ll nunan FL Hm mind ll run hm to nlusa my child In the loud Iha wanlcd lo cal hut knowing aha ncmlcd my hclp lulInnnd my mnlve Hefore loo lung mlecllvn calm became ahll or Ill lm hflppy lo ner Ihnl my nldm dauxhlcr In very nlco leurl now My two daughter 12 and 14 while never heavy as my nisilr and had bncn were still cal chunky and no too happy About it The older xlrl made real cHnrl In In Into new and habit and look In weighing rczulnrly Thu younger one wilh bll morn proddinx dcgldrd In Join her and down to hnr healthy happy wright When marrltd kept right on gaining unlil weighed between 125 and no pounds or In February 1961 dchdtd lo learn to out properly nnd reduce sludch everythinl could ind nhoul nulrlllon have several bonks filled wilh your columns Also cook by the book SIny Slim 01 LII which you helped wrlle As air had always bean good 20 pounds overweighL When was growing up neither my parenis nor know anything about the science of nulrilon We thought the only way to lose weight was simply no to eat My sister had trouble with her niands and was an overweight that was considered narmaL age to wriie on lhe same sub jrct with fresh enthusiasm 11 you readers who provide the needed inspiration About ihe time decide Ive wriiirn the column long enough slung comes balch oi icilcrs that quicklns my spirit Suddenly privilege to win my words your way Sharlng the strength and the hem of this column In to day letter young molhcr call young reports that nulrmon science ha changed her life helped her daughters Ind she hopcx her mum lrandchildrcn Here her lat er By IDA JEAN KAIN The single quesllon mos re quenlly nsked your diollllan ls flow In lhe world to you man KitchenAiJ Now lullnbll wllh Mn Ilu upnlly or II Ind Uulded Action in and lIMhm dlylnl IMI mum clunu dikeMINlomlllnlulcllol and lid DoubleII wmlmo Ilon at ml qukl amnion Glumlnl whilo Iilh dulwll ltullll Wun ruinIn IM KHMHAM nomlvlu wuhu uluewked Hmnl KluMMld oi llthm Only budget ROBINSON HARDWARE FD®W KEEP IN THE TRIM Mrl Mariam Elsom xoclal credit candidate or Oxlnrd share party sccrcls with Na tional Lmdcr the Saclnl Credit Party Robert Thomp Studies Science Of Nutrition To Aid Familys Weight Control SHARES SECRET IA mu KNIT FOR OTllElls VlNNlPEG CP Mrs llamas chairman oi the Canadian Red Cross Society women volunteera oi Manitoba rcparts members last year knitted 37183 articlu valued at almost $20000 or distrlhulinn lhrouxh the International organ txalinn or myself am down lo 170 pounds Losing Is harder now However can wear size 16 with an eased skirt cxcr clsc every mornlng My hus band wha encouraged me he cause he knew It wuuld make me happy In weigh less is vnry pleasedr Ha hit war ried About my lryinz to lose mute have more en¢rgy In Iercsl and vilnlity Everyone says Ive taken 10 year all wauld like hsln every one who overweight man woman and particularly chil dren The youngest is doing all righl inn and as she grows she is thinning out it is rcmnrknbin what caniidcnca the girls have now Ice hat by tendï¬ng my daughtzr the science nutri llnn am in ellccl giving my grandchildren lo be great lcgacy she concluded llrlA um son when he visited in Barrie last