About 70 yum ago had iha uicnsure oi going ihruuuil an nlins oi Simcoo Cuuniy about two icci square nmi onlnin Inn lho map ni nil llm Inwn nhips oi he Cunnly 11mm mm the concessions loin aiilcmndl lawnilncs tic and were qulle Inlmsilnl us nmsi oi tho lol hml the mch oi lhc early mi lm prinird lime 111 wn nl Mr Edwin inghnml inrm ni lthcri wonder if you know lhero are any oi hm nvnii able nl lhu pmcni limo Mny bu in Counly iiculniry iii icc would like wry much In penile limo mm nunln nml lhnugill yuu wuo lllo mnxi Ilkrly pmnn in imvn hmwlnlnu ni we Im nllm Ii yuu mm mmva nuy Ininnnnilnn plcnw let me Imur nhuul ll rllhor irianer or Ihmuuh Tim llnnlo meninen enjoy iiini pnpcr nmi yuur In lullcr rcccnlly melvcd Item reader who mad our column regularly ullhouxh he liven ln Weslcm Onlnrla ha say he would llko to obluln cnpy of tho Slmrnu Couuly ul lu Ills lcllur read as lollnwu INNISFIL NOTES MASSIVE CHUNKA of ICC broken up In the Port Bmca am littered the area after YOU NEVER IlAfl II Sfl Wllfl WAY HUI AMI WflNDEHflJl Hoolika wow Iloatm and Haslho masll Man Desires Atlas 01 Simcoe County FLOOD from swollen Catfish Creek In ha Port Bmce mm Lake Erie Ilomllnu mm brochure rm pnnd for laurlll Inlonnnllnn my mm Inland an he Gull are mbccn or lllhmncn ol nll Hmll lurlcnnunn llxhlnu 1mm hrhlgu ICII mum and nlm wllh clxnrloml nml lnrnn pmly lmnu nvnllnhlo with nll rrlulpmcnl urnllhml nml nny llml lhh mny ho hull om mcrclnl haul emu luh It wtlh grout reluctance we must pnck our car and head nwny trom our dcllghttul abode whlch has both ham to or the past months Wu were just one nrvup among the thnumndx who Ilnycd ham or work mnnth or lho schwn mm all parts at Illa nurthnm tllmu lcrhnm wrru larlunntu tn an0 lawtvd homo which Ihn nwncr who Hm In tho cily turn an npnuide cottnxo lo Imp cool whrn the summnr hm become unhctunhtet wrileups very much am lho grandson the Into VlIllum Grey who mum on Ihe Auulh hnll 10 Concmlon nlsfll about 1820W Grey 5ng VP AT SUNCOAFI flood waters of Catï¬sh Crock spilled over XL bnnlu and cred ï¬eld And Highway 73 about 28 miles south of Lon don Ont were three to nur eel deep yesterday The IMPERIAL lumumnlwnml um Thu lower not under lhn grandstand and than lllu Im Ilna mnchlnou nm Incnird An rlcclrlmlly nprmlml Imnnl nn nounm Hm nrxl mm nnd lhn mulu ol no but Hmldo hmululnnd wlfll Innrplrvo hand In nllrmlnnru Admlulon ll llfly mill INCH lmludrl mu On Wednesday nflernoon look In our ï¬rst dog Md prdming lhe mnllnce lo Icrnmhln homcwnrd nlonx with the 15 hundred or mm vchlcle dlspcmd nlxhl We and racing nlnhllnhmcnt to com pnro ullh old Voodhlnn except Ihnl Inn racing circle II only flvcxlxlccnlhs or mile and nddluonnl dmnnre Um lnrl Ina boxu nro mum hack The greyhounds whlch parlorm hnvu rnclnn recnrdl llml comnnro wilh lho harm nnd are Just In cnrclnlly wnlrhnl by the ten thousand nr mom new who crnm Inc My nlndlum FOLLOW THAT llllll MIOW AT 100 and 10 yam HINGINU mun AT pm Thurs nra mnuy nurncllonl right on the islands but short drlvo takes you anywhere Thu week we went to lho dou DOG mcmn and other plcra Ind lay out for en days to two weeks During tho tarpon roundup men wo men