Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Mar 1963, p. 2

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$993 HHHITFN lllmlll ITKIIIIUIIOUHII Znfllnnd HI Mulu Anlllun Munch Ivera IInI bun brluhl mm mm umnlum m1 pom pmlaur Mus gm do my nlnl on Hm mun luv loom 11 In In In lml Mull dull Main All bu 1m Huhll bnrlurmr Lllwnl run mam Vnr Hiner Nonh wlll imk vlurln hounvrnlnxu tuvivmrr In Vlllr Ivan II Mu IL Hyman Hm Nullnnnl Wumrlll Lilwr ll Axltvchllml Ilnl lmmrth wrrklvnu mlirm whip cum palgn In emlnlo lnwmml wr mm Tn Mm Thu lnnvlldnlr In hrrplnu Mlll IE cnmnnlun III Haul Womml Liberal Anodalltm mu hum um mm and nllvu pally nl Trinity lntlh Ilnu nn nmmlny vvnm Inn 1mm mu 1030 Meet Candidate Over Coffee Albulol Ablum Mlanu Sled Aluminium Albert Am mun Nd Mm smx lik Hunt um N5 mu mmn LA on no Pour dn Imp nu Com nmm my Pmur an Mm bm Induumm dawnl an 41mg Arum In tho Ciiy Ehrria pmfiw Dug lo annexmuck in IIS on plicnliun lo the Ontario Muni Ltipal Board for annexation of ppari oi Vnsprn Townshin This was but one of the few xicms mm cfoppcd up yesterday at the heunngs second day in film County Building During this ucourse of the morning session eicr Rldnul lawyer or the nwnship reiemd pcrlodicaliyiu muck in Iii wcsiern portion ha iond The ma containing lhe soak fled muck extends from the present city limits in the hall wny mark beingen the 7th and IkthConcesslons of Vcspra and nu acres is labellcd for industrial purpascs Mr nidout crassexamined Mer MVyn Cause land duveio menI mnginccr with Proctor an Red fern consulting engineers from fluronlo who dcvniopcd the Bar rie Annexation Report last June Mr Cause stated hetore chain man at the board Jamleson that he had walked the entire Lnrea with rubber boots Evidenca was introduced be the the board members ay Kennedy being the alhcr 4hnt about two to qur feet of nrganlc overburden was 0qu in live test holes drilled by the Langinqering iirm hlruCouse said his itrm had proposcd to the city that ser Iles at ditches he excavated lg drain the land He was asked by Mr Ridout to calculate the lacrenge the ditches would con gain and to calculate the cost per acre of preparing the land or industrial gale by the ally the end of Ihc session Mr Couse snld the proposed draInA nge ditches would conlnin nbnut 13 lo 20 acres the proposed she and llml series of our harmsuulh minnr ditches would be cxcnvalnd at $2 fool and an caslucsl major dilch at $4 lwl Thrth he day llncm were inlrnduccd by Weir lnwyer Ior Um City Battle Mr Causcs company had pm posed that the hunt be drntncd and that rcmnlninx dried muck could be excavated to the sundytype mntcrtal beneath it thus enabling construction POSSIBILITIES amp lmh mm Immun dn le rm ml Illa pm Ilmn Mr thuut said that the map defined It as something be tween rock nndmnrsh Mr Couse called it organic ovcrburdcn In his eras aminallun Mr Eldon asked Mr Cause it he had referred In burings made by the Dcpunmcnl of Highways yrhcn they were manning re route of Highway 90 Mr Cousc said he had micrer lo them thn hlr nidonl mentioned his in conjunction with lhe Sim Vcoe County Soil map which re crer lo lhc specific area as muck Mr Cause snld it all licpcnds an what you define muck inmmu rmnnx DEFINE MUCK Barrie W9I1ingz Hgid awards Annexdtibn Compllrd by Flynn TODAYS STOCK pmcns lnn MMT Acm unm mm hrMIL Nnuhl IIIm mu mnwmlu an mnl Avnlnu lmlulllllll nu III In flnhn lmlmn up nummm nmrn IICIIANUI mnu Ian dawn II Iluull up in am All SM xgh mm Mmumu MKKIIIIII Ill Mum Mlmull Nulon St Dam Fauna Dam mm mm Tlr rm mm mm mwk slaamy cm on mm my Mm my HI Ina Aemu mum ML nun Mm lnm ummu lnlnpmv mm cm pmu III mm Idrm lnw 1m Anny rut Imm nunm IAnlM Hn Alum INDUITMAL MINxNa l1 Dunlap St nlnla He announce tie hopes lo raise rates to parenun his Increase