllon cl officers at meeting In Library Hall Inst night The allowing officers were elected Allen Cownn pres dcnt Don Campbell first vice president Jane Rnberlsun sec and vicepresident Frank Tooke third vicepresident Rulhmule Green secretarytreasurer AlI elected ofllcers are trom Barrie good urnoul and lively pal llIca discussion lollnwed the hlahr and Mn Jnlm Curler ol the Taranln Public nelallan will be conducting the modlns at The Salvnllon Army so call ler St seven oclock Ihls Sunday nlght Accompanying them will he ludies double Irio mm the onlstnndinz Dunlmlh Songsier Brigade You can be sure you will hr in 101 real Ircul said Major Gillespie LOCAL GENERAL Young Liberals Elect Officers Toronto Couple Conduct Service ELECTED hlcrvyn Parker lnrmcr 1n Ihc Mlncslng area was elcclcd In the nunrd oi Dlrctlora the Peel Muxunl Flm lnsnrnncu Company The clccllnn look Mon at the B7lh annual meet nx whlch was held In Bramp Ian It Ike first llme lhnl Slmcoe Counly nrmnr ha been clccled to ma board Members the Barrie Nu mlsmalle Society barter over varluus ma coins at last MEETING The nurrlo Azruculluml Soc Icly nnnounccd Iodny that dir eclon mccllna would be held Mnrth 223 nl thu Department of Agricullum omces Cnlllcr INTEL RESIGNH Bert Mncdonnld has rcslmd Hrs vltcAprtsldcnl ha SimcocAMuakokn Dlvlslon Dur lon cl ho Indusulnl Accident Irnvcnlion Amdnllnn Mr Mncdunnld ll luklng John Ambulance course Paul ll Pope IAPA mercury an nounccd the mflznnllon at In nlghll nmllng 1n nab my tcslnurnnl OPEN QUARTEM Social CrcdlI cumpnlnn hand qunrlm opened olncinlly 107 lxnlvp SK Em nl 11 um lo All mndlda for Slmroo Norlh lmvo quailllcd Ivy mm Irrlnu and mum lllclr de pmiu Ed Crown nlflrnlnl litcr xnlrl today any WENDY 1le annular mum Should the Clly of Barrie no plan ahead 25 years and forget in neighbors outside It borders nr should it plan ahead with flags neighlgqrs In mind This question was asked by Welt lawyer or the city In Managhnn consulting protesslannl engineer witness oLVegprn annshlg The hearing at names apn pilcallnn to he Ontario Mun clpnl Board to annex pm he townshlp went Into it thlrd day yesterday the city cum pleled 1L case In mlnule alter the running session opened The township closed it objection shyly Filer pnL The liéhlki nrliourncd until April 30 at which time it will hell migymeriis by bail lawycifs nlghtl mealan of the so ciety Member in the plum are from left Bfll Miller Mr Monughans reply to the question was um the City should plan In degrees Mr Monnghan snld Our contention Is that by 1955 wu estimate he cllyu papulnliun lo be 350 Weeel has enough rcsldcnunl Ian lh ul be used or lndusi When Mr Wclr asked his qucsllon rahlug lu Mr lllnn nghnns cnrllcr statement that the City of Banla should not build trunk storm scvm heads ouuldo ll llmlla Mr lllon aglwn replied lhal planning bound would sallo mnny qucs Ions Wllrlr hienpcoplu ah 7an street bog down in lhelr acpllc lunks COINS LOOK MIGHTY INTERESTING DinEng he momlml session lowmhlp dork End Richardson said that ownshlps ol Vcs Adjourn Heaxin Of Annexation Until April 30 Pnpcrmn er Aufluslu Sinn wnod pressed or raw mnlcr In or his Mnlno pnpcrmlll duran hu Clvll Vnr Imported ahlploud of Egyptian mummJu or lhulr rugs MADE MUM PAlEl InfiEflf und me City OK MID mum wmu meu TWTINI TINI TINI is different from any other wine its terrific Barrie met couple ms merer In dlswss mailers Mr Weh asked 11 anything had come out of these discussions andMr Richuldsan said not yd Monaghnn was critlpal designs for storm and sanitary sewer submitted to the city cw years ago Thusedeslzns were used as exthlu during the hearings Mr Monaghan con Hearing Ron Thoma and Lloyd Mo Douzal The 53123an Harry Booth eoln sale is Published by Eimcoe Nnrlh leenl Anodlllnn MEET THE CANDIDATE RALPH SNELGROVE TONIGHT 830 in 1030 EVERYONE WELCOME tended he wasnt sure about Mb vlclng the area labelled or In dustrlal purposes Ha uald Ill not clem what the requirement or lndustrlal purposes will be or lznnla in 25 years ram now Mr Welt reluscd In crost aminn Mr Monaghan any fun ther afler he asked Mr Mon axhun tell Mm what he would consider the best meve or the City Harris to lake In XL planning and plnnnInK vlclng Mr Munnghnn said cant serve two masters at the nanAI lime held before each mm with coins on sale valued at more than 500 Exumlner Photo ness Mr Munaghnn was lha lull witness presented by tnwnshlp lawyer Peter Riduul Weh said though yin wallets an expert WI REFRESHMENTS TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH PARISH HALL ollier St al

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