mv rummzu mm Aul flu lllONI um um 0m Rememan Enllnl Mmu ur unlly Im wllh nu nlhn lhnn Ill Icohllnn mid mnmlnl or mlJnflrr noon Innrk Iurh mm Jul milk or mam II mod MM Inf Ill Iago mm pmvldrd ll do no lnlnforv with MIL hm Apvdllo Mam tcnnomlnln nl Mncdnn nld InAlllule iurlph my In In lrodurn new win gradually lo the young Mld Ollrr lhcm In lmnll qunmlllu nl he ml mm Inn mrnl while lw In um hungry ho Itllfll Ihrm dont lam hul lMr nnmhcr Inn lnyl Inhn Dont encourage or year chlld lo drink more Hum cup or mllk day or ho may 4le MI lppvlllc or MIN lmdl II he nuu well Hm uhrr mm menl III nmnunl mllk II In lulllclmt You may uuv mm nl lhln In rum ump ml tullmll lee uhnle mil Am amid lmlh mum llml raw and ml Illlfll Ivl ImnII glam nlhrr lhnn urnuml In my mum hewlm lhll M10 cluihl cllm will rnl lurh 001 rnrmn Ind Irllurr wllh hll Inml but Mum Own It In hu lo we nmn lmmrlnnl lo rambllnh Lhlldl gum and hnhlln in llm llm few year lulu Mo He II mm Imilnlur Hm nully tnrournxrd In ml nml ncl lha my bin pnwnlu mrnnlmv To frunlinhni Inmxrn xlrl or Iomclhlnu her slslur dld not anly cruel but muscles ll Dur Mn IL No jusllllm llon Whulsnflch Thu ncllan hm pm IlIDCHnl The poor girl hcnrlxlck Sha has even cansldurcd quil tln IclmoL Do you me any Juxllllcmlon uhulcver or lhu ncllans he parcnm Im loo Involved lo cvnluulo the ï¬lm llon properly Plum comment llIIS Eating Habits Improve With Age The Ilsler lnvlled two bay and hey bath lurnnd her dnwn They told her cnndldly they had nothing against her but their parent arbade lhcm In no with her because what happened lager ulster Thls unlununnlc lrl ha younger Ilslcr who Is class jrlcnd my dnughlcrL They belong Io lho same youth group The mup having damn In April and the ï¬lth mus ask lhe boys Dear Ann Linden short llme use girl In the local hlgh vschonl hnd baby out wed luck She wn not wlld or prom rhcunus It was just case going loo loadin and loo mi nusly with ha same boy ANN LANDERS KEEP Fll CLASSES are held weekly at the Oakley Park School or interested mm year or over Instruct ms Mrs Ursula llnnhner DANCE INSTRUCTRESSES give 1m minute minimrho on tho clan Kel Inko gcllan BARBIE Y0FFERSVARIEDPROGRAMVFROMLATEST DANCE T0 GYMNASTICS Shocking Injustice To Punish Innocent tho lull ample yrm mu had In lluln pmhlrm be rnuu Ilwlnl lmusr krrprr annlr do le lllm pr MIKE Id Flup In Iur lml lhnu nu only nlpmmla un her In and would Imully mn nldrr bile Im mm II xo maul ha llrkml Hum nr um numelmn man to hlm mm ho ll wry Iwmt Anyway nwllwr mm and mm In nu ml la Mn Hum lllh um me II my mm luvr he lumxrkomrl With on mn lhfp 11 Mr nm nud ullh urluul pmblrm whim Irr nlvu uur Icrmnn Ilwphtnl who Jun like child In erp In vrry rnllu ll pcopla Mu nlrn lo Mum Wn have vuoyl uhn lulm wllh when minHM llm lullu bur Mn Servo PM do lurn week not enough or car um um dcccnl lunch And what happan If you Inn pair ham Cnsh ynur awn check and keep 25 per cent of In do ullh nu ynu plenum And Instead nlcumlnx IU rnlly why dont you replace lho murmmnllum In your uplnn wilh II He Ilcrncr flu and lllmm Ill openly wflh ynur huwumn No In nklnu ndvunl 1ch or wllol nupldlly M11 nu hrr llmhllly UNWANTHD Ann Latarm Fur the past In yrnu my husband And hmn taken our mcallon In Aprll Wuvu Always on In lelt my panIn who leu In Vrnuunl mu ulliaav nt he buys doodnda or himscll and doesnt lhlnk than It hnu to ndmll ll Ann Dul Im amld lo spend ccnl th your ndvimMHS BCIIDOGE DHr Mn 50001 Flu dol mlu HIKE He says That was not In our budgcl If min on drum comes nlvnz hu My can xrl lanx withqu nnwdrcgs Yet mu IL Your mother lnld mrhl lo do Luv Null lioau all me nhul we mm bring homo ton cushlnn 7r my 3qu lnlaqrnge turn my check over In George every wcck He