eveninu Mr Thumpsnn was speaker at nally held at Barrie Norlh Collegiate Examlner Phala Mn Ill HEAT VARIETY ITVLEI lmrl Ill lln Henri In nhmhum thukl Sunlnmrcl lullvnl mu Anlrlk allqu MN In rmy In llnmlnl Sulavlly xlylnl and lulmnml plnk yellmv or NIN Ilcg Vnhm In 199 SAVE UP TOSlml LOVELY jaguars onessas HTIIRDY LEATHER HIIOES lnr WWI Mrmnlly mm MRHH ncrdl xlnnh 1u Ohl lurk lInIuII Hprclnl GRAND BUYS FOR INFANTS CHILDREN SPECIAlI HIGH CHAIRS 97 Jlrl 1lr pr vnu nu mm Inn um um mm mth my ml um Ian Iny m1 mm mm mm P7 Hum mmva uln The haspilal slaii says the modified structure proposed by he Government will be unsab lsiaclnry lo the people working In It and unsatisfactory In in needs ui Ihe cammunlty The commission pmposed ex pansion and rnnnvaliun oi sur gical and delivery facilities in their presnnl lnwilan The in pllale consultants had advised relocaiiun oi hoih these serv ices The commission proposed Increase the bed accommo dallnn In 196 while the hospital cnnsulianls recommended an increase in 225 mnruunu murmnu nun mum lIHnn luv hnwlnulm unhnun rlnh hlmllp mm um lummn nu Invalu rum 01 His North Bay Clvlc Hosp lal have crlllclzed tho Onlarla Hospital Service Commisslon for an unsntlslaclary modl callnn lb proposed $2500 000 expansion of he hnspllai Dr ll Wallace presldenl the medical stall nl the hus pilal registered protest to lhe Commission ln lunar sent lllondayr mm Hosting cafch purllc th II morninu were Mr and Mrs Rnbérl Hunter at their Nelson Street home and Mr mud Mrs ngg at heir Shahch Ave nuedesidenw Mr and Mrs Sue min were present to meet nests ENTERTAIN PARTY LEADER dlnner party WI held at the home of Willard Klmla Social Credlle candidnle or Sim coe Norlh Ind Mrs Klnzle of Shanty Bay Hand In hannr Naunnal Leader Robert Thump Mrs Vllbur Dobsofl and Mrs Thomas Klrk at Barrio were guests honur at tho mcellng lheJIaghernfnll Lodge in Toronto on Monday equal mums Mr an jsan Kelly enlerlalncd at coffee parly at lhelr Marlon Crescent residence yesterday mornlng Guests at honor were lecral candldnlc Ralph Surlgqu and Mrs Suck lrave Hospital Changes Are Criticized NORTH BAY CPIOillclals STREICH KNEE HOSE McKINNON FURS 150 Mississaga Streev Em ORILLIA 326273 Phone Eileen Dixon or Audrey ConunnHPA Hm PEOPLE AND PLACES 57c 97 An mutation in allcnd he ï¬rst Opcn Nighl dance spam sored by he Allislon Swlnglni During Ihe Intermisslnn Lorne and Belly Hay Instruclnn and caller or lhc group awarded dipiomal lo each dancer In ad mlttance Inlo the Cnlleze ol Du SlDos whose mulln fun rigdune qnq good IcHoyvahip qunre Dance Club will lm farmed lrom dancers ol lhls clnés nl nn opcn nlght he held at the RCAF Assnclnllnn Club mum High slrect March from 830 pm By AUDREY COULSON Mnmhers IheBamz Ind Distrlcl Square Dance Assam unn Tuesday night class wound up the twenty weeks Baslcs at gala Cokllllon Ball last evening hold in Jnhnsnn Street chonl Cpl Hm Eudze recenuy ar xlvcd In Barrie 1mm Germany WILI 391311 nrong gin HMIAIN lllllfl In lvrruqnulnr uhlln nr lmh ï¬pllnn nlnuu Smmtlylhl Ill lnnllmllxmlnlunl rullnr drum ï¬lm la It Low Ilkfl HIIIIMUIVIMINli Ilyltm ï¬hrldl Illm III Trrn Nlu nu mum calm Gum anul lur lhl lhlnn who