In hlx address the meeting Mr Hersey said The basic aim or this society is the physi cal mall being nnd welfare of children in uur care Our cil ons should be directed in as suring these children every opponunily 5th as would be provided by good gamut We should dv all In our power help our ward to be come healthy happy respon sible and prodpcllve citizens Franklin may Barrie was eleckcd pmiden of Um Chlldrcn Ald Society of Sim me County and lhe City Bar ne Inst nlghl Mr Herey succeeds 1th Fame Calllnmyood Thanelghrnf land which sur rounds Bame enables the wa ter tn flow by gravity inlu Kgmpgnlqt Bay Elect Hersey CBS President report submitted In 195758 to the city Ihe Iirm had mom mended lung term economic la preserve lhe natural water courses as open space and or green he areas According lo lhe plan prescnl ed by Mr Causu and Mr Smith this is what was depleted on en glnecring drawlngs of the pro posed annexallnn area The wal ercaurics were uulllned wlth yellow markings and both my llemcn referred In these In their prison in delerininé nccisciy what the pramscd parcels ni lamLinclud ed and what ihe possibilities oi servicing them wnuid he Ttd Smilh Project Plath nlng Asgncinles Iesllicd that In Powell proressional Manm Nulon nEflSEY on the nnlibfinl cast Index Mr Hersey Now can Nuwnnrlh Nuvmrl Nour mumhlu IAnmIqul Immm from It Mom Iihlnll Mun um mum uu mum Wmuy Inn on anllur mw mum mum on own 14 ON APRIL 8TH VOIE PINMQI l1 llmm Null lmrfnln tnmnlln Aimlulu bow foster would H1 mi xgu H1 Harrie thkl Nollh Callu Inlc open home ernrltd ma turnout of mnnlx Prin cipal Hryduu rrpnrlnl ll DI ricl Cullrxlnlp Hum Whllu lhml wrm dllpluy Md llrulumlrnllons much 1an nnmcl Ahop work and hum mmomlu pmkrll rmphnli nu pannllurhrr tumul Ilium ML Brydgn nlmuul lhnl pnrrm urn wtlrmm to vlm Hue conculnl Inr nnrthurlIcr mnnulllllom ulwncvcr ramm lam The new 01ch Roman IoldL Crcdil Unlnn nl II Clnnper Ann Street were chtdulcd In be opened by Mayor kl Conku his ullcrnoon Following lho cmmony he prcmlm will be open In lho public and rclrulumcnls wlll be toned Crccmorn Horticultural Sociay past pmldenl Ernie Roberts and member Glen Lalrd request ed and got gram from council to help society plant flowers in cemln part of the village lhls summer CREEMORE sum Fire chief Hall appeared be nm cmmcil hm mesday nlght to explnin he extent of malor repairs being mark an the fire truck Both the engine and pump are being fixed he said lna lire ruck should bu back In 5mm by tomorrow Meanwhile awhcr in Iruck renled from the ire mnrshalx alike in Hamilton was brought In on standby basis N6 set amount or the gran wnx svecilied The Mal outlay will depend on the cost of the projects outlined by Mr Tim Open House Big Success Credit Union To Open Oflice mini at building up ark land by disposal of sanury iandJill in Armenia areas was brought up by Mr Weir Mr Smith was mulled to explain this procedure Mr Smith said This was done by Oakville and Trenton and no to get rid of glarhage but In Improve land slesl We advised that the water courses could be used torJha disposal of sanitary landfill to enhance the areas to reform and lmprnve lhem and use them park lands for pnsslva recre alon Mr Smith explained passlve recreation as nunactivity engineer said he had bécn con sullcd by the city to study vsanllnry sewage disposal and stated he was sallsncd with the city mmsod annexation plan along line of disposal He sald he nrlglnally recom mended that the clly prescrvn open space for pleasant use mm vlsual aspect and that llll would rovlde vital break 1mm ulldlngs WANT ADS WORK FAST Wholhcr Its car or baby buggies Want Ad Ira Iho but way ml goodsynu no longer muirc To Jam yohr rid simply phnnn PA mu Selling your car last ceanamlcal way Ia do so is through Exnmlncr