BOB MCKNIGHT mg II Cunnda going win Ihn World Amuour Hockey Cham nlonshlps It must lnrm nn tlonnl loam An nmalcur loam wilh few luslminun rclnlurco mnnls just cuunol be expected do lhn job These arr llu hmlressimls MS rcpurlur gal mm shun inlcr view yuslcrdny wilh Dob Mo Knight who played wllh lrril Smoke Hanrs In lhn tourney just complflcd Sluukhulm chdcn McKnight hu mks with an Insurance company in Kimhcner was in lawn Join his We and children whn sluycd with Mn McKnight purunls Mr and Mrs Alhm Scoll lhunuon street xhilu Bob was overseas mev llIE McKNlGIlrSY Leslie and Bob look In some p10 um 01 lhelr children that Bnh did not attempt to solve the problems forming and nc commoduling nmlunal loam nr Cnnudn hut cnnlendcd cam muh be logclhur for sum time hclure it can pcrqum II punk with regards ln lhls he said the Allan Cup Chump The Bradford and mum Minor Hockey Asmciannn play nfl got underway un Monday with no games plnycd In tho Hm bcslvuIhgu scrim hudbuly 01mm up Ic EIHL Tyke with In 10 shulnul over Syracuse Kmnrs ahowcd he wuy uiHI pair guuls while Icky Vray mrcd once Dave Mulmnn punched cu our bl one In carry Hull Otlnwn In 130 uhilnwnshinu over Klngslun in Ihc sLcaml EIHL min lay Dmlm nnd Larry Mnurlno mlllvd singlm lo round out lluwu Mmmu Guelph Irvanch Mullhmm 72 lnrgtly through the pflnru Don Slums ho clickud lur our mnrkm llrud VnmL cock hnd pulr nnrl Jamie Vnu fly niuulclun Umc Trrnhuul nnd Tad ery uccnunlcd lor Mnrlbaros Playoï¬s Start In Bradlord Tho ucond hull Squlll scl snw llnnulmn hy Dmu ann l2l umln Ml lur ho luhn Sulhrrlnnd MumlllulL Hullnlu nanle mu lhu days mlun Will 20 Ihlflulfl ovrr Ilenhty In llu Mll lnwc mi l4ll Skulth munlrd Cult lullin In Kim llthy Alquuk llu muth By SH JONESCU Trail Smoke Eaters Didnt Get Rolling ucond hull he Junior In act snw lchIlmm in Inn count 31 ann I2I and Pnul Ln Ml lur he hm whlln Sulhrrlnnd scored for inn Canadian scnlar hockey chumplun is not always lhe host club to have reprbscnl his caunlryi in 3011 own case as an ex nmplm he wns nnlmcd ï¬ve days helure he lcll Canada that hlx service wcro in dpgnangl din on Ms In sold Hm one lhe lines plnycd unlt below lhc luumnmnnh patent unll ho lnllmuted cun nul be armed overnight TflUGllEST 25 vulcrun of lime world lournamnnls Bub ï¬gured the 1963 cumpcliuun was the lauglp est used be that more vns always one weak club In mu games he said but lhls year they were all slrang are valuable possession Mrs McKnlghla parents Mr Bob fell the Smokles wonlost record In the club We Just didnt mm In gel gnlng he said cc we could have dunu holler hul the nu the plnycrs we fuirly new lo ouch olher lonk sum or the rllcclivcncss ram our porrnrmanc Rugflying to qucsuon Ihu renulnrAscusnn star Gal Ter rlcrs said It no dhgrncc ln lnsc in lhcse loumamcnls Arc Ve suppuscd Io win all or he lime Bob cnmparcd lhe lnumnmnnt In shan surlcs bemoan lho Nnunnnl Hockcy Lemme Cc nun nlnck Hnwka and Dclmlt Rad Wflnzs The Huwa would he cxpcclcd lo Mn But if they had cnunle of 0H dnys wnuld no lhc other way be will OFF COLOR Mini Humming direcl quu llnns nnh mm the lam lrmlcd llm Cnnudlnns cxlmeIy MI were nlwnyn being asked for autographs he mld Ilnw ever he cnntlnucd lhu news punch sccmld ln ha nut to gel Haul Irhflmcm wusnl ex mHy the best cllhnr Where nlhcr lwms rctclvod mm mm lhnir menlx Cnnndlnns had in nsk and pay or lhe sumo he laid All he cluln rxcnpl Um Suexlu were hnuscd nl lhe snmn plum Thu Swrdn hnd quvi