hnndlcs all ma money and pay all the hills glvu me week for bus an and lunches earn bu are and lunch We nre payments an mnda on llmn Pm ovcrylhlnl In under con ml Dur My husband and hnvo bcn mauled nix ycnrl We drive nice car and have pleasant nparlmcnl Georgo makes good salary and in do TIMI WIFE Ihl In standard of lusllce Ihe parents are selling or their sun Ice sorry or all lhcm shown abovu wllh her back to lhe cnmcrm The classes In cluda Instruction in million In exercises rhylhmlcal gymnnsuu and poslum The nbnvo mm In path the class Melvin Instruc tlont In ballroam dancing upon lullmctrm Mn lcCunlu nezlnntrl Mrl Innom ML mural In In cunmcllon plmldcd or pm AdullArchtry Ike pm Practice In Ilmllnx OuL Inna Ill noon Ill weather permits lnxtruclon An Harmer Ed El llllon THURSDAY Ilccrenllunnl Valley nnll fur lndlos lo and oven at Oakley lark Publlc School 1mm 830 lo 030 Coonilnulor Mn Urluln llnnhner Ladlu Keep Flt class hcld every chnudny Oakley Park Public School 730 In HM Condllluning exercises rhythm lcnl Kymnmllca and slure lmlruclnss Mrs Urxun lloe hncr Planlalz Mm Murlel Cul wrll Made Airplane Boy and over meet at tho pm or lnalmcllon In buildan their own model plnnu Instructors Earl Rlckclll MDlInei class or ladle held ha at 215 pm and In the ovmlnu tram 73 pm Imlructrm Mrl Chllllck The YI Mnnellu wlvc the Yl Men meet every lecond mesday the month for social educational and urvlca pro grams to urlher Ihn work the Mon and the YMYWCA WEDNESDAY Leadonhlp Training and Ad vanccd Gym or grill age 1316 at North Collegian 630 The pronum 0er lumblng apparatus 94 trampoline hax home etc Instruclreu Mrs Ursula Hoehncr The name above ior boyl lnstmclm Dave Kcyho The Adult Chess Club meals every mcsday at pm for Instruction and compel Han Inslmcwr Mu Morris Bridge instruction and play Ihe pm to 930 pm Men and Women Instruclrcsm Mn Edmunds Mrs McKay DUNLOP IT EAST Ballroom dancing chm new mm pm to 980 pm at Oakley Park Public school An advanced course sunIn on March 11th lnstruclrcssu Mrs Fern Todd Mm Pol Pow ell Judo or women 18 years and uplnstrucllon pracllcu and competition Every Monday at the 730 pm Instructor Len Schlocndorf TUESDAY The Lndlea Auxlllary of the YMYWCA mach at lha pm For ladle Interest adhering the work he For lho Milo For The Bridesmaid Fur 11w Molhcr of the Brian MONDAY Thu Barrie YMYWCA offers full program of actlvltlcs do slgncd especially for thc women In tho community allhough My band and children have been Included In many new pramms sored by the Bank YM YWCA Mn Fem Thdd And Mrs Pat Powell descrth 1n Planned Programs Appeal To Public Fashions For Your Beautiful JUNE WEDDING Clmosu Frnm Our Wide Sclocllnn TRANSMAN of Danie Judo inr Ivuyl mud ulrll and Mr Illa 115 IMKHID Hun nml pmdln Imlrllclnr lxn Wulocndorl ll ulmu lmL Im ARE In II Glrls met at Hm at 1211 and are lnkcn by bus In 0rllln fur Swlm program Inxlruo Hun lnr ovcry Iwim lcch 1n Mruclrmu Min Ellznholh Mc Aulcy Ml Jnnnl Jrnklns Mlu Connlo Our Mhl Donna Jolln Men or woan volume lend who are lnlmslcd ln lho and Him la work wilh cupla are welcome Lomlm pm mm rmlvn hclr and direct Ion 1mm our qun 11ch pmlub Ionnl sin Any boy or glrl II and over Mn 15 lnlcrcstod In lcndnrnhip and KM work of the wlll Ind lama inlerul group or pro gram when he can pmrllso Ikllll Mudch Thu program mm 11 915 and must 1115 one hour gym and mm hour crafts here an supervisor gym Instructor asslslnnl and cran lendm nl cnch centre Leader Meeting at tho 11 Landon mm lhn dmcnn Gym Centre have Planning and Trulnlng msIan Gym and Craft ngrnm every Solurday ln dlflorenl ran the City or boy and glrls from la 15 year age Codrlmzlon Public School and lllllcrm Public School Rh In 12 ycaul