Want Ads Mrs recently ad vcrthed 1955 Dodge or sale had quite 1w calls she xcpom The re were very goodl Making Repairs To Fire Truck SMITH HEBER nudge prrnurnlinns are con lhminz lhl Meek All ullmnlu are now In and the board ex nocln hold special budfd morllnx next week Mr Tny or lnld TM may be Mondny nlnm nr Vrdnmlny nr Thuw day depending on when Ihu Imrlncl really COLLINGWOOD 5mm Ad minislrnllre details luok up ihu lions rimre of discussion New day night when he illnxwood District Collcnlnl Institute Hoard met at he school bu$ um ndminblralur Taylor raid speclal committee meet ing March 25 council willdis cu waterworks rules and re pairs Any decisions reached will he reported the next re gular council meeting April Mn Lemon said This Is the first time in about 10 years that the grant has been requested by he Horuculluml Society clerk Jack Lemon sald The society recently slatted an cxpanslon program and 15 re suming pmlccts discontinued or several years Reeve Watson and Charles Jnyce were appointed as Cmmorc reprcsoniallves to tho Georgian Bay Development As socialion Weed Inspector or 1963 Is Edwin Moon The number of unmarried mothers seeking nsslslnnce mm the Simone Cuunly and City of llama Childrens Ald Socier his Increased 1mm total 191 February 1062 la In February 1963 Director Dan Jacksan Includ ed the figures in hls nmlunl sur vlce rcport the board 1an mm He nllribulcd lhls Increase no growlh papulnllon In the urea rnlhcr lhnn any murk cd morn dccllnc He polnlcd out Ihnl Taranlo has par caplln In much higher rate and ell that the absence stress pccullnr to large pop ulation centres accounla vr Simm lower rate Just balore lha claw ol the heartnl Mr mdout asked if the assussmum commlssloner lor the City of Barrie could pre pare the Industrial and com merclnl develnpment trend within the Inst Iva years EXIIINTS nce hearing bognnMon day 24 exhibits have been pm duccd and about 10 witnesses all for Ihu citys case Mr Weinhas nnly one more witness lo can he said and then the Township of Vespm will present its caseagnlns annexation One of tho onlookers had com munled during nn ndjoumment look like the city Is going all out this time theyre not legging alone unturned The olher area proposed or annnxntian lies of he northeast portion of the city ma wbgrqjeqom brnwn amun In cos esllmulés provided by Mr Cause he noted that the gas 011 oparing the landwould run In ut $382 per acre For Ufa project area this would qngouptm 31I3SMAu he geld Special Meeting Expected Soon Reports Increase Unwed Mothers Colllfr HI PA UNI YOU HEADQUARTERS IOfl IMPORTED FOODS lemll olfl Mull VIIAII nl RI llflldl It Kllllll lmpnlled Iunu to Klmll lmnouled Jam Fancy ChoralIn BARRIE DELICATESSEN ALLISTON sum dam of exhibits lo underway lhl morning at the need lair upon wred by Ibe SOMh 51mm Soil and Cmp Improvement Associa llon It balm held In the nuns hulL Exhibit were to up belwcen 830 and nlne Guns speaker today WI Dr Rodgers Chluzo ensll age km or North America Presentation of award was tchedulcd or 335 pm other hlghllzhll from the seed lllr pmrnm Included Illm Acm Science Ihown at 1045 um and ulk How we handle our corn crop Elven ll mm by Gordon Smale lllcussley Ralph Clnylan agrlcullurnl englneerlng mansion special lst from the Ontarlo Deput ment of Agriculture or his Judging 0i Exhibits Started Rt Alliston This Morning All of the trees In Barrie lll down And one The disposal of dead and hunrdou trees was reported YOU CAN WIN DOWNTOWN BARRIE ON BAYFIELD ST Wlnnu Ln Monthl uuw mm muggy om pm m1 CASH YOUR BABY BONUS CHEOUE AT WOOLWORTHS You Havo i2 Chances To Win All Ballots Romain In Tho Box Each Month For The Next 12 Months And Each Month The Prim will he Inoroasod By $500l Enter This Month FROM THE TOP ma led dlscnsslon Nup 