Allalnhl nhumu dislur uullnx same lhu Swtd MI players Whore must play an qulck lu not back on hair Mm Mud into Die plny mm Int1m knockcd down lhu Swnlc tnuk dlvu Mnyed dnw nnd mtnmcd Vnr lhc rdch havent lnktn nny nlmse mm my unmllnns nllrr lnurmuncul qu nuld Huh MI nn mnnr lo chosen In play on Canadas world llnckey teams player ccrlulnly wants In Win liltlo more Ihun usual In my mm use really col the lensinn heron championship game ll lakes qullu whlle In relax and get ready lu play my best Dub Eels Cunmlu should cun linuu lo commc in the chum pionshixus regardless ul whulhcr our representatives win or 1050 The rules of play arent as bad runny lgllg mink he sgd The at allna Is unpredict able und Ihc lac that you cant budychuck in lhc nppusiliuns cm the rink is hunl ccpl The rules make too muny rouline checks hun into murd mg pcnalï¬us he suld and Mrs Allun Scolt Exam lnor Phom MORE 0001 TEAMS He tluvsnl Incl due calibre Eurnucau hockly Is mlpmvinrz 5n muvh that le soon he on 11 par ilh llu NHL The luurnamcnls an just tougher bu causc all DI the Cuminrm mm are playing boner Theres no longer wcnk chm in nur class chmlun he said Bu Nguxdl nnwflml the lCurnncnna ilsuln Canada lhal rm L5 lhc chum What about Bob lIcKnluhl thl is his ulurc in hutkly Rluhl now Id any Im lhmuph he Silill IIuylng smlur him about huun lhnxcn nnl rnnugh rvmun ur hul Mme Tvvmy our hours rTWHIlcs Ilmusl ulmlhvr uurk work hkrs vnlly Kifu Imiv nhjcrl In HHIilIn mulls In LICK smile qusz hrr luct The mmrhr um Hm hnprw siml Hm Iuliru or nul Huh McKniuhl sun Mr Iml Mrs Ernie McKnight OI In ruch Barrie has pzltlml hockey lhnlls inn Ins mxs TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE IA llel He didnt lnlc 1pr in LOOK FOR THE LUCKY CASIjjANDQHANCE TOKENS Evéry taken gives you chancefara grand prize addition thousands also have cash value from $10010 $7000 01 VA or ALL Nuns salad con Inzsy lhla Ml Iclullly onml um mm pl lldl In luxuflou cumwvl In your Cmvellu Idoll Ipuvu whnlmr tn wnlh GAPS you lllo or ulum ulp lo Pm tor woanuflylnl nillunlICA Dca Ilnul Icm up yum mm In Fun on my In Europo Ian you and in our oil your II Illml In your ml mqu lhll you and bl hy xuwxlma mil celly mm mm mu xelzclm Am 3m my um um um um mm In 1961 Can Xullnumuhaveqmndlalm nymmmwtmm nummn hzlm hm dKlmd mm dmmn mm mm 110m vrdlemlhll In um my ucmm My 1m Mam In plvlmplll max mm cl mm weeklywnlulmnguu lb mmnnm rnd mud in mum mm lav subsewen mnymmxu hiunulllnuwshbl ummymux buttom mm by lolln luxth mm min In unmlc Imlap GUARANTEE all the hot water you need at the lowest cost with superfast 2element ELECTRIC WATER HEATER Flameless and safe You cant beat electricity TANK RENTAL ONLY 15 IAYFIELD STREET BARRIE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSON vwzmvww llvrlllm Eloclrlully Vnm Ml El Imglld ltlvdhl Mn sumllMlflnl mll bc made Only and NEW tnnml Iinnu hmly 1N mind cm In All midnu nl Clam um he tmpoylu Md Immedull limit Pm WI mm Lu mm mm 3mm autos mmLomomlncm11mu4mcmmmion aner Ind tunlmh mm Mum XM IIcMM wcpelly nl VIMCull Clnldl lld Nu Minn mil bl mm Icmwondml bl mm mm conlulnnnalhummmlmnmnnm Yo umplm lul cl mm turd 11Wth ml mum lumped mlldflmnd limbo lolWINNKKk If IOU CONHSL P0 5015 MONIRUL 35 outnté AFTER YOUR TOUR YOU WILL RETURN To PARIS FOR YOUR Fllfllfl HOME AND YOUR CARAVELLE WILL BE SHIPPED RIGHT TO YOUR OWN DRIVEWAY COMPLETE FREE OF CHARGE To comma MI hhulwl arnmndnm youum 000 unanu mom who you nmul PA 66560 Par Monlh