mm lELLERS LTD 60 DUNLOF if PA lNJ Mr and Mrs Howard Felt have nunfled to their home on Kempenlelt Drive from vaca tlnu trip of several weeks In Florida poinu GQLFING ll0LDA Pele West and Arthur llurrl spent week recent ly on golï¬ng vacallon ln Ber muda They were uut he Carlton Beach Hotel on the south shore and manned to play all the lslandx mholn comm son last evenlnu Among lha dlnner guests were Lloyd Cum ming ol Slrnud Mel Rawal Elmvala Davld Mllne1nronlo Bah Plnkney Midland ML and Mrs Klnzle also cnlertalned receptlan al lhclr residence lolluwlnx lhu rally held North Collellate VISIT FLORIDA Squqre The Sets At Cbtillion Ball STRETCH SLIMS TEENMISS SPECIALS 299 399 um II lmrr lhlrl mly ml Inhlo Tlt mllun an mum wllun llclnIurc nl Al pumlt n1 mm ï¬lm In II 141 llnlb nl MI rlel rlfnl ml IIKMII and h1me anlnnl ml Inr ulumlm llrlllllll Hun In III In nut Ilvlrn ur NW Ulvnl 5mm Huyl uqur lmkcl lllMlGEIT NO MONEY DOW ONLY DI ERIN MHR Eighls to ba heid April at lhciiicmoriai Arena Aiiislun was extended to lhn dancers Among ihe coinan cvenlu on he squam dnnccrs calendar is he dnnca being sponsored by ihn Cnillngwnod Biuo Mnnnluin Prnmcnndors in be held in Slnyncr Collegian instiiuic March so Don Armstrong will he the caller lar this event TIMMINS CPIA coroners Jury rccammendnd nxcsdny lhnl Onlarlu building lnwa he dumng sn hat nll rcsldcntlal slrucluros be rcqulrcd to have two cxils an only npnrlmem building must have two Thu jury made It recommen dallon during an Inquiry Into the death of Howard Cue of nearby Schumnchcr The alhur Buildings Need To Have Two Exits Monday was special day In tho Illa Mary Susan Winch daughter of Mn and Mn Earl Vlnchof Bradford BOYSJEANS HER FIRST BIRTHDAY 557 The from door oi the house had been nailed mm for ihe winter The nniy exit from um building wax lhmugh shed nlinched in Ihe kitchen MAKE RETURN VISIT LONDON 1CP Ontarios For Henry Guard wlll makam mum vlslt to Iha Royal Tour nament lhh summer Their d1 plny pmclsion drlll 1n Ihe unilurm 15 1560 ml slur allracllon at last years tourna menL six lulfacaled In the lamllyl unsalorgy home Fey gs Street And photographed with the happy young ML an Ihls speck omslon In her Av orita pat poadlu rw AAuxeï¬ns 50 DUNLOI IT IAIT mm by rum Hill BARRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY MARCH nanu IUNLOI my 51 PAUL Minn lAl Demomt Knrl Rolvaaz moved wllhin on legal 1pr Tuesday of the Mlnnuou governors ut Ilce link In bun hanging In the hlllnce IIME lh Italian manll lga chil TrifleJudge cnurl luperv sin recount slnco last DemOCrat Gets Closer To Post rnhlon II look no prch and our collacllon 01007 null wool mm pravn ll FIIIIIuncomcloun mrn plccu UHI lo lulu you gunlull Into 3le Olo1u NavyPowdlr Lt Gray Who Hui Amch up Walk 01 Plan Mun 111 Fashion need not be xpensive up 1998 Good taste Dccumhor turned down movr by Republican Governay Elmer Andcrsun lu dlamlu lhe wflulu prumdlng The courts nctlun In eflccl dcclnrcd Rolvnug Ihc winnen by Ihe Blvnla margin he ncj cumulalud in mom Ihs veins cast Nnv The court wk ll wuuld mm lormal order Thursday an Frlday mpklng the myenwld Holvnag eligible lnr cerlill can of elecllon PA 6011 Iii sï¬xm