and chlldrnn gel Into lhe act and klngï¬sh also are caught weighing up to 10 pounds Wu hnva ï¬sh market right at he end our street on the bay and me can nwnya get ul ecllnn here at very modest rim ï¬lmed and randy or the pug STARTS WED GIANT FEATURES uK depth morn than three not erepth THNIHIIT Nll MAM AT 00 AFllllA MILAN In swirling water which flooded about no cottages In lhe am submerged mghwny ln sov an In rpeelnlors gallery do slred 0n the allernnon we were there the run shone brlghlly wllh the temperature well up In he 7DI Slrnw hula Ind sham were the dress Before each race lhe dogs are parndcd by lhelr trainer and an lnrpecllan by vnlcrlnnrlnn taken place in rout of Iha arundslnnd Then the dogs are led halfway round the lrnck and when the closing Ilme nrrlvcs each dog In plnecd In alanlng kennel wllh numbered door out which come the near when the unnlnz bell nounds and the door ï¬les up Precedan lhls un lmlmllon rnbblt hul Ahmed to clrclu In ruck driv en an eleclrlc uppnmlun and lust nsldo the lence Thll bunny ll luspendnd about on from tlln ground and the weed ll Just nhend of he lendlnl dour It Ian bounce alarm In un lnllrlnx wny Vobenrd lhn JRflER YOUR TICKETS NOW m1 Mum In MOIu um bDMhlI WY II D4 Em Mum mcmm In mm MothI ï¬nn in mutant ml rolomo MIMImm lmpUuMlnlJild mlII mm lsrmm Nu nlkldl Genrga ParleyRobertson an Otlawa lawyer was granted dlvnm ram Ml win Ins No vember Young Fleming wnl nlumed mrespondcnl In tha no Ion nutmen rAMï¬ï¬ouvé quummmu hon Ill mm AIIIIHI IIIIIMIII UIIIIHIDIDNUII D10 mm 11 Wild MIN WIIIE MW WI uumu Mrs ParleyRobertson said aha was in bed when she heard bang and then found Fleming wounded She said he had been algae In the kitchen lGlh ANNUAL CANADIAN NATIONAL SPURTSMENS SHOW Young Fleming recently covered from the gunshot wounds after he had been in critical condition far Mme He was Iaund Feb lylng on the kllchnn floor 01 Mrs Parley Rabcrtsona home In nearby Saulh Hull Que Quebec police investigated Ihe shooting and statement 1mm flu ofï¬ce at the Quebec attorneygeneral descflbcd It as an unlortunnln Incident No chm very laid The couple were married in dnwninwn Dominion Chalmers United Church About dozen persons attended Ihe wedding including the Justice minister The couple let the church in taxi INï¬l $503 11 prune nluuu IMM Inn nuamnmImmAqul gum mmllnl mmfl Inna mmmou 1qu mm mum at lho nnxallonal UlTAWA CPLDonald Wal son Fleming Wynnold song the federal Juxllca minister was mnrrlcd Monday to Mrs Jayne ParleyRobertson In whose home he was seriously Injured by gunshot blast Feb Flemings Son Is Married em lccliona other sections worn blocked by chunks of Ice CF erephoto almiullnlMlINwl Raga Mrf Machnndegnld Um Jockey Club Limited has He snld the flldcnuCarlelun Raceway craled Illegally an ll three vo chmten Ins year and the Raceway mlgll upernln on ll alx Illegal charter lluls year slnco lung gain lmnlcd anlnllve racing ClAnGE MpNOPOLY nNQumu ABOUT mm SPECIALAUTOAIATIC He said of the Windsor Rnncwnya scvcn charters and three or Ihc RldenuCnrlclon chnrlm all Issued befnre 1900 and revlvcd recently won ren dered absolutely dcnd and he ond rovlval many years in