Al Oakley Park Publlc School nnd Klnx Edward Publlc School boy to 12 year and at Prince of Wnlc Puhllc hool zlrl lo 15 years of Chess Instruction and or boy and girl and lhc pm In tor Max Morris yummy MlnIRods Car Club for boys and over whn are In crested In bulldinx their own models Them are nlsa talks and movies shown Meet every Fri dny at lha at pm Rem Works Ron Doorman Wrestling fnr boys nlna and over at the ram pm to B130 for Adults mm 330 pm Instructors Pnul Lavlgne Jam es Dean Ron Abbott Tho IllY Club Students 61 10 and over lmm North Colleglalo have armed ngh School mvlce Club for per sonal growth and aurvlcc Thcy meet every second Thursday at 320 ut the school Menlor Gord Walt Presldent Miss Mnry Daldge rmmv class held at the lrom 730 to pm Instructress Mrs John Mason Judo at the starting at 730 pm Instruction and prun ttsc Instructor Len Schlocn dorf school children Supervisor EL Freeman detail the ï¬ner ms of hl thumbs Exam ner photo PA 84784 km Iislruo play over Mrs mm at llma boys and girl 11 and our mm It the or Archery prncllsu and uutlmzs They up unlly huva their oullnul on Sun dny Instruclarl Im Harmer Ed Elllslon Square Dnnclnx Men nnd Wo man mm the or an ovcnlng square dancing my me every mend Saturday lho month Instmclur Chlh Durka TRY EXAMINER WANT AM PHONE IA lNll child born an this day will be highly senslflvo and will ensin led by others It In portlml therefore 1an he bc curclul In um chain asso dates Personal rclnllonshlp Ihould prosper throughout mas this year ahead wllh emphnsll on travel duran July andor Aug ust rumnnce In May June And December Thaw ln crrnllvu llnes should ludl Oclohcr hluhly lnsvlrallonhl manlh and all nhould nvald extrnvuancn during late Aprll and late Aux Best period along the More menlloncd lines the next four weeks the period bulwetn 569 ml and December of IM ya and Im my my 11719 KitchenAid if iomnrmw in your birth day you are currenily in 43119 when it would be well to press major obiedive vigor ously using your innnie om sight in planning iongrnngo rmgrnms when Job and bus nos ventures nre mnccmed planetary cooperation will be fine or most Ihe year ahead but your plans must ho pm tical This is not year in wiLIClI Now lvllllbl with Ilnuln upldly 01 I1 Ind Maul Anion wnh Ind IImThm vying um mum clam dvkubvllhmIamlulnlnlulm Ind 1M Doublowlll min on or tool qukl DvflIIIUIL Oknmlnl uMlc will hmoll lmnll Won ulml Kll InAld vovlnhl qu vIwwhal Then KllchmAld or mu lllchm you can make excellent pm grns in both job and monetary ailnlrs but you will have to ex ercise good judgment in all transactions Sideslep nii vlsinnA nry schemas Devolc iclsure lime to quiet pursuits rather than hectic social activity Fqu frua mummy WW Club member vognd to join the 01ch book of charity be Inï¬ offered by many large cum pnnlu Finn arrangements were mm or the club to al tend the spring Intcrclub In SlEeplsvllh or April 17 F01 TOMORROW Aim the businessheating iiims on former Kindle Club activities were shan by Mrs burns Carter Mrs Dave Wyla reported that purchasinz had been done or the fund parcel Io be sent His clubl CSCF adopted mud In anceuand will be sent la him In time or Easter Because ol the mny spring ncflvluu planned by the club the annual iprlna In has bzen cancelled was decided that the club will enter The Barth Examiner Cook Book Contest Mrs Lowe Hosts Kinette Club Mrs Ted Hock reported on ï¬nal plans Ior the rummuga sale to be held In the vacant slum Ihu West End Plaza at am on March 30 Mrs Mac Hyde reported the St Palrlcka Dnnca was suc cess and noted proï¬t hnd been realized Thu March meeting ma BunIn Klnellu Club was held at home of Mrs Hurry Lawn Sunnldnlo Rom Iasl ev enlnl Alter