1135 am The blues lih caugh dur tng lherecent Lake Simcoe lco fishing derby was disqualmed Fecmue there wal no category or it However ha llpound nonh tm pike caught by Frank Babb of Orlllla mllcd him peclnl award $25 Thlrlocn Ontarin lce sher men nceived lrophIn and nhared mar than $600 In prlze money First libm on ha afternoon and was panel dlscussion Mm earn per acre mmylelcd elllclenlly Ind quick ly Here one 01 the no out era slam lrom flu top of dead limb on Collier street Exnmlner Photo Biggest Fish Disqualified Lu years mill rm was 21011 for commercial nnd In dustrlll 1h year It 26501 Residenllnl and farm rate In year was 14310 this year It In While River Alzomn regions 53mmny 5pqu 53 mm This was announcedby Cecil Yaunl chairman of the Public School Board finance committee It In nMIIs meetlnm letter will be sent In City Council to request nut levy of mums against public school supports Waller Bin 0in Manner said This shows um the public schnolcastl Ire nut Increasing ID as as assessment The big faclnr In illls cast is that industry and commasca have had lhalr mill rule lowered also by oi mill Mr Giza said yruume council will be planed wlh lhl buds Forecast Issued bytha Tor onto Walther amen at 430 am Symprhz slow improve ment in wrathrr in expected to day over most oi Oniario as Ihe storm can move ent warri across Quebec Strong west to northwest winds will occur in most section nccam panied by cxiensivr cloudiness Ind some light precipitation Fine weather is in prospect or Thursday Lake St Clnlr Lake Erie Lake Huron regions Windsor Landau Claarlnz lonixhl mainly lunny Thursday Wind gradually dccrcaslnl tonight mg Thursday Lake Ontario ro gions Hamllton Toruntn Clearing tonight Thursday sunny Winds gradunlly de crinslnq tonight Thursdny Georglnn Bay Halibunan glans Clearing tonight Thurs day sunny with ew cloudy intervals Wind gradually de crsflsln so ay Clearing Ulla evening Thurs day sunny wllh In low cloudy verlods Wlnds gradually dc crensln anlght and Thursflay Clefarlng loilzht uHJfiursday gTHE BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY MKRCH l9 PUBLIC SCHOOL Thi 1963 mfllralelor publlé school supporter down n1 musl one hall mill as compared to Inst yeah 5153 budget rcpafl Ills man $35 1963 Mill Rate Down From 62 WEATHER FORECAST BABY BONUS DRAW 13 agement commlllee estimated expenses to $605000 the bulk or whlch Includes teamers ul arles The property committee we Iabolled log 315mm City Councll will also recelva letter mm the board requcsl In the city lo approve new debenture issue or 3135000 City Clerk Ben Slraughnn ad vised mo board that the city had elven tentative approval to 1501 debentures In lhe amount 0113138000 or the new nixroom chuol Forecaxl TemperInn Low tonight Hizil Thursday Windsor 25 42 St Thomas 25 38 London 25 Kitchener 21 3a Vingham 22 35 Hamilton 25 Si Calharincs 23 as Tmonin 2x 40 Pciarborough 25 38 Trenton 28 Kill11m 10 35 Muskoka 15 North Bay 15 Sudbury 15 32 Enrilon 15 32 Knpuskasmg 15 23 While River in no Mousnncl 10 22 22 Mount Forest Snuii Ste Marie 20 32 Timmins DISRAELI WAS FIRST Benjnmln Disraeli who he came British prime mlnmcr In 1860 was he first person Jewish parcnma lo be elecled any Brmsh zovcmmcnt 120 George hnxstnfl secrnlary 01 the board said After meellnz with tho architects It was declded put the auditor lum in now instead two years from new Mr Longslolln explained that all other publlc schools make use of multLpurpnse room and Ihe naw school should re celve Illa audltorlum In all air nessl file board appointed Druckcr princlpal or the pm posed new school tdcflfhio raglan Mainly clear tonight and Thursday Wind north 15 Winds gradually decreasing to nlgln land Thursdgy XSSEEEGESSBEEHB 220

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