disuse They cnnlnlned clause say lnz llomusa for lhree consecu tlve year automatically meant lorfeilure he charter nnt just Iha corporate powers Ms Llnqpoqpld gold Ihc Cnmmucc Swing and Spending Im dellgned to til the min uml npcuding nrcd on madam Camdnlnl mildam any olhtr single mount memod of Inving nmncy Ind paying hilly IAVE cutnuz Our Ipcclll Pmonll Chcquiuglkmunl cuu III can ofplyin billl1 Chnluu on you only lot cmnplrtd lo lhu l5 rm on Saving Amum uumuu InuumYuur mlnp ltrp build nn suvnrnl weeks ago questloncd govern ment policy on revival of My used charters charged that um RlduauCnrlelon Raceway near Ollnwa and the Windsor Race wny have been granted lluxnl harness racing dale by tho 0n tnfju 1119an Commission TORONTO CPDTwo On lnrlo raceway lntcnd worming on old chnrlm which have been revived Illegally Dnmld MacDonald Ontario New Dcmncrmlc Pnrly louder lold thle lcxfllnlurc Mondqy WEDNESDAY Jackpot$270 IN NUMBER REGULAR nounns sum ma mun DOOR PRIZE SGYS Charters Used Illegally lEGlON HAlL COLLIER ST lEGlON BINGO EVERY Saving and Spending Plan CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OFACOMMERCE RussImamnicHARnIONEkomvflilédiiï¬Ã©m JANISPNGE mcHAWoxPsuwntï¬inncuuAuu mnDAVID mammama OSBORN afmnmamoduouon Item to RMm pod flmwrmam mm In rm 11mm Imam ImmanuelBurma 1mm Catharine businessmen Wm unnblu to ob lnln chnrlcr In mu when Ihey tried in open raceway In Ni agara Township Len with am here on their hnndl the men turnedovcr ihu options to ihu FEATURE 100 And 005 vq vu manu so racing In lho province through 20 charter whim ii endorsed by lilo Ram 11 Commission mean total 280 Read nboutthcn sum Commerce GONNIEfRANGlsï¬PAUlAPRENHSSDANYRUBIN ILIII unlullnl IIVLUIII fl de onll bill1 the uild TODAY ON LY sland In whm will earn the man lnlcmlIn Snvlnm Acmum IXCLUIIVI flll CMIQUING Depoall Ind chrquc mun Iupplyofdcpoqlullpnpluulpaccï¬vrzhtquu ucnllconulncdnrmmllclxizcvinylcm mum InltullfllAVc no he rmly bank lhfl provich mmpluc ilrmlm mmmnx of your chequln mount cvcry monlh dont see why you should ham to no out Io tho posh Woodblno rock you wont lo plaoo bet Mr Troy sold Logallzlng olltrnck bculnu would lncmnso llIe provincial rovenuu and luxullzu somcllllnl lhal exlslu now llo mld grunt ol 31090300 to In crensu penslons of 4500 rollrcd womenlleochera was Ioughl by tho Onlurlo Assoclollon ol Su Leo Troy LNlplsslna sug gested durlnu the debate that oilluck beltlng ihups should bqlegallzcd gpckey Clubjihlch Inter nounbcd Vn W0000W raceway would huubum on lho sllc THE BARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY MARCH 19 6d mmprlmvdmllo of Ihhplmrftgm mar local Commcm bnnch Indy SAVINGS pnogmmom WEEKS IN ANOTHER TOWN Plus HONEYMOON MACHINE SIarIs TOMORROW Good News for Tired Weak WWW An mm ink warm1 Ink alm mu nu quu Iran lmlm yen1m menumm Inn mum in mm mm um mu on mm mm Alu mum mu uklum nu pm HIMmm mmnayeunm mu anI mm young In In My iuMunlml nu ml um All mun The hrlel asked that punslnns below $1009 be rnlscd to 51200 and pcnslnns between 31000 and $3000 ho Increased by $100 pornnnuntcd Women In ltho egucnllnn commlllee HlY EXAMINER WANT ADI PHONE FA um mm lum Mmr In brie