potluck dmner Mrs Loin Vclsman gave must Interesting talk on the hls lnry and acllvllle Romper llflE BARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY MARCH 19 1953 THE STARS if ROBINSON HARDWARE By ESTRELUTA IA um mu The guest of honor who was celebrating her blnhduy was congrntulnlcd by relallves and lrlnnds Including member of the WA 0m Presbyterian Church Mm Evelyn Shclswcll was guest honor anuflomoon lea aLlhe home of her son and dnughlcrInInw Mr and Mrs Norman Shclswell of Kempen ell Drive on Saturday afternoon Weekend guests at ho hum W02 and Mrs Atkin son of Aiexnnder Avenue were lhzir daughter Miss Gull kinmn of Town and her ï¬ance Kenneth Sakamolo 01 Toronto and Kitchener Miss Atkinson will wed Mr Snknmolo at June ceremony at liar House Chapel University of Toronto prior to her parenu departure for Gmsienquin France on June 28 Ilingth TEA Mr and Mrs Richard 1an bell of Toronto Street and Mr and Mrs Orvnl Jackson Ca lio Drive returned to the city Sunday evening from weekl holiday spent at Mon Trem hlnnl In the Laurcnliam The foursome attended ho Ski School directed by Emio Mc Cuilogh WEEKEND GUESTS Mr and Mrs Gladstone Currle ol Kcmpenlell Drive have returned lo the clly mm wlnler holiday ln Florlda and Nassau Bahamas Mr and Mrs Currlo wen guests or two weeks nllhe Vlndrllt HotelY Hallandnlo Bench Florldu and later spent one week at Mon tazn Beach Hotel Nassau 5mm 55 scglqor WINEn noumi In mm sun nonnnr mums CL IIOVD ROHKITOON WARRKN MIAMI Cl HIMNLII IMNAUER BRANCH SUPERVISOR JOIIN ll MMLAREN IIURT IL MOORE mienihom to Ina what Canada Life Insurance he has taken out for your son Anpnlmmn only mm Your hullmml mny nnl know In by Adding lm CAnmIn Ufa Gunmnlml InulranMy Rid In nnw policy or your um mm In lhcn um inmm MI pyolodlon nvuy your up no nu ï¬nnllm of hi lwnllh or occu Imlirm And If your hnnlmml II not over 17 hr Im an an poliry Including Hm flunmnlml lmumhlllly RHM Your Cuumln Llfo mnn will give you III the dolnlll 80 nhendnuk hlml CANADA LIFE PERMANENTS Evas BEAUTY SHOPPE SOFT WATER shun In durum Immu PA in KING OF PEOPLE AND PLACES 550 ï¬lling Wllh REA 5031413 DANCE in Mrs mu Judge Blake smu were among the guesls allending the square 1115 on Gr Snell Candjnlor Blshnp of Toronto alllclnled the Conllrmatlon service held nl Chrlsl Church Deer Parkon Sunday evenlng Jame Smlth son 01 Mr and Mrs Hebe Smllh ol Colllngwood St was among lb Angllcnn students nl Upper Canada College to be conï¬rmed Attendlng the serv ice were Mr and Mrs Smllh and Mlss Ellzabclh Smlth al Cuppercllll James zudmolher HOLIDAY IN JAMAICA Mr and Mrs George Cald well Oolller Street returned to the clw this mamlnx from two weeks hollday ln Jam alnar While ln Klnxslon the couple were guests nt Myrtle Hank Hotel and later at Grat hnm House Montczn Bay wha were among Ihc 75 persons present at the tea The hostess Mrs Shulswcfl was asslsted by Mrs James Bryan Coral of Richmond Hill Mia Ruby SheL well anlc Mrs James Bumman Verna all dough tern of the celehrnnt and Mn Geurge Brown Barbara grand daughter of the cel¢brant Mrs James Buorman also presldnd the lea table during lhe afternoon Guest were present mm Orillla Toronto Rlchmund H11 Aurora Maple Shanty Buy and Barrie sowing11011 sanvm mama1w 66234031 HGDMEC Fmfeozi llOMEC fllE ESKIMO SAYS dance held at Tmnlnn RCAF Sknllon Saturday cvunng ll Robertson nf llurllnglon Ms guest caller or the as sets dancer allcndluq 1mm Toron lo Oshawa Eellevlllc Trcnlnn and Barrie HINIMIUIOVEEIW Md Lh music SAVE PLENTY ON roon mus SALLYS SALLIES We can save you from 15 to WI on your food purchase Call and IL tell you how Phona PA 61561 McKlNNON FURS Lid Dï¬nlap St mums You Mun FINE FURS mm For win bi 44 